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1. Wayland Baptist University, Virtual Campus, School of Business 2. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused, and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. 3. Course: MISM 3303 – VC04, Information Systems Theory and Practice 4. Term: Spring 2014 5. Instructor: Jimmie Flores, PhD, PMP, CAPM, PMI- RMP, PMI-SP, SSBB, ITIL, SPHR, GPHR, Security+ 6. Office Phone and email: 210.446.9350/[email protected] 7. Office Hours, Building, and Location: Email me to schedule an appointment 8. Class Meeting Time and Location: Virtual Campus 9. Catalog Description: Organizational systems, planning, and decision process, and how information is used for decision support in organizations. Quality and decision theory, information theory, and practice essential for providing viable information to the organization. Concepts of Information Systems for competitive advantage, data as a resource, Information Systems and Information Technology planning, re-engineering, project management and development of systems, and end-user computing. 10. Prerequisites: COSC 2311 11. Required Textbook and Resources: BOOK AUTHOR ED YEAR PUBLISHER ISBN# UPDATED Introduction to Rainer 4th 2012 Wiley 9781-11863-1331 7/25/13 Information Systems
12. Optional Materials: Assigned as necessary 13. Course Outcome Competencies: Describe what information is needed for an organization, the form the information needs to take, where to locate the information, and what computer-based information tools are needed to build a business. Explain how to use information strategically in order to succeed in business. Explain how telecommunications and networks can be used to communicate more effectively. MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014 Illustrate how data collected by organizations and knowledge gathered by its members can be organized and stored efficiently so that useful information can be extracted in a timely manner. Discuss various levels of management and their information needs. Explain how sharing of information across organizational boundaries are critical to organizational success. Discuss why and how artificial intelligence and expert systems are used in many business applications to aid in decision making, especially in the solving of problems. Show ways organizations develop new information systems. Explain why the integrity of the data and the reliability of their information systems are so critical to an organization’s success. Identify appropriate responses to managerial and organizational issues stemming from development, implementation, and use of computer-based information systems. Discuss challenges in implementation of international information systems, including economic and cultural differences. Summarize major ethical and societal issues involved in development and use of information technology.
14. Attendance Requirements: It is expected that students attend all regularly scheduled meeting dates. The class attendance is taken at 45 minutes after the start of class – any student arriving after that is considered absent from the class. Please note that points are assigned for attending and participating in our class. For students arriving late or leaving early, only partial points are earned. There is no make-up for missed attendance points. I understand that situations arise that might prohibit you from making it to class, but understand the importance of meeting this obligation. We will follow the WBU policy and guidance regarding multiple missed class periods. Please note that missing more than one class period will result in at least a letter grade reduction.
15. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.” MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014 16: Course Requirements and Grading Criteria: o Attendance and Participation 10% o Learning Team Project –Project 20% o Midterm Exam 20% o Final Exam 20% o Quizzes 30%
TOTAL 100%
Grade achievement levels are as follows: Grade Range A 90%+ B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 0-59%
LEARNING TEAM PROJECT Project Information: 4-5 students per team Deliverable is a 15-20 minute (maximum 20-slide) Presentation. Minimum of 15 references in addition to the text book and must cite ALL references used. Citation -Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be penalized by a zero for the project. Make sure you cite ALL references used including any ideas, concepts, and illustrations. Please use APA formatting: o Works cited – This is the source material you used to support your research project. o Works consulted – You probably looked at many sources before you located usable material, and you deserve credit for this research. Your work will be considered for credit for works consulted; list your preliminary sources as consulted works. Your topic must be related to the content of the course and should be an intelligent well thought out work. Do not wait until the last minute. If you are unsure if your topic would be an acceptable work, please email me for approval. While topic pre-approval is not required it would ensure full credit consideration on your work. MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014
17. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments)
Week Activity Materials Covered Orientation Class Familiarization 1 Post Introductions to Discussion Syllabus MONDAY Board Chapter 1 February 24 Read Chapter 1 2 Discussion Question Chapter 2-3 MONDAY Read Chapters 2 & 3 March 03 3 Class Discussion Chapters 4-5 MONDAY Read Chapters 4 & 5 Quiz #1 Due March 10 Quiz #1 (Chapters 1-3) Due March 16 11:59pm March 16
4 Class Discussion Chapters 6-8 MONDAY Read Chapters 6, 7, & 8 March 17 5 Read Chapter 9 Chapter 9 MONDAY Midterm Exam (Chapters 1-8) Due March 30 Midterm Exam Due March 24 11:59pm March 30
6 Class Discussion Chapter 10 MONDAY Read Chapters 10 March 31 7 Class Discussion Chapter 11 MONDAY Read Chapter 11 Quiz #2 Due April 07 Quiz #2 (Chapters 9-11) Due April 13, 11:59pm April 13 Easter break: April 14 - April 19, 2014. No Participation Required 8 Post your Learning Team Presentations in the thread Chapter 12 MONDAY created in Discussion Board Chapter 13 April 21 Read Chapter 12 and 13 9 Feedback will be provided for Learning Team Chapter 13 MONDAY Presentations Prep For Final Exam April 28 OPEN WEEK – Prepare for Final Exam 10 MONDAY Final Exam Due (Chapters 9-13) Due May 11, Final Week May 05 11:59pm Final Exam Due May 11 11 MONDAY Term Ends May 17, 2014 May 12 Final Grades will be Posted MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014 18. Additional information as desired by the faculty member:
General Information: This syllabus contains a general overview of the course only. Once you have read and understood everything contained in the syllabus, I will ask you to confirm with your signature.
