Hertfordshire Minerals & Waste Development Framework

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Hertfordshire Minerals & Waste Development Framework

Item 4 Appendix 1

Hertfordshire Minerals & Waste Development Framework

Annual Monitoring Report

1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

1 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

2 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………..04

Section 1 Introduction………………………………………………………….05 1.1 Overview……………………………………………………... 05 1.2 Purpose of the Report……………………………………….06 1.3 Hertfordshire’s environment and issues………………….. 06 1.4 The Regional Spatial Strategy……………………………...07 1.5 Documents produced by Hertfordshire County Council… 08 1.6 Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Environmental Assessment………………………………………………….. 09

Section 2 Saved Development Plan Policies……………………………… 11 2.1 The Current Development Plan System………………….. 11 2.2 Waste Local Plan…………………………………………….11 2.3 Minerals Local Plan…………………………………………. 12 2.4 County Structure Plan ………………………………………12 2.5 Community Strategy…………………………………………12 2.6 Local Area Agreement……………………………………… .12

Section 3 Minerals and Waste Development Scheme…………………… 13 3.1 Overview……………………………………………………... 13 3.2 Waste Core Strategy & Development Management Policies DPD and Waste Site Allocations Timetables…... 13

Section 4 Aggregates Monitoring…………………………………………… 15 4.1 Overview……………………………………………………... 15 4.2 Hertfordshire’s Permitted Mineral Reserves………………15 4.3 Aggregate Sales for Hertfordshire………………………… 16 4.4 Issues Obtaining Data……………………………………….16

Section 5 Waste Monitoring…………………………………………………... 17 5.1 Overview…………………………………………………….... 17 5.2 Monitoring of Minerals and Waste Planning Applications…………………………………………………... 17 5.3 Municipal Solid Waste Arisings and Treatment 2009/2010…………………………………………………….. 18

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Appendix 1 Saved Policies from the Structure Plan, and the Adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plans…………………………………19 Appendix 2 List of Safeguarded Sites as of September 2011……………… 24 Appendix 3 Mineral Applications Determined (1 April 2010 to 30 September 2011)…………………………………………………..39 Appendix 4 Waste Applications Determined (1 April 2010 to 30 September 2011)…………………………………………………..40 Appendix 5 Minerals and Waste Development Scheme – Re-Submission No.4 May 2011……………………………………………………..53

4 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Executive Summary This is the seventh Annual Monitoring Report (hereafter referred to as AMR) prepared by Hertfordshire County Council. It has been written in accordance with Section 35 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and covers the period from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. All minerals and waste planning applications decided up to 30 September 2011 have also been included.

Since the publication of the last AMR, the county council has revised its Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (hereafter referred to as MWDS). This was to reflect the submission of the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document to the Planning Inspectorate on 27 June, and the timetable for the subsequent examination into the document’s soundness. The revised MWDS also includes the revised production timeline for the Pre-Submission Waste Site Allocations document.

There have been a total of 27 minerals and waste planning applications decided this AMR period, and are listed in Section 5 and appendix 2 and 3.

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview 1.1.1 The planning system was reformed by the introduction of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (hereafter referred to as ‘The Act’). This introduced Minerals and Waste Development Plan Documents (DPDs), Minerals and Waste Development Schemes (MWDS), Statements of Community Involvement (SCI) and Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR). Collectively these documents are known as the Minerals and Waste Development Framework (MWDF).

1.1.2 As part of The Act, all planning authorities were required to submit development schemes in April 2005, which identified the key milestones for the production of the necessary documents. The MWDS sets out which documents the county council intends to produce, the timetable for their production and who will be involved in the production process.

1.1.3 Monitoring and reviewing of plans and policies was an integral part of the new Act and required every local authority to produce an AMR. On 30 March 2011, the Department for Communities and Local Government announced the withdrawal of the following guidance on local plan monitoring:

 Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide (ODPM, 2005),  Annual Monitoring Report FAQs and Emerging Best Practice 2004-05 (ODPM, 2006)  Regional Spatial Strategy and Local Development Framework: Core Output Indicators-Update 2/2008 (CLG, 2008).

1.1.4 Despite the withdrawal of the above monitoring guidance, the government is still committed to local plan monitoring. The draft regulations that accompany the consultation on the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), are suggesting that local authorities should produce ‘Authorities’ Monitoring Reports’. This removes the need to produce a monitoring report on an annual basis, and instead places an emphasis on publishing monitoring information, as soon as possible after the information has become available.

1.1.5 The new Authorities’ Monitoring Reports will still need to include many of the previous monitoring indicators that were contained in past AMRs. This includes a timetable for development plan production, the stage

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the document has reached and the reasons given if a document’s preparation is behind schedule.

1.1.6 Future monitoring reports produced by the county council will therefore continue to include the monitoring indicators that are outlined in this AMR. These provide a vital evidence base for the minerals and waste development framework, and will provide a mechanism for the review of future development plan documents. Until the enactment of the Localism Bill, and the implementation of the new planning regulations, all AMRs will have to be submitted to the Secretary of State.

1.1.7 Within this AMR the following issues will be considered:

 The statutory development plans and their replacement through the framework.  Are the milestones set out within the Hertfordshire MWDS are being met? If not, why not?  Core indicators for minerals and waste.  Issues that need to be addressed before the next AMR.

1.2 Purpose of the report 1.2.1 Currently the AMR is a requirement under The Act and is a means by which the county council shows the milestones that have been met within the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS). If these targets or milestones have not been met, it provides an opportunity to explain why, and to put measures in place to progress.

1.2.2 Prior to the abolition of: Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide (ODPM, 2005) It was a requirement for the AMR to monitor the use of policies in adopted planning documents (be it old style Local Plans or new style Development Plans) and report on the number and type of planning applications dealt with by the county council.

1.2.3 The AMR should cover the period from 1 April to 31 March each year. However, it is customary to give data to as close to submission as possible in order to give an up to date picture. This AMR therefore contains information up to the end of September 2011.

1.3 Hertfordshire’s environment and issues 1.3.1 Hertfordshire prides itself on a high quality environment, including an attractive countryside and thriving towns. Historic buildings and landscapes make a significant contribution to the special character of Hertfordshire and contribute to a rich and varied cultural heritage, which benefits residents and visitors alike.

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1.3.2 Nearly two thirds of the Hertfordshire land area is designated as Green Belt, and also includes the Chiltern Hills to the west and northwest, designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB).

1.3.3 However, both the natural environment and the built environment are subject to pressures, particularly from development and congestion linked to increase levels of traffic. Parts of the east of the county fall within the London–Stansted–Peterborough Corridor Growth Area. Proposals for additional development around Luton and Dunstable could affect North Hertfordshire.

1.3.4 Implications of these characteristics and trends for waste management and mineral extraction include:

 pressures for housing and infrastructure;  consequential generation of construction and demolition waste;  increase in demand for aggregates;  increase in household waste – particularly with the rise in single households and overall increase in household numbers;  increases in commercial and industrial waste;  significant policy shifts towards greater waste minimisation, recovery and recycling of waste;  landfill space running out;  new government legislation and EU directives;  rapidly increasing costs of waste management; and  increasing public expectations. 1.3.5 The county’s road and rail networks are heavily influenced by long distance through-traffic, with large volumes of through movements on roads including the M1, A1(M) and M25, and the East Coast, Midland and West Coast Main Line railway routes. Passengers and employees travelling to and from the two major airports that are just outside of the county’s borders (Stansted and London Luton) in addition to Heathrow provide an additional strain, in particular for Hertfordshire’s radial road and rail network. In particular, east-west passenger transport links are less developed and are in need of improvement.

