Rfp Invitation Letter Template s1
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Invitation letter to RFP 1 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
Dear Madam or Sir,
Ericsson is soliciting projects from researchers across Canada for the purposes of strengthening Canada’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem and to enhance its vision of a Networked Society. Our objective is to select research projects that fully meet the requirements identified in this Request for Proposal (RFP).
We would hereby like to invite researchers from your institution to submit proposals in accordance to the "Request for Research Project Proposal”.
Within the RFP you will find all the information necessary to conduct a proper assessment of Ericsson’s requirements. Please note, unless otherwise indicated all financial information is stated in Canadian dollars.
Proposals received between November 3rd 2017 and December 15th 2017 in response to this RFP will be handled by Ericsson eSourcing, an Internet based application.
If you would like to submit a proposal, please confirm your contact information by replying to the invitation email and sender with the following detail before November 15th, 2017 to receive detailed instructions outlining the RFP guidelines:
Institution name Contact person (First Name, Last Name) Email address Telephone number
Richard Pym Strategic Sourcing Manager BNES BL PRS Product Management Services
Ericsson Canada Phone 613-963-8601 [email protected] www.ericsson.com
Invitation letter to RFP 2 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
Online Request for Proposal (RFP)
Request for Canadian Research Proposal
1 Background and Scope...... 3 1.1 Scope of the Project...... 3 1.2 Attachments (Online under “RFX Attachments” link)...... 2 Supplier Selection Process...... 3 2.1 The process of selecting suppliers will be handled by Ericsson eSourcing, an Internet based application hosted by Integrated Business Exchange (IBX). Timeline...... 3 2.2 Evaluation of the Proposals...... 4 3 Instructions for Quote...... 4 3.1 Acknowledge Intention to Participate...... 4 3.2 Login Details to Ericsson eSourcing...... 5 3.3 How to Respond and Read Online Material...... 5 3.4 Supplier’s Cost for Document Development...... 6 3.5 Information Policy in the RFP...... 7 3.6 RFP Response Checklist...... 7 4 Contact Details...... 7 4.1 Commercial Contact...... 7 4.2 Ericsson eSourcing Application Support...... 7 5 Confidentiality...... 8
Enclosures to this letter Exhibit1 – Research RFP Details Exhibit2 – Research RFP Answer template Exhibit3 – Template for General Terms: Industry-University Research Agreement Invitation letter to RFP 3 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
Ericsson%20RFP%2 RFP%20answer%20tUniversity%20(NSER 02018%20rev%20%20PA1_EN.doc emplate%202018%20rev%20pa1.docC)%20template%20rfp%202018.doc
1 Background and Scope
1.1 Scope of the Project
Ericsson is inviting Canadian universities to submit research project proposals that can benefit Ericsson’s business in Canada and internationally.
Projects should be $50,000 CAD and areas of focus include, but are not limited to the following subjects:
Operator Support Systems - OSS Business Support Systems - BSS TV and Media Systems Cloud Technologies Network Function Virtualization - NFV Software Defined Networks - SDN 5G LTE Radio Network, Architecture and Protocols Media Technologies Cloud System Software Technologies Hardware, Device and EMF Machine Intelligence Security Digital Services Design Internet of Things User Experience Smart Grid communications Software engineering Machine type communications Internet of the future Business model research Social implications of a networked society Energy efficiency of infrastructure Invitation letter to RFP 4 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
Virtualization Smart Cities Data Center Architecture & Management Applications of networked society such as utilities, e-health, m-health, intelligent transportation systems, security or cyber-security
The RFP is for well-defined projects undertaken by university researchers, their students and collaborators. Direct project costs are shared by Ericsson and potentially funding agency such as MITACS or NSERC, depending on eligibility. While a majority of the awards are for one year, projects may range from one year to two years in duration. The projects can be at any point in the R&D spectrum that is consistent with the university’s research, training and technology transfer mandate. Eligible projects include focused projects with specific short to medium term objectives. All proposals require evidence of detailed planning, sound budget justification and must clearly spell out the underlying assumptions, intended approaches, milestones and deliverables.
Projects that focus on the application of existing technology, provide routine analysis, collect data without interpreting underlying mechanisms, or provide professional practice or consulting services (contract research) are not eligible. Similarly, proposals that involve the set-up and operational management of an institute, a formal or informal group of researchers, or that are principally associated with the acquisition and maintenance of scientific equipment will not be considered.
2 Supplier Selection Process
2.1 The process of selecting suppliers will be handled by Ericsson eSourcing, an Internet based application hosted by Integrated Business Exchange (IBX).
The timeline for the RFP process is outlined below.
Event Date/Time Frame
RFP Issuance November 3rd 2017
RFP Questions Deadline November 30th 2017
Ericsson Reply to Questions Deadline December 8th 2017 Invitation letter to RFP 5 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
RFP Proposal Submission Deadline December 15th 2017
Estimated RFP Response Review January 2018 Period by Ericsson
Estimated Final Decision Made and January 2018 Research Project Selected
Please note that all proposal submissions must be received on or before the date and time specified in the RFP.
