Lansdowne Borough Council
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Lansdowne Borough Council
Business Meeting
September 4, 2013
The Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall. Present were President Coleman, Mrs. English, Ms. Lustgarten, Mr. Radich and Mr. Schleigh. Councilpersons Saylor and Wagner were absent. Also in attendance were Mayor Young, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Solicitor Scott, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Finance Director/Treasurer Bartley and Acting Police Chief Donegan. The Fire Company Liaison was absent.
The Mayor opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved with no changes.
Approval of Minutes: No approval was necessary as no business meetings were held in July and August, 2013.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Bartley had no formal report and stated that there were sufficient funds on hand to meet current obligations.
Solicitor’s Report – Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Manager’s Report – Mr. Totaro reported that the Lansdowne Swim Club sewer project was now completed. Mr. Totaro also reported that the lights in Gladstone Manor had been repaired.
Chief of Police Report – Acting Police Chief Dan Donegan stated that the school signs had been put up and the crosswalk painted at the Ardmore Avenue School. Officer Donegan mentioned that on August 29th, 41 crossing guards in the William Penn School District participated in a crossing guard training program conducted by AAA. Officer Donegan also mentioned that the bike patrol is now operating at the PennWood High School and Ardmore Avenue School.
Fire Company Liaison Report – No report was given in the liaison’s absence.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor Young reported that she will be awarding Jennifer Hoff the 2013 Helms Award in October. Mayor Young also mentioned that the local Boy Scouts troop would be present for the September 18th general meeting and will present Committee reports at the October general meeting. Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting September 4, 2013
President’s Report - President Coleman had no formal report but mentioned that she is waiting to hear from a prospective Junior Council member. President Coleman indicated that the Senior Center Circle of Friends had received a grant and their programs will start in November. One of the grant requirements is that a neighborhood advisory council needs to be established. President Coleman announced that she has been asked to sit on that Council. President Coleman mentioned that she has been invited the regional Caucus of Council Presidents, sponsored by the City of Philadelphia, on September 27th. Other attending municipalities will include Cherry Hill, Upper Darby, Palmyra, Vineland, Coatesville and Allentown.
Old Business: 1. Act 537 – Mr. Totaro reported that this Act involves the borough adopting the Delaware County Sewage Facilities Plan for the Eastern Service area. The Darby Creek Joint Authority and neighboring municipalities will begin negotiations with Philadelphia, wherein the $2 billion cost would be paid off in 25 years by Delaware County. Delaware County represents 10% of the overall $2 billion. Mr. Totaro indicated that this long term control plan for storm water management will result in increased prices for every Delaware County participant. Mr. Totaro explained that instead of building another treatment plant or giant holding facilities for rain peaks, Philadelphia would implement a best practices plan for storm water management that would include impervious sidewalks, green roofs, tree pits in the parks, etc. Mr. Totaro mentioned that after discussions with other officials in this regard, it was decided that the best alternative was to negotiate with Philadelphia and have the municipalities commit to and sign a lateral ordinance. This ordinance would include testing the laterals upon sale of a property. Mr. Totaro indicated that the borough would need to establish a plan by 2015 to be sanctioned by the DEP. Ms. Lustgarten questioned how the Joint Sewer Authority would handle apportioning the costs to all the municipalities. Mr. Totaro explained that the cost would be based on the amount of flow and Philadelphia has to spend the money before they can seek reimbursement for the 10% from Delaware County. Mr. Totaro mentioned that the old flow charges and new operating costs would be revisited after 15 years.
New Business: 1. 2014 Budget Schedule and Update. Ms. Lustgarten opened a discussion about Capital Reserve Fund priorities. The $825,000 capital reserve loan has to be spent within the next three years. The borough has already spent $316,000 of this loan but also received a $65,000 grant that was used for sanitation issues. Ms. Lustgarten reported that costs would be $100,000 for the 20CC, $40,000 for borough hall windows and energy system, $30,000 for Highland Avenue parking lot and $3,500 for the library alarm system for a total of $428,000. This would leave a balance of $144,000. The Fire Company has brought up the issue of new hoses that could impact homeowners’ insurance depending upon the size of the hoses. After recalculating and deducting $35,000 for fire hoses and $27,000 for a new police vehicle, the balance would be approximately $83,000 of the original $825,000. Mayor Young asked if the allotted $100,000 for the 20th Century Club would be adequate for improving the basement. Mr. Totaro indicated that this amount would be sufficient. President Coleman questioned the borough yard fencing estimates. Mr. Totaro mentioned that these bids were due by September 24th. Ms. Lustgarten asked if there were any other capital reserve projects that would be necessary. President Coleman asked that the borough yard fencing be put on the list. Ms. English asked if the Farmers Market parking lot could be improved. Mr. Totaro 2 Lansdowne Borough Council Business Meeting September 4, 2013
indicated that seal coating the lot would be beneficial. Mr. Schleigh questioned the status of the walkway from the Highland Avenue parking lot to the train station. Mr. Totaro indicated that the project looks at the whole downtown business area that encompasses private property issues and the aim is to discuss a variety of alternatives in this regard. Ms. Lustgarten mentioned that general items such as conference expenses, more money for Human Relations Commission printing costs, etc. would be included in the preliminary budget.
Action Items: 1. Ms. Lustgarten moved to authorize payment of bills for the period. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous. 2. Mr. Schleigh moved to appoint Detective Daniel Donegan acting Police Chief. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous. 3. Mr. Schleigh moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Dale A. Cranmer from the Human Relations Commission. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous. 4. Ms. English moved to adopt Resolution 2013-07, a Resolution regarding the Adoption of the Delaware County Sewage Facilities Plan Update – Eastern Service Area. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Executive Session – Mr. Schleigh moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel issues. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:25 p.m.
Public Session – No public motions were made upon reconvening to Public Session.
Adjourn – Ms. Lustgarten moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Schleigh seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry Borough Secretary