Malmesbury Town Council
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Present: Councillors: Mr A Cole – Chairman Mr R Wicks, Mr R Allen, Mrs L Durno, Mr R Sealy, Mr W Isaac and Mr W Kallaway
In Attendance: Mrs E Tyler (Clerk) and 4 members of the public.
Presentation from Green Square Prior to the meeting, 3 representatives from Green Square gave a brief update on the present works in both Town Close and Honey Knob Hill, and a proposed extra phase in Town Close.
The works in Town Close are on target, and the first tranche of affordable housing should be finished by March 2015. The roads and drainage are 80% complete, and the timber frames are due to arrive in early August 2014. The piles of rubble on site will be reused, and the Green reinstated once the works are complete. The bit of the wall that has been removed will also be restored towards the end of the project.
The development on Honey Knob Hill is currently 3 weeks behind schedule due to a delay while improving the retaining wall structure, but should still be completed on target.
The new proposal involves demolishing numbers 5&6 Town Close, and building 2 bungalows and 3 houses. These new properties will be accessed from Town Close, and will be in keeping with the current build. Green Square are currently undertaking preliminary investigations, and Caroline Howlett, the Regeneration Programme and Project Manager for Green Square stated that they will probably hold a small consultation event closer to the time of submitting the planning application (in the autumn).
Public Question Time
The Parish Council was asked how often the dog waste bins were cleared. Cllr Durno advised that this was done every week, but that our day had changed from a Thursday to a Friday.
A Parishioner mentioned that he thought that he had smelt cannabis smoke coming from a group using the Community Shelter at around 9pm one evening. Cllr Durno suggested that this was a matter for the police rather than the Parish Council, and asked the parishioner to ring the non-emergency police phone number should he witness this again. It was also agreed that the Clerk would contact the neighbourhood policing team, requesting that they keep an eye on the area. ACTION CLERK
Mrs Pratley asked whether the Parish Council could arrange for the canopy to be raised on the cherry trees between the Ridings and the fields behind, and the big lime tree at the end of The Ridings. Cllr Durno stated that she had already contact Richard Dobson at Wiltshire Council about the lime tree, but would contact him again to remind him of this, and request that the cherry trees be added to his list of works. ACTION CLLR DURNO
14/086 Apologies Apologies had been received from Cllr M Hall
14/087 Declarations of Interest Cllr Sealy declared a prejudicial interest in item 6(ii) and did not contribute to the discussions around planning application N/14/06145/FUL.
14/088 To receive and approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 th June 2014 The minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
1 14/089 Report on actions from the last meeting not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Wiltshire Council had provided a Notice of Vacancy, which the clerk had displayed on the noticeboard next to Gain Solutions. An election to fill the vacancy will be held if 10 electors from the Parish write to the Returning Officer by 31st July asking for an election to be held. If an election is not requested by that date, then the Parish Council may fill the vacancy by co-option.
Paul Bollen (Wiltshire Council) had informed the clerk that a large delivery of signs arrived on 8th July. As such, he is hoping to have the new sign at The Ridings installed as soon as possible, although he did mention that they have a very high work load as present.
Our application for a 20mph zone in KSM was unsuccessful. The two locations put forward for the Chippenham Area at the CATG meeting were Redlands Zone and Chestnut Road in Sutton Benger.
Wiltshire Council has now made a decision on the application to register the Pond Area in Stubbs Lane as a village green, and has concluded that the land should be registered as such. Cllr Durno would like to thank everyone who sent her supporting evidence of its continued use within the community and of course to Nigel Farr for keeping it so beautiful
14/090 Recreation Field (i) Multi-Use Games Area Proposal Cllr Cole advised that the Parish Council may be asked to fund an initial consultant’s report into what would be possible on the Recreation Field.
(ii) Zip Wire The Clerk reported that she had met with Colin Brown, the Play and Leisure Strategy Officer of Wiltshire Council at the Rec Field, and was awaiting new quotes. ACTION CLERK
14/091 Planning Matters (i) WC Decisions received a. 14/04573/FUL - Change of Use of Agricultural Building to B2 General Industrial use at The North Site, Kington St Michael APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS b. 14/05262/TCA - Fell 1 Plum Tree at Stubbs Lane, Kington St. Michael NO OBJECTION
(ii) Planning Applications received a. 14/06145/FUL - Proposed Agricultural Building at Lower Swinley Farm, Malmesbury Road. Cllr Kallaway read the justification statement to the Parish Council. The issues raised previously were addressed, and as such there were no objections to this proposal.