1.3.6 This complex transport network has significant implications for waste management and mineral extraction, and the feasibility of site selection. Both industries need access to well connected transport networks, for both collection and disposal of waste, transportation of minerals to processing plants and then onto customers which is complicated by the various development pressures outlined above.

1.3.7 In order to reduce the reliance on road transport, the county council will encourage the transport of both minerals and waste by means other

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than road, in particular rail and water. Policies 9 and 10 in the Pre- Submission Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document encourages proposals for new waste management facilities to transport waste by rail and water.

1.4 The Regional Spatial Strategy 1.4.1 The 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, introduced regional spatial strategies (RSS). as a replacement to the county structure plans. The East of England Plan (RSS14), was originally adopted in May 2008, and set out the government’s planning and transport policy for the region for a 15 – 20 year period.

1.4.2 A replacement draft RRS14 was prepared and considered by the regional planning panel on 26 February 2010. The draft, with amendments was then referred to the East of England Regional Assembly (EERA) on 12 March 2010, and was subsequently submitted to the Secretary of State with the intention to publish the document for public consultation purposes.

1.4.3 Following the general election in May 2010 and the forming of a coalition government between the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, the Secretary of State signalled the end of regional spatial strategies. This was formally revoked on 6 July 2010, as part of the new government’s agenda to return decision making powers to councils and local communities.

1.4.4 However, in November 2010, the High Court overturned the Secretary of State’s revocation of regional spatial strategies, as it went beyond his legal powers under the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. Following this decision, the government issued fresh advice stating that the mere intention to abolish regional spatial strategies under the Localism Bill, is a material consideration.

1.5 Documents produced by Hertfordshire County Council 1.5.1 Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, Re-submission No.4 May 2011. The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) was revised in May 2011, in order to reflect the submission of the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document to the Planning Inspectorate for examination. Work continues on the Waste Site Allocations document and this is being progressed through to pre- submission stage

1.5.2 Minerals Local Plan Review-adopted in March 2007. The Minerals Local Plan was adopted under the old development plan system in March 2007. Evidence gathering on the minerals development framework commenced in February 2009 with the consultation on the draft minerals site selection methodology on how potential future mineral sites will be identified. An application to save all the policies

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beyond March 2010 was submitted to the Secretary of State in September 2009, and approved in March 2010.

1.5.3 Statement of Community Involvement-revised in February 2010. The County’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was revised in early 2010, in order to reflect the changes brought about by an amendment to Local Development Framework regulations, which came into force on 27 June 2008. These amendments changed the way in which development plan documents are consulted upon, which ultimately necessitated a revision to the SCI. These changes also removed the need for the SCI to be subjected to examination and to be included in the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, which meant that it was not submitted to Go-East.

1.5.4 Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document. The pre-submission document was consulted upon during November-December 2010. The representations received during that exercise, along with the evidence and pre-submission document, was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 27 June for independent examination.

1.5.5 Waste Site Allocations Development Plan Document. Due to the number of new sites promoted during the issues and preferred options 2 consultation in November 2009, an additional non-statutory omission sites consultation was conducted during the same time as the consultation on the Pre-Submission Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document. Responses received from the issues and preferred options 2 consultation and the omission sites consultation will be used to draft the pre-submission version.

1.5.6 Reporting on the use of policies is an important part of monitoring the part they play in making decisions on planning applications and ensures that any changes needed in policy are identified and an appropriate course of action determined. Once the development plan documents have been adopted, the monitoring of the implementation of the policies will highlight any areas for change. It is an important tool for assessing whether policies should continue to be saved.

1.5.7 A breakdown of the policies used in determining planning applications is included in this report together with a description of the purpose of the policy. This information will go towards creating an evidence base that will be used to assess the effectiveness and relevance of policies in the production of future development plan documents.

1.6 Sustainability Appraisal 1.6.1 Each development plan document will have a Sustainability Appraisal, and Appropriate Assessment Screening.

1.6.2 A Sustainability Appraisal is the method for ensuring that the policies in the minerals and waste development framework reflect sustainable

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development principles. It assesses the potential social, environmental and economic effects of the documents.

1.6.3 The Sustainability Appraisal for the MWDF incorporates the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (2001/42/EU). This requires local planning authorities to carry out formal strategic environmental assessments of the local development documents.

1.6.4 The Appropriate Assessment Screening of plans is required by the European Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). It tests whether a plan is likely to have a significant effect on any European (Natura 2000) sites. Both the minerals local plan and the progressing waste development plan documents have had an appropriate assessment screening.

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2.0 Saved Policies

2.1 The Current Development Plan System 2.1.1 Until the provisions of the Localism Bill have been enacted, which include the abolition of regional spatial strategies, the development plan system introduced in 2004 will continue to be the current planning framework for England. Under the current system, there were various transitional arrangements to ensure that development takes place in accordance with development plan policy, until such a time as the new policies replaced old style plan policies that were saved.

2.1.2 The government have indicated in the draft national planning policy framework document that proposed development will still need to be in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

2.1.3 The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the East of England – RSS14 was adopted in May 2008. In order to ensure that there are still strategic policies for the county, existing Structure Plan policies were ‘saved’ until such a time that new policies in the RSS replaced the Structure Plan policies.

2.1.4 When the RSS was adopted, some of the previous saved policies were replaced by policies in the RSS. This is of particular relevance to the County Structure Plan. A small number of Structure Plan policies remain saved until they are replaced by policies contained within the emerging waste development framework and the respective district local development frameworks.

2.1.5 All adopted local plan policies (both in district local plans and in the minerals and waste local plans) were ‘saved’ for three years or until new development plan documents are produced. Some local plan policies have also been ‘saved’ beyond the three year period.

2.2 Waste Local Plan 2.2.1 The existing waste policies in the Waste Local Plan will be replaced by new policies outlined in the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document, which was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on 27 June. A summary table of existing policies is outlined in Appendix 1 of this AMR.

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2.2.2 The introduction of the 2004 Act has meant that each of these policies was originally ‘saved’ until September 2007. The county council received a direction from the Secretary of State extending the saved period beyond September 2007, until such a time that the policies of the Waste Local Plan will be replaced by new policies in development plan documents.

2.3 Minerals Local Plan 2.3.1 The Minerals Local Plan 2002 – 2016 was adopted in 2007 and the policies are ‘saved’ until replaced by new policies in the Minerals Development Plan Documents. Evidence gathering for the Minerals Development Framework has commenced with the consultation on the draft site selection methodology in February 2009. As previously indicated, all of the policies are saved beyond March 2010.

2.4 County Structure Plan 2.4.1 The adoption of the RSS in May 2008, replaces some policies in the County Structure Plan. However, some Structure Plan policies as set out in Appendix 1 are extant, and are saved until they are replaced by local development framework policies either at the county or district level.

2.5 Community Strategy 2.5.1 Hertfordshire 2021: A Brighter Future was published in June 2008 and covers the period 2008-2021. The document contains a number of themes whereby short term actions and long term objectives have been developed to improve the quality of life of Hertfordshire’s residents within each theme.

2.5.2 To monitor the progress of the actions identified in each theme, the relevant theme partnerships, who are responsible for their delivery, are in the process of developing SMART performance indicators that will enable the short term actions to be measured. It is anticipated that to monitor the longer term objectives, the Place Survey and the Quality of Life report will be used.

2.6 Local Area Agreement 2.6.1 Hertfordshire’s second local area agreement (LAA2) consists of a number of targets aimed at improving the quality of life for residents, during the period 2008-2011. LAA2 replaces the previous agreement which covered the period 2006-2009.

