Empanelment of Consultants on Health Communication
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Empanelment of Consultants on Health Communication for State Health Communication Resource Centre in Tamil Nadu
A Joint Initiative of
Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP) Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS) AIDS Prevention and Control Project (APAC-VHS, USAID)
Application issued by
AIDS Prevention and Control (APAC) Project The Voluntary Health Services (VHS) Rajiv Gandhi Road, T.T.T.I. Post, Adyar, Chennai – 600 113. Ph.: 044 – 2254 1965 / 2254 1048
Issued On: 1st February 2012 Last Date for Submission: 15th February 2012, 05.30 pm Contents
1. About SHCRC: 3
2. Need: 3
3. Objectives: 4
4. Eligibility Criteria: 4
5. Technical Areas of expertise: 5
6. Period of empanelment:……………………………………………………………………………………………..7
7. Annexure: 18
2 Empanelment of Consultants on Health Communication for State Health Communication Resource Centre in Tamil Nadu
1. About SHCRC:
Tamil Nadu has been a pioneer in HIV/AIDS related prevention and care activities ever since the detection of first case of HIV in the state. Tamil Nadu was instrumental in demonstrating many innovative communication initiatives (IEC development, mid media/district level, state level campaigns, development of Knowledge Treasury, establishment of State Information Center and other such innovative pilot initiatives). These communication materials and documents are valuable memoirs that will enable major stakeholders to understand, plan and replicate for future endeavors. Thus establishing a State Health Communication Resource Center would benefit at a larger and wider scale.
SHCRC has been established by Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu in collaboration with Tamil Nadu Health System Project, Tamil Nadu State AIDS control Society and AIDS Prevention And Control Project (APAC)- Voluntary Health Services (VHS) funded by USAID. SHCRC is governed by the Principal Secretary Health and Family welfare as Chairperson, Project Director of TNHSP as Member Secretary. All the head of Departments in Health Ministry serves as members.
With the goal “To function as a Leading Knowledge Management Centre on Health Communication with strengthened state response for efficient health communication” State Health Communication Resource Center (SHCRC) in The Tamil Nadu serves as a “one stop shop” for health communication technical assistance requirements of all departments of the Tamil Nadu Department of Health and Family Welfare.
SHCRC will provide Technical Assistance to Health departments for developing communication strategies, training manuals on communication, research tools, proto-type IEC materials, impact assessment and evaluation studies, and documentation of communication initiatives. The Centre will also have individual consultants with expertise in different areas of communication and for all departments to use as per requirements.
2. Need:
Banking on the capacity of the IEC officers working with various Health Department Programs, School health, Tobacco control, IDD control, RCAP, RCH, VBDC, and Immunization. PFA, Family Welfare, RNTCP, Leprosy, PNDT/mental health/ organ transplant, NCD, CEmONC/Maternal health, Cancer Cx & breast cancer, Tribal health, BMWM, Better utilization of services, HIV AIDS/Blood Safety, NCD, MSHP, Cancer control, AYUSH promotion, Legislation on Drugs/Blood bank), SHCRC endeavors to engage in technical assistance in domains of
a. Strategizing Communication activities, b. IEC Development & Execution and c. Communication Research.
Understanding the workload and the wide range of activities to be executed by the existing IEC Officers, the need for the involvement of expert consultants is realized. So that parallel execution is possible.
3 Achieving high quality work with external expertise in developing systems, tools would support quality outcomes in the health communication; hence the empanelment of consultants is essential.
Consultant means an Individual with special skills and knowledge and who offers that expertise in the area of Health communication as per requirements for a specific period (including edutainment or enter-education, health journalism, interpersonal communication, media advocacy, organizational communication, risk communication, social communication & social marketing mass and multimedia communications to traditional and culture-specific communication such as folk media, puppet shows and songs and importantly, communication using new information technology).
