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Pioneers Yesterday and Today
Priscilla Steers, Pamela Eaton, and Bridget Caldwell Sugar Creek Elementary, Unit 5
Summer 2006
Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo
Students will learn about pioneer life through literature, social activities, and farming.
Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension
Overview Back to Navigation Bar Objectives The students will: use the Web Quest to go back in time to learn and observe and analyze the changes in Illinois and American farming, literature, and leisure activities. use multiple primary sources observe and compare the differences in the daily life of farming from the past to the present observe, perform, and compare various dances from the past to the present. read and compare books from yesterday and today. compare life styles of yesterday and today complete a Pioneer Journal to document students understanding of the unit.
Recommended time frame 6 days Grade level 3rd-4th Curriculum fit Social studies, language arts, physical education Materials Machine Book from the Farm Bureau Web Quest Farm Picture Table
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Social Dance Table Farm Equipment Lifestyles Worksheet Venn Diagram Picture Analysis Worksheet Farm Equipment
Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar Language Arts: GOAL 2: Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras, and ideas. GOAL 5 Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information. 5A. Locate, organize, and use information from various sources to answer questions, solve problems, and communicate ideas. GOAL 15 Understand economic systems, with an emphasis on the United States. 15 A. Understand how different economic systems operate in the exchange, production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. 15 B. Understand that scarcity necessitates choices by consumers. 15 C. Understand that scarcity necessitates choices by producers. 15 D. Understand trade as an exchange of goods or services. GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations.
Fine Arts: GOAL 25: Know the language of the arts. 25B. Understand the similarities, distinctions, and connections in and among the arts. GOAL 26 : Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced. 26A. Understand processes, traditional tools, and modern technologies used tin the arts. 26 B. Apply skills and knowledge necessary to create or perform in one or more of the arts. GOAL 27 : Understand the role of the arts in civilizations, past and present. 27A. Analyze how the arts function in history, society, and every day life.
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University 27B. Understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society, and every day life.
Procedures Back to Navigation Bar Day One: Materials and Preparation: The teacher will have printed off the Farm Equipment Table (pictures) and enlarged for students to observe, examine and discuss. Teacher will need to have the hyperlink pulled up on the classroom computer. Introduction: The teacher will introduce the lesson by reading the machine book from the Farm Bureau baskets. The teacher will lead a discussion to facilitate brainstorming and questioning on what the students have seen in the book. Activity One: After the students have participated in the teacher lead discussion, students will work in groups examining Farm Equipment .Students will work together to brain storm questions, comments, and observations about what they see in each picture. The teacher will ask students to record their discussion questions and observations on a piece of paper or straight on the web page. to be used along with the next day’s lesson. Expectations for Student Lead Group Work: Students will have a minimum of 3 words and 3 questions/observations about their picture. The teacher will collect papers at the end of the lesson.
Day Two: Materials and Preparation: Teacher will need to have Primary Source pictures available online for student use. The teacher will introduce the lesson by a quick Primary source Farm Equipment table and a copy of the picture analysis (worksheet). The teacher should inform the students of the information they should be looking for during today’s lesson by reviewing the worksheet that will be completed with the day’s lesson An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Activity One: Students will use the Primary Sources from the Internet to help them answer their questions and retrieve factual information about their picture. Follow the link below to find two pictures from the Farm Equipment Table that you would like to explore and compare with yesterday and today’s farming. Then click/write the picture analysis and complete the page. Copy the picture of the job you would least like to do yesterday. Copy the picture of the job you would least like to do today. Copy the picture of the job you would most like to do yesterday. Copy the picture of the job you would most like to do today. Activity Two: Make a T-chart graphic organizer then write a paragraph comparing either your least favorite or your most favorite jobs.
