Neva Fairchild, Editor
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Vol. 25, No. 3 July, 2017 Neva Fairchild, Editor
Table of Contents
Happy 40th Anniversary ACBT! Peggy R. Garrett Expressions from the President’s Desk Kenneth Semien, Sr. Tales from the Treasurer Sheila Derrick All Access Kenneth Semien, Sr. Braille Revival League of Texas Neva Fairchild Guide Dog Users of Texas LouAnn Williams Governor Signs SB1693 Larry Johnson Alamo Council Update Shelley McMullen El Paso Council Update Dianna Carter Nominating Committee Michael Garrett Call for 2017 ACBT Resolutions Kenneth Semien, Sr.
[Note: Articles printed in The Texas Star are submitted by the subscribers and are not necessarily reflective of the membership as a whole. The articles express only the opinion of the author.]
Page 1 Happy 40 th Anniversary ACBT! By Peggy R. Garrett
There has been discussion over when ACBT was actually organized. The following article was in the October 1977 Braille Forum:
ACB – Deep in the Heart of Texas
A new statewide organization was formed in Austin on August 27. The ACB of Texas will be the 50th affiliate of the American Council of the Blind. ACB President Floyd Qualls and National Representative Durward McDaniel were there, and both predict a great future for this new organization.
Officers and directors elected were: Curtis McKee of Austin, President; J. M. Marsh of Houston, Vice President; Marie Chandler of Austin, Secretary; Agnes Conradt of Austin, Treasurer; Directors -Geneva Wade of Dallas, Truett Childre of Houston, Charles Garret of San Antonio, and Kenneth Best of Athens.
The prediction of ACBT “becoming a great organization” has been realized as we celebrate its 40th anniversary on August 27, 2017!
The ACBT Membership Committee and the Member Morale Committee encourages each Chapter and Special Interest Affiliate to acknowledge and celebrate this prestigious occasion! Some suggested ideas are to hold special events such as picnics, Bingo/game nights, pot luck lunch or dinner, lunch or dinner at a favorite restaurant, or simply set aside a few minutes during your monthly Chapter meeting to share this achievement with members. Don’t forget to invite former members as well as potential members. If you have newsletters, you may also send a birthday wish to ACBT!!!
Page 2 Expressions from the President’s Desk By Kenneth Semien, Sr.
Greetings Members, Friends and Colleagues:
This time of year, is a time to get out and explore the wonders of the world. Family time is precious; therefore, I encourage you to visit with family, enjoy community, travel, smell the roses, have fun and include friends in your summer adventures as you seek to create memorable moments.
Please allow me to begin my expressions by recognizing Cindy Finley of Lubbock for submitting the April 2017 Texas Star Article of the Quarter. Her submission in support of the Member Morale Committee was entitled, “Attitude Adjustment ”. I sure hope you took time to read it. It focused on how our perspective can determine and affect our outcomes and successes. The man referenced in the article, became blind by way of an unexpected accident. However, showed that by deliberately altering his attitude, he carved out a useful career and found a good life for himself, thereby mastering his fate. You may wish to read more about Henry Fawcett. Thanks Cindy. This article was thought provoking and illuminating.
On Saturday April 29th, the annual Spring Board of Directors Meeting was held at the Doubletree by Hilton Dallas near the Galleria, where we will gather for the 39th annual ACB of Texas Conference/Convention from September 14-17, 2017. During the Board Meeting we placed an emphasis on building a bright future for ACBT by discussing and sharing strategies of working better together, seeking committed leadership and putting policies in place to position ACBT for success.
The Pre-Conference Board Meeting will be held on Thursday September 14th from 4:00PM-7:00PM. All board meetings are open meetings; therefore, you are urged to arrive early in Dallas to witness the meeting. Refer to the Conference/Convention article below for beneficial details, including hotel reservations and pre-registration. We will continue to share sneak previews on the ACBT Email List. To subscribe, send a blank message to [email protected] and follow the instructions in subsequent email messages. Be sure to read the List Guidelines prior to Page 3 opting in to the subscription. Encourage others to do the same. The Email List is your source for current information.
