Maps of Jurisdiction (If Available)
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Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? This is the Program Who is the Provide a map to show Describe the geographic Write the legal mandate of What is the top tier management questions this What entity is implementing specific Is this program coordinated Insert appropriate Provide a URL link or links or Project name (This Lead regional jurisdiction or extent of the monitoring the program. (Example. program attempts to answer? research and monitoring programs? with other programs or contact to the data and associated should be consistent Agency in coverage of program. A or research program ESA Biological Opinions for (Highest level management questions related 1. What, where, and when are agencies agencies information for information. Provide with the project or charge of GIS boundary should be salmon) to organization mandates and authorities (top implementing RME actions, how or can person or position appropriate mailing address program name field implementi easy to generate and of the information pyramid). Examples those actions be fit together, and where are responsible for if necessary. use in the RM&E ng this submit. (This should be include: there gaps? coordinating this project inventory) program? created within the 1. Are biological, physiological and 2. How do we coordinate and integrate program online GIS inventory programmatic level performance objectives population status monitoring with action created to maintain this being achieved? effectiveness fish monitoring inventory.) This 2. What are the limiting factors preventing (PNAMP Action programmatic inventory achievement of biological and physiological Effectiveness Group), watershed condition should be tabular, but performance objectives? monitoring (PNAMP Watershed Condition could and Should be 3. What actions are the most cost-effective at Group), and data management (PNAMP Converted into a online addressing these limiting factors? Data Management Group)? GIS inventory.) 4. Is there implementation and compliance b) What are the statistical designs and monitoring programs for project and other sampling frameworks that best answer monitoring programs? specific RME questions within geospatial 5. Is there project and monitoring program and implementation and compliance monitoring? temporal bounds and desired precision and (High level technical questions supporting accuracy objectives? high level management questions (base of the c) Can sampling be designed in ways that information pyramid). Examples include: allows multiple sources of monitoring to be 1. What is status and trend of fish populations combined to answer larger scale relative to a baseline and benchmark? questions or to increase the statistical power 2. What is status and trend of the environment of inferences? relative to a baseline or benchmark? d) What are the trade-offs between different 3. What is the effectiveness of a class or statistical and sampling approaches, the specific type of action relative to a limiting statistical confidence levels, and the factor and fish population’s benchmark? intensity/cost of the monitoring? 4. Have actions been implemented and are e) What are the most appropriate protocols they compliant with specific criteria or goals. for sampling and data archiving for specific 5. What are the underlying relationships with metrics? risk and uncertainty between fish population f) How can we standardize RME performance and environmental conditions? approaches to facilitate sharing of information to maximize the robustness or increase the scale of answers to RME questions?
USF The Northwest Forest The Record of Decision for Is the NWFP Aquatic Conservation Strategy AREMP personnel are Steve Lanigan - Plan applies to lands Amendments to Forest restoring and maintaining aquatic and riparian leading efforts to coordinate Team Leader ng/watershed/ has annual NW Forest Plan administered by the Service and Bureau of Land ecosystems to desired conditions on federal watershed condition reports with data summaries. Aquatic & Riparian USDA Forest Service, Management Planning lands in the NWFP area? monitoring efforts with state Aquatic and Effectiveness USDI Bureau of Land Documents Within the agencies and tribes, and Riparian Data is in ACCESS data base Monitoring Management, and the Range of the Northern federal monitoring efforts on Effectiveness (available upon request) Program US National Park Spotted Owl (Strix the “east side of the Monitoring (AREMP) Service within the range occidentalis caurina) (ROD), Cascades” and within the Program, USDA of the northern spotted commonly known as the Columbia River Basin. Forest Service, owl. This is an area Northwest Forest Plan Pacific NW roughly defined as (Forest Plan or NWFP), Region, Strategic being “west of the requires watershed Planning, 333 SW Cascades” in monitoring. First Avenue, Washington, Oregon, Portland, OR and northern California. Northwest Forest Plan 97204 ph: amendment (March 2004 503.808.2261 Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? ROD) describes the decision to cell: clarify provisions relating to 503.703.5773 the Aquatic Conservation [email protected] Strategy “AREMP will assess s progress toward attainment of ACS objectives across the Northwest Forest Plan area.”