14/092 Highways / Transport (i) Update on progress on Tor Hill Footpath Cllr Wicks had met with Mr & Mrs Lock of Magpie Cottage, and they had indicated that they were keen for phase 3 of the footpath to be completed. Cllr Wicks will get a quote for clearing the vegetation in order that a full survey and quotation for the works can be obtained. ACTION CLLR WICKS
14/093 Stubbs Lane Working Group (i) Update on resurfacing project Cllr Wicks reported that he had re-run the numbers based on the responses received from the interested parties, and that each share would now total approximately £900. A number of the replies stated that the original £610 (based on all interested parties contributing) would be their absolute limit, and several parties also stated that their contribution would be dependent on Wiltshire Council adopting the road after the works has been completed, so it appears that an impasse has been reached.
Cllr Wicks will draft a final letter, including a suggestion that the interested parties set up a sinking fund (as suggested by Cllr Kallaway). ACTION CLLR WICKS
(ii) Flooding Cllr Cole advised the Parish Council that the Flood Action Group in Wiltshire had grants of up to £5,000 available for people affected by the floods. The Parish Council will send the information on to those residents affected ACTION CLERK 2 14/094 The Pond Area Cllr Durno stated that this area had now been granted village green status, and asked whether a sign could be erected to show that it is public land. Cllr Kallaway wondered if the existing “deep water” warning could be incorporated in this sign. Cllr Durno will bring a design to the next parish council meeting, and Cllr Kallaway will find a sign writer to undertake the work ACTION CLLRS DURNO & KALLAWAY
14/095 Dispensation for Cllr Hall’s absence It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to give Cllr Hall dispensation to remain on the Parish Council without having attended meetings for six months due to ill health.
14/096 Dropped Kerbs The Clerk asked the Parish Council whether it had any suggestions for places in the village where a new dropped kerb would be of benefit, as she had received correspondence from Wiltshire Council, asking for requests. No suggestions were received.
14/097 Village Mailing List Cllr Cole suggested a village mailing list whereby parishioners could sign up for e-mail updates from the Parish Council. The clerk had researched some service providers, and advised the council that Home Contact (used by Stanton St Quintin) would involve an annual subscription of £30, and that Mail Chimp would provide the service for free. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Mail Chimp would be used, and that the clerk would administer the list. The Clerk would provide a paragraph for the newsletter, website and Facebook page inviting parishioners to sign up ACTION CLERK
14/098 Financial Matters (i) Financial reports for July 2014 The financial report for July 2014 was reviewed and it was proposed, seconded and unanimously RESOLVED that the report be accepted and that payments be approved. (ii) Review of Clerk’s hours and confirmation of annual pay increase It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the Clerk’s working hours would increase from 6.5 hours to 8 hours per week to offer Cllr Cole extra support as a new and very busy Chair. ACTION CLERK
14/099 Correspondence The Village Shop had written to the clerk asking that the Parish Council consider making a donation towards the running costs of the Post Office. This will be an agenda item in September
14/100 Items for the next agenda / no decision required As per the Correspondence section, the Parish Council will consider making a donation towards the running costs of the Post Office in the September meeting
Meeting closed at 20.52 pm Next meeting; Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 18th September 2014, KSM Village Hall
3 Action Description Actionee Comments
Contact the neighbourhood policing team, requesting that they keep an Emma Tyler eye on the Rec Field
Contact Richard Dobson at Wiltshire Council about raising the canopies Linda Durno of the lime trees and cherry trees in The Ridings
Contact Will Wilkinson requesting a quote for clearing the vegetation at Richard Wicks the front of Magpie Cottage
Prepare letter for parties interested in the resurfacing at Stubbs Lane Richard Wicks (inc suggesting a sinking fund)
Alert Jill Saunders and Luanne Culliane to the potential grant Emma Tyler money from the Flood Action Group
Design a sign for the new village green (poss including deep water Linda Durno warning)
Contact a sign-writer regarding the Will Kallaway new village green sign
Contact Vicky Welsh (WC) advising her that we do not wish to apply for Emma Tyler any dropped kerbs on this occasion
E-mail Kim, Linda and Adrian with Emma Tyler notice re village mailing list proposal
Contact Village Shop informing them that their request for funding Emma Tyler will be on the agenda in the Sept meeting
Send a copy of the new proposal for Emma Tyler Town Close to Mrs Pratley