Feel free to share any comments and concerns you may have with me by using the information below.
Email: [email protected] Desk: (409) 866-5838
Tales from the Treasurer By Sheila Derrick
Chapters, please remember new members can be added at any time BUT If they wish to be certified to vote at this year’s conference, I must receive their dues from the chapter treasurer postmarked no later than July 31, 2017.
For each new member, I will need the following information: first and last name, street address, city, state, zip code, home and cell phone numbers, e-mail address, vision status (totally blind, legally blind, vision impaired, or fully sighted) and their publication formats. The Texas Star is available by email, audio CD and large print. We encourage all members with email access to please select the email format. The Braille Forum from ACB is available in Braille, computer CD, 4-track cassette, large print and email. Each of these newsletters is published quarterly. We are also requesting the following demographic information, but it is not required: age group (13-20, 21-39, 40-59, 60+), ethnicity (Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Asian American, other) and gender.
New member information and dues should be mailed to: Sheila Derrick, 309 Paloverde Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76112-1122. Dues to ACBT are $7.00 for chapter members, $10.00 for at-large members and $3.00 for junior members whose age is 13-17 years. Junior members whose dues are received by August 8th have full voting rights and privileges at the conference.
Page 4 Thanks to all members who are actively supporting the ACBT fundraising efforts. Schwan’s is doing well and every item you purchase adds dollars to our coffers.
All Access
By Kenneth Semien, Sr.
It’s time to get serious about planning to attend the 2017 ACBT Conference/Convention, therefore, this quarter we will highlight planning details and travel notes to assist you. ACBT is on the Move. We are “Eliminating Barriers and Creating Connections.” Make plans to attend the 39th annual ACBT Conference/Convention in Dallas from September 14-17, 2017 at the Doubletree by Hilton near the Galleria, 4099 Valley View Lane. The nightly room rate is $95 plus $12.35 (13% tax) which comes to a total of $107.35 for two guests. 2 additional guests can share the same room for a total room rate of $105 plus 13% tax per night. You may begin making your reservations now by dialing (800) 222-8733. The deadline is August 30, 2017. To be sure to get the negotiated rate, let the reservationist know that the group code is ACB.
Here are methods of travel and systems you can use while in the Dallas area: Toll Free: (877) GO2-MEGA (877) 462-6342 Greyhound Bus Lines Travel Assistance Line (800) 752-4841. Other travel details can be obtained by dialing (800) 231-2222, then follow the prompts. Note that special fares may be available online by visiting Traveling by train you should call AMTRAK by dialing (800) 872-7245, then follow the prompts or visit The Hotel Shuttle will transport you to and from area restaurants and stores within a 3-mile radius. Ask the Front Desk Clerk for listings. DART Mobility Paratransit Service is available to you If you are certified to use your local paratransit service, have them to fax your certification to (214) 828-6642 at least two weeks prior to travel, however don’t delay, do it today. Contact the Certification office with Page 5 any questions by dialing (214) 828-6717. Once you are approved, schedule rides up to 2 days in advance, and no later than 1 day in advance by dialing (214) 515-7272. The cost: $3.00 per trip. Method of Payment: Cash (exact change) or tickets. Tickets may be purchased in a booklet of 10 for $30.00 online at o When scheduling rides with DART Mobility and other transportation services, use these addresses for pick up and drop off at Airports. Dial the number listed to confirm any changes.
o Dallas Love Field Airport (DAL): 8008 Herb Kelleher Way (214) 670-6080 o Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW): 8200 E. Airfield Dr. (The airport/airline terminal you arrive at will actually determine the address you are picked up from) (972) 973-3112 Supershuttle will transport you to and from the area Airports. For questions, visit or call (800) 258-3826. Make traveling easier by setting up an account and downloading the Supershuttle App. Go Go Grandparent on Demand Transportation Service for Older Americans (855) 464-6872 (Register prior to traveling to Dallas) Uber, similar to a taxi-cab, with lower fares, can be accessed by downloading the Uber App, setting up an account and adding billing information. Lyft, similar to a taxi-cab, with lower fares, can be accessed by downloading the Lyft App, setting up an account and adding billing information.
