Transcript Jacob-final-2.mp3


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Duration: 0:02:29


Interviewer: Okay, so. Are you going to be distracted now by that –

Respondent: No, [?? 0:00:09].

Interviewer: So naming your chapters and whether this is your, whether you would want to structure it having thought about it in terms of the, the chunks that you’ve identified in terms of chronology. Or whether there’s another way you would have wanted to structure it. What would you call your chapters?

Respondent: Yes I mean I’m just trying to think, I mean the, the [granular 0:00:39] teaching system in America was definitely the sort of introduction but it would be a very short chapter. Because I didn’t actually even do it for very long, most of the time I acted as a research assistant. Erm so I might combine that I think with the erm [?? 0:01:01] computer unit, teaching it as my kind of initiation.

Interviewer: Initiation.

2 Respondent: I’m just trying to think. But did I ever make a kind of conscious decision that I wanted to be a teacher? No. You know, a lot of university lecturers do it because they want to do their research. I’ve always enjoyed teaching and I’ve always felt it was important. Erm, but I don’t know that it was ever kind of an ambition of mine. Erm but I suppose once I’d done a bit of it, I found that I enjoyed it, and yeah. Yes.

So erm being asked yes, getting a graduate assistantship meant that I could do my degree at Penn State and they asked me to do some teaching and I don’t remember what I thought about it at the time, whether I was like “ooh, goody!” or whether “oh gosh you know, I’d rather be doing some research.” Er but as I say once I actually did it, I guess I found I enjoyed it.
