CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 2/25/2013
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CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon – 2/25/2013
Convened about 12:03 PM; adjourned at 12:37 PM EST
On the call (as best as I could tell):
Allen Arrington
David Fuller
Mark Melanson
Alison Lauderbach
Jim Blohowiak
Carmela Brittingham
Sophia Bright
Jimmie McEver
Track updates
Room requirements
Monday events
Telecon status
Around the horn….
Track status and updates:
Allen sent out the updated planning Excel file (dates 2/25/13). Track three details from Sophia and Nancy are included. Also a new tab with the initial room needs.
Sophia reviewed the Track 3 details.
o All sessions and chairs.
o Session 1 is basically set with speakers/panelists.
o Working with Jim Vasatka on the Supply Chain session (great opportunity to tie in with the forum level and other activities at Aviation 2013).
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 12, 2/25/2013 Page 1 o The order of the sessions in the Track three details does not match the overall program layout; the Workforce Issues session (combined between all three tracks) is listed on Wednesday morning in the overall schedule, but on Wednesday at 1:30 on the Track 3 details pages. Pros and cons to either. Sophia indicated that either will work for the Track. Could play into room assignments; Allen will work this with Dave Maroney.
Mark indicated that there was not a lot of progress on Track 2 this week, but they are still moving in the right direction.
o Steve Dunn is working one session.
o Mark and Bryan Herdlick are working on the lead session for the track.
o Alison and Jim are working on the session about getting V&V integrated earlier into the design process. They have tentative agreements from speakers for the session.
A common theme in talking to perspective speakers is the lack of travel funding and concerns about the impact of sequestration. This will most likely be a major curtailment to conference attendance and participation. DoD has already cut this type of travel.
o If you are looking to have DoD folks in your session, have a back-up plan in the likely case that they cannot make the trip.
Reminder and Action to the Track Chairs to fill in the details to for their track programs as they become available. This information is needed to aid in the marketing of the event.
Room Requirements:
New tab in the Excel planning file (Rooms); this will be used to keep track of the room needs and other details (layout can be added).
Carmela indicated that the current room split is 3 for CASE, 3 for IPLC and 7 for ATIO. CASE also has access to a large room (part of the Santa Clara (?) ballroom) for bigger events (350 person capacity).
Allen will work with Dave Maroney on the room assignments.
We also need to determine the room layout. We used the classroom style for CASE 2012 (rows of table facing the podium) and that seemed to work well (allowed for better note taking; made it seem more like an opportunity for dialog rather than just a lecture). Carmela indicated that we should be able to use this set-up for CASE 2013.
o Jimmie suggested perhaps turning the tables inward a bit so that they face each other slightly across the center aisle; this could also facilitate exchange between the audience members. Downside is that there would probably be a loss of seating.
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 12, 2/25/2013 Page 2 Monday Events for CASE:
Planning for the Monday events (the morning Executive Workshop and the afternoon Brainstorming Primer) is going well.
Wilson and Tom Irvine have been exchanging emails on the logistics for the Workshop. The Management TC (TCM) met last week, so hopefully they have a specific POC for the Workshop.
o Allen will make sure that Mat and the ASI_WG are tied in with the TCM on the Workshop.
Jimmie and Mat (or someone from ASI_WG) will lead the afternoon event, which has become sort of a brainstorming session on what products are needed to help development the concepts of complex systems to help is start talking the same language. We will look at getting input from other professional societies as well, particularly on the products that are being developed for complex systems.
CASE on the AIAA website:
Sophia stated that she could not find a link to CASE 2013, even after a Google search. Aviation 2013 comes up, but even then there is no direct link to CASE or the other conferences on the Aviation 2013 homepage.
o Turns out that you have to dig a bit to find it; click the “Program Details” in the right hand column, then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to get the links for IPLC, ATIO and CASE.
o Carmela has the action to get this fixed. There should be links on the main page.
Planning Committee Telecons:
It seems that the Tracks are having their own planning meetings, so rather than continue to use the limited time that we have for AIAA on this big call, perhaps we should trim it back to every other week and eventually monthly.
Mark suggested have a weekly email tag-up so that the Track Chairs can provide status updates. We can set this up for Monday mornings.
Let’s plan on the weekly telecon for next week, then probably go to every other week (we’ll finalize that plan next week).
Meeting Schedule:
The next telecon will be on 3/4.
Most likely no telecon on 3/11.
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 12, 2/25/2013 Page 3 Action Item List
Date Responsible AI Action Due date Status Assigned Party Provide introductory 001 10/22/12 information (and a photo if Everyone 10/31/12 Working you like) to Allen Assemble and distribute Initial release in on 002 10/22/12 Allen 11/1/12 intro package the SP site. 1. Working Recruit co-chairs for each 003 10/22/12 Track Chairs 11/15/12 2. Melanson Track. 3. Andersen Start identifying session topics, session chairs/co- Planning 004 10/22/12 chairs, speakers and 11/15/12 Working Committee panelists to build the program for each track Planning 005 10/22/12 Identify topics for tutorials. 11/15/12 Working Committee Review CFP and forward 11/5/2012 Planning 11/12/2012 011 comments to Allen or Working 11/26/2012 Committee 11/30/2012 Dominic Summary of ideas for 012 11/26/2012 overview/framework of Brett 12/10/2012 Working complexity topics Summary of potential 013 12/3/2012 session topics from 12/3 Jimmie 12/10/2012 Working meeting Check on Twitter hashtags 019 1/14/2013 Karen 1/18/2013 for Aviation and CASE Set up telecon to discuss the Monday afternoon 020 2/4/2013 Allen 2/4/2013 Working event (with Mat, Jimmie, Laura and Allen) Contact Tom Irvine about a 021 2/4/2013 Management TC POC for Allen 2/4/2013 Working the Executive Workshop. Set up telecon to discuss Aviation 2013 program 023 2/4/2013 Carmela 2/9/2013 Working layout (with Jim, Dave, Allen, Craig and Carmela Add track/session details 024 2/4/2013 to the planning Track Chairs On-going spreadsheets 025 2/13/2013 Update the track details Allen 2/15/2013 Completed planning sheets to reflect
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 12, 2/25/2013 Page 4 Date Responsible AI Action Due date Status Assigned Party the changes in the program schedule Work with Maroney on 026 2/25/2013 Allen 3/15/2013 room assignments Make sure the ASI_WG is 027 2/25/2013 tied in with the TCM on the Allen 3/15/2013 Monday AM workshop Check about getting links to CASE and the other 028 2/25/2013 Carmela 3/15/2013 conferences on the Aviation 2013 home page
CASE 2013 Planning Committee Telecon 12, 2/25/2013 Page 5