Visit, go to the Main Index, then scroll down to 2017 ACBT Conference/Convention information. Direct additional questions to: [email protected] or dial (409) 866-5838. We look forward to greeting you there!
Braille Revival League of Texas By Neva Fairchild
Page 6 Don’t forget to enter the BRLT “Why Is Braille Important to You?” essay contest. You and anyone you know who is literate in braille is eligible to write a short essay. Refer to the April, 2017 Texas Star for details. The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2017.
BRLT will be raffling a braille & large print Monopoly game at the conference/convention this September. Find me at the AFB exhibit, or any BRLT board member, to buy your ticket to take a ride on the Reading Railroad!
Again, this year, a total of $100 in cash prizes will be offered at our annual program on Friday afternoon, where we will play BRLTO. It’s that old familiar game where everyone has a card with letters at the top of each column and numbers below. Use your braille skills to play and win! Large print numbers that can also be felt will be on the cards as well.
On Saturday, our annual business meeting will highlight refreshable braille displays to enhance your access to reading and technology at an affordable price with the Orbit from APH and the Braille Pen, to name only a few. Plan to join us, and you can join BRLT to promote the use of braille and elect new officers for the affiliate. Your participation is appreciated and encouraged if you think braille is important to the independence and success of people who are blind or visually impaired.
Guide Dog Users of Texas By LouAnn Williams
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their summer and keeping their bodies and paws cool. Remember to stay hydrated and have plenty of water for your guide dog, too.
Our ACBT state conference/convention is quickly approaching. It is always a great time to deposit something new in our “brain bank” and enjoy fellowship with friends across the state.
Guide Dog Users of Texas will have their annual program again this year. The plan is to have a panel discussion concerning the topic of “Loose Dog Page 7 Distractions and Dog Attacks”. Unfortunately, there has been an increase of loose dog attacks on guide dogs. We will also be discussing legislation concerning this matter.
Don’t forget our annual breakfast, which is a discounted price for Guide Dog Users of Texas members. At our breakfast, we will have reports from the various guide dog school representatives. The annual business meeting will also take place during this time.
The conference is a great time to go ahead and pay for the upcoming year dues. If you are unable to attend the conference you may pay your dues by mailing them to our treasurer: Neil Finley, 3710 70th Street, Lubbock, TX 79413.
I hope to see everyone soon and look forward to meeting new friends at the upcoming ACBT conference/convention. Enjoy your summer!
Profound congratulations to Senator Eddie Lucio, author of SB1693 who had the wisdom and compassion to recognize that there are tens of thousands of Texas seniors who are forced to give up their independence due to vision loss and the lack of available services.
These are the “forgotten ones” who quietly and reluctantly are having to prematurely move into nursing homes or the spare bedroom in the homes of their son or daughter, instead of being allowed the dignity of remaining in their own homes and being afforded the special technology and independent skills training that can make it possible for them to remain fully active, participating members in their communities.
SB1693 is a huge step toward beginning a dialogue between and among organizations and agencies, both in the public and private sectors, to
Page 8 expand collaboration and explore solutions to the service deficiency for older blind Texans.
Let us remember that it is these same seniors who have built our great state of Texas. They deserve not just gratitude but the chance to live out their “golden years” genuinely happy and robustly independent - embracing the hope that there is indeed life after loss of sight.
This legislation is a tangible and successful outcome of one of our ACBT resolutions from our convention last September.
Alamo Council of the Blind By Shelley McMullen
First I hope all of you are staying cool that includes guide dogs and other furry friends!
