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PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth: 9 September 1962 Place of birth: Venafro (IS) Citizenship: Italian Marital status: married with three children Home address: Viale dell’Umanesimo, 37 - 00144 Roma Italy Office address: Via Columbia, 2 – 00133 Roma Italy Phone: 0039 06 7259 5635 Fax: 0039 06 2020687 E-mail: [email protected]
PRESENT POSITION . Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tor Vergata University in Rome;
Memberships/Affiliations: . Scientific director of Fondazione Farmafactoring - Milano . Member of the Scientific Committee of CER (Centro Europa Ricerche) – Rome; . Adjunct Affiliate of CHP/PCOR (Center for Health Policy), Stanford University; . Since 2007 member of the Committee for setting National Guidelines for IQWIG (National Agency for Economic Evaluation in the Health Sector), Cologne, Germany; . Ministry of Health – SIVEAS Committee - Since 2006 senior expert, Rome;
EDUCATION AND HONORS 1987-1989 Stanford University, Stanford CA. Master of Arts in Economics . 1980 - 1984 Libera Universita' Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (Luiss), Rome. Bachelor in Economics (110/110 cum laude) Scholarships: . C.N.R. (National Research Council): 1990 and 1991 for post graduate studies on Internationalization of the Italian Economy; . BANCO DI NAPOLI: 1987-1989 for graduate studies; . CONSORZIO ROMA RICERCHE: 1987for undergraduate studies; . ISVEIMER: 1980-1984 for undergraduate studies.
ACADEMIC EXPERIENCES 2001 - Associate Professor - Permanent position - Department of Financial Economics and Quantitative Studies (SEFEMEQ) - University of Roma II - Tor Vergata. 1994 - 2001 Assistant Professor - Permanent position - Department of Financial Economics and Quantitative Studies (SEFEMEQ) - University of Roma II - Tor Vergata. 1990 - 1993 Assistant Professor - Department of Economics - University of Sassari.
2006 - SIVEAS Committee, Ministry of Health, Rome - Senior expert. 2003 - 2005 Gruppo OSMED, senior economist. 2001 - Pharmacia & Upjhon and Aspen Institute Italia, responsible on behalf of Pharmacia for organizing the meeting on “Regulation of the health system and drug expenditure”, held in Rome on February 15, 2001. 2006 - 2009 Italian National Drugs Agency (AIFA), Rome – Member of the Committee for the Strategic Evaluation. 2004 - 2006 Prices Observatory, IPI – Ministry of Productive Activities, Rome - Economist for analyzing the prices trend in Italy. 2003 - 2006 Health Superior Institute –Pharmacies Observatory (OSMED), Rome - Coordinator of the project for realizing and managing an econometric model on public pharmaceutical expenditure. 2001 - 2003 Prices Commission CIPE – Health Ministry, Rome - Commission Member, nominated by the Treasury Ministry, in charge to fixing the prices of pharmacies refundable by SSN. 2001 - 2003 Commission CIPE – Ministry of Health – Rome, Member of the Commission, appointed by the Ministry of Treasury, for the setting of drug prices in Italy. 1999 - 2003 Confesercenti (National Association of Retailers and Services Firms) - Roma - Senior Economic Adviser for the President Office. 2001 - 2002 IRI Management – Roma, Speaker on a series of meetings with managers of the National Institute for Social Security (INPS). The main topic discussed is the reform of the Welfare State in Italy and Europe. 1998 - 2001 European Commission - DG XII - TSER Program - Coordinator of the Italian unit working for the construction of EUROMOD, a micro-simulation model at European level. The Italian unit is also responsible for the implementation of the country models for Greece, Austria and Portugal. 1997 - 2001 European Commission - DG XII - BIOMED Program - Brussels - Coordinator the Italian unit in the European Network “ENDEP” working on “Patient charges and decision making behaviors of consumers and physicians”. 2000 National Council for Economics and Labor (CNEL) - Rome - Coordinator for the writing of the Sixth CNEL Report on “Income distribution and redistribution in Italy and Europe - 2000-2001”. 1999 - 2001 Agenzia per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali (ASSR) (Agency for Regional Health Services) – Roma. Senior Economist, responsible for the monitoring of the National Drug Market and Drug Expenditure. 1998 National Council for Economics and Labor (CNEL) - Rome - Coordinator for the writing of the Fifth CNEL Report on “Income distribution and redistribution in Italy and Europe- 1997-1999”. 1998 WORLD BANK - Country Department: East Europe - Economist for a mission in Belarus for an assessment of the policies on social security, health and income redistribution. 1998 - 2003 TECH-Europe - TEchnological Change in Health care global research network – Co-founder and coordinator of the research group at European level. 1997 WHO European Region - member of a task force for development of Health care system in Albania. 1997 Commission for Poverty Analysis - Rome: member of a task force with Prof. Federico Perali of the Verona University and with Prof. Ranjan Ray of the University of South Wales in Australia for the definition and estimation of a demand model for the update of the Italian equivalence scales. These new scales will be considered as the new official scales in Italy. 1996 - 1997 European Commission - DG XII - Human Capital and Mobility Program - Brussels - Head of the Italian unit in the European network “ENDEP” working on "Control on Drug Expenditures in Europe". Dr. Atella is responsible to develop a model that can simulate the effects of different co-payment systems on drug expenditures in Italy and to see to what extent they can affect the access to care of low income patients. 1996 World Bank - Country Department: North Africa - Economist for a poverty study in Algeria, working in designing a social policy for sustainable and equitable growth. 1995 World Bank - Country Department: East Europe - Economist for a mission in Belarus for an assessment of the policies on social security, health and income redistribution. 1988 World Bank - Washington D.C., USA - Central Operation Department - Investment Project Analyst, for the evaluation of investment projects on primary and secondary infrastructures and on Human Capital. Part of the period has been used to refine methodological issues in project appraisal that were interesting for the bank.
