TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS (SINGLE FAMILY) Revised July 21, 2020 TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION DIVISION GLO-CDR HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS (SINGLE FAMILY) The purpose of the Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization division’s (GLO-CDR) Housing Design Standards (the Standards) is to ensure that all applicants (single family housing applicants) who receive new or rehabilitated construction housing through programs funded through GLO-CDR live in housing which is safe, sanitary, and affordable. Furthermore, these Standards shall ensure that the investment of public and homeowner funds results in lengthening the term of affordability and the preservation of habitability. All work carried out with the assistance of funds provided through GLO-CDR shall be done in accordance with these Standards and the GLO-CDR Housing Construction Specifications as they apply to single family housing applicants and, unless otherwise defined, shall meet or exceed industry and trade standards. Codes, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or orders of any public authority in conflict with installation, inspection, and testing take precedence over these Standards. A subrecipient can request a variance for any part of these Standards for a specific project by submitting a written request to GLO-CDR detailing the project location, the need for the variance, and, if required, the proposed alternative. Variance requests can be submitted to: Martin Rivera Jerry Rahm Monitoring & QA Deputy Director Housing Quality Assurance Manager Community Development and Community Development and Revitalization Revitalization Texas General Land Office Texas General Land Office Office 512-475-5000 Office 512-475-5033
[email protected] [email protected] 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1495 P.O.