We the People, the Citizen and the Constitution

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We the People, the Citizen and the Constitution

Revised Level 2 Unit 6 We The People, the Citizen And The Constitution Government End-Of-Course Practice Activities Revised 4.15.16


American Government-Grade Level Expectations 2016

Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools C, D, E Tools of Social Science Inquiry 1. History: Continuity of Change Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools A, B Tools of Social Science Inquiry Government Systems and Principles Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools A, Tools of Social Science Inquiry 3. Geographic Study Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools A Tools of Social Science Inquiry Economic Concepts Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools A, B 2. Government Systems and principals Theme 1 Disciplinary Tools A, B 2. People Groups and Cultures Theme 2 Key Concepts and Understanding D 1. History: Continuity of Change Historical foundations Theme 4 Key Concepts and Understanding A, C 1. History: Continuity of Change Government in Action Theme 3 Key Concepts and Understanding A, C, D 2. Government Systems and Principles Structure of Government Theme 2 Key Concepts and Understanding A 5. Economic Concepts Historical foundations Theme 4 Key Concepts and Understanding A 5. Economic Concepts Government in Action Theme 2 Key Concepts and Understanding A 5. People, Groups and Culture Historical foundations Theme 3 Key Concepts and Understanding A, B, 5. People, Groups and Culture Structure of Government Theme 4 Key Concepts and Understanding A, B, D 5. People, Groups and Culture Structure of Government

1 Selective Response Assessment:

1. Which phrase best describes de facto segregation? A. Any form of segregation mandated by law B. Groups of individuals who choose to be separate from society C. Any form of segregation not mandated by law D. Groups of individuals who are separate from society because of local law

2. Which definition best describes de jure segregation? A. Any form of segregation mandated by law B. Groups of individuals who choose to be separate from society C. Any form of segregation not mandated by law D. Groups of individuals who are separate from society because of local law

3. “The social policy by which nationality or citizenship is not determined by place of birth, but by having an ancestor who is a national or citizen of the state.” The Free Dictionary Identify the term which best describes the above definition. A. jus soli B. naturalized C. dual nationality D. jus sanguinis

4. Which statement best describes the right of jus soli? A. Citizenship may be granted to an individual born in the territory or state B. Citizenship may be granted to an individual born in a foreign country if the parents are U.S. citizens C. Citizenship may be granted to an individual even if they are citizens of another country D. Citizens may obtain citizenship from two different countries

5. “A person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country.” American Heritage Dictionary What term best describes the above quote? A. naturalized immigrant B. de facto citizen C. alien D de jure citizen

6. Identify, the best definition of a citizen. A. A person who is protected by law from legal prosecution B. A person entitled to the Bill of Rights without restrictions C. A person entitled to unlimited social, political, and legal rights D. A person that is a legal member of a nation or country

2 7. Which phrase best describes the purpose of civil disobedience? A. Political and social law that economically discriminate B. Nonviolent refusal to obey Federal laws that are believed to be unjust C. Nonviolent refusal to obey laws that are believed to be unjust D. Nonviolent refusal to obey laws ruled unconstitutional by the courts

8. “Rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group.” Dictionary.com

Read and analyze the above definition. Which term best summarizes this statement. A. Political rights B. Civil rights C. De facto social rights D. De facto social and political rights

9. Identify, which phrase best explains the purpose of collective security? A. A military agreement where nations agree an attack on one is an attack on all B. A military agreement between a superpower and a third world country C. A military and economic agreement between two countries D. A military and economic agreement between members of the United Nations

10. “A process in which an individual may give up their citizenship or a naturalized citizen may have his/her citizenship taken away.” Read and analyze the above definition. What is the best term that fits the selection above? A. Denaturalization B. Naturalization C. Deportation D. Deportation of a native born citizen

11. Which action best describes the concept of dual national citizenship? A. An individual who is a legal citizen of a state and a nation B. An individual who is a citizen of one nation and applying for citizenship of another C. An individual born in one nation and immigrating to another D. An individual who is a legal citizen of two or more nations

