ACS CINF Education Committee Minutes March 24, 2007 @ 9 am - noon (break at 10:30), McCormick Place, E263, Chicago

In attendance: Bob Buntrock, Susan Cardinal, Judith Currano, Teri Vogel, Jeremy Garritano, Grace Baysinger, Adrienne Kozlowski, Susanne Redalje, Meghan Lafferty, Song Yu, Ejra Kajosalo, David Martinsen, Bartow Culp, Olivia Sparks, Marcia Chapin, Sylvia Lee, Janette Carver.

Programming :

1) At this meeting:

a. Symposium Honoring Gary Wiggins (Sun, MMC 12C/D) b. Using Social Networking Tools to Teach Chemistry (CHED. Sun, D, MMC North N230B) c. SciFinder Scholar Solutions (Sun. Shuttle pick-up11:30 am Depart from Hyatt Regency McCormick Place @ main entrance) d. This One is Just Right! Information Resources for Small Colleges (co-CHED. Mon. D, Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, 12B ) e. STN (Mon RSVP, ) f. DiscoveryGate Training (Tue. 4 sessions. McCormick Place in room N-128) g. Science of Synthesis Training (Tues. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in room E263) h. Communicating Chemistry (CHED. Tues D/ Wed am. MMC N227B) i. Merck Index (Wed, 12:30-2:30, E260. Review by Bob.) j. On Beyond Keyword Searching (co-CHED. Wed am. MMC N135) k. Bio-Red open house (Sun-Tue pm). Hyatt Regency Chicago, State Hospitality Suite

2) Fall 2007 program

a. Chemical Information Education Round Table (Sue/ Andrea) Invited 4 speakers, 2 librarian, 2 faculty to a panel. Sue briefed us with the description of the session. There will be discussions and Q&A sessions. b. Do we want to do/ have volunteers for a Workshop for Fall 2007 Boston Yes. Jeremy, Patricia, and Judith will teach. May still teach the traditional workshop. Too short for the modules to be ready? Erja offered to set up a hands-on session at MIT

3) Future National Programming (from Leah)

a. Ideas for programming penciled in New Orleans:  Small Colleges follow up (Andrea),  Cheminformatics from teaching to research (Alex Tropsha),  Chem Libs of the future (Andrea);  Philadelphia - Non-chemical users of chemical information (Leah),  Kitty workshop at SERM.  Sue expressed concerns that timely communication should be built up between this committee and the program committee chair to leave ample time for organizers. b. New ideas?  Major ACS themes for the meeting and have some align with the themes  AICHE the same place at New Orleans next spring.  Chem resources in Biochem interface  Boston--Chem careers(National chemistry week), (Graces & Judith)  J Chem Ed lacking information on career information. Possible monthly career feature in the future. Lisa's book. (Bob)  What to deal with print copies while more contents are online? (Bartow)  Looking for chemical information at East Asian countries. (Song)

4) Regional meetings

a. Kitty at SERM 2008 (no report) November 15-19, Nashville. b. Next BCCE Indiana Univ 27-31 July 2008.  Different clientele that may be interested in affordable resources  module/session, Hands-on modules (Susanne)  Two year colleges for low cost resources. (Adrienne)  SciFinder Scholar training session with CAS.  Comparison of Google Scholar and other chemistry resources  Getting the most out of Google Scholar, and/or Wiki  Purdue program target to 1, 2-yr students. (Bartow and Jeremy)  Symposium on copyright, patent, intellectual property (Pamela Scott  program in Boston)  Bio-Rad training?


1) Status of Chemical Information Instruction Clearinghouse (Sue)*

Sue gave out three possible solutions below and the committee agreed on the second one. However will have internal evaluation of the site beforethe Boston meeting 1. SharePoint. 2. ACS web presence 3. public wiki

2) Report on Modular Workshops (Sue/ Judith)*

 Judith reported on the progress so far.  Contents for the modules: Format, and working on the module. Audience, instruction materials, pedagogic techniques. How audiences use the modules? Title, abstract, author, audience, time, update date, outline, resources and skills discussed, pedagogical skills involved, sample of instructional materials, handout/slides/questions/, links to outside resources, suggested/related/pre- requisite modules, feedback.  Location.  Sue will pass on the template of the modules for discussion. Ppt, online tutorial, outside links? Or other?  Judith will send out email call for participant.  Jeremy: creating modules around the SLA info lit document.

3) Our website (Song) Committee agreed that we add more links/contents to the current page. For example: things to do at the meeting, link to CPT guidelines, link to the SLA committee, etc. Members will send links to Song and she will contact Rick for updates.


1. Expired members at end of 2007 -- Judith Currano, Ibironke Lawal  Judith agreed to be consultant for this committee and continue doing the work on workshop 2. New members  Term starts from Jan. 1.Please send nomination to Sue.


1) Report from the CPT (Bartow/ Rob) a. Open meeting Sunday. b. CPT survey

2) Our comments on the CPT Draft Guidelines a. 4.4, journal choice, cost Scholar b. 7.2 , "online exercises" "library"?

No time to discuss the items below

3) Brainstorm how to support small school chem. info ed?

4) Gary Wiggin's Chem info Wiki. We should use, promote, and write for it. (Bob Buntrock)

5) Feedback to the SLA Chemistry Division Ad Hoc Committee on Information Literacy on their new Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates (Bartow volunteered. Thanks!)