2.2 Evaluation of the Proposals
Ericsson will evaluate all proposals with respect to the terms and conditions outlined in the RFP to determine the feasibility of signing an agreement with your institution based upon the submitted proposal.
3 Instructions for Quote
3.1 Acknowledge Intention to Participate
If you would like to submit a proposal, please confirm your contact information by replying to this email with the following details by November 30th, 2017 to receive detailed instructions outlining the RFP guidelines:
Institution name Contact person (First Name, Last Name) Email address Telephone number
3.2 Login Details to Ericsson eSourcing
Once your information is uploaded to the Ericsson eSourcing application you will automatically receive an email that contains your password and login ID.
For security purposes, please change your password upon initial login. Your password must be a minimum of seven characters and included at least one number. Please note that the login ID and password is case sensitive. Invitation letter to RFP 6 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
3.2.1 Request More User Logins
Some institution may require more than one login. User requests shall be sent to your commercial contact in the following format:
User User Supplier Contact Work Contact First Last Name Phone Number Email Name Name Country [email protected] Institution +1 234 567 8901 m James Smith Canada
3.2.2 URL Address
URL: https://isource1.zycus.com/isource6/login.htm
3.2.3 Problems with Login
If you are experiencing issues with your login or other technical related problems, please contact Alina, [email protected].
3.3 How to Respond and Read Online Material
For functional instructions on how to respond to the RFX, exporting RFX responses or uploading/downloading attachments, please review the Supplier Tutorials.
You will also find online tutorials in the eSourcing application (top right corner).
When completing the RFP, suppliers should note the following requirements:
3.3.1 Technical Requirements
The Ericsson eSourcing application requires that all “pop-up blocker” software be disabled on your local PC when you are accessing the eSourcing application.
Please make sure that you allow “pop ups” in your Internet browser or you will not be able to respond to the RFP.
3.3.2 Attachments Guidelines
If you are uploading attachments in the RFP, please reference “Exhibit X – Tutorial_Add and Download RFx Attachments” for instructions.
In addition, please ensure you adhere to the guidelines below. Ericsson will not review or consider attachments unless suppliers conform to instructions and specifications which are issued herein. Invitation letter to RFP 7 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
1. Suppliers should ONLY upload attachments if the questions request them to do so. All other attachments will not be considered as part of the quotation.
2. The naming convention for all attachments is as follows:
Example: If Supplier A as a supplier were to provide an organization chart for question 3.1: “3.1_Supplier A_Organization chart Europe”
3.3.3 Statement of Compliance
The supplier must provide a complete and clear statement of compliance. For each questions requiring a statement of compliance, the supplier must state comply or not comply.
Yes/Comply - meaning that the statement is fully accepted Partially - the supplier must provide a clear description of areas of non-compliance No/Not Compliant - meaning that the statement is not accepted
3.4 Supplier’s Cost for Document Development
Costs for developing the proposal responses are entirely the responsibility of the proposing party and shall not be charged in any manner to Ericsson.
No information in whole or in part will be returned to the respondents unless arrangements are made in advance of receipt of the proposals by Ericsson.
Please indicate the name, title, and location of the individual(s) who would attend if your institution were selected to further negotiations. The persons chosen to represent your institution should reflect your commitment to our effort plus Ericsson’s requirements for account management.
3.5 Information Policy in the RFP
Please note that all information submitted in the RFP will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with any other party that is not directly involved in the process.
3.6 RFP Response Checklist
During the time period when the RFP is open, suppliers are able to alter or update any given responses. When the session is closed, changes will no longer be accepted. All responses to the RFP should ONLY be submitted online, unless explicitly requested by Ericsson in writing. Invitation letter to RFP 8 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
In order for your submission to be considered complete, suppliers will have performed the following activities by the RFP’s closing date:
1. Completed online questionnaires
2. Added all requested attachments
4 Contact Details
All communication between Ericsson and suppliers will be via email. Do not use the Message functionality in the Ericsson eSourcing application.
4.1 Commercial Contact
For commercial questions, please contact:
Richard Pym Strategic Sourcing Manager, BNES BL PRS Product Management Services
Email: [email protected]
4.2 Technical Contact
For technical questions, please contact:
Pierre Boucher Head of Research & Innovation Email: [email protected]
4.3 Ericsson eSourcing Application Support
For Ericsson eSourcing application Support, please contact:
[name] eSourcing Analyst Email: [email protected] Phone: Mobile:
5 Confidentiality
Ericsson will treat all information submitted as confidential and will disclose this information only to its employees and those individuals bound by confidentiality who may from time-to-time assist Ericsson on this subject. Invitation letter to RFP 9 (9) Prepared (also subject responsible if other) No. Richard Pym Approved Checked Date Rev Reference 2017-Nov-03
All information provided to you by Ericsson in connection with the process is to be treated as confidential and proprietary to Ericsson. As such, this material is to be used by you solely for the purpose of responding to this RFP. Access shall not be granted to third parties except upon Ericsson’s expressed and prior written consent and upon prior written agreement of the intended recipient to treat the materials as confidential. Ericsson may at any time request that any or all of its materials be returned or destroyed.