2.6.2 As part of the ‘Promoting Sustainable Development’ strand, there is a requirement to make recycling and composting opportunities easier and consistent for residents across the county, and agreeing where and how to provide new waste processing facilities. There is also a requirement to reduce the % of municipal waste that is land filled.

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2.6.3 The lead for achieving this target will come from the county council’s waste management unit, rather than the waste development plan documents. LAA2 bulletins are regularly published on the Hertfordshire Forward website.

3.0 Minerals and Waste Development Scheme

3.1 Overview 3.1.1 The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) is a project plan and timetable for preparing minerals and waste development plan documents. It will enable anyone to see the local development documents that the county council will be producing and when. This can be monitored by checking the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) to see whether the dates and publication of any development plan documents correspond to the published dates in the scheme.

3.1.2 The MWDS was originally prepared in consultation with the Government Office for the East of England (GO-East), and has subsequently been updated to reflect changes plan production and legislation. The current MWDS was revised in May 2011 in order to reflect the submission of the Pre-Submission Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document to the Planning Inspectorate on 27 June, and the subsequent revised production timetable for the Waste Site Allocations document.

3.1.3 The timetable in the re-submitted MWDS is for a three year period starting January 2011 and covers the period up until the anticipated adoption of the waste development plan documents.

3.1.4 The tables listed in section 3.2, set out the development plan documents that are currently being produced and whether they are on course to meet the milestones set out in the adopted MWDS.

3.2 Waste Core Strategy & Development Policies DPD and Waste Site Allocations Timetables (i) Waste Core Strategy and Development Policies DPD

Key Milestone Date in MWDS- Actual Date December 2008

1. Consideration of January – May As proposed. representations 2011 received during 2010 pre-submission consultation

2. Submission of DPD June – August As proposed. The

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to the Planning 2011 document was Inspectorate submitted on 27 June.

3. Pre-Examination September 2011 As proposed. The pre- Meeting hearing meeting was held on 29 September.

4. Examination into the October 2011 – The examination is DPD’s soundness April 2012. scheduled to take place from 15-29 November.

3.2.1 The representations received during the 2010 consultation were considered and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, along with the pre-submission document and evidence base on 27 June. Whilst it is too early to assess whether the examination period has been met, dates received from the Planning Inspectorate, show that the examination is due to take place during the period allocated on the timetable.

(ii) Waste Site Allocations DPD

Key Milestone Date in MWDS – Actual Date December 2008

1. Preparation of January – October As proposed. submission DPD 2011

2. Public participation November – Too early to assess. on pre-submission December 2011 The pre-submission consultation document is due to be presented to the county council’s panel, cabinet and county council in November.

3.2.2 Representations received during the issues and preferred options 2 consultation in 2009 and the omission sites consultation in 2010, have been taken into account during the preparation of the pre-submission document. Due to the availability of dates for panel, cabinet and county council in November, and subject to approval, it is likely that the pre- submission consultation will commence in January 2012.

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4.0 Aggregates Monitoring

4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Guidance contained in the document: Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide published by the ODPM in 2005, stipulated that minerals planning authorities should monitor the core output indicators for the production of primary and secondary/recycled aggregates.

4.1.2 Although the Department for Communities and Local Government officially withdrew this guidance in March 2011, it is the county council’s intention to continue monitoring these core output indicators, as the letter of withdrawal gives local planning authorities the freedom to decide what to include in each monitoring report.

4.1.3 Hertfordshire’s annual apportionment figure, approved by the regional planning panel for the East of England, was previously 1,990,000 tonnes per annum, and covered the period 2001-2016. However, the government announced revised requirements for national and regional aggregates provision, which are lower than the previous requirements.

4.1.4 As part of the previous government’s review of the East of England Plan, the sub-regional apportionment for Hertfordshire was recommended to be 1,400,000 tonnes per annum. Publication in September 2011 of the national and local guidelines for aggregate provision in England from 2005 to 2020, has confirmed that the total apportionment figure for Hertfordshire is 22,240,000 tonnes. This equates to 1,390,000 tonnes per annum over the 16 year period.

4.1.5 However, since it is the current government’s intention to abolish regional spatial strategies, the apportionment figure has therefore been set locally, and is now 1,390,000 tonnes per annum for Hertfordshire.

4.2 Hertfordshire’s Permitted Mineral Reserves 4.2.1 Permitted reserves in the county were 10,786,000 tonnes at the end of 2010. This equates to a landbank of 7.76 years and represents a slight surplus in the 7 year landbank required by policy, when calculated against the county’s revised apportionment figure of 1,390,000 tonnes per annum.

4.2.2 Following a resolution to grant planning permission in May 2007, a decision notice was finally issued in February 2011, for the extraction

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of sand and gravel at Tyttenhanger Quarry, on land identified as Preferred Area No.3, in the Minerals Local Plan Review 2002-2016. This application allows for an additional 7,100,000 tonnes of sand and gravel to be extracted.

4.2.3 Based on the current apportionment of 1,390,000 tonnes per annum and the permitted reserve figure for 2010, an additional 7,100,000 tonnes would increase the county’s landbank to 12.86. However, the additional sand and gravel reserve at Tyttenhanger will not be formally added to the county’s permitted landbank until the following AMR, when the permitted reserve figure for 2011 has been calculated.

4.3 Aggregate Sales for Hertfordshire 4.3.1 Listed below are the aggregate sales for Hertfordshire from 2001 to 2010 (latest available figure). These are based on aggregate monitoring returns provided by industry to the county council. 1. 2001: 1,674,000 tonnes 2. 2002: 1,539,000 tonnes 3. 2003: 1,260,000 tonnes 4. 2004: 1,047,000 tonnes 5. 2005: 965,238 tonnes 6. 2006: 1,230,885 tonnes 7. 2007: 1,010,466 tonnes 8. 2008: 988,517 tonnes 9. 2009: 1,214,306 tonnes 10. 2010: 1,172,890 tonnes

4.3.2 Collated data shows that aggregate sales for 2010 have decreased slightly by nearly 42,000 tonnes over the previous year (2009). However, sales are still higher when compared to the preceding two years (2007 and 2008).

4.3.3 From the returns received, aggregate recycling totalled 123,760 tonnes during 2010.

4.4 Issues Obtaining Data 4.4.1 Historically, there have been difficulties in obtaining both mineral and waste data and this problem is recognised nationally. Currently, data availability, quality and timelines on waste arisings and management, varies widely between waste streams. Some data is available after the end of the relevant period and some data is not available at all. A lot of the data that is available is unfortunately inaccurate, inconsistent and incomplete.

4.4.2 The county council is part of a regional data sub group, working towards carrying out better surveys in order to inform the waste development plan documents and provide better input to the surveys carried out at a regional level. It is hoped that in the years to come the

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data available for both minerals and waste will be more available and consistent.

5.0 Waste Monitoring

5.1 Overview 5.1.1 In order to meet the requirements of PPS10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, and to achieve county self-sufficiency, there are a number of key factors driving the need for change in the way Hertfordshire’s waste will need to be managed in the future, including:

 Significant policy shifts towards greater waste minimisation, recovery and recycling of waste;  Rapidly reducing landfill space;  New government legislation and EU directives;  Rapidly increasing costs of waste management; and  Increasing public expectations.

5.2 Monitoring of Minerals and Waste Planning Applications 5.2.1 Although the ‘Local Development Framework Monitoring: A Good Practice Guide’ (ODPM, 2005) has been officially withdrawn, the county council still intends to monitor the number of new waste management facilities by type and capacity. This is in order to provide a robust evidence base for the waste development framework, and to ensure that the waste capacity needs of the county are being met.

