Application for Project Funding s2
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Asha for Education New York City/New Jersey Asha for Education-NYC/NJ • P.O.Box 153 • New York • NY - 10040
Project Name: 1. Pygmalion and 2. Ekalavya Date: Mar. 26, 08
Project Contact Asha Contact Name Dr.G.K.Jayaram Ashwin Gonibeed Address #321, 4th Cross, 8th Main 104-60, Queen's Boulevard Dollars Colony, JP Nagar 4th Phase, Apt-19N, Bangalore-560 078. Forest Hills,NY - 11375 Karnataka, India.
Phone(s) + 9180 2659 7248, +91 9845945710 2012339924 Fax + 9180 2659 7248 E-mail [email protected] / [email protected] [email protected]
Part I: Information about your group/organization Please feel free to attach any additional sheets and/or information such as brochures, press reports etc.
1. Name of the group/organization requesting funds. Institute of Leadership and Institutional Development (ILID - Divn. of Kasturi Trust-a Public Charitable Trust). 2. When was the group established? 2004 3. Briefly describe the motivation for starting this group. •To commit to action and result orientation, and obsession with result producing methodologies, which are ethically bound and ethically executed. •To understand clients’ philosophies and act as their partners, and ‘friend, philosopher and guide’. •To serve, ultimately, the poorest constituencies, and in order to fulfill this, work pro bono. •To act as a liaison and to leverage resources between the professionals and the elite of the society, who have the resources, networks, and power, and those organizations that are dedicated to the poor, the weak, and the unrepresented. Asha for Education New York City/New Jersey Asha for Education-NYC/NJ • P.O.Box 153 • New York • NY - 10040
4. Briefly describe the aims of your group. •To assist directly in the achievement of optimal results by social entrepreneurial organizations that
address critical needs of society, through planning, implementation, and evaluation. •To identify social innovations which address critical needs of society, and help create NGOs to sustain and scale up the innovations. •To enhance the thinking abilities of social entrepreneurs and their organizations by building a knowledge and skill base through teaching, training, and research. Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 2
5. Does your group have any religious or political affiliation? If yes, please describe the type of affiliation and the reason for it. No.
6. What non education-related community development activities is your group involved in? ILID consults, trains and does research for many social change organizations. Some among the non- educational NGO's that ILID has consulted to are Janaagraha (urban citizen rights), Helpers of the Handicapped (care and nurturing of the seriously handicapped), Maya (livelihood generation), Swadhar (an all-women's NGO serving destitute women's concerns), Bangalore Police Department (change of work culture for the police), Industree (craftperson-owned products), and many others.
Part II: Details about your educational project/s
7. List the school/s run by your group, and their locations. If you are requesting funds for only a few of several schools, please specify which one/s. Not applicable. ILID has introduced "Pygmalion" program for spoken English into schools for the poor. Among the 250 schools ILID has helped, about 50 of them are in Sirsi taluk, Haliyal taluk, B.R.hills, Bangalore slums.
The second program is Ekalavya, a 3-month intense training program in spoken English for unemployed youth with 2 or 4-year college education. ILID runs this program on its own or in collaboration with local NGO's. ILID launched its second Ekalvya classes last week and 6 more are in the pipeline for this year.
8. Location of school/s Urban Rural Other 9. Specify the type of education provided (e.g. basic literacy, vocational training etc.). Pygmalion is a spoken English program for 5th to 7th standards. This is being extended to 8th to 10th standards from June 2008. Ekalavya is a vocational training program. 10. Please tell us about your teaching techniques (conventional vs. alternative). Alternative.
Pygmalion uses computer based audiovisual and multimedia instruction to teach spoken English.
Ekalavya uses the same methodology to teach not only spoken English but also soft skills and computer skills.
11. What is the literacy rate in the local community? 67.4% (Karnataka State) as per 2001 census. (Source: Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 3
12. Describe the socio-economic background of the children and their parents (e.g. education, occupational). If any of your students are employed, please tell us about that as well. Pygmalion is offered only to schools with the poorest children. They belong to the "bottom of pyramid" families in economic, educational, and social indicators.
As for employment, ILID assists in job placement for Ekalavya trainees. ILID has placed the first batch of 19 fully, some with two job options, and now are in the process of seeking firms which will consider ILID-Ekalavya students on a regular basis.
13. In addition to education, does your group provide any other services to the children in your schools (e.g. food, health care, clothing, etc.)? ILID has conducted a preventive health check up camp called "C.H.I.P" (Child Health Improvement Program) for 5000 kids. Plans are underway to hold a 10,000 children camp with scientific data collection and scaling strategies.