Oregon Coastal Oregon All Oregon Coastal NEPA, CWA, ESA What is the Status and Trend of Ecosystem What is the status & trend of tidally EPA, Oregon Coastal Jon, Souder, GIS Information is stored at Hydrogeomorphic Department Estuarine Tidally health influenced wetland habitat? Watershed Associations and Paul Adamus the Oregon Coastal Atlas. Assessment of State influence Wetlands to What is the Geomorphic composition of Oregon Department of State Janet Morlan Lands the Head of Tide tidally influenced wetlands of Oregon’s Lands metadata/TidalWetlandsofOr coast? egonsCoastalWatersheds,Scr What is Vegetation Biodiversity anton,2004.htm What is Animal Biodiversity
USF & All lands administered The biological opinions for Are key biological and physical attributes, Coordination occurs between Rick Henderson - NOAA? by the Forest Service in salmon, stealhead and bull processes, and functions of upslope, riparian, the EM team and each field Project Leader fishecology/emp/ contains PACFISH/INFISH the range of PACFISH trout within the interior and aquatic systems being degraded, unit through frequent sampling protocols, annual Biological Opinion and INFISH, within the Columbia River basin maintained, or restored within the geographic updates, annual reports, and PIBO reports, publications, and a Effectiveness upper Columbia River identified requirements for range of PACFISH/INFISH? annual meetings. Effectiveness link to our data access Monitoring basin, with the the USDA Forest Service Coordination occurs with the Monitoring webpage. Program exception of three and USDI Bureau of Land Are management practices related to livestock IIT Implementation Program, USDA (PIBO) Forests located in the Management to develop a grazing maintaining or restoring riparian Monitoring Team and the Forest Service, upper Snake River. All mechanism for vegetation structure and function within the Regional Deputy Team that Forestry Sciences lands administered by accountability and oversight geographic range of PACFISH/INFISH? oversees requirements from Lab, Logan, UT the BLM within for activities that may the biological opinions. 84321 PACFISH and those influence habitat for these Coordination with other ph: 435-755-3578 lands outside PACFISH listed fish across the range. monitoring groups includes cell: 435-757- that contain bull trout. the AREMP Program, 5737 participation in PNAMP rhenderson01@fs. Status and Trend workgroup; additional sampling to help answer Land Resource Management Plan monitoring questions; Federal Hydropower Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation Teams; and FS Regional / BLM State monitoring teams. What is the water quality condition (based on Coordination (we submitted Trish Carroll There is no corporate Forest TMDL/303d Listing National forest lands in Clean Water Act and State temperature and bacteria, pH, DO and requested data) occurs with Regional Water Service data base. Data is - USFS OR and WA water quality statues sediment), and is it supporting “beneficial state DEQ/DOE, EPA. Quality and Water available from each Forest. uses” Temperature standard info is Rights Program State DEQ/DOE also has shared with ODFW and Manager data (we submitted) in their WDFW. [email protected] data base. 503.808.2905 Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? Water quality Varies by district Based on TMDL Clean Water Act Restoration prescriptions to attain beneficial ODEQ, USFS Rosy Mazaika NA restoration plans - BLM-ODEQ MOA uses and water quality standards [email protected] BLM 503-808-6076 We have maps of Clean Water Act Meeting targets for TMDL load allocations as USFS, ODEQ, NRCS, local Rosy Mazaika On file with Districts, TMDL/303d Listing 303(d) listed watersheds State of Oregon. Varies well as BLM planning needs SWCDs and watershed [email protected] ARIMs data base – BLM showing % compliance based on TMDL and councils WQMPs completed 503-808-6076 Are Best Management Practices (BMPs) As of August, 2005: Best Management National forest lands in Clean Water Act and Forest being implemented and are they “Regional BMP monitoring” Trish Carroll Data is currently located at Practices (BMPs): OR and WA – collected Service MOA with states. effective? will be initiated in 2005 and Regional Water individual forests. A Implementation and by individual forests as will be implemented Quality and Water corporate data base will be Effectivness – USFS part of their