Activity Three-Four (IMC) See WebQuest for procedures
Activity Five-Six See WebQuest for procedures
Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar Rubric
Extension Back to Navigation Bar Not Available
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar Farm Picture Table
Image Description Citation URL
Farming, DN-0070249, women Chicago Daily bin/query/r? farming using News negatives ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b large machine collection, and(ichicdn+n070249)) (1918) Chicago Historical Society Farming, DN-0070250, women driving Chicago Daily bin/query/r? horse-drawn News negatives ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b plow collection, and(ichicdn+n070250)) Chicago Historical Society Haying, Wm. Stewart, Edith, Stock Farming Haying, Wm. bin/query/r? Company Stock Farming ammem/ncr:@field(DOCID+@lit(n (Ninety-Six Company 44380)) Ranch), 1900 (Ninety-Six Ranch), 1900. 1900. Buckaroo s in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945- 1982. 10/79. Library of Congress. 6/7/06, http://memory.l bin/query/r? ammem/ncr:@fi eld(DOCID+@l it(n44380))
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Farming Library of scenes. Three Congress, Prints bin/query/r? horses pulling and ammem/horyd:@field(NUMBER+ disk II. Photographs @band(thc+5a35687)) Division, Theodor Horydczak Collection, reproduction number; LC- H832-F02-045 DLC (b&w glass neg.) Farming Library of scenes. Goats Congress, Prints in barn. and bin/query/r? Photographs ammem/horyd:@field(NUMBER+ Horydczak, Division, @band(thc+5a47961)) Theodor, ca. Theodor 1890-1971, Horydczak photographer. Collection, reproduction number; LC-H824-T- F02-021 DLC (interpositive)
Farming Library of scenes. Congress, Prints bin/query/r? Loading hay and ammem/horyd:@field(NUMBER+ on wagon I. Photographs @band(thc+5a36898)) Division, Horydczak, Theodor Theodor, ca. Horydczak 1890-1971, Collection, photographer reproduction number; LC-H812-T- F02-013 DLC (interpositive) Cook County Cite as: DN- Poor Farm, 0063677, bin/query/r? Carl Gale Chicago Daily ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b feeding News negatives and(ichicdn+n063677))
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University chickens collection, Chicago Historical Society Downey's farm DN-0000324, including a Chicago Daily bin/query/r? house, News negatives ammem/cdn:@field(NUMBER+@b windmill and collection, and(ichicdn+n000324)) farm buildings Chicago Historical Society.
Grain Header copyright © 2000-2006 All ons/farm- Rights Reserved city/modern_farm_implements.htm by Eric Rymer. Cultivator copyright © 2000-2006 All ons/farm- Rights Reserved city/modern_farm_implements.htm by Eric Rymer. Hay Baler opyright © 2000-2006 All ons/farm- Rights Reserved city/modern_farm_implements.htm by Eric Rymer. . Social Dance—Pioneer to Present Resource Table
Photos Descriptions Citations URL During the Virginia Emandal Camp Reel at the square Photos, July 7-20, amp-life-02/life-photos-3- dance people take 2002 02/life-3-02-e1.html their partner Willits, Ca.7-459- underneath a bridge Willits5439Willits • FAX of hands. (Rachel, 707-459-1808 Trinity, Susanna, Anthony) - Angel W. Summer Camp
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University The barn dance at All photos copyright Hythe United Tony Kelly 6 October uk/barndances/photo_albu Reformed Church 2001 m/2001/2001oct6/ dancing The Virginia m Reel Sugar Creek Sock Katie Nelson’s photos Hop May 30, 2006 of Unit 5 event posted Faculty & Staff on Sugar Creek’s web r/ dancing the Macarena site in the gym
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Rubric Back to Navigation Bar
Project 3 2 1 0 Expectations Group work Student Student Student had Student worked well worked well difficulty refused to with their with group working with work with group without with minimal the group. group. conflict. conflict. Completed Each question Most of the Less than 3 No questions activity was questions are questions are were completed completed completed. completed. with clear with clear thought and thought and detail. detail. Understanding Student was Student was Student Student was of Standard able to show able to show showed unable to complete an minimal show any understanding understanding understanding understanding about people about people about people about people from other from other from other from other parts of the parts of the parts of the parts of the world. world. world. world. Mechanics All answers Most answers Shows Shows no were in were in minimal evidence of complete complete evidence of correct sentences sentences correct mechanics. with correct with correct mechanics. punctuation punctuation and neat, and neat, easy to read easy to read handwriting. handwriting.