2001 - Pharmacia & Upjohn - Complementarità e sostituibilità nella spesa sanitaria pubblica e privata in Italia. Project coordinator. 2001 - 2006 Global health care productivity (GHP) research network - Co-founder of the network (lead by the Stanford University) and co-ordinator of the Italian group. The main goals of the research activity is to measure health productivity within an international perspective. Within the network Prof. Atella is also scientific coordinator of the sub-project on drug expenditure (more information are available at the following web page address: . 2001 - 2003 Program ECUITY III, V Framework Program – Coordinator of the Italian unit. Three year project sponsored by the European Commission within the Socio Economic Research program. The project is the continuation of the previous EC sponsored project ECUITY II. The main objective of this project is to investigate the determinants of the access to health care services and to evacuate if there are main “health related income inequalities” and how they differ across European countries (more information available at the following web page address: 2001 - 2003 Program SOE of EC – Project “MICRESA: Micro-level analysis of the European Social Agenda: combating poverty and social exclusion through changes in social and fiscal policy”, three years project financed by the European Commission under the SOE Program. Prof. Atella is the scientific coordinator of the unit of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. (more information available at the following web page address: euromod/micresa). 1998 - 2003 TECH-Europe - TEchnological Change in Health care global research network. Co- founder and coordinator of the research group at European level. (More information available on the following web page : health_care_tech ) 2001 - 2002 Research project 40% - Ministry of Research, Education and University (MIUR). 1998 - 2001 Program SOE of EC - Project “EUROMOD: a tax benefit microsimulation model”, three years project financed by the EU under the SOE program. Scientific coordinator of the Italian unit. (more information available on the following web page: euromod/micresa). 1999 - 2000 European Science Foundation (ESF) – Exploratory Research Grant. Scientific co- ordinator of the project and co-ordinator of the TECH-Europe Research Network. The main goal of the project is to evaluate the effects of the regulation on the introduction of new technologies in the health sector and how these influence health expenditure and health outcome. (more information available at the following web page address: 1997 - 1999 BIOMED Programme - Project “Patient charge and decision making behaviours of consumers and physicians”, three year project financed by the EC within the BIOMED program. Within the ENDEP research network. Coordinator of the Italian unit. The main goal of the project is to evacuate how different co-payment systems can affect prescription decision by physicians and drug consumption by patients. 1997 – 1998 CNR – Health strategic project – “Le determinanti delle scelte tra pubblico e privato nel settore sanitario italiano”. This research activity, in cooperation with Prof. Rosati and with Dr Spandonaro aims to obtain a valuation set on the selection criteria between public and private health, creating a database, for the first time in Italy, that contain an homogenic information on i) the health state of the Italian population, ii) the offer structure of the sanitary services, iii) the patients choices on sanitary services offer, iv) epidemiologic situation, v) on individual and familiar incomes with a disaggregation at regional level. 1998 - 2003 TECH-Europe - TEchnological Change in Health care global research network - Co-founder of the network (lead by Prof. Mark McClellan, Stanford University) and coordinator of the Italian group. The main goal of the project is to evaluate in an international perspective the effect of the introduction of new technologies in the health sector, with special emphasis on the cardiovascular diseases. (more information available at the following web page address: alth_care_tech/). 1998 NBER - Stanford University – January-March– Invited by Prof. Mark McClellan for a research period at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). 1995 - 1997 Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) program - Project “Cost containment policy in the drug sector in Europe”, two-years project financed by the EC within the HCM program. Within the ENDEP research network. Coordinator of the Italian unit and co- founder of the “ENDEP research Network”, a highly interdisciplinary network to study and evaluate drug policy programs in Europe. The main goal of this project is to evaluate cost drug containment policy across Europe.