5.2.2 The table below lists the additional capacity of waste facilities by type that have been approved during the period 1 April 2010 to 30 September 2011. Appendix 2 and 3 lists all minerals and waste planning applications that were decided by the county council during this period, which equates to a total of 27 applications.

Waste Facility Type Number of Additional New Tonnage per Facilities annum

Waste Transfer Station (commercial & industrial and 4 110,340 construction & demolition)

Metal Recycling Facility 2 51,000

18 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Wood-Waste Biomass-Fuelled 1 60,000 Renewable Energy Plant

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (municipal solid waste, commercial 1 75,000 & industrial and construction & demolition)

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) 1 78,000 (green waste only.)

Deep Clamp Composting 1 5,000

In-Vessel Composting 1 10,000

5.3 Municipal Solid Waste Arisings and Treatment 2010/2011 5.3.1 In addition to the monitoring requirements laid down in paragraph 5.2.1, this AMR also monitors the county’s municipal solid waste arisings and treatment for the period 2010/2011. This is in order to measure the types of waste treated within the county, and more importantly, to analyse the county’s recycling rates, to ensure that Hertfordshire is progressing towards meeting national and local recycling targets, and moving waste management up the waste hierarchy.

5.3.2 The table below lists actual municipal solid waste arisings and treatment for the period 2010/2011. These figures have been obtained from the county council’s Waste Management Unit in August 2010.

Treatment Tonnage Percentage

Recycled 131,083 24.3%

Composted 123,220 23%

Recovered 41,318 7.7%

Landfilled 241,847 45.0%

Total 537,468 100%

5.3.3 In 2010/2011, 47.3% of municipal solid waste was recycled and composted, with a further 7.7% recovered. This gives a total of 55%, an increase of 5.6% on the equivalent combined figure for 2009/2010.

5.3.4 Hertfordshire has therefore exceeded the national target of recycling and composting 50% of household waste by 2020, and the local target

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set out in the Hertfordshire Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy to recycle at least 50% of household waste by 2012.

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Appendix 1 – Saved Policies from the Structure Plan, and the Adopted Minerals and Waste Local Plans

Hertfordshire County Council Structure Plan These policies were listed in the Secretary of State’s Saving Direction, which was issued in September 2007. These policies will remain saved until they are in turn superseded by policies that will be included in the local development framework documents.

Policy Number County Structure Plan Policy

3 Comprehensive settlement appraisals

15 Key employment sites

24 Environment traffic zones

35 County transport schemes

52 Safeguarding of mineral resources

21 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Waste Local Plan 1995 – 2005 (Adopted January 1999) The table below sets out the Waste Local Plan ‘saved’ policies that will be superseded by corresponding new policies within the Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies document .

Saved Hertfordshire WLP Policies Superseding WCSDM Policies Strategic Policies Waste Policy 1 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16 Waste Policy 2 1, 2, 4 Waste Policy 3 11, 7 Waste Policy 4 1, 2, 8 Waste Policy 5 8, 12 Re-use, Recycling and

Composting Waste Policy 7 8, 11, 12, 16 Waste Policy 8 11 Waste Policy 9 11 Waste Policy 10 1, 7, 11 Waste Policy 11 1, 2 Waste Policy 12 1 Waste Policy 13 4, 9, 10, 12 Waste Policy 14 4, 12 Waste Policy 15 4, 12 Waste Policy 16 1, 3 Waste Policy 17 8, 12 Waste Policy 18 2 Waste Reduction Facilities and

Energy Recovery Waste Policy 19 6, 12 Waste Policy 20 6 Landfill Waste Policy 21 1, 2, 8, 12, 16 Waste Policy 22 6, 8 Waste Policy 23 1, 2, 8 Landraising Waste Policy 24 8 Difficult and Special Wastes Waste Policy 25 12 Clinical Waste Waste Policy 26 12 Waste Policy 27 1, 6, 12 Waste Water Waste Policy 28 1, 4, 10, 12, 16

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Saved Hertfordshire WLP Policies Superseding WCSDM Policies

Scrap Metal Waste Policy 29 1, 4, 12, 16 Waste by Water Waste Policy 30 9 Waste Policy 31 9, 10, 12 Chilterns AONB Waste Policy 32 16 General Impact on the Wider

Landscape Waste Policy 33 12, 18, 19 Waste Policy 34 12, 18, 19 Nature Conservation Waste Policy 35 12, 17, 18, 19 Heritage Features Waste Policy 36 17, 18 Waste Policy 37 17. 18 Site on Agricultural Land Waste Policy 38 18, 19 Recreation and Rights of Way Waste Policy 39 15, 18 Noise from Waste Management

Operations Waste Policy 40 11, 12 Prevention of Water Pollution Waste Policy 41 8, 12, 14, 16 Waste Policy 42 11, 13, 16 Traffic Waste Policy 43 9, 10 Relationship to Other Land Uses Waste Policy 44 14 Form and Standard of Restoration Waste Policy 45 8, 12, 16 Restoration Schemes Waste Policy 46 8, 12, 16

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Minerals Local Plan 2002 – 2016 (Adopted March 2007) This table outlines the existing saved Minerals Local Plan policies. These policies, were ‘saved’ by a Direction of the Secretary of State in March 2010, and have therefore remained part of the Development Plan for Hertfordshire.


Status: R – to be replaced

Policy Saved Policy Saved Policy By which No. Status DPD

1 Aggregates Supply R CS

2 Need for Mineral Working R CS

3 Sites for Sand and Gravel R CS Extraction and the Working of Preferred Areas

4 Applications Outside Preferred R CS Areas

5 Mineral Sterilisation R CS

6 Other Non-Energy Minerals R CS

7 Secondary and Recycled Materials R CS

8 Recycling Facilities on Mineral R CS Sites

9 Contribution to Biodiversity R CS

10 Railheads and Wharves R CS

11 Cumulative Impact R CS

12 Landscape R CS

13 Reclamation Scheme R CS

14 Afteruse R CS

15 Landfill R CS

16 Transport R CS

24 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Policy Saved Policy Saved Policy By which No. Status DPD

17 Criteria for the Control of Mineral R CS Development to Protect Critical Capital and Other Environmental Assets

18 Operational Criteria for the Control R CS of Mineral Development

19 Enforcement of Planning Control R CS

25 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Appendix 2 – List of Safeguarded Sites as of September 2011

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

Broxbourne Charlton Mead Charlton Mead Lane, Waste transfer Lane Hoddesdon station.

Broxbourne Council Depot- Broxbourne Borough District council Broxbourne Council Depot, New depot. (Fairways) River Trading Estate, Waltham Cross, EN8 0NP

Broxbourne Dobbs Weir Lafarge Aggregates Dormant sand & Quarry Ltd, Dobbs Weir gravel quarry. Quarry, Nazeing New Road, Broxbourne EN10 6TD

Broxbourne Essex Road Froom & Co Ltd, Waste transfer Essex Road, station and chemical Hoddesdon, EN11 treatment facility. 0AT

Broxbourne Global House Global House, Receipt, transfer and Geddings Road, receipt of asbestos. Hoddesdon EN11 0AT

Broxbourne H Dent & Sons H Dent & Sons, Waste transfer Wharf Road, station. Wormley EN10 6HE

Broxbourne Hoddesdon Ingrebourne Valley Sand & gravel quarry Quarry Ltd, Hoddesdon and inert landfill. Quarry, Cock Lane, (permission expires Hoddesdon EN11 on 31-12-2012) 8LS

Broxbourne HWRC HWRC, Pindar Road, Household Waste Hoddesdon Hoddesdon EN11 Recycling Centre. 0DA

Broxbourne HWRC HWRC, Brookfield Household Waste Turnford Farm, New River Recycling Centre. Trading Estate, Waltham Cross, EN8 0NP

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

26 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Broxbourne Land at Bridge Land at Bridge Metal waste transfer Works Works, Hoddesdon station.

