National Sports Week
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16 June 2017 Dear Parents National Sports Week Next week children will be taking part in lots of different sporting activities. On Monday KS2 will work with the Eagles Basketballers for an intra-school sports competition. On Tuesday KS1 will be involved in an intra- school competition run by Whickham School. Children will participate in dance activities on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday our Cricket Team are through to the county finals at Durham Club. Our Year4 Quad Kids team are also through to the Gateshead Finals. Then to finish the week off we have Nursery and Reception Sports Day Wednesday and Year 1 – 6 on Thursday. Sports Day for Years 1-6 will start at 1pm on. Years 1, 2 and 3 will be on the field and Years 4, 5 and 6 on the yard area. All children have been given a t-shirt colour, if you aren't sure please check with your class teachers. CHILDREN CAN COME TO SCHOOL IN PE KIT ALL WEEK. PLEASE CAN CHILDREN BRING THEIR WATER BOTTLE ALL WEEK AND A SUN CAP. Please can they have suncream. If they don’t have suncream with them can we ask that you give us permission to apply some if needed? If your child has an allergy or you have anY objection to us applying suncream please let the office know.
Reminder school is closed Friday 23rd June.
Daisy our Rights Respecting Mascot This week Jack R (Year 2) was nominated to take home Daisy to for his caring attitude towards others and his respectful manner. Article 13 (freedom of expression) Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.
Attendance Congratulations to Class 1B who had 99% attendance this week. R1 99.7% R2 95 Class 1B 97% Class 4H 93% Class 1S 96% Class 4K 94% Class 2M 98% Class 5G 98% Class 2S 99.6% Class 5H 99.3% Class 3ON 94% Class 6L 89% Class 3R 97% Class 6W 97%
Nursery Next week the sound of the week is 'v'. We need donations of junk modelling for our 'Cut and Stick' area. We would especially love some cardboard tubes. Does anyone have any spare guttering or plastic tubes we can have for our outdoor area? If so please bring it in. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday for Sports Day! The children have been working hard and are very excited!
Year 1 Thank you to all the parents who cam with us on the trip to Gibside. The children had a fantastic time. On the Wednesday28th June we will be having a visit from a Guide Dog.
Year 4 Swimming baths -It is the policy of Dunston Swimming baths that if a child has been sick they must miss 2 weeks of swimming lessons to avoid contamination of the pool. There will be no swimming for Year 4 on Monday 26th June.
Year 6 Year 6 will be going swimming Monday 26th June for their 25m assessments.
Payments to School We use the secure on-line system SIMS Agora for parents/carers to make payments to school using your credit or debit card. From September 2017 we are moving to a complete cashless system in school. We are doing this on a phased basis. From September we will only accept Agora payments for trips and music tuition. From 30th October 2017 (when we return from half term) we will only accept Agora payments for dinners, breakfast/after school clubs and residential trips. In respect of dinners, you are able to view what your child has had for lunch and keep track of your balance. Email reminders are sent when your account does into debit. Agora is easy to use and you can make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The account is activated using a unique username and password. Please contact the school office if you require a login. In terms of money we receive for the Friends of Front Street it MUST be in a marked envelope for us to pass onto the Friends group. NO LOOSE MONEY WILL BE ACCEPTED
Dinner Money We have asked the Local Authority for some advice regarding non-payment of school meals. This is what they have given us from their legal team: It is the parent/guardians responsibility (NOT THE SCHOOLS OR THE LOCAL AUTHORITY) to ensure that they provide money for a school meal in advance, providing a packed lunch on the day or taking the child home/off the school premises to be fed if payment hasn’t been made If a child arrives at school with no lunch or lunch money and before the child is given any food the school should contact the parents to – inform them that the child has no lunch or lunch money inform them that they are responsible for feeding their child and that a failure to provide either lunch or lunch money may result in a referral to children’s services as a neglect issue ask the parents if it is their intention to collect the child and take them home/off the premises to provide a lunch for them inform them that the school can provide the child with lunch, at a cost, and inform them of the cost ask the parents to consent to the school providing the child with food; and inform them that they must pay for the cost of the food within seven days.
Reminders Please be reminded After School clubs now finish at 4.20pm
Yours sincerely
HJ Gladstone Headteacher