3. Objectives:
Empanelment of the consultants is to identify expertise on the all the programme area of health communication and ensure appropriate and timely human resource availability with SHCRC on deployment to any health programs towards providing technical assistance on any health communication needs. These consultants would be used as and when there is a need to meet the requirements of the health departments or SHCRC. Through these the following objectives would be achieved
Evidence based programme planning and implementation Ensured effective health communication programs Increased effectiveness and efficiency of IEC programs Facilitate in identifying gaps in programme implementation and address the same immediately Identify areas for skills/capacity building of the teams Establish systems for effective management of Communication activities
4. Eligibility Criteria:
Essential: Postgraduate Degree on Communication/ Social science in general Age restrictions – 25 to 60 years Individuals should have atleast three years of experience in the areas of development communication in which atleast one year on Health or health related program is preferred. S/He should possess hands on experience in designing behavior change communication, advocacy and social mobilization activities. She/he should have experience in working with government at the community and state/ national level, and have good working relations and access to media (TV/Radio/Print). She/he should have excellent communication skills with public relations qualities, and have pleasant and creative personality. Willing to take up assignments within short notice. Good understanding about various health programs implemented by government of India and Tamil Nadu is essential. Willing to work with the terms and conditions of the particular task issued
4 Desirables: Experience in any field of Public Health, such as TB, Leprosy, HIV/AIDS etc will be an added advantage. Significant experience in collating and writing high-impact communications products Excellent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in English and Tamil Ability to meet deadlines Ability to work independently and respond to needs and suggestions from officers Willing to travel on need basis within Tamil Nadu and work in the field. Persons having working experience with government are encouraged to apply. Preference will be provided to the candidates from the State of Tamil Nadu Should be gender sensitive
Empanelment of consultants is not an employment. Individuals who are directly / indirectly associated with political organizations / associations need not apply.
Note: All the existing consultants used by the different departments has to go through the process explained above to ensure transparent process adopted.
5. Technical Areas of expertise:
Technical Areas of expertise, for which consultants to be empanelled:
Code Broad Technical Areas Specific Tasks No. 1 Strategy planning Evidence based Communication plan Development o Annual Action Plan development and financial planning 2 Capacity building on IEC Training needs assessment Training Curriculum, Manual development Developing participants handouts Facilitation of trainings Serve as resource person on communication related trainings Monitor communication training programs and provide appropriate suggestions for improvement 3 Development of various IEC Standardization of the messages Prototype IEC materials materials development Distribution Pre-testing materials Technical support for improving Design and Printing of IECs Communication aids Content Preparation and Validation Display materials Proof reading and editing Stand alone Revising the content based on the feed back for replication materials and reprinting Advocacy materials Self Reading and Knowledge
5 enrichment materials and Any other 4 Media planning and Mass media Campaign Coordination Mid Media Ground level events Content review for AV production Pre Testing and related tools development Social and Innovative media including usage of ICT Press and Media coordination as per requirement Developing articles and press briefs Media advocacy 5 M&E and Communication Communication Need assessment Research Undertaking operational researches Data analysis and Data interpretation Review of Researches on communication and suggest areas for improvement Assist in data base management Development of Data collection tools (both quantitative and qualitative) Data mining and support program design Assessing the impact of Behaviour change through indicators Process Documentation Developing News Letter Impact assessment 6 Documentation Documentation of campaigns Documentation of Trainings Documentation of Best Practices and Lesson Learnt including short stories, case study development Documentation of activities as required by SHCRC Development of news letters, souvenirs, magazines Photo documentation Video Documentation Archival activities Serving as resource person on documentation skills development among IEC officers 7 Translation from Tamil to English From English to Tamil Tamil to other languages as per requirement Translation of documents, IEC materials, reports , communication tools, manuals, best practices document Note: H/She may apply for more than one technical area of expertise. Kindly submit a separate application for each technical area.
6. Period of empanelment:
6 Committee will review and recommend the consultants.
Committee recommended consultants will be empanelled initially for 3 years. Any consultant who is empanelled is for three years after that the empanelment would not be valid. Also any consultants who will be dropped out of the empanelment when The consultants is not able to take up assignments within a period of one year when asked for The consultants who are not able to achieve the deliverables expected of them with due quality. Involved in any conflict of interest that affect SHCRC/ Department of Health & Family Welfare, etc
7 7. Annexure: 1
Application Template for empanelment of consultants
1. Name :
2. Address for Communication :
Residential Address Office Address Designation Address: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: E-mail: E-mail:
3. Date of Birth & Age :
3.a. Date of Birth :
3.b. Age : ______years (as on 01.01.2012)
4. Nationality :
5. Preferred technical area for empanelment : (Put mark in appropriate columns)
Technical area Tick appropriate row Strategy planning Capacity building on IEC Development of various IEC materials (Distribution materials , Communication aids , Display materials , Stand alone materials , Advocacy materials , Self Reading and Knowledge enrichment materials) Media planning and Coordination M&E and Communication Research Documentation Translation
6. Education & Qualifications :
Qualification Subject Year College / University
Note: Column No. 9 and 5 should match. If needed please add rows.
