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1. CLGF Youth Development Program Traineeship – FAQ

Q1. Does a trainee have to be a school leaver? No. A trainee can be aged up to and including 24 years of age and should not be currently participating in an apprenticeship or school based traineeship. They must also not be a current employee of your local government. This includes part time and or casual employees.

Q2. Does my local government have to select a training provider from the nominated AASN’s list in Western Australia? No, as long as the traineeship is delivered by an accredited provider and you can provide documents to support the course outline, qualification and costs, it is ok to find an alternative.

Q3. We have just employed a school leaver, would they be eligible for a traineeship? No, a traineeship will only be awarded to a young person not currently employed by the local government. This includes part time and or casual employees.

Q4. How important is it for our traineeship to be aligned to the workforce development plan and program outcomes? Very important! Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate direct links between the traineeship role and specific outcomes and priority areas highlighted in the workforce development plan. Higher ranked applications provide direct links between the traineeship role and program outcomes. Provide examples from your plan and try not to use broad generalised terms. Focus on specifics and how these align with the plan.

Q5. Can I request the full amount of $15,000 for wages and $5,000 for course fees? Yes, you are able to request the full amounts, however supporting documents are to be provided with your application to support all course fee costs. Course fee costs can include those provided through the accredited trainer as well as additional training you might wish to provide. We encourage you to provide additional funding for wages.

Q6. Can I submit more than one traineeship application? Yes, local governments can submit more than one application, however, depending on how many applications are received, funds available and the ability to provide traineeships across a broad range of local governments, you may be asked to prioritise your applications.

Page 1 - CLGF Youth Development Program Traineeship FAQ – October 2016 E1645213 Q7. Our trainee will require accommodation and be required to travel to attend TAFE lectures during the traineeship. Can we use part of any awarded funds towards these costs? No, travel and accommodation costs are not eligible for funding.

Q8. Do we have to use the Traineeship Plan Template that is on the website? No, it is not essential, however it is a helpful guide and includes all relevant information the panel will need to assist in assessing your application. In addition, it provides you with a useful planning tool for managing the traineeship.

Q9. If our application is successful, when do we receive payment of the awarded wages, course fees and submit a traineeship contract? Upon notification of a successful funding application you will be contacted by the Department of Local Government and Communities who will provide you with a grant agreement and conditions prior to the payment of any funds. Upon confirmation of employment of the new trainee (traineeship contract) and receipt of the signed grant agreement, funds will be direct debited to the nominated bank account.

Q10. Can we use course fee funds for other related training in addition to the traineeship course fees? You can request that part of the course fee funds are used for other related training fees, however, you will need to provide documentation to support these costs and depending on funds available and amount of applications received, this component may not be funded. Any unused funds will be required to be returned to the Department of Local Government and Communities.

Q11. Can we employee a part time trainee? Consideration will be given to part time traineeships with strong in kind or financial support provided by the local government, however, preference will be given to local governments that are engaging a trainee in full time employment.

Q12. Can I use part of the course fee funds towards the purchase of text books? No, text books are not eligible for funding and are at the cost of the local government or trainee.

Q13. Our previous traineeship application was not supported, can we re-apply? Yes, most definitely. Please review your previous application and any feedback given and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Senior Grants Officer on 9881 8700 for assistance.

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