The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World
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The Culture of Food The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World November 2009 Author Title Call #
Adema, Pauline Garlic Capitol of the World: Gilroy, Garlic, GT2853.U5 A34 2009 and the Making of a Festive Foodscape
Alcock, Joan P. Food in the ancient world TX353.A47 2006
Anderson, E.N. Everyone eats : understanding food and GT2850.A6644 2005 culture
Appelbaum, Robert Aguecheek's beef, belch's hiccup, and PN56.F59 A67 2006 other gastronomic interjections : literature, culture, and food among the early moderns
Ashkenazi, Michael The essence of Japanese cuisine : an TX724.5.J3 A87 2000 and Jeanne Jacob essay on food and culture
Ashkenazi, Michael Food culture in Japan TX724.5.J3 A88 2003 and Jeanne Jacob
Atkins, Peter J. , Food and the city in Europe since 1800 GT2853.E8 F67 2007 Peter Lummel and Derek J. Oddy (editors)
Banerji, Chitrita Eating India : an odyssey into the food and TX360.I4 B255 2007 culture of the land of spices
Banerji, Chitrita Feeding the gods : memories of food and TX360.I4 B26 2006 culture in Bengal
Brüssow, Harald The quest for food : a natural history of TX353.B78 2007 eating
Civitello, Linda Cuisine and culture : a history of food & TX353.C565 2004 people
Counihan, Carole Food and culture : a reader GT2850.F64 2008 and Panny Van Esterik (editors)
Covey, Herbert C. What the slaves ate : recollections of E443.C73 2009 and Dwight Eisnach African American foods and foodways from the slave narratives The Culture of Food The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World November 2009 DeSalvo, Louise The milk of almonds : Italian American PS508.I73 M55 2002 and Edvige Giunta women writers on food and culture (editors)
Deutsch, Jonathan Jewish American food culture GT2853.U5 D48 2008 and Rachel D. Saks
Esterik, Penny Van Food culture in Southeast Asia TX724.5.S68 V36 2008
Fagan, Brian Fish on Friday : feasting, fasting, and the SH219.F34 2006 discovery of the New World
Fernald, Anya, A world of Presidia : food, culture & S494.5.A43 F47 2004 Serena Milano and community Piero Sardo
Flynn, Karen Coen Food, culture, and survival in an African city GT2853.T35 F58 2005
Fowler, Damon Lee Dining at Monticello : in good taste and TX715.D58422 2005 (editor) abundance
Freidberg, Susanne French beans and food scares : culture and HD9011.7.E5 F74 commerce in an anxious age 2004
Glassner, Barry The Gospel of Food: Why We Should Stop GT2853.U5 G53 2008 Worrying and Enjoy What We Eat
Goldstein, Darra The Georgian feast : the vibrant culture and TX723.4.G65 1993 savory food of the Republic of Georgia
Hassan, Fekri A. Droughts, food, and culture : ecological GN861.D76 2002 (editor) change and food security in Africa's later prehistory
Hauck-Lawson , Gastropolis : food and New York City GT2853.U5 G37 2009 Annie and Jonathan Deutsch (editors)
Heine , Peter Food culture in the Near East, Middle East, GT2853.M628 H45 and North Africa 2004
Heinzelmann, Food culture in Germany TX721.H453 2008 Ursula
Higman, B.W. Jamaican food : history, biology, culture GT2853.J3 H55 2008 Holland, Leandra Feasting and fasting with Lewis & Clark : a TX715.2.W47 H65 Zim food and social history of the early 1800s 2003 The Culture of Food The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World November 2009 Inness, Sherrie A. Kitchen culture in America : popular GT2853.U5 K57 2001 (editor) representations of food, gender, and race
Ishige, Naomichi The history and culture of Japanese food GT2853.J3 I83 2001
Janer, Zilkia Latino food culture TX716.A1 J36 2008
Kaufman, Cathy K. Cooking in ancient civilizations TX353.K38 2006
Keller, James R. Food, film and culture : a genre study PN1995.9.F65 K45 2006
Kneen, Brewster Farmageddon : food and the culture of TP248.65.F66 K53 biotechnology 1999
Korsmeyer, Carolyn The taste culture reader : experiencing food TX651.T39 2005 (editor) and drink
Lee, Hilde Gabriel Taste of the states : a food history of TX715.L4593 1992 America
Long-Solís, Janet Food culture in Mexico GT2853.M6 L66 2005 and Luis Alberto Vargas
Lovera, José Rafael Food culture in South America TX716.A1 L68 2005
Lynn Marie Food culture in the Caribbean TX716.A1 H68 2005 Houston
Mack, Glenn R. and Food culture in Russia and Central Asia TX723.3.M2356 2005 Asele Surina
Manderson, Lenore Shared wealth and symbol : food, culture, GN663.S49 1986 and society in Oceania and Southeast Asia
Mason, Laura Food culture in Great Britain TX717.M387 2004
McGee, Diane Writing the meal : dinner in the fiction of PR888.F65 M37 2001 early twentieth-century women writers
Medina, F. Xavier Food culture in Spain TX723.5.S7 M43 2005 Mitchell, Evan and The psychology of wine : truth and beauty TP548.M665 2009 Brian Mitchell by the glass
Newman, Food culture in China TX724.5.C5 N45 2004 The Culture of Food The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World November 2009 Jacqueline M. Opie, Frederick Hog & hominy : soul food from Africa to TX715.O548 2008 Douglass America
Osseo-Asare, Fran Food culture in sub-Saharan Africa TX725.A4 O7 2005
Parasecoli, Fabio Food culture in Italy GT2853.I8 P37 2004
Pilcher, Jeffrey M. Food in world history TX353.P46 2006
Rappoport, Leon How we eat : appetite, culture, and the GT2850.R37 2003 psychology of food
Rebora, Giovanni Culture of the fork : a brief history of food in TX641.R4313 2001 Europe
Rinzler, Carol Ann The New Complete Book of Food TX353.R525 1999
Robb, Peter Midnight in Sicily : on art, food, history, DG869.3.R63 1998 travel, and La Cosa Nostra
Sack , Daniel Whitebread Protestants : food and religion BR115.N87 S23 2001 in American culture
Schehr, Lawrence French food : on the table, on the page, TX637.F69 2001 R. and Allen S. and in French culture Weiss (editors)
Sen, Colleen Taylor Food culture in India TX724.5.I4 S38 2004
Stern, Jane and Eat Your Way Across the U.S.A.: 500 TX907.2.S837 1997 Michael Diners Farmland Buffets, Lobster Shacks, Pie Palaces, and Other All-American Eateries
Sternberg, Robert The Sephardic kitchen : the healthy food TX724.S748 1996 and rich culture of the Mediterranean Jews
Warnes, Andrew Savage barbecue : race, culture, and the TX840.B3 W3683 2008 invention of America's first food
White, Eileen The English kitchen : historical essays TX717.E64 2007 (editor)
Wilk, Richard Fast food/slow food : the cultural economy HD9000.5.F29 2006 (editor) of the global food system The Culture of Food The Role of Food in Cultures Around the World November 2009
Wilkins, John M. Food in the ancient world TX353.W535 2006 and Shaun Hill
Wu, David Y.H. and The globalization of Chinese food GT2853.C6 G56 2002 Sidney C.H. Cheung (editors)
Zimmerman, Steve Food in the Movies PN 1995.9.F65 Z56 and Ken Weiss 2005
Food : a culinary history from antiquity to TX353.H525 1999 the present