Forest Plan o Are they effective in regionally in 2006. It will Rights Program created as the regional monitoring protecting water quality? use nationally consistent Manager program becomes part of the o What are the trends in protocols so we will be able [email protected] national program. BMP implementation & effectiveness? to answer questions at 503.808.2905 o Which practices, program multiple scales (local, areas & administrative units are regional, national). performing well? Which ones require improvement? Initial coordination proposals o What are the causes of poor have been presented to EPA implementation & effectiveness? and state DEQs/DOE, and o During which project phases are BMP the BLM state office. implementation & effectiveness problematic? Range BMPs are being o Based on their degree, duration, & extent, coordinated with range how often do elevated effects on water monitoring and consultation quality occur? requirements.
Best Management Rosy Mazaika Practices (BMPs): [email protected] Implementation and Effectivness – BLM 503-808-6076
NW Forest Plan area = Record of Decision stated Did projects meet S&Gs? Jon Martin NWFP “east of Cascades in that standards and guidelines Were S&Gs effective at achieving Interagency Implementation OR, WA, and northern (S&Gs) will be monitored to desired results? Monitoring FS and BLM CA. ensure that management Were the underlying assumptions valid? Coordinator (Standards and actions are meeting the [email protected] Guidelines) objectives of the prescribed s S&Gs. 503.808.2269 Restoration Project All public lands The BLM planning Are management actions effective in creating Coordination occurs with the Al Doelker All restoration projects are Effectiveness - BLM managed by the regulations (43 CFR 1610.4- a desired outcome at either the project (stream Oregon Plan for Salmon and Assistant entered into the Interagency OR/WA BLM 9) call for the monitoring reach) or watershed scale? Watersheds in the OC Coho Fisheries Program Restoration Database and and evaluation of resource ESU. Lead reported annually to the State management plans at Is the ecological health of the aquatic Oregon State of Oregon. Data is available appropriate intervals. ecosystems recovering or sufficiently On a project-by-project Office upon request. maintained to support stable and well- basis, Districts coordinate 333 SW 1st Ave. The OR/WA BLM does not distributed population of fish species and with other affected interests Portland, OR Reports are published bi- have a state-wide restoration stocks? (e.g., USFS, ODFW, 97208 annually by OWEB. project effectiveness Counties, Watershed Ph: 503-808-6067 monitoring program. Project Is fish habitat in terms of quantity and quality Councils, private timber [email protected] OWEB/publications.shtml effectiveness monitoring is of rearing pools, coarse woody debris, water companies, NGOs, etc). required per various land use temperature, and width to depth ration being Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? plans. Specific project maintained or improved as predicted? monitoring is required per Biological Assessments and Are desired habitat conditions for listed, Biological Opinions. sensitive, and at-risk fish stocks maintained where adequate and restored where inadequate? OR/WA Forest Service There is no legal mandate What is the species composition of the fish R6 Level II Stream Deborah Konnoff The fish data is available in Fish Distribution – Lands that requires the Forest assemblage? Inventory, Individual Forests Fish Habitat NRIS Water. However, R6 USFS Service to monitor fish may coordinate with their forests are still in the process Relationships State Biologists, and other of migrating legacy data to What is the distribution of ESA listed and land owners: ODFW, Coordinator NRIS. Also, Forests are still special status fish species? Counties, Watershed Pacific Northwest entering data from 03 and 04. Councils, private timber Region Currently we have about companies, NGOs, etc). R6 Regional 75% of the Region's legacy Office, USDA data migrated to NRIS Forest Service Water. Phone:(503) 808- The fish data that was in 2676; Fax:(503) SMART was a not a 808-2469 complete record of what was email: inventoried. In the last few [email protected]. years we found out that some us forests did not put their fish data in SMART but in a forest layer or Database. This is especially true for data earlier than 