Your confirmation will also confirm that you understand and will adhere to the following statement: “This class will adhere to zero tolerance for using someone else’s work as your own.”
TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments will be turned in on the Blackboard Learning Platform. Students are to turn in assignments in the same area where they downloaded any assignments/quizzes/exams.
POLICY ON INCOMPLETES: Wayland's policy on giving grades of Incomplete in a course is outlined in the University's catalog. As a supplement to that catalog, my policy is to assign a one-letter-grade reduction upon removal of the Incomplete. The only exceptions to this are in the case of either documented absence from your home area because of occupational requirements which makes Internet access impossible, or documented severe illness. Claims of not having the time to finish, or mismanagement of that time will not be considered a valid excuse. There are 11 weeks in the term (not counting any breaks), giving you sufficient time to complete all requirements by the assigned due dates. My advice is to work ahead whenever possible in order to minimize the effects of unanticipated delays.
ONLINE CLASSROOM ACTIVITY/DISCUSSION: Please make sure to participate in the classroom discussions. Your knowledge and experience is valued. Please ensure you keep a positive and professional demeanor at all times. All students are expected to post an Initial Posting to the Discussion Board and respond to 2 peers throughout the week. A minimum of 3 quality posts on 3 separate days will earn full credit. The first Discussion Activity is to Introduce Yourself due by the end of the day before the next class meeting.
QUIZZES/MIDTERM/FINAL EXAM: These assessments will be available on the Blackboard home page. Each assessment can only be taken once, and are only available during the week they are due. Due dates are listed on the class schedule. The Final Examination is comprehensive.
LEARNING TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: It is expected that you will resolve the majority of team-related issues on your own. If you have situations where a team member is failing to do the work, please make sure to engage me. Please note that I will use a Peer Review analysis as part of the grading process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Internet references WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE in this course. ALL references will come from Professional Journal articles and will be derived from the WBU Online Library.
STUDY HABITS: Careful and timely reading and study as well as completion of all written assignments by the expected dates are critical to your success in this course. Text readings will normally coincide with coverage of the material in lessons. This will facilitate your active participation in class discussions. Please make sure to stay abreast with the readings. You will perform much better on the exam if you have a clear idea of the topics. MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014
MISCELLANEOUS: You are encouraged to be "entrepreneurial" in your approach to the class, in your assignments, and in your class presentations and interactions. Your observations or experiences, and how they might relate to the subject at hand, have the potential to enhance all of the class sessions. Please share those of value so that you may be a resource to all participants including me! You are also encouraged to employ the systems perspective and wear the "manager's hat" in relating to the issues so that you will be able to think about them critically from multiple dimensions.
A NOTE ON DROPPING THE COURSE: If you drop the course, please let me know with an E-mail message. Very often I do not receive drop notices in a timely manner, and sometimes not at all. Please help me to keep the class roll up to date.
Jimmie Flores PhD, DM, PMP, CAPM, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, SSBB, SPHR, GPHR, ITIL, Security+ 210-446-9350 [email protected] MISM 3303 – VC04, INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY and PRACTICE DR. FLORES – SPRING 2014
OCCUPATION Outside of my teaching responsibilities, I serve as an IT consultant to businesses across the United States. Further, I conduct research on the subject of sports officiating.
Over the past two decades, I have held the following positions: Current: o IT Consultant – Specialize in Project Management and Six Sigma USAA: IT Staff Analyst and Budget Coordinator, managing $11.5M IT budget Prudential Insurance & Investments: Agent (Group I, Series 6, & Series 63) University of St. Thomas: Director of Recruitment for the Adult Degree Completion Program Medical Clinic: Clinic Administrator Shell Oil Company: Revenue Accountant
EDUCATION Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Development Dissertation Research Question: What is the relationship between proactive coping and an individual’s ability to remain poised under pressure?
Doctor of Management in Information Systems and Technology M.A. in Human and Organizational Systems M.S. in Computer Information Technology M.S. in Management M.S. in Non-Profit Management M.B.A. in Finance, Marketing and Management M. Ed. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment M.S. in Educational Technology B.B.A. in Corporate Financial Management Associates in General Studies
Project Management Professional (PMP) Senior Professional in Human Resources Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) (SPHR) Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Global Professional in Human Resources Certified Associate in Project Management (GPHR) (PMI-CAPM) Information Technology Infrastructure Six Sigma Black Belt (SSBB) Library (ITIL) Security+
I recently completed a book called “How to Become a Proficient Online Learner.” Further, since August 2001, I have taught online courses in the following disciplines: marketing, finance, accounting, management, MIS, CIS, Internet, and software application.
My hobbies are exercising, reading motivational books, and traveling! Over the past few years, I have traveled to Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, France, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela, and throughout the United States.