8 7. Summary of Experience (Professional Experience) :
S. Name of the Key Key Designation Period No. organization Responsibilities Achievements (add rows if needed)
7.a. Total number of years of experience in Communication sector: ______years
7.b. Total number of years of experience in Health Communication Sector : _____years
7.c. Total number of years of experience in Specific Health Issues (such as TB, HIV, Leprosy, etc)
Health Issue Organization worked with No. Of years
(add rows if needed) Note: Fix the issues based 12 dept
8. Consultancy Experiences (If you have provided consultancy in any organization / agency please provide details):
Name of the Nature of Period Areas of Contact S. No. organization consultancy From To consultancy person
(add rows if needed)
9 9. Areas of Specialization– Please select the areas of interest based on your expertise:
Relevant Put Tick mark in experience in the Areas of Specialization appropriate areas of columns specialization (*) Strategy planning Evidence based Communication plan Development Annual Action Plan development and financial planning Capacity building on IEC Training needs assessment Training Curriculum, Manual development Developing participants handouts Facilitation of trainings Serve as resource person on communication related trainings Monitor communication training programs and provide appropriate suggestions for improvement Development of various IEC materials (Distribution materials , Communication aids , Display materials , Stand alone materials , Advocacy materials , Self Reading and Knowledge enrichment materials) Standardization of the messages Prototype IEC materials development Pre-testing Technical support for improving Design and Printing of IECs Content Preparation and Validation Proof reading and editing Revising the content based on the feed back for replication and reprinting Media planning and Coordination Mass media Campaign Mid Media Ground level events Content review for AV production Pre Testing and related tools development Social and Innovative media including usage of ICT Press and Media coordination as per requirement Developing articles and press briefs Media advocacy M&E and Communication Research
10 Communication Need assessment Undertaking operational researches Data analysis and Data interpretation Review of Researches on communication and suggest areas for improvement Assist in data base management Development of Data collection tools (both quantitative and qualitative) Data mining and support program design Assessing the impact of Behaviour change through indicators Process Documentation Developing News Letter Impact assessment Documentation Documentation of campaigns Documentation of Trainings Documentation of Best Practices and Lesson Learnt including short stories, case study development Documentation of activities as required by SHCRC Development of news letters, souvenirs, magazines Photo documentation Video Documentation Archival activities Serving as resource person on documentation skills development among IEC officers Translation from Tamil to English From English to Tamil Tamil to other languages as per requirement Translation of documents, IEC materials, reports , communication tools, manuals, best practices document Note: (*) Please provide specific contribution / achievements in the respective areas of specialization.
o One person can select different areas of specialization, based on the areas of expertise. o Please provide the details in descriptive form in the appropriate columns.
10. Remuneration / Consultancy charges:
11 10.a. Current consultancy (honorarium per day in INR / per diem in INR, etc.,) (Please attach Enclosure: 1 see below)
10.b. Consultancy charges expected from SHCRC
11. Languages (Self Assessment):
S. No. Languages Reading Writing Speaking 1 Tamil 2 English 3 Hindi 4 Telugu 5 Kannada 6 Malayalam 7 Any other (specify) (add rows if needed)
12. Computer Skill (Please put mark in the appropriate column):
Very good Good Average Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Power-point Internet Photoshop Others (specify)
13. Publications (specify if any) :
Published by or Published / Title Language Theme presented by unpublished
14. Papers presented (specify if any) :
15. Countries worked/ visited (specify if any):
Name of the company Year
16. References :
12 Reference 1 Reference 2 Name : Name : Designation : Designation : Relationship with applicant : Relationship with applicant : Address : Address : Email ID : Email ID : Phone : Phone :
16. Tentative availability of consultancy / month: (Please specify possible number of days you can offer to provide consultancy to SHCRC in a month)
Please put tick mark in appropriate Number of days columns Less than three days in a month 7 days in a month 8 to 15 days in a month More than 15 days in a month Any number of days as per the requirements Note: Consultancy period may be continuous or in different spells, depending upon the activities
17. Any other additional information (Please add):
I hereby certify that, all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Agree to abide by the selection process / guidelines
Place :
Date :
1. Supportives for Consultancy norms (Letter of evidences / scope of work received from the agencies, payment notes for consultancy rendered). 2. Any other documents to substantiate your experiences. (Publications, innovative works, documentation, reports, etc.,)