Broxbourne Land at Land at Ratty’s Lane, Thermal treatment Ratty’s Lane Hoddesdon and anaerobic digestion facility.

Broxbourne New Ford C Porter Ltd, Waste transfer Road/Britannia Britannia Road, station and materials Road Waltham Cross EN8 recovery facility. 7PE

Broxbourne Unit 23 Monro Unit 23 Monro Waste transfer Trading Estate Trading Estate, station and materials Station Approach, recovery facility. Waltham Cross EN8 7LX

Dacorum Billet Lane Billet Lane, Compound for the Bekhamsted HP4 receipt, storage and 1DP consignment of asbestos waste.

Dacorum Bovingdon Bovingdon Clay extraction Brickworks Brickworks Ltd, quarry and inert Leyhill Road, landfill Bovingdon HP3 0NW (permission expires on 31-12-2027).

Dacorum Lodge Way, Chesham Road, Scrap metal and Chesham Tring, Wiggington waste transfer Road HP23 6JE station.

Dacorum Council Depot- Dacorum Borough District council Cupid Green Council Depot, depot. Redbourn Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7BA

Dacorum HWRC HWRC, Northbridge Household Waste Berkhamsted Road, Berkhamsted Recycling Centre. HP4 1EF

Dacorum HWRC Cupid HWRC, Eastman Household Waste Green Way, Hemel Recycling Centre. Hempstead HP2 7DU

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

27 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Dacorum Land at Mark JF Bishop & Son, Waste transfer Road Bishops Yard, station and depot. Bishops House, Mark (certificate of Road, Hemel lawfulness) Hempstead HP2 7BW

Dacorum Maxted Close Holywell Haulage, Covered waste Maxted Close, Hemel transfer station and Hempstead HP2 7DX recycling centre.

Dacorum STW STW Berkhamsted, Sewage Treatment Berkhamsted London Road, Works Berkhamsted

Dacorum STW STW Caddington, Sewage Treatment Caddington Windmill Road, Works Markyate

Dacorum STW Great STW Great Sewage Treatment Gaddesden Gaddesden, Pipers Works Hill, Great Gaddesden

Dacorum STW Markyate STW Markyate, Sewage Treatment London Road, Works Markyate

Dacorum STW Studham STW Studham, Sewage Treatment Byslips Road, Works Dunstable

Dacorum STW Tring STW Tring, Ting Sewage Treatment Ford Road, Tring Works

Dacorum Sunderlands Sunderlands Yard, Sealed container to Yard Church Lane, King’s store asbestos Langley awaiting transfer to landfill site.

East Herts A.H. Nicholls A.H. Nicholls & Sons Environment Agency & Sons Ltd, Etteridge Farm, Licence. Pembridge Lane, Broxbourne, EN10 7QP

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

East Herts Anstey Chalk Anstey Quarry Co. Extraction of chalk

28 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Pit Ltd, Anstey Quarry, and inert waste Buntingford, SG9 recycling. 0BU (permission expires on 31-12-2013)

East Herts Barley Croft Barley Croft Works, Wood pallet Works Furneux Pelham, shredding operation. Buntingford SG9 0LL (district permission)

East Herts Buttermilk Hall Park ‘N’ Load, Waste transfer Farm Buttermilk Hall Farm, station Baldock Road, Buntingford, SG9 9RH

East Herts Cole Green B & T Motor Salvage, End of life vehicle Service Cole Green, Hertford disposal. Station SG14 2NL (district permission)

East Herts HWRC HWRC, Dunmow Household Waste Bishop’s Road, Bishop’s Recycling Centre. Stortford Stortford CM23 5RG

East Herts HWRC HWRC, Watermill Household Waste Buntingford Industrial Estate, Recycling Centre. Buntingford SG9 9JS

East Herts HWRC Cole HWRC, A414, Household Waste Green Holwell Recycling Centre.

East Herts HWRC HWRC, Westmill Household Waste Westmill Road, Ware Recycling Centre.

East Herts Land off Eco Aggregates, Inert waste Birchall Lane Birchall Lane, Cole recycling/soil Green SG14 2NR washing facility (permission expires on 4-1-2013).

East Herts Lower Hatfield Express Ashphalt, Inert waste recycling. Road/Skinners Lower Hatfield Road, (certificate of Hertford, SG13 8LE lawfulness)

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

East Herts Mead Lane, Bridgemans, Mill Waste transfer and Hertford Road, Hertford SG14

29 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

1SA storage of skips. (permission expires on 31-10-2011)

East Herts Much Hadham Much Hadham Waste transfer Depot Depot, Much station. Hadham SG10 6HL

East Herts Pole Hole Frank Lyons Plant Sand & gravel quarry Quarry Services, Gatehouse and inert landfill. Green, Gransmore (permission expires Green, Felstead, on 21-2-2042) CM6 3LB

East Herts Rickneys Hanson Quarry Sand & gravel quarry Quarry Products Europe Ltd, and inert landfill. Rickneys Quarry, (temporarily Sacombe Road, permitted for 6 years Hertford upon commencement of extraction)

East Herts STW STW Bramfield, Sewage treatment Bramfield Hollygrove Road, works Bramfield

East Herts STW STW Braughing Sewage treatment Braughing works

East Herts STW STW Brickendon, Sewage treatment Brickendon Famshaws Lane, works Brickendon

East Herts STW STW Buntingford, Sewage treatment Buntingford Aspenden Road, works Buntingford

East Herts STW STW Chapmore End, Sewage treatment Chapmore Tonwell, Chapmore works End End

East Herts STW, Cottered STW Cottered, Sewage treatment Stocking Hill, works Cottered, Buntingford

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

East Herts STW Dane STW Dane End, Sewage treatment

30 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

End Munden Road, Ware works

East Herts STW Furneux STW Furenux Sewage treatment Pelham Pelham, Furneux works Pelham, Buntingford

East Herts STW Little STW Little Sewage treatment Berkhamstead Berkhamstead, works. Breach Lane, Little Berkhamstead

East Herts STW Rye STW Rye Mead, Sewage treatment. Meads Thames Water PLC, works Stanstead Abbottss, Ware, SG12 8JY

East Herts STW Standon STW Standon, Paper Sewage treatment Mill Lane, Standon works.

East Herts STW Widford STW Widford, Pegs Sewage treatment Lane, Ware works.

East Herts Sunnyside East Herts Council District council Depot, Baldock depot. Road, Buntinfgford, SG9 9ER

East Herts The Nurseries, The Nurseries, Green waste Green Tye Green Tye, Much digester, tipping pad Hadham, SG10 6JJ and silo to produce bio gas.