12. Which phrase best illustrates the definition of eminent domain? A. The power of the state or federal government to take private land without the owner’s consent B. The power of the federal government to take private land without the owner’s consent C. The power of the state government to take private land without the owner’s 3 consent D. The taking of private land for public and nonfinancial use

13. Which statement best explains the impact of enlightened self-interest? A. The process of being a better citizen by serving the financial community B. The process of being a better citizen by serving ones own interests C. A person serving their own interests ultimately serve the community interests D. A person serving the interests of others ultimately serves their own interests

14. Which are the effects of globalization? A. It grants groups of countries common currency and trade options B. It promotes increased trade, communication and technology between nations C. It improves the living standards of all nations D. It promotes a common language, currency and trade among nations

15. Irving Washington believes every citizen is entitled to the standards within the Universal Declaration of Rights. What term best describes his philosophy? A. Universal rights A. Classical republicanism B. Human rights C. Right to autonomy

16. Which phrase best summarizes the concept of immigration? A. An individual moving from one country to another B. An individual from one country applying for citizenship in another country C. The government from one nation asking a citizen to move to their country D. The movement of a citizen from one state to another

17. Identify the best advantage of having international law A. It improves relationships between countries in the areas of trade, finance and law B. It prevents criminals from “hiding out” in another country C. It forces countries to abide by the decision of the international court D. It ensures Americans take their rights with them when visiting a foreign country

18. Which example best illustrates the concept of isolationism? A. A country’s foreign policy that prevents others’ countries from trade B. A foreign policy that protects a country from military action by other countries C. A foreign policy where a country does not involve itself with the politics of other countries D. A country’s foreign policy that makes it illegal to do business with other Countries

19. What statement best describes a multinational corporation? A. A state owned company, doing business in two or more countries

4 B. A company using one currency, doing business in two or more countries C. To examine a person’s property, obtaining a search warrant issued by a grand jury D. A company doing business with two or more other countries

20. Which example best illustrates the process of naturalization? A. Sam Smith entered America and completed the nationalization exam B. Sam Smith immigrated to America, completed residency, and passed the naturalization test C. Sam Smith was born in America, lived in France, returned and passed the nationalization exam D. Sam Smith immigrated to America, completed residency, passed the language and naturalization test

21. “A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the country in which he or she resides but does not have citizenship.” Free legal dictionary Identify the term, which best fits, the above definition. A. alien B. immigrant C. resident alien D. denationalization

22. Which of these circumstances best illustrates a treaty? A. An agreement under international law between countries B. A trade agreement under international law between countries C. A trade or law agreement between two or more countries D. A trade or law agreement sanctioned by the United Nations between two or more countries

23. Identify a possible positive effect of the United Nations A. Countries have a location to resolve disputes rather than going to war B. All member countries must resolve their disputes with the Security Council C. All member countries must follow the decision of the Security Council, thus preventing war D. Since its beginning in 1945, member nations have not had a military conflict

24. Which phrase best defines the purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? A. A declaration made by the United Nations requiring member nations to extend to its citizens B. A declaration made by the United Nations outlining the rights all people are entitled to enjoy C. Required of all nations before they are admitted to the United Nations 5 D. It allows citizens of all nations to force the United Nations to intervene when they are being denied their human rights

25. Which statement best illustrates the importance of voter registration? A. It prevents people who do not pay property and school tax from voting B. It ensures that the voting process will be efficient and quick C. It prevents a citizen from voting multiple times D. It guarantees only living U.S. citizens can vote

Revised Unit 6 Teacher Answer Sheet

Item Correct Answer DOK Question Level 1 C 2 2 A 2 3 D 2 4 A 2 5 C 1 6 D 1 7 C 1 8 B 3 9 A 2 10 A 3 11 D 2 12 A 2 13 D 1 14 B 2 15 C 2 16 A 2 17 A 1 18 C 2 19 D 1 20 B 2 21 C 1 22 A 2 23 A 2 24 B 2 25 C 2

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