1998. For accurate GIS Maps of fish distribution I suggest you contact the individual forests. Fish Distribution - All public lands There is no legal mandate What is the species composition of the fish On a project-by-project Al Doelker Data is stored as Arc-GIS BLM managed by the that requires the BLM to assemblage? basis, Districts coordinate Assistant coverages and tables in the OR/WA BLM monitor fish distribution. with other affected interests Fisheries Program OR/WA BLM ARIMS What is the distribution of ESA listed and (e.g., USFS, ODFW, Lead database and is available The OR/WA BLM does not special status fish species? Counties, Watershed Oregon State upon request. have a state-wide fish Councils, private timber Office distribution monitoring companies, NGOs, etc). 333 SW 1st Ave. program. Fish distribution Portland, OR information is collected as 97208 needed by the Districts for Ph: 503-808-6067 land use and project planning [email protected] purposes, ESA commitments (e.g., biological assessments), etc.
Stream habitat OR/WA Forest Service There is no legal mandate What are the existing aquatic and Riparian Deborah Konnoff The data and reports are inventory – FS Lands that requires the Forest conditions? available in NRIS Water Fish Habitat Service to do Stream Inventories What are the factors limiting the productive Relationships capabilities of habitats? Coordinator Pacific Northwest Are Stream habitat objectives being met? Region R6 Regional What are the cumulative watershed effects? Office, USDA Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? Forest Service Phone:(503) 808- 2676; Fax:(503) 808-2469 email: [email protected]. us Stream habitat Streams on all public There is no legal mandate Classify and determine the condition of None at the broad scale Al Doelker Hardcopy and electronic inventory - BLM lands managed by the that requires the BLM to in-stream habitat. Stream habitat level. At local level we Assistant reports are stored in the OR/WA BLM inventory stream habitat. information is collected for land use and coordinate with ODFW Fisheries BLM District offices. project planning purposes, assessing population surveys. Program Lead They are also available on OR/WA BLM has a environmental baseline conditions for Oregon State the web at contract with the ODFW ESA consultations, NEPA analysis, and Office Aquatic Inventories assessing stream habitat conditions for 333 SW 1st Ave. t/ODFW/freshwater/inven Project to conduct Basin- grazing management. Portland, OR tory/index.htm wide Surveys in the state 97208 of Oregon. Stream Ph: 503-808- surveys not conducted 6067 under this contract are Al_Doelker@or completed by BLM staff or local ODFW crews using ODFW stream survey protocols and include streams in Oregon and Washington State.
Fish passage culvert Dave Heller Assessment Rept. R6-NR- Fish Passage at All national forests in Will road-stream crossings pass all species/life monitoring is coordinated R6 Fish Program WFW-TP-02-05 is available road-stream OR and WA stages of salmonids? with other affected groups Manager from contacts. Regional data crossings – USFS and individuals. These [email protected] base has all data. include the USFS, State 503.808.2994 agencies (primarily ODFW), Watershed Councils, Sandra Wilson- Counties, NGOs, private Musser timber companies, etc. R6 Geotech Leader swilsonmusser@f 503.808.2738 Fish Passage - BLM All public lands Fish passage through BLM Are juvenile salmonids able to pass upstream Fish passage culvert Al Doelker Data is stored in District files managed by the culverts is assessed using a and down through culverts at most flows? monitoring is coordinated Assistant and databases in various OR/WA BLM common state-wide protocol with other affected groups Fisheries Program formats and is available upon and is the same protocol that Are culverts on fish bearing streams designed and individuals. These Lead request. USFS R6 uses. The BLM and installed to meet current standards? include the USFS, State Oregon State has no legal mandate for agencies (primarily ODFW), Office assessing fish passage Watershed Councils, 333 SW 1st Ave. culverts however the Counties, NGOs, private Portland, OR Northwest Forest Plan, timber companies, etc. 97208 Pacfish/Infish, and most land Ph: 503-808-6067 use plans require that [email protected] culverts pass juvenile fish at Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? most flows.