East Herts Ware Quarry Ware Quarry, Landfill gas plant. Landfill Gas Westmill Road, Ware Plant

East Herts Waterhall Bunkers Hill Pit, Inert landfill. Quarry Water Hall Quarry, (permission expires (Bunker’s Hill) Lower Hatfield Road, on 31-11-2014) Hertford, SG13 8LE

East Herts Waterhall SQ Environmental, Materials recovery Quarry (Plant Lower Hatfield Road, facility (linked to site) Hertford SG13 8LF Bunkers Hill landfill). (permission expires on 31-11-2014)

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

31 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

East Herts Westmill Cemex UK Ltd, Sand & gravel quarry Quarry Westmill, Ware, and municipal SG12 0ES landfill. (permission expires on 31-12-2017)

Hertsmere Council Depot- Hertsmere Borough District Council Cranborne Council Depot, Depot. Road Cranborne Road, Potters Bar EN6 3JN

Hertsmere HWRC Elstree Household Waste Household Waste Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Allum Lane, Elstree, Borehamwood WD6 3NL

Hertsmere HWRC Potters Household Waste Household Waste Bar Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Cranborne Road, Potters Bar EN6 3JN

Hertsmere Land at Land at Cranborne Waste transfer Cranborne Road, Potters Bar station- Road biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

Hertsmere Land at Reviva Composting In-vessel Elstree Hill Ltd, Land at Elstree composting. South Hill South, adjacent to A41 bypass, Elstree

Hertsmere Land at Agrivert Ltd, Redwell In-vessel Redwell Wood Wood Farm, Ridge, composting. Farm, Ridge Potters Bar, EN6 (permission expires 3NA on 31-12-2034)

Hertsmere STW Thames Water PLC, Sewage treatment Blackbirds Oakridge Lane, works. Lane Aldenham, Watford WD25 8BT

Hertsmere STW Shenley STW Shenley, Sewage treatment Mimms Lane, Ridge, works. Potters Bar, EN6 3LY

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

32 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Hertsmere Tyttenhanger Lafarge Aggregates Sand & gravel quarry Quarry Ltd, Courser’s Road, and inert landfill. Colney Heath, St. (permission expires Albans AL4 0PF on 31-12-2032)

North Herts Burymead Land at Burymead Waste transfer Road Road, Hitchin, SG5 station. 1RT

North Herts Codicote Codicote Quarry Ltd, Chalk quarry. Quarry Codicote Quarry, St. (permission expires Albans Road, on 21-2-2042) Codicote, Hitchin SG4 8SP

North Herts Cumberlow Cumberlow’s, Composting. Green Farm Cumberlow Green Farm, Nr. Buntingford SG9 0QD

North Herts Eaglens, Unit Eaglens, 5, Hullocks Waste transfer 5 Pit Hill, Newnham, station. Baldock, SG7 5JX

North Herts Goodwins Shanks Hitchin Waste transfer Yard Waste Transfer station. Station, Burymead Road, Hitchin, SG5 1RT

North Herts H Williams & Metal and Waste Metal recycling. Sons Ltd Recycling Ltd, Wallace Way, Hitchin, SG4 0SE

North Herts Hitchin Sludge Hitchin Sludge Sewage treatment Treatment Treatment Centre, works. Centre Cadwell Crossing, Hitchin

North Herts HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Letchworth Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Blackhorse Road, Lethworth Garden City, SG6 1HB

33 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

North Herts HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Royston Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Beverley Close, York Way, Royston

North Herts Jacks Hill, Brycelands Removal Waste recycling Graveley Ltd, Jacks Hill, Great facility. North Road, Hitchin, SG4 7EQ

North Herts Land adjacent Envirowaste (Inc) Waste transfer to the B197, Ltd/Stevenage Skips, recycling facility. North of Land adjacent to the Graveley B197, North of Graveley

North Herts Land at Biogen (UK) Ltd, Anaerobic digester. Bygrave Land at Bygrave Lodge Lodge Farm, Nr Baldock, SG7 6QX

North Herts Rail depot, Cemex UK, Rail Waste transfer Hitchin Depot, Walsworth station. Road, Hitchin, SG4 9UL

North Herts Rush Green Rush Green Motors, End of life vehicle Motors Langley, Hitchin, facility. (workshop) SG4 7PQ

North Herts S B Wheeler & SITA Metal Recycling Metal Recycling. Sons Ltd Ltd, Cadwell Lane, Hitchin

North Herts STW STW Ashbrook, Sewage treatment Ashbrook Ashbrook, St. works. Ippolitts

North Herts STW Ashwell STW Ashwell, North Sewage treatment of Bluegates Farm, works. Ashwell

North Herts STW Barkway STW Barkway, Sewage treatment Nuthampstead Road, works. Barkway, Royston

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

34 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

North Herts STW Barley STW Barley, East of Sewage treatment Cambridge Road, works. Barley

North Herts STW STW Breachwood Sewage treatment Breachwood Green, Lower Road, works. Green Breachwood Green

North Herts STW Hexton STW Hexton Sewage treatment works.

North Herts STW Hitchin STW Hitchin, Sewage treatment Burymead Road, works. Hitchin

North Herts STW Holwell STW Holwell Sewage treatment works.

North Herts STW Kimpton STW Kimpton Road, Sewage treatment Road Codicote, Hitchin works.

North Herts STW STW Letchworth, Sewage treatment Letchworth Stotfold Road, works. Letchworth

North Herts STW STW Newnham Sewage treatment Newnham works.

North Herts STW Sandon STW Sandon Sewage treatment works.

North Herts STW Westone STW Westone, Halls Sewage treatment Green, Westone works.

North Herts STW Whitwell STW Whitwell, Sewage treatment Codicote Road, works. Hitchin SG4 8AB

North Herts The New Barn Veolia Environmental Recyclables bulking J10 A1(M) Services, The New facility. Barn, Radwell, Baldock, SG7 5EW

North Herts TOC TOC Recyling Ltd, Metal recycling. Recycling Ltd Dog Kennel Farm, Lilley Bottom, Lilley, Luton, LU2 8LQ

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

35 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

North Herts Vicar’s Grove, Vicar’s Grove Highways depot. St Ippolyts Highways depot, Gosmore, Hitchin SG4 7QU

North Herts 5 Hunting 5, Hunting Gate, Waste recycling Gate Hitchin, SG4 0TJ facility.

St. Albans Acrewood Pearce Recycling Waste transfer Way waste Group Ltd, Acrewood station. station & Way, St. Albans AL4 depot 0JZ

St. Albans Appspond Wood Recycling Manure and green Lane Services Ltd, waste composting/ Appspond Lane, wood chipping. Potters Crouch, St. Albans AL2 3NL

St. Albans Council depot- MRS Environmental, District Council St. Albans Ronsons Way, St. depot. Albans AL4 9XR

St. Albans Harper Lane Lafarge Aggregates Open air materials (rail loop) Ltd, Harper Lane, recovery facility. Radlett, WD7 7HX

St. Albans Harper Lodge KT Ivory PLC, Harper Waste transfer Farm Lane, Radlett, WD7 station. 7HU

St. Albans HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Harpenden Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Grove Road, Harpenden, AL5 1PX

St. Albans HWRC St. Household Waste Household Waste Albans Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Ronsons Way, Sandridge, St. Albans AL4 9QT

St. Albans John Hill & John H Hill and Son Environment Agency Sons Ltd, Fish Street, licence. Redbourn, St. Albans AL3 7LP

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

36 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

St. Albans Redbournbury Veolia UK Ltd, Special waste Special Waste Redbourn Road, St. transfer facility. Site Albans AL3 6RP

St. Albans Smallford Smallford Lane, Environment depot/works Smallford, St. Agency licence. Albans, AL4 0SA

St. Albans STW Harpenden STW Harpenden, Sewage treatment Piggottshill Lane, works. Harpenden, AL5 5UN

St. Albans STW STW Sewage treatment Wheathampstead Wheathampstead, works. Meads Lane, Wheathampstead

St. Albans STW STW Sewage treatment Wheathampstead Wheathampstead, works. Meads Lane, Wheathampstead