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University WebQuest Back to Navigation Bar
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Farming Activities Literature Students will work on this section in Students will work on this section in Students will work on this the classroom PE section in the IMC
Two-three lessons of dance activities
Procedures Procedures Procedures . View the photos of the dance . View the PowerPoint, Follow the link below to find & dancers in gym, web sites in Books From Yesterday a picture you would like to IMC and Today explore. pictures . Listen to the music . Read books from Then click on the picture . Class discussion on history of yesterday on the analysis and complete the dances PowerPoint page. Picture analysis . Perform the dances in gym . Listen to the books from Copy the pictures of the jobs class today during story time you would least and most like . Teacher evaluation check sheet . Complete Venn Diagram to do yesterday. Class discussions comparing books from Copy the pictures of the jobs yesterday and today you would least like to do . Complete Lifestyles today. Worksheet Make a T-chart graphic . Discuss the differences organizer then write a and similarities in the paragraph comparing either lifestyles from yesterday your least favorite or your and today most favorite jobs
Resources Resources Resources Dance Photo resource table WebQuest Farm Table Social Dance Pioneer Lifestyles Worksheet Picture analysis Activities. Rubric Click on link for music, Venn Diagram history, instructions Books From Yesterday and Today PowerPoint Books Picture Table folkdanc/dances/virginia.htm H is for home run : a click on length for music, baseball alphabet instructions, video (#27735P8) by Herzog, Brad. - /macarena.html Sleeping Bear Press, c2004 Mother Goose (#26478P4) by Moses, Will. - An Adventure of the AmericanPhilomel Mind Books, 2003 Illinois State University Evaluations Evaluation Evaluations Dance Check Sheet Rubric Rubric An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Handouts Back to Navigation Bar Pioneers Yesterday and Today Lifestyles Worksheet
Names: ______
Directions: Use the Books of Yesterday and Today PowerPoint to answer the questions below.
Does the family look like your family? ______Why or why not? ______
Does your house look like the house in the book from yesterday? ______Why or why not? ______Do you think all houses during the pioneer days looked like this? ______Why or why not? ______
How are the items
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Picture Analysis for Pioneer Journal
Team members:
1. Find a picture you would like to explore on the farming link from farming in the past.
2. Create a title for your picture. ______
3. What is unusual about this picture? ______
4. What are the items in the picture? ______
5. Where is this taking place? ______
6. When is this taking place? ______
7. If there are people, how are they dressed in this picture? ______
8. Write a question about this picture. ______
9. Do your best to identify the following elements:
season of the year ______ time of day ______ part of the country the photo was taken ______An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University 10. Find a picture of a similar activity from present day.
11. Print both pictures for each person in your group. Put them in your Pioneer Journal with this paper.
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University A Social Dance - Pioneer to Present Virginia Reel – Macarena
Students will view the photos, perform the dances, and compare the Virginia Reel Dance from early pioneer days to the current dance of the present, The Macarena.
Virginia Reel Day one
Introduce the dance: background history of the dance with photos, listen to music
What time period was this dance done Early 1700-present in the USA? Who did the dance? Children and Adults Where were these dances held? The barn, Open area The music was? Fiddle, Harmonica, Caller Why was this dance performed? Community Gathering
Teach and perform the Virginia Reel Dance as a class
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Macarena Day Two
Introduce the dance: background history of the dance with photos, listen to music
When was this dance introduced in the 1990 USA? Who does this dance? Children and Adults Where is this dance done? Schools, Celebrations, Gyms, Reception Halls Music available on? CD’s, Tapes, Records Why is this dance performed? Recreation, Exercise
Teach and perform the Macarena Dance
What do these dances have in common? How are they different?
Evaluation: Check off list by teacher on performances and class discussions
An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Names: ______
Compare books from yesterday and today in the Venn Diagram below. Remember to think about illustrations, word usage, style and how we use them when comparing the books. The books of yesterday are on the PowerPoint saved under Favorites as Books of Yesterday. The ABC Baseball book and Mother Goose book are both in our library.
Unique to books of yesterday Unique to books of today
Alike Dance Check Sheets Dance Name______
Teacher Observation M – P – N Mastered Goals– Progressing Towards Goals – Needs Improvement
Student Names Participation Steps danced in Steps danced Cooperate Class Sequence to the rhythm movements Discussion with peers