A result of the US Government Accounting Office Report “Restoring Fish Passage Through Culverts on Forest Service and BLM Lands in Oregon and Washington Could Take Decades” is the commitment of the OR/WA BLM to monitoring culvert design and installation.
All USFS forests within Specific questions have not yet been Phil Mattson Forest Plan OR and WA will go determined, but will address following: [email protected]. Monitoring – USFS through a forest plan 1. Determine if multiple-use objectives are us revision process over being met. 503.808.2266 the next 6 years 2. Determine effects of management on the productivity of the land. 3. Determine if progress is being made toward desired conditions and objectives. All public lands The BLM planning Are management actions following prescribed Coordinate with resource Dick Prather Monitoring results are Land Use Plan managed by the regulations (43 CFR 1610.4- management directions (implementation specialists and programs as Oregon State reported in District Annual Monitoring – BLM OR/WA BLM 9) call for the monitoring monitoring)? they relate to determining if Office Planning Updates and and evaluation of resource objectives are being met and (333 SW 1st Ave.) Annual Program Summaries. management plans at Do management actions meet desired assumptions are accurate. PO Box 2965 These updates and appropriate intervals. objectives (effectiveness monitoring)? Portland, OR summaries track and assess 97208 the progress of plan Are management actions based on accurate Ph: 503-808-6627 implementation, state the assumptions (validation monitoring)? Is there Dick- findings made through a need to change the plan? [email protected] monitoring, specifically ov address the implementation monitoring questions posed in each section of the land use monitoring plans and serve as a report to the public.
Contact Leslie Frewing- Runyon (503-808-6088) for copies of these reports. All land management Monitoring is required in What is the affect of on-the-ground activities? Annual compliance Scott Woltering PIBO data – see above Consultation with plans amended by Biological Opions. PIBO Will grazing meet PACFISH standard GM1? monitoring of the range TES Aquatics Regulatory PACFISH and INFISH was created to address program is tied to individual Coordinator Agencies – USFS (this is generally monitoring needs. allotments. PIBO provides [email protected] thought of as the data on a subset of .us interior Columbia allotments to address 503.808.2669 basin) effectiveness of the allotments. All land management Monitoring is required in What is the affect of on-the-ground activities? Annual compliance Joe Moreau PIBO data – see above Consultation with plans amended by Biological Opions. PIBO Will grazing meet PACFISH standard GM1? monitoring of the range TES Aquatics Regulatory PACFISH and INFISH was created to address program is tied to individual Coordinator Agencies – BLM (this is generally monitoring needs. allotments. PIBO provides [email protected] Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? thought of as the data on a subset of interior Columbia allotments to address 503.808.6418 basin) effectiveness of the allotments. All lands administered The biological opinions for Are key biological and physical attributes, Coordination occurs between Kerry Interagency by the Forest Service in salmon, stealhead and bull processes, and functions of upslope, riparian, the IM and EM team and Overton/Tim e/teams/techtran/projects/pac Implementation the range of PACFISH trout within the interior and aquatic systems being degraded, each field unit through Burton – _infishhome.htm Team (IIT) – and INFISH, within the Columbia River basin maintained, or restored within the geographic frequent updates, annual Technical Co- Implementation upper Columbia River identified requirements for range of PACFISH/INFISH? reports, and annual meetings. Leads Describes IM program with Monitoring basin, with the the USDA Forest Service Coordination occurs with the database support, grazing exception of three and USDI Bureau of Land Are management practices related to livestock Regional Deputy Team that PIBO monitoring documents and Forests located in the