Stevenage 102 Leyden 102 Leyden Road, Materials recovery Road Stevenage SG1 facility. 2BW

Stevenage Alchemy Metals Alchemy Metals Ltd, Metal recycling Ltd Cavendish Point, facility. Cavendish Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2EU

Stevenage Council Depot- Stevenage Borough District council Stevenage Council Depot, depot and end of Cavendish Road, life vehicle facility. Stevenaage SG1 2ET

Stevenage Former R Bain A1 BM Ltd End of life vehicle Scaffolding Site Cavendish Road, processing facility. Stevenage SG1 2ET

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

37 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Stevenage HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Stevenage Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre Caxton Way, Stevenage, SG1 2UR

Stevenage Land at Caswell Land at Caswell Waste transfer House House, Cavendish station for asbestos Road, Stevenage only. SG1 2ET

Stevenage Langley Sidings Lafarge Aggregates Rail aggregates Ltd, London Road, depot. Stevenage, SG1 1XF

Stevenage Leyden Road PHS Waste Waste transfer Management, facility for Leyden Road, hazardous/difficult Stevenage, SG1 wastes. 2BW

Three Rivers Associated Associated Asbestos Asbestos removal Asbestos Removal Ltd. and management Removal Ltd Railway Terrace, services. WD4 8JE

Three Rivers HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Rickmansworth Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. Dark Lane, Potters Bar AL5 1QA

Three Rivers HWRC Household Waste Household Waste Waterdale Recycling Centre, Recycling Centre. St. Albans Road, Watford, WD25 0PR

Three Rivers Kings Langley Kings Langley Salt storage barns. Depot Depot, Railway Terrace, Kings Langley, WD4 8JE

Three Rivers STW Maple Thames Water PLC, Sewage treatment Lodge Denham Way, Maple works. Lodge, Rickmansworth, WD3 9SQ

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

38 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Three Rivers Waterdale Waterdale Waste Anaerobic digester Transfer Station, St. and sewage Albans Road, treatment works. Watford, WD25 0PR

Watford 275 Sheepcot Green Resource WEEE and waste Lane Recycling Ltd, 275 transfer station. Sheepcot Lane, Watford, WD25 7DL

Watford Cardiff Road Metal Recycling Ltd, Recycling depot. (Unit 16) Cardiff Road Indistrial Estate, Watford, WD18 0DG

Watford Caxton Way ASP Packaging Ltd, Waste Caxton Way, management Watford WD18 8UA station.

Watford Colne Way Colne Way Waste transfer Industrial, Estate, station. Watford, WD25 9WY

Watford Council depot- Watford Borough District council Watford Council, Wiggenhall depot. Road, Watford, WD18 0FB

Watford Orphanage Road London Concrete Rail aggregates Rail Aggregates Ltd, Imperial Way, depot. Depot Watford, WD24 4PP

Welwyn 34 Burrowfields The Honeywagon Bunded storage Hatfield Co., Burrowfield, facility for non- Welwyn Garden hazardous liquid City, AL7 4SR waste.

Welwyn 50-52 Burrowfield Waste, Waste transfer Hatfield Burrowfields Burrowfield, Welwyn station and bailing Garden City, AL7 facility. 4SR

Welwyn Burnside BP Mitchell Haulage Waste transfer Hatfield Contractors Ltd, station and Hertford Road, concrete batching Hatfield AL9 5RB plant.

District Site Name Site Address Facility Type

39 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Welwyn Burnside Peter Brother’s Recycling of Hatfield Hertford Road, builder’s waste. Hatfield AL9 5RB

Welwyn Chas Storer Chas Storer Ltd, Bulking and storage Hatfield Coopers Lane, of green waste. Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4NE

Welwyn Morrell Court Morrell Court, Waste transfer Hatfield Brownfields, Welwyn station. Garden City, AL7 1AY

Welwyn STW Hatfield Thames Water PLC, Sewage treatment Hatfield Hertford Road, works. Hatfield, AL9 5PE

Welwyn STW Mill Green STW Mill Green, Mill Sewage treatment Hatfield Green, Hatfield AL9 works. 5PD

Welwyn Suttons Farm, Cemex UK, Suttons Landfill (inert Hatfield Coopers Green Farm Landfill, waste). Hatfield Quarry, Coopers Green Lane, Hatfield.

Welwyn Tewin Road Serco Local District council Hatfield Depot Government, Tewin depot. Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1BD

Welwyn Unit 2 Alpha Sovchem Metal Metal recycling Hatfield Business Park Waste Reclamation, facility. Travellers Lane, North Mimms, Hatfield AL9 7HF

Welwyn Welwyn Garden Welwyn Garden City End of life vehicle Hatfield City Metals Ltd Metals Ltd, Tewin dismantler. Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1BD

40 Appendix 3 – Mineral Applications Determined (1 April 2010 to 30 September 2011).

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Symondshyde Cemex UK Ltd 6/1430-10 Variation of condition 5 of Approved MLP 11, 12, N/A Farm, Coopers planning permission 6/0439-03 to 21-09-2010 13, 14, 15, Green Lane, amend the phased method of 16, 18, 19 Hatfield, working. Hertfordshire

Tyttenhanger Lafarge 8/1353-06 Eastern extension of existing Approved MLP 1, 2, 3, 500,000 Quarry, Coursers Aggregates quarry south of Coursers Road 23-02-2011 9, 11 (total additional Road and progressive restoration using sand and gravel inert fill material reserve is 7,100,000)

Westmill Quarry, Cemex UK 3/0979-11 Variation of conditions 8 (Method Approved MLP 12, 18 N/A Westmill Road, of Working) and 16 (Scheme for 29-09-2011 Ware, Acoustic Bund) of planning Hertfordshire, permission 3/1181-97 to amend SG12 0ES the method of working and the acoustic bund

41 Appendix 4 – Waste Applications Determined (1 April 2010 to 30 September 2011).

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Orphanage Road London 9/0882-07 Variation of condition 10 of Approved No Waste N/A Goods Yard, Concrete planning permission 9/0367-06 12-04-2010 Local Plan Watford Junction, for an increase in vehicle policies Watford movements were used

Mead Lane, J Bridgeman 3/0244-10 Continued use of land as a Approved WLP 1, 2, 13,640 Hertford SG13 7AA and Son Ltd waste transfer station including 20-04-2010 13, 40, 41, (C&D: 7,540 the storage of skips, skip lorries (temporarily 43 C&I: 6,100) and associated buildings at permitted Waste Transfer Station. until 31-10- 2011)

Land at Cattlegate D Williams & 6/0453-10 Proposed change of use of part Approved WLP 1, 2, 5,000 Farm, Cattlegate Sons of farm yard to accommodate 27-05-2010 14, 33, 34, Road, Enfield, imported biodegradable wastes 36, 37, 39, Middlesex, EN2 to create compost for use on 41, 43 8AU land forming part of the farming operation undertaken.