14. Does your school have: Its own building(s): Yes No Number Number and type of classrooms (e.g. Pukka): Yes No Yes No Yes No Toilets Playground Toys Chairs & Tables Blackboard Library Drinking water Electricity Computers Laboratory Teaching aids (e.g. books/slates)
15. How many children are currently enrolled in your school(s)? Male Female Age Range 16. How many staff are employed at your schools? Teachers Minimum Qualifications Other staff 17. Average distance the children travel to attend your school 18. How many children have gone through your program in the past five years and what are they doing currently? Please tell us about their future education and employment possibilities. Pygamlion was introduced in schools in 2005 and currently 10,510 children are enrolled under this program
The first batch of 19 students of Ekalavya have just graduated on 15th March 2008 and all of them have been placed. Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 4
19. Do you help your students with their future education efforts after they have passed out of your school? N.A.
20. Are there any other schools (Kindergarten/Balwadi, Elementary school, High school) in the area? If so, please list the schools and the range of classes each of them offers. N.A.
21. Is your program different from that provided at these schools? Please explain. N.A.
While our program does not involve running schools, it is different from other programs in the sense that ILID methodology for teaching uses (donated) computers and interactive multimedia thereby making learning and fun go hand-in-hand.
22. Why are the children in your school/s not attending government/other schools in the local area? N.A. Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 5
23. Do you try to involve the parents of the children in the running of the school (e.g. in setting the syllabus etc.)? Please specify. N.A.
24. What are your expansion plans for the future (e.g. adding more classes or schools)? In the near term ILID plans by extending Pygmalion to include 8th, 9th and 10th standards . In the longer term ILID would like to cover more subjects using this methodology as well. ILID continues to introduce Pygmalion in new areas and new schools.
ILID plans to expand Ekalavya by introducing more centers. As mentioned before, 6 more centers are planned for the year 2008. ILID is actively looking for partners to do this exapnsion.
25. Do you have any suggestions on how Asha can be a positive influence in changing the education scenario in India? Help poor children get livelihood skills so they can get employment, income, and a chance for adult education. Then fund adult education of a nature which enhances the economic clout of the parent, man and woman. Focus a lot on women's empowerment through adult education. Let the maid, driver or security guard not languish on these deadend jobs all their life. Fund e-learning and distance learning so that remote locations can still get good education.
26. If possible, please provide us with the contact information of two individuals from your community who can describe the impact of your program. 1. Name Dr. Mala Giridhar & Dr. 2. Name Mrs. Kusum Kadam Giridhar Address Malenadu Educational and Address Shri Sajjan Rao School Rural Development Society C/o Prashanti Hospital 32-34, Jain Temple Road Yellapur Road V.V. Puram Sirsi 581 402, N.K. District Bangalore 560 004 Karnataka, India India Phone +91 98450 59933 Phone +9180 2676 4811 (Home) +9180 2667 9909 (School)
27. Asha for Education requires reports from its projects every six months to continue funding. Please provide the contact information for the person from your group who will be responsible for these reports. Name Mrs. Leela Kulkarni Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 6
Address ILID, 321 4th Cross, 8th Main, Dollars Colony, J.P.Nagar 4th Phase, Bangalore 560078 India Phone + 9180 2659 7248
Part III: Financial Details Please feel free to attach any information such as annual reports, budgets etc.
28. What sources fund your group’s activities at present? List the sources and the current and future funding from each of them. If these funds are meant for a specific part of your group’s activities, please describe those restrictions. Donations, Income from Consultancy/Workshops/Bank Interest, Fees from Ekalavya Trainees and Profit from sale of investments are the main sources of funding for the group's activities. Donations meant for specific activities include contributions to Corpus Fund and Ekalavya Fund. The Corpus Fund of Rs.5.5 crores ($1.375M) is exclusively meant for a future campus creation donated in 2007/08 by 4 individual philanthropists who wish to see a National center for Social Change created. The Ekalavya Fund of Rs.20 lakhs ($50K) donated in 2006/07 is meant exclusive for the expenses incurred in connection with this Program.
29. Please provide us with details of your projected budget for the next 3 years:
Year(s) Recurring costs Fixed costs 2007-08 Rs.4,064,989 Rs.1,849,139 2008-09 Rs.7,863,197 Rs.1,487,080 2009-10 Rs.8,694,226 Rs.100,000
30. Salary expenditure details: Number Salary Range Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 7
Teachers Nil Nil Paid Staff 11 $480 to $7,500 per annum Volunteer Staff 2 $Nil
31. Please provide details of the fixed costs of your school/s for the next three years. Not applicable
32. How many of your students pay school fees? Please provide details. Not applicable
33. What amount are you requesting from Asha, and for what specific purpose? Items Amount One time / Annual Pygamlion - Spoken English program for poor $20,000 Annual children studying in State run schools with Kannada (local vernacular) as medium of instruction. This funding will help in paying instructors to conduct training program for teachers in Government run schools, associated travel expenses, computers required for implementation of Program, monitoring and improvising the program.
Asha for Education – New York City/New Jersey 8