The Alamo chapter advocacy committee under the leadership of Shelley McMullen continued to monitor legislative activity. The chapter was excited to learn that Governor Abbot signed the bill regarding a detailed study and assessment of the needs of Seniors with significant vision loss. We were also relieved that finally legislation was passed and signed by the Governor that would prevent drivers from being on their cell phones while driving. We along with Guide Dog Users of Texas fought to ensure that passengers with service animals would be permitted without question to be transported by UBER and Lift drivers in Texas Thanks to all who participated in these important activities.
The chapter is currently seeking college scholarship applicants in our area for the up-coming school year. We will award scholarships at our August monthly meeting. To those of you attending the National ACB conference: learn all you can and safe travels!
El Paso Council of the Blind By Dianna Carter
Page 9 Greetings from the El Paso Council of the Blind. We hope your summer is going well. Our members have continued to stay busy with activities throughout the community. Our council members jumped in and participated in several health fairs around El Paso. The networking was very helpful and we were able to provide needed information to many families.
In an effort to provide an update on the TWC transition, we hosted a Rehab Counselor for a question and answer session. The information was very helpful in understanding the requirements of the different services available. We look forward to providing more sessions in the future.
We are now moving on to planning our next iPad camp for students and will provide an update in the next issue.
We would like to recognize our member, Austin Carter on his high school graduation and acceptance to UT Austin as a computer science major and being accepted into the Freshman Research Initiative.
Finally, we hope your summer is great and we look forward to seeing everyone at the ACBT Convention!
From the Nominating Committee By Michael Garrett
Greetings fellow ACBT members. At this writing, a number of us are gearing up to leave for the ACB National Conference and Convention in Reno. However, September is just around the corner where we, ACBT, will come together for our own state gathering. To date, your nominating committee has not received any nominations for the two available board positions, the Second Vice President’s position, and only one nomination for the Outstanding Member of the year award. The previously stated deadlines have passed, but we will still except entries up until a reasonable time before the convention. September 1, 2017 should give the committee ample time to process entries. Prospective candidates still must present a bio and answer the questions which were placed in earlier issues of the Texas Star.
Page 10 If no nominations are forthcoming, we will hold elections at the Conference/Convention in September. We expect candidates to provide information regarding your qualifications, abilities and desire to help ACBT accomplish its mission and goals.
For further information, contact me at 281-438-9665.ACBT needs you! ACBT: Advancing the Cause of Blind Texans Call for 2017 ACBT Resolutions By Kenneth Semien, Sr.
Please be informed that members are eligible to submit resolutions in regard to issues affecting Texans who are blind or visually impaired. Resolutions have the ability to direct our advocacy efforts for the next year. Members in attendance at the annual conference/convention have the privilege of playing a vital role in whether a resolution is adopted or not. All resolutions must be submitted by September 7th.
If you have an idea for a resolution or have developed it beyond the idea stage, please make it known as soon as possible. Send computer generated resolutions by email to [email protected] for forwarding to the Interim Resolutions Team (LouAnn Williams, Michael Garrett, Kenneth Semien, Sr.). We look forward to receiving your submission, and will offer support when necessary. All resolutions will be presented to the membership on Sunday September 17th Questions should be communicated to Kenneth Semien, Sr. by dialing (409) 866-5838. We look forward to receiving your submissions by September 7th.
ACBT Officers President - Kenneth Semien, Sr. First Vice President - Peggy R. Garrett 2nd Vice President Will Burley Secretary- Mary Alice Gary Treasurer- Sheila Derrick Immediate Past President - Carol Edwards Mike Bates - Director Chris D. Prentice - Director Page 11 Ken B. Sparks - Director LouAnn Williams - Director
Page 12 FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND OR Return To: HANDICAPPED The Texas Star (Handle as FIRST-CLASS c/o Neva Fairchild, Editor Domestic Mail Manual Sec. E 040) 2008 Reagan Blvd Carrollton, TX 75006
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A publication of the American Council of the Blind of Texas, an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind
Toll-free number: 866-929-2228
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