Cooperation with private enterprises in Italy and abroad: Abbott spa, Amgen, ANIA, Assobiomedica, Bristol Mayer Squibb, Confcommercio, Fondazione Masi, Farmafactoring, Farmindustria, Gerson Lehman Group, Merck, NERA, Pfizer Italy, Pfizer Europe, Pharmacia, Schoering Plough.
PARTICIPATION TO CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 2010 Health Economic Seminar BU, MIT, Harvard paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. University of Brescia - paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. University of Venezia paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. 2009 Seminar at Imperial College London, paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. Seminar at London School of Economics paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. Seminar at Stanford University paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. Seminar at Imperial College London paper presented “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”. 2007 II Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Rimini (Italy), January 25 - 26, paper presented “Technology shocks, structural breaks and the effects on the business cycle”. VIII International Health Economic Association Conference, Copenhagen, July 14- 18, paper presented “Wages and Weight in Europe: Evidence using IV Quantile Treatment Effect Model”. 2006 XI Convegno AIES, Venice (Italy), November 16-17, paper presented “Drug policy evaluation with heterogeneous patients: Evidence from a panel of Italian patients”. XV European Workshop on Health economics and Econometrics, Thessaloniki (Greece), September 6-9, paper presented: “Drug policy evaluation with heterogeneous patients: Evidence from a panel of Italian patients”. 2005 European Economic Association Conference, Amsterdam, August 24-27, paper presented: “Medical compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”. IX World Congress of the Econometric Society, at the University College London, London, August 19-24, paper presented: “Medical compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”. CHILD Annual Meeting, Bari (Italy), July 8, paper presented: “Medical compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”. NBER Summer Institute - Conference on Aging, Washington, July 25-29, paper presented: “Medical compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”. 2004 XIII National Seminar “Valutazione dell’uso e della sicurezza dei farmaci: esperienze in Italia”, at Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, December 13, paper presented: “Medical compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”. Conference on Ecuity Project, at STAKES Institution in Helsinki (Finland), June 2-4 , paper presented: “Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Model with Count Data: An Application to the Demand of Physician Services”. 2003 XII European Workshop on Health economics and Econometrics, Menorca (Spain), September 17- 21, invited as discussant. IV Conference of the Global Health Productivity Network, Stanford (CA), June 19- 20, paper presented: “The effects of the health policy changes on public and private health expenditure in Italy and UK: evidence from household budget surveys”. IV International Health Economic Association Conference, San Francisco (USA), June 14-18, paper presented: “The effects of the health policy changes on public and private health expenditure in Italy and UK: evidence from household budget surveys”. 2002 III Conference of the Global Health Productivity Network, at the Chinese Health Economics Institute, Beijing (China), October 14-17, paper presented: “The effects of the health policy changes on public and private health expenditure in Italy and UK: evidence from household budget surveys”. V Meeting AIES, Bologna (Italy), September 25-27, paper presented: “Health federalism, equivalization criteria and growth fostering mechanisms”. XI European Workshop on Health economics and Econometrics, Lund (Sweden), September 11 – 14, invited as discussant. International Meeting on Equivalence Scales, Household Behaviour and Welfare, Florence (Italy), June 27-28, paper presented: “Demographically Varying Unit Values: Estimation and Interpretation”. International Meeting on Equivalence Scales, Household Behaviour and Welfare, Florence (Italy), June 27-28, paper presented: “Income and Time Dependent Equivalence Scales for the Italian Case”. OECD conference on “What is best and at what cost? OECD Study on Cross- National Differences of Ageing-Related Diseases”, Paris, June 20-21, paper presented: “The relationship between health