Management to develop a grazing maintaining or restoring riparian oversees requirements from Implementation IM directives. upper Snake River. All mechanism for vegetation structure and function within the the biological opinions Monitoring lands administered by accountability and oversight geographic range of PACFISH/INFISH? Program, USDA the BLM within for activities that may Forest Service & PACFISH and those influence habitat for these DOI BLM lands outside PACFISH listed fish across the range. that contain bull trout. RMRS, Boise ph: 208-373-4357 [email protected]. us BLM, Boise Ph:208-373-3819 Tim_Burton@blm .gov Gary Smith Aquatic Invasive No regionally 503.808.2914 Plants coordinated effort
BAER (Burned Area BAER is funded through the Are BAER treatments effective in meeting None Steve Howes There is currently no central Burned Area Emergency Response) Annual Appropriations Act objectives described in Burned Area Report R6 Soils Scientist clearinghouse for BAER Emergency Respone program applies to all for Interior and Related FS-2500-8? Are any re-treatments necessary? [email protected] monitoring data. Regional (BAER) NFS and Department of Agencies which provides 503.808.2937 BAER coordinators are Interior lands in the US. funding for emergency exploring several options State and private suppression and including a BAER entities can participate rehabilitation activities. In monitoring website. in assessment efforts 1998, BAER authority was but any proposed expanded to allow treatments are funded monitoring ONLY to through sources other determine effectiveness of than BAER BAER treatments and need for re-treatment. Direction is contained in FSH 2523 and FSH 2509.13. Inventory efforts are Kelli VanNorman USGS has statewide data Aquatic Species Oregon None Where do Oregon spotted frogs exist? coordinated with BLM and (FS) FS data will be in NRIS Assessment - FS USGS Interagency (eventually) Inventory BLM data will be in Coordinator GEOBOB (eventually) [email protected] 503.808.6606
Not developed yet. Intent: Dave Heller Northwest Region Research & Monitoring Programmatic Inventory
Monitoring and Lead Maps of jurisdiction What is the What is the (legal) mandate What questions will this program answer? What are secondary or project specific What coordination is Where are data/reports Survey Programs Entity (if available) geographic area for the monitoring (What are the top management questions questions this program attempts to occurring with other Identify contact stored? covered by the program this attempts to answer?) answer? monitoring efforts person monitoring program? Regional All National Forests in NA 1) Were activities implemented as Most coordination currently [email protected] Most information is retained Restoration OR and WA (this will planned? occurs at the Forest level 503.808.2994 by each National Forest Strategy – FS integrate the NWFP and 2) Were activities/projects effective? PIBO 3) Were there reach/watershed-scale physical/biological changes associated with changes? REO, FS/BLM IRM and the IRDA (Interagency Agreements by the FS and Not developed yet. Intent: What types, IIMB group oversee Jeff Uebel (data Regional data base (IRDA Restoration Activity Restoration Database) BLM with the States of OR where, and when were restoration actions maintenance and steward for data base) Monitoring contains basic and WA to annually report implemented in the Region? How much did coordination of IRDA with IRDA) information on information on federal they cost? Who paid for it? other monitoring/project Assistant Fish aquatic/riparian watershed/salmon restoration tracking efforts. The NWP Program Manager restoration accomplishments. Effectiveness Monitoring 503.808.2847 accomplished by all effort, OWEB, and Federal [email protected] National Forests in OR Caucus (CRB) utilize IRDA and WA from 1998 to as a source of information present. for their analyses/ reporting. Bruce Core aquatic Oregon and Washington NA Still under development Expected to involve McCammon framework (ACS) – US Forest Service lands coordination with several R6 Hydrologist still in development monitoring efforts (e.g., [email protected] BMP, AREMP, PIBO) 503.808.2986