42 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Blackbirds Farm, Blackbirds 0/0243-10 Application for importation of Approved WLP 1, 6, 7, N/A Blackbirds Lane, Farm 1,000 cubic meters of subsoil to 03-06-2010 24, 33, 34, Aldenham WD25 create a mound to screen a 39, 40, 43, 8BS consented hay barn 44, 46

82-86 Maxted Holywell 4/01701- Extension and new layout of Approved WLP 1, 2, 30,000 Close, Hemel Haulage Ltd 08 the Waste Transfer Station at 22-07-2010 13, 39, 40, (construction & Hempstead HP2 82 &86 Maxted Close; increase 41, 42, 43 demolition) 7EG in vehicle movements to 200 (an increase from (Monday to Friday) and 140 45,000) movements on Saturdays and annual tonnage to 75,000

Bishops Yard, J.F. Bishop & 4/0727-10 Retention of the existing Refused No Waste N/A Bishops House, Son boundary fence, including the 23-07-2010 Local Plan Mark Road, Hemel scaffolding and netting policies Hempstead, HP2 were used 7BW

43 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Marsh Lane, Ware, Mentmore 3/0819-10 Proposed change of use of the Refused WLP 1, 2, N/A Hertfordshire Holdings Ltd site to sui generis (waste 28-06-2010 12, 13, 25, recycling) to include the 35, 40, 41, erection of a waste building and 42, 43, 44 covered storage areas, the creation of a widened access and associated works on the land adjacent to the Day Care Centre

Waterhall Quarry, SQ 3/1310-09 Variation of condition 34 and Approved WLP 33, 34, N/A Lower Hatfield Environmental consequential changes to 01-10-2010 35, 38, 39, Road, Hertford conditions 33, 43, 47, 48 and 42, 45, 46 SG13 8LF 49 of planning permission 3/0842-04 to increase levels at Southfield Wood landfill

44 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Cavendish Point, Alchemy 2/0356-10 Proposed change of use of Approved WLP 1, 2, 26,000 Cavendish Road, Metals Ltd existing building from storage 22-10-2010 12, 29, 40, (Metal Recycling) Stevenage and distribution depot to 43 premises for the collection, processing, recycling, storage and redistribution of waste metals to include minor alterations to the existing buildings, new access, weighbridge, new perimeter fencing/walling, revised and additional car parking, landscaping and related ancillary facilities

ASM Metal ASM Metal 8/1594/10 Proposed erection of a building, Refused WLP 40 N/A Recycling Centre, Recycling Ltd additional hardstanding and 2-3-2011 Railway Terrace, replacement perimeter fencing Appeal Kings Langley WD4 and gates associated with the Lodged 8JE use of the site for the recycling, 27-5-2011 recovering, storage and management of waste metal

45 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Sovchem Waste Sovchem 6/2021-10 Proposed demolition of the two Approved WLP 1, 2, N/A Solutions, Iron Waste existing wooden sheds and 12-11-2010 13, 43 Sidings, Travellers Solutions replacement with one metal clad Lane, Welham shed Green, Hatfield AL9 7HF

Harper Lane Rail & Lafarge 5/2319-10 Proposed change of use of part Approved WLP 33, 34, N/A Recycling Depot, Aggregates of the plantation woodland to 16-12-2010 35, 40, 43 Harper Lane. use for the extension of the Radlett, St Albans Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) WD7 7HX parking provision on land

Welwyn Garden Welwyn 6/2095-10 Retrospective planning Approved WLP 1,2, 3, 25,000 City Metals Ltd, Garden City permission to continue to use 02-02-2010 6, 29, 41, 43 (Metal Recycling) Bridge Works, Metals Ltd site for waste use (ferrous and Bridgefields, non-ferrous storage, sorting and Welwyn Garden transfer) and for planning City permission to dismantle and de- pollute end-of-life vehicles, and to erect a wall

46 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Wood Recycling Navitas 5/2108-09 Application (and environmental Approved WLP 1, 2, 3, 60,000 Services Ltd, Environmental statement) for the proposed 02-12-2010 13, 16, 19, (Commercial & Appspond Lane, Ltd installation and operation of a 20, 33, 39, Industrial) Potters Crouch, St. wood-waste biomass-fuelled 40, 41, 42, Albans AL2 3NL renewable energy plant at 43 Wood Recycling Services Ltd

Land adjacent to Envirowaste 1/2645-10 Change of use of former Approved WLP 1, 2, 63,700 the B197, North of (Inc) Ltd/ highways depot to use for waste 05-01-2011 13, 16, 43 (Construction & Graveley Stevenage transfer/recycling Demolition) Skips

5 Hunting Gate, Winters 1/2713-10 Change of use of existing Approved WLP, 1, 2, 75,000 Hitchin SG4 0TJ Haulage Ltd building from storage and 05-01-2011 13, 40, 43 (Municipal: distribution to a waste recycling 10,000, facility (MRF) C&D: 40,000, C&I: 25,000)

Royston BMX Park, HCC 1/2893-10 Proposed 2.5m wide shared Approved No WLP N/A between Burns cycle track 21-01-2011 policies Road and Betjeman were used Road, Royston

47 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Land at Elstree Hill Reviva 0/1816-09 Change of use of land to a Approved WLP 1,2, 3, 78,000 South, Elstree Hill, Composting green waste recycling and 28-01-2011 13, 14, 16, (green waste) Adjacent to A41 Ltd composting operation, including 20, 33, 40, Bypass the siting of temporary 43 structures including skip, machinery, portaloo and erection of a steel portal framed building (MRF)

The Conifers, Elton MEC Grab 0/2507-10 Application for retrospective Approved WLP 1, 2, 3,000 Way, A41, Watford, Services Ltd planning permission for the 08-03-2011 13, 16, 43 (Construction & Hertfordshire, retention of the waste transfer Demolition) WD25 8HD operation, ancillary to the existing skip hire business

Vicars Grove Pit, Welwyn 1/1750-10 Proposed processing of existing Approved WLP 1, 2, 6, N/A Little Almshoe Services Ltd buried inert waste and the 11-03-2011 13, 33, 34, Lane, Hitchin, subsequent restoration of land 35, 40, 42, Hertfordshire SG4 43, 45, 46 7QU

48 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Dyrham Park Golf Dyrham Park 0/2529-10 Importation of clean inert soils Approved WLP 1, 33, N/A & Country Club, Country Park for the creation of an additional 08-07-2011 37, 39, 40, Galley Lane, Barnet nine hole golf course and 43 EN5 4RA improvements to an existing golf driving range

Hitchin Waste Shanks Waste 1/1500-11 Proposed new boundary fence Approved WLP 2 N/A Transfer Station, Management and two vehicle access gates 07-09-2011 46 Burymead Ltd fronting Burymead Road Road, Hitchin SG5 1RT

Great Westwood McArdle 8/1132-11 Proposed variation of condition Refused WLP 2, 6, 9, N/A Quarry, Fir Hill, Waste 3 (Time Limit of Completion) of 20-9-2011 13, 40 Chandlers Cross, Services Ltd planning permission 8/0496-03 MLP 8, 11 Watford, Herts, to extend the time limit of WD3 4LY completion at the site to 30 April 2014

49 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Operator Reference Description Decision Policies Additional No. Used Capacity (tonnes per year)

Cumberlow Green Cumberlow 1/1561-11 Proposed variation of conditions Approved WLP 1, 2, 10,000 Farm, Rushden, Green Farm 5 (Vehicle Movements), 9 23-09-2011 14, 33, 37, (In-vessel Buntingford, SG9 (Hours of Operation) and 23 40, 43 composting of 0QD (Throughput) of planning green waste) permission 1/0011-09 to allow (Total tonnage vehicle movements on increased to Saturdays, to allow Saturday 40,000 tpa) deliveries of waste to address bank holiday interruptions and to increase the permitted annual tonnage

50 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Appendix 5 – Minerals and Waste Development Scheme Timetable – Re-Submission No.4 May 2011

51 Hertfordshire Waste Development Framework - AMR 1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011

Site Name Cranbourne Industrial Estate, Potters Bar Rye Meads Sewage Treatment Works, Hoddesdon Burnside, Hertford Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5AB Burnside, Hertford Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5AB Appspond Lane, Potters Crouch, St. Albans


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