policies, medical technology trend, and outcomes: A perspective from the TECH Global Research Network”. International Workshop on “Income distribution and welfare”, at Bocconi University, Milan, May 30 – June 1, paper presented: “Aversion to inequality and political choices in Italy: are voters rational?” Conference of the Ecuity Project, Rome, March 22-24, paper presented: “The determinants of access to physician services: a latent class Probit approach”. International Workshop on consumption behaviour and welfare measurement, Verona (Italy), March 15-16, paper presented: “Precautionary Saving and Health Risk. Evidence from the Italian households using a time series of cross sections”. II Conference of the Global Health Productivity Network, at “Rockfeller Foundation” in Bellagio (Italy), February 5-8, paper presented: “Is health care expenditure really a luxury good? A reassessment and new evidence based on OECD data”. 2001 Conference of the Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria (Italian Association of Health Economists), Catania (Italy), October 19-20, paper presented: “Compartecipazione alla spesa farmaceutica e comportamenti decisionali di pazienti e medici:una comparazione a livello europeo”. III International Health Economic Association Conference, York (UK), July 22-25, paper presented: “Determinant of access to physician services in Italy: a latent class probit approach”. 2000 Conference on “Innovazioni in Sanità tra pubblico e privato", Rome, January 20, paper presented: “Public and private health expenditure in Italy: characteristics, determinants and the effects of the 1992 NHS reform”. 1999 EUROMOD: a microsimulation model at European level, Rome, September 16, paper presented: “The Italian model in EUROMOD: methodological issues and first empirical results”. VIII European Workshop on Health economics and Econometrics, Catania (Italy), September 9 – 11, invited as discussant. I TECH-MONICA workshop, Rome, September, 8. Paper presented: “Memorandum for the reconstruction of financial data from “MONICA” data-bases and their utilization for international comparison”. 1998 International conference on technological change in health care, Stanford (CA), February 26-28, paper presented: “The determinants and consequences of technological change in the health sector: the case of AMI patients in Italy”. 1997 SADIBA Conference – Bank of Italy, Perugia (Italy), November 5-8, paper presented: “Scale di equivalenza e misurazione della povertà in Italia”. 1996 Conference on “Food Security in XXI Century: Political Economy after 1996 World Food Summit”, Rome, December 11-12, paper presented: “Transitional Economies and Social Policies: The Role of Production System”. VIII Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar on “Finance, Research Education and Growth”, Rome, June 25-27, paper presented: “Productivity growth and the effects of recessions”. International Workshop on “The multiple linkages between technology and the economy”, Rome, March 14-16, paper presented: “The determinants of productivity growth”. 1994 Conference on "Structure des prelevement obligatoire et emploi: liens et possibilites des interventions", Rome, May 5, organized by General Customs and Indirect Taxation Directorate of the EEC and by University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, paper presented: “Shifting the tax base from labour to capital: effects on factor demand in the Italian manifacturing industry”. 1993 Conference on “The Service Sector: Productivity and Growth”, Rome, May 27-28, paper presented: “Does Productivity Convergence across countries and across Sectors? Empirical Evidences form Eight OECD Countries”. 1991 Conference on "International Studies in Economic Modelling", London, July 9-11, paper presented: “Long Memory process and the Efficient Market Hypothesis”. SADIBA Conference – Bank of Italy, Perugia (Italy), March 14-16, paper presented: “L'uso della differenziazione frazionale ed intera nel testare l'IEM per i titoli a reddito fisso: evidenze empiriche per Italia e Stati Uniti”. I Workshop on Strategies for the European Pharmaceutical Industry and Patient Interests, organized by EIASM, Bruxelles, January 31- February 1, paper presented: “Il Circuito Prezzi-Ricerca-Esportazioni nell'Industria Farmaceutica Italiana: Causalità e Cointegrazione delle Serie Storiche nel Periodo 1968-1988". 1990 V World Conference of IIFET (International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade), Santiago del Cile, December 3-6, paper presented: “Testing Fresh Fish Price Formation in Italy: a Cointegration Approach”.
