Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
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May 15, 2017 Roanoke Village Board Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 4
There was a brief moment of silence. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Smith.
On roll call were Trustee Bob Knepp, Trustee Jerry Hasler, Trustee Jeremy Hilton and Trustee Wayne Blunier. Also present was Mayor Mike Smith. Trustee Ken Hodel was absent.
EPA’s REVIEW COMMENTS – Engineer Josh Harken reported that the EPA has provided comments to the application for permitting for the water treatment plant. Most of the comments asked for additional explanation which was provided by Farnsworth. One of the comments requiring more attention was a request to have a gas scrubber for the gas chlorine room because of being close to a residential area. A financial analysis of the cost will be presented at the meeting discussing final design plans. Harken is expecting to advertise for bids in June. The bids will be presented to the board at the mid-July meeting.
Josh Harken proposed that someone inspect project full time as construction progresses.
HIGH SERVICE PUMP – Trustee Blunier motioned to approve repair to high service pump in the water plant at a cost not to exceed $1,000; Trustee Hasler seconded. Mark Aeschleman stated that the pump was actually replaced with a new pump. This is a repair to the pump that was extracted so that there would be a spare.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Blunier, Hasler, Knepp, Hilton Nayes: None
LAGOON SEWER PUMP – Trustee Blunier motioned to approve repair to a lagoon sewer pump at a cost not to exceed $2,500; Trustee Hilton seconded. An impeller was approved at a previous meeting. When the impeller was extracted, Mark Aeschleman asked the technician to look it over. The technician then discovered some other repairs that could be done.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Blunier, Hilton, Knepp, Hasler Nayes: None
Trustee Curt Leman entered the meeting at 7:13pm.
APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE – Trustee Blunier motioned to adopt Ordinance 2017-06 Making the Appropriations for Corporate Purposes for the Fiscal Year Commencing the first Monday in May 2017; Trustee Knepp seconded. Mayor Smith mentioned that there is $1.8 million in capital outlay being attributed to the new water treatment plant expenses.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Blunier, Knepp, Hasler, Leman, Hilton, Smith Nayes: None May 15, 2017 Roanoke Village Board Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 4
INTEREST PAYMENT – Trustee Blunier motioned to remit payment to UMB Bank for interest only on bond funds; Trustee Leman seconded. The check was written for $76, 738.23. Trustee Knepp questioned why the check was being written to UMB Bank instead of Morton Community Bank. Trustee Knepp will call the representative of Morton Community Bank to inquire.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Blunier, Leman, Knepp, Hasler, Hilton, Smith Nayes: None
CRACK SEALING MACHINE - Trustee Hasler motioned to purchase a crack sealing machine at an approximate cost of $5,000; Trustee Blunier seconded. This machine is just a heating kettle and will be used to seal cracks prior to spray patching.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Hasler, Blunier, Knepp, Leman, Hilton, Smith Nayes: None
STREET SIGNS – Trustee Hasler motioned to purchase new street signs and posts at an approximate cost of $21,000; Trustee Hilton seconded. The federal government has required that break away street signs and posts be installed with white print on green for reflectorization. The public works employees will do the installation.
Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Hasler, Hilton, Knepp, Blunier, Leman, Smith Nayes: None
Trustee Hasler would like to inform Harken of the MFT program details, specifically regarding the downtown area project at the first meeting in June.
Trustee Knepp asked if Harken had heard anything on the recent grant application. Harken replied that he had not heard anything.
MONTHLY POLICE REPORT – There were 97 calls for service, 27 stops and 6 citations. Mayor Smith has noticed that there is an ATV being driven around town without a sticker. Deputy Gilbert replied that he will be on the lookout for this.
MONITOR IN BOARD ROOM – Trustee Hilton received quotes from Heineke Electric for various sizes of smart TV’s for use in the board room for projection purposes. Hilton would like to buy from local businesses which is the reason for not getting multiple quotes. Hilton has a wireless setup in his own home and thought this could also be used in the board room. Hilton asked what size would be desired. Mayor Smith asked if someone from Heineke Electric could come and do a demonstration for visualization to help the board members make a decision. Trustee Knepp asked what the monitor would be used for. Mayor Smith’s reply was that he would like to talk about why we would use it before making a purchase and mentioned a couple of instances from the past when it would have been helpful. May 15, 2017 Roanoke Village Board Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 4
There was discussion about placement of the monitor.
COUNTY HIGHWAY 13 IMPROVEMENTS – Mayor Smith provided an update on County Highway 13 improvements. The village previously sent a letter asking the county to consider a jurisdictional transfer of 3 blocks of North Main Street by the Front Street bridge to 116 as part of an upgrade to County Highway 13. Three options are being considered for this project. They have honed in on one option which would straighten out the Front Street bridge so that the through lanes will be on County Highway 13 instead of Front Street making it easier for truck traffic to navigate through that area. Mayor Smith recently sent an email to each one of the county board members asking them to seriously consider these improvements to County Highway 13 and the Front Street bridge. Mayor Smith and Trustee Ken Hodel will be attending the county board meeting when this will be discussed.
ZONING OFFICER SUPPORT – Mayor Smith received an email from Rick Ford asking the village board to remove his name from consideration of Zoning Officer. Rick Ford made several suggestions in the email for the board to consider for the Zoning Board and Zoning Officer. One of the suggestions was to hire support for the current Zoning Officer Dave Haney instead of someone to replace him. Mayor Smith thought a member of the zoning board could assist the Zoning Officer. Another suggestion was to purchase a laptop specifically to be used by the zoning board so that documents used for zoning purposes could be transferred to this laptop and retrieved when necessary. Trustee Hilton asked who would be responsible for the documents on the laptop. Mayor Smith would like the zoning board to decide who will be responsible. Mayor Smith will inform Zoning Board Chairman Barb Daraban that all Zoning Board members will need to have an MTCO email address to conduct strictly zoning business. Trustee Knepp would still like to see someone being trained in the future for the Zoning Officer position so that when Dave Haney steps down, someone will be there to take his place. Dave Haney would like to see someone take his place who is truly interested in the job. Mayor Smith will ask the Zoning Board members if they know someone who might be interested. Dave Haney will ask the Zoning Board members if any of the current members would want to offer support for the Zoning Officer.
Trustee Leman asked if Chief Frerichs had heard anything on the garage door installation. Chief Frerichs replied that he had not heard anything yet, but will make a phone call.
Mayor Smith announced that a picture will be taken of the new board members on June 5th.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, June 5, 2017 at 7:00pm. The meeting of the Waterworks and Sewers Committee on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 3:00pm is being cancelled due to lack of a quorum.
ADJOURNMENT May 15, 2017 Roanoke Village Board Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 4
Trustee Blunier motioned to adjourn; Trustee Knepp seconded.
Motion carried by voice vote.
Jennifer Crumrine Village Clerk