CURRICULUM VITAE MATTHEW LARSON Department of Criminal Justice Wayne State University 3249 Faculty/Administration Building Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: (313) 577-9971 Email: [email protected]

EDUCATION 2013 Ph.D., Criminology & Criminal Justice, Arizona State University Committee: Gary Sweeten (chair), Alex Piquero, Cassia Spohn, Danielle Wallace 2009 M.S., Criminal Justice, Wayne State University 2007 B.A., Criminal Justice, Siena Heights University

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2014- Assistant Professor Department of Criminal Justice, Wayne State University 2013-14 Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Saint Louis University

ACADEMIC AWARDS 2015-16 Learning Community Coordinator of the Year, Office of the Associate Provost for Student Success, Wayne State University 2013-14 Award for Excellence in Diversity & Social Justice, Student Government Association, Saint Louis University 2012-13 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Arizona State University 2009-10 University Graduate Fellowship, Arizona State University 2007-08 McNair Scholar Graduate Fellowship, Wayne State University 2005-07 McNair Scholar, U.S. Department of Education

GRANT AWARDS 2016 Seed Grant for Project Development, Office of the Vice President for Research, Wayne State University, Exploring the Impact of Detroit’s Mass-Scale Demolitions on Neighborhood-Level Crime ($51,651). 2016 University Research Grant, Division for Research, Wayne State University, Delinquency & Victimization Among Arab American Youth during the Transition to Adulthood ($9,829). 2015- Justice & Society Learning Community, Office of the Associate Provost for Student Success, Wayne State University (2015-16: $8,000; 2016-17: $13,000; 2017-18: $8,000) TECHNICAL TRAINING 2017 NJP & PYS Data Workshop, National Archives of Criminal Justice Data at ICPSR -Funded ($1250) by the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) 2015 Fragile Families Genetic Data Workshop, Population Research Center, Columbia University -Funded ($1000) by the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NIHCD) 2013 Symposium on Network Perspectives on Criminology, Arizona State University 2012 Panel Data Analysis Using STATA, ICPSR, University of Michigan 2010 Propensity Score Matching Using STATA, Arizona State University

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Mulvey, P. & Larson, M. (Forthcoming). Examining the prevalence of courses on mental illness in criminal justice programs. Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

Zalman, M. & Larson, M. (2016). Elephants in the station house: Serial crimes, wrongful convictions, and expanding wrongful conviction analysis to include police investigation. Albany Law Review, 79, 941-1044.

Sweeten, G., Larson, M., & Piquero, A. R. (2016). Predictors of emotional and physical dating violence trajectories among serious adolescent offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 26, 263-277.

Larson, M., Sweeten, G., & Piquero, A. R. (2016). With or without you? Contextualizing the effect of romantic relationship breakup on crime among serious adolescent offenders. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 54-72.

Larson, M., Vaughn, M., Salas-Wright, C., & DeLisi, M. (2015). Narcissism, low self-control, and violence among a nationally representative sample. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 6, 644-661.

Vaughn, M., Salas-Wright, C., Cooper-Sadlo, S., Maynard, B., & Larson, M. (2015). Are immigrants more likely than native-born Americans to perpetrate intimate partner violence? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30, 1888-1904.

Vaughn, M., Salas-Wright, C., DeLisi, M., & Larson, M. (2015). Deliberate self-harm and the nexus of violence, victimization, and mental health problems in the United States. Psychiatry Research, 225, 588- 595.

Larson, M. & Sweeten, G. (2012). Breaking up is hard to do: Romantic dissolution, offending, and substance use during the transition to adulthood. Criminology, 53, 605-636.

Zalman, M., Larson, M., & Smith, B. (2012). Citizens’ attitudes toward wrongful conviction. Criminal Justice Review, 37, 51-69. BOOK CHAPTERS Maynard, B. & Larson, M. (2015). The biosocial bases of family interventions. In DeLisi, M. & Vaughn, M. (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology. New York, NY: Routledge Press.

PROFESSIONAL MONOGRAPHS AND REPORTS Larson, M. (2009). Firearm possession and violent victimization among arrestees. Prepared for the Arizona Arrested Reporting Information Network (AARIN) project.

Katz, C., Fox, A., and Larson, M. (2009). School Incident Record Forms: A National Report. Prepared for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of National Security in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Larson, M. (2015). Breakup and victimization during the transition to adulthood. Presented at the annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C.

Mulvey, P. & Larson, M. (2015). Marriage and probation completion among Severely Mentally Ill (SMI) offenders. Presented at the meetings of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health in Vienna, Austria.

Larson, M. (2013). Romantic instability and criminal continuity among at-risk youth. Presented at the annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta.

Larson, M. and Wallace, D. (2012). Untangling the ties that bind: Marriage, marital transitions, and recidivism. Presented at the annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Chicago.

Mulvey, P and Larson, M. (2012). Coming of age in the military after 9/11: Offending, substance use, and divorce among a new generation of veterans. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Chicago.

Larson, M and Mulvey, P. (2012). The implications of age: An examination of charging decisions in cases of sexual assault involving minors. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C.

Larson, M. (2010). When bonds break: The impact of romantic dissolution on delinquency. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco.

Larson, M, Zalman, M., and Smith, B. (2009). Citizens’ attitudes toward wrongful conviction. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Boston. Larson, M. (2007). The impact of alcohol policy and availability on college students’ drinking decisions. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in San Francisco.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Traditional Courses Taught CRJ 100/1010—Introduction to Criminal Justice, ASU/WSU CRJ 220/230—Law Enforcement/Introduction to Policing, SLU/ASU CRJ 3400—Juvenile Delinquency & Justice, WSU CRJ 360—Mental Health & Crime, SLU CRJ 443—Probation and Community Corrections, ASU CRJ 494—Neighborhoods and Crime, ASU CRJ 7010—Contemporary Criminal Justice, WSU Online Courses Taught CRJ 100—Introduction to Criminal Justice, ASU CRJ 230—Introduction to Policing, ASU CRJ 3400—Juvenile Delinquency & Juvenile Justice, WSU CRJ 3550—Research Methods in Criminal Justice, WSU CRJ 525—Life Course Criminology, ASU

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2016 Reviewer, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Justice Quarterly 2015 Reviewer, Criminology, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly 2014 Reviewer, Criminology, Journal of Criminal Justice, Justice Quarterly 2013 Reviewer, Journal of Criminal Justice; Justice Quarterly 2012 Reviewer, European Journal of Criminology 2011 Reviewer, American Journal of Sociology

DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE 2017- Co-Coordinator, Justice & Society Learning Community 2016- Member, Graduate Committee 2015-17 Coordinator, Justice & Society Learning Community 2015-16 Coordinator, Criminal Justice Honor’s Seminar 2014-17 Member, Undergraduate Committee 2014-17 Coordinator, Undergraduate Research Commission 2016 Instructor Certification, Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program 2014-16 Member, Salary & Review Committee 2016 Ad-hoc Reviewer, Master’s Essay & Thesis Assessment 2015 Organizer, Annual Lecture, Departmental of Criminal Justice

UNIVERSITY/COMMUNITY SERVICE 2017- Founder & Co-Organizer, Just Poetry Detroit 2017- Facilitator, Youth Poetry Workshop at Covenant House Detroit 2015- Member, Internal Review Board (B3 prisoner research), Wayne State University 2014-15 Faculty Liaison, Wayne State University Track and Field/Cross Country 2013-14 Faculty Mentor, First Billikens, Saint Louis

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences American Society of Criminology International Academy of Law and Mental Health