Co-Funding Support for In-House R&D

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Co-Funding Support for In-House R&D

Application Form

Co-Funding Support for In-house R&D Part A: General Information on the Co-Funding Support for In-house R&D


The purpose of this program is to partner with shareholding companies in co-funding their in-house R & D for the development of science, technology and innovation .(STI) and management capability issues and needs

:Co-Funding Support for R&D Value

:There two categories for co-funding

:I. Initial Studies

KFAS will contribute for a market research or for pre-loan/ pre-project implementation type of studies, and that contribution will depend on the proposed study and will not exceed KD .5,000

:II. R&D Implementation

KFAS will be willing to contribute given that the shareholding company will match KFAS’s support if not more and secure the remainder of the cost of the project via a loan from a financial institute. KFAS contribution will be determined based on the size of the project, .budget constraints and the internal policies and procedures regarding co-funding

:General Eligibility Requirements

Company must be a contributing business to KFAS 

Service must be procured from the research base or knowledge provider  approved by KFAS

Project must reflect the need for STI solution and have clear deliverables,  .with an added value to the business

:Project would fall within one or more of the following criteria 

STI and management capability related .i

Seeking new STI systems and processes.ii

Testing of pilot projects that incorporate newly developed .iii .products and technologies

Conducting a feasibility study including consultation and .iv market analysis

______2 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate Projects concerned with the development of new technology for.v the construction industry and/or to be integrated into a new building may be supported

:The projects that will not be supported are

.Projects related to physical buildings, construction and extensions 

Design of Web pages 

.KFAS reserves the right to accept or reject projects

Final determination of the projects’ eligibility rests with KFAS Innovation and Enterprise Directorate, which may make eligibility subject to terms, conditions and .limits set out in a signed agreement between KFAS and the shareholding company

:The process is done as follows

Have an official letter signed by the executive head of the administering  :institution addressed to

The Director Innovation and Enterprise

Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences

,P. O. Box 25263

Safat 13113, State of Kuwait

Submit the necessary documentation such as proposal, feasibility study,  .etc. along with the official letter

Fill up the application form (please ensure it is signed and dated by the  .(applicant

The submitted material will be reviewed by Innovation and Enterprise  Management, and if deemed necessary, an external review committee will .be assigned to evaluate it

Results will be communicated by; email or mail 

If approved, a letter of acceptance will be sent to you with terms of the  agreement and in turn, an official letter needs to be sent by the company to KFAS agreeing to the terms and conditions stated in that .acceptance letter

______3 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate Once the agreeing letter from the company is received, the disbursement  of funds will be carried out according to the terms and conditions agreed .upon

Please be aware, the acceptance letter is only valid for six months from  date of issue during which the letter of agreement issued by the company to KFAS must be received during those 6 months, otherwise the company has to apply again and the terms and conditions in the acceptance letter .are null and void

A completed survey will be required upon the completion of the project,  as well as filling the form for a success story along with a final report .before the last payment is made by KFAS to the benefiting company

:Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy act

To promote success stories, KFAS will reserve the right to publish such  .stories in any format it deems to be suitable to promote a culture of STI

Intellectual property

KFAS support might be eligible for intellectual property right that maybe  generated by the funded project, in which case KFAS’ share will be according to the terms and conditions that will be specified upon signing .the agreement

:For further information, please contact Innovation & Enterprise Directorate

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 22278100

______4 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate Part B: Company Information and Declaration

Company details (Company name (English (Company name (Arabic Company website Company address Contact person & Job title Contact person email Contact person telephone number Principal business of company Paid up capital Number of employees Business profile

Declaration by Company NO YES An authorized officer of the company should complete this declaration The company will use co-funding for in-house .1 R&D for eligible activities only as part of the research project The company is solvent (i.e. no distress or .2 (execution has been levied against it This fund is the only source of funding which the .3 .company has sought

If the project is conducting a feasibility study, then answer the following questions, :otherwise skip the following table

Research Institution or Knowledge Provider Information Yes/ No Has the company identified a research institution or ?knowledge provider Yes/No If your answer to the above question is "no", please confirm that you have no objection to KFAS passing your knowledge question and contact information to the research institution or knowledge provider Yes/No Has the company previously engaged with any of the ?national research institutions: KU, KISR or any other

______5 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate Part C: Application Details

(Project Title ( Please provide Project name in English & Arabic


Project Type: (e.g. Feasibility Study, Pilot Project, New Service, New Product, (.etc Address of Knowledge Provider (Knowledge Provider (If applicable

Co-investigators & Affiliation Project Leader & Affiliation

Project Cost Project Duration

(Project Objectives * ( Please provide it in English & Arabic

(Project Outputs * ( Please provide it in English & Arabic

Can this project be considered as a continuation of any other project? If yes, please provide the project title, author, institution, status (e.g. completed, on- (going, pending

?Has this project been done before, if yes please state when and where

Funds from Submitted Funds Requested from Total Eligible Project

______6 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate entity or other sources KFAS Cost

Note: You may provide any additional supporting document(s) pertaining to your * .application for the fund

:(State the project tasks which are going to be undertaken (if already known

Description of Delivery measurable Task title timeframe deliverables 1

















______7 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate 18



:Project costing summary

How was the cost Estimated Cost item estimated cost 1

















______8 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate 18



Part D: Project Impact on STI

:Please answer the following questions

Explain how will your proposal improve the quality of the products or services .1 and the integration of products or services for individuals, in particular focusing on outcomes. Describe how the outcomes will be quantified and measured ?indicating the timescales for achievement

Explain how will your proposal improve the productivity of services, in .2 ?particular in identifying quantifiable and measureable benefits

Describe how your proposal is a new approach to improving your business .3 ?sector

Explain how the proposal will contribute to the strategic capability and capacity .4 ?of your organization and beyond your organization

Describe your evaluation methodology to test whether the project has achieved .5 the stated outcome(s) and who will be doing the evaluation and what are their ?credentials

Describe your plans to actively disseminate the learning or replicate good .6

______9 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate ?practice and who will receive and use such information

?Describe how you will sustain the project after the grant funding has ended .7

______10 KFAS/Innovation & Enterprise Directorate

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