I. Applicant(S) and Partner(S)

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I. Applicant(S) and Partner(S)



I. Applicant(s) and Partner(s)

IITM RWTH NDUSTRIAL ARTNER S PPLICANT S I P ( ) A ( ) PARTNER(S) Name and Name an Name and Family Name Family Name Family Name School School Company /Fakultät Department / Department / Position Institute Institute Position Position Mail Address Mail Address Mail Address Tel. No. Tel. No. Tel. No. Name Name Name School School Company Department / Department / Position Institute Institute Position Position Mail Address Mail Address Mail Address Tel. No. Tel. No. Tel. No. Name Name Name School School Company Department / Department / Position Institute Institute Position Position Mail Address Mail Address Mail Address Tel. No. Tel. No.

II. Project Information Project Title Guide Name Course Enrolled

Project Duration FromDate ToDate

Research Area ☐ Engineering and Energy (check multiple, if interdisciplinary) ☐ Environment and Biology ☐ Materials and Medical Technology

Applicable Measures and Activities ☐ Consecutive Student Lifecycle built on Continuous Research Collaboration (check multiple if you apply for funding in (UG = 1 Month, PG = 3 to 7 Months, PhD Students = 3 to 12 Months) different measures and activities) ☐ Research Team Missions (Faculty & Staff = 14 Days; UG/PG/PhD/PostDoc = 1 Month) ☐ Joint Workshops, Courses, Seminars and Schools (7 to 14 Days) ☐ Invited Talks (Up to 4 Days) ☐ Other, please specify:

Cooperation Area ☐ Entrepreneurship (check if applicable) ☐ Joint Master Program Development ☐ Joint Digital Teaching Formats ☐ Student Club Project ☐ Industry Cooperation and Industry Internships ☐ Alumni Cooperation ☐ Administrative Staff Exchange Other Cooperation Area (please specify) ☐

Project Description Project Objectives

Project Expected Output / Deliverables / Key Indicators Please specify if applicable (e.g. number, topics, title, year of output to be expected) Jointly Supervised UG / PG / PhD Thesis ☐ Joint Publications ☐ Joint Third Party Applications ☐ Public Talk(s) / Lecture(s) Delivered at Host Institution ☐ Joint Seminar / Course ☐ Invited Talk / Distinguished Lecture ☐ Joint Digital Learning Format ☐ Joint Start Up / Entrepreneurship Activity ☐ Joint Master Program ☐ Joint Student Club Project ☐ Industry Cooperation ☐ Other ☐

III. Funding Application

Are you applying for any other third party ☐ Yes If yes, please specify funding for this project? Funding Agency Funding Amount Funding For 3 Application Deadline ☐ No

Funding Application within this Program – please add additional lines if necessary

III.1 Consecutive Student Lifecycle built on Continuous Research Collaboration (UG, PG and PhD Students) 2016-2020

Study Course / Study Course / School / Dept. at School / Dept. Status Duration Months To Gender Home University at Host University

UG Duration Date Select Studen t PG Duration Date Select Studen t PhD Duration Date Select Studen t

III.2 Research Team Missions (UG, PG and PhD Students, Postdocs and Professors) 2017-2019

Status Duration F To Name Mail Address Study Study Course / r Cours School / Dept. at Host o e / University m School / Dept. at Home Univer sity Select Duration D Date a t e Select Duration D Date a t e Professor Duration D Date a t e

III.3Joint Seminars and Courses (Faculty & Students) 2016-2019

Study Cours e / F School Study Course / r / Status Duration To Name Mail Address School / Dept. at Host o Dept. University m at Home Univer sity Select Duration D Date a t e Select Duration D Date a 5 t e

III.4 Invited Talk / Distinguished Lecture 2017-2020 for Senior Faculty

Duration Status From To Name Gender Mail Address Title of Lecture Days Professor Duration Date Date Select

III.5 Work Meetings & Administrative Staff Exchange(Joint Digital Teaching / Joint Masters Degree / Administrative Staff Exchange) 2017-2019

F o r Duratio Gend Additional Status From To Mail Address m n Days er Information a t Select S Duration Date Date Select el e ct F or m at

III.6Entrepreneurship Short Course (Students / Faculty) 2017-2019

Status Duration F To Name Mail Address Study Study Course / r Cours School / Dept. at Host o e / University m School / Dept. at Home Univer sity Select Duration D Date a t e Select Duration D Date a t e

III.7 Joint Student Club Project 2018

Status Duration From To Name Gender Mail Address Project Title Select Duration Date Date Select

III.8Student Internship Travel Grant 2017-2020

Duratio Company Status n From Name Mail Address Information Months Select Duration Date

III.9 Research Alumni Award (PhD / Senior Faculty) 2019-2020

Status Duratio From Name Mail Address Alumni 7 n Days Information Select Duration Date

Additional documents to be handed in:

For all UG / PG / PhD students: CV, letter of recommendation from IITM supervisor and official invitation letter by the host institution

JDP should be initiated by faculty and Phd student should be in 1st year.

– please note that

a) students already receiving another scholarship by DAAD or any other publicly funded institution and

b) non-degree students (e.g. exchange students) are not eligible for funding within this program

For all Postdocs / Professors / Administrators: CV and official invitation letter by the host institution

– please note that

faculty and staff already receiving another scholarship by DAAD or any other publicly funded institution are not eligible for funding within this program

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