2010 Caro J. Nord E., Siebert U., McGuire A., McGregor M., Henry D., de Pouvourville G., Atella V., and P. Kolominsky-Rabas. “The efficiency frontier approach to economic evaluation of health care interventions”, forthcoming in Health Economics. 2008d Atella V., Bhattacharia J., Carbonari L.: “Pharmaceutical industry, drug quality and regulation.Evidence from US and Italy”, NBER WP n. 14567. 2008c Atella V., Pace N., Vuri D.., “Wages and Weight in Europe: Evidence using Quantile Regression Model”, Human Biology and Economics, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 305-329. 2008b Atella V., Deb P.: “Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Model with Count Data: An Application to the Demand of Physician Services”, Vol. 27, pp.770-785 in Journal of Health Economics. 2008a Atella V., Centoni M., Cubadda G., “Technology shocks, structural breaks and the effects on the business cycle”, Economics Letters, Vol. 100, 392–395. 2007 Atella V., Marini G., “Is health care expenditure really a luxury good? A reassessment and new evidence based on OECD data”, forthcoming in Rivista di Politica Economica. 2006c Atella V., Belotti F., “Discussione” a Assicurazione sanitaria di F. Barigozzi, Rivista di Politica Economica, Settembre-Ottobre, pp. 257-273. 2006b Atella V., Depalo D., Peracchi F. and Rossetti C., “Drug compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: empirical evidence based on a panel of Italian patients”, Health Economics, 2006; 15: pp. 875–892. 2006a Atella V., Rosati F.C., Rossi M.C.: “Precautionary Saving and Health Risk. Evidence from the Italian households using a time series of cross sections”, Rivista di Politica Economica, Maggio-Giugno 2006, pp.115-133. 2005 Atella V., Hassell K., Schafheutle E., Noyce P.: “Affordability of medicines and patients’ cost-reducing behaviour. Empirical evidence based on SUR estimates from Italy and in UK”, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2005; 4 (1): pp. 23-35. 2004c Spandonaro F., F.S. Pennini, V. Atella, “Criteri per l’allocazione regionale delle risorse per la sanità: riflessioni sul caso italiano”, Politiche Sanitarie, Vol 5, n.1, Gennaio- Marzo. 2004b Atella V., Coggins J., Perali F., “Aversion to inequality in Italy and its determinants”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 2004; Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 117-144. 2004a Atella V., Spandonaro F., “Private health insurance in Italy: where we stand now”, Euro Observer Spring 2004; Vol. 1, pp.6-7. 2003c Atella V., Rosati F. C., “Spesa, equità e politiche sanitarie in Italia negli anni ’90: quali insegnamenti per il futuro”, Politica Sanitaria, Anno 3, n. 1, p.3-17. 2003b Atella V., Brindisi F., Deb P., Rosati F.C., “The determinants of access to physician services: a latent class Seemingly Unrelated Probit approach”, Health Economics, Vol. 13, Issue 7, pp. 657-668. 2003a Atella V., Atzeni G.F., Belvisi P., “Will the Euro be beneficial on Firm’s Investment Behaviour? An empirical investigation on a panel of Italian Firms”, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 25, Issue 8, November 2003, pp. 811-824. 2003 Atella V., Atzeni G.F., Belvisi P., Investment and exchange rate, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 25, Issue 8, November 2003, Pages 811-824. 2003 Atella V., Hassell K.,Schafheutle E.,Noyce P., Weiss M.,Cost to the patient or cost to the healthcare system? Which one matters the most for GP prescribing decisions? A UK- Italy comparison, European Journal on Public Health, Vol. 13, n.1, pp.18-23 2001d Atella V., Hassell K., Noyce P., Schafheutle E., Weiss M., “Cost to the patient or cost to the healthcare system? Which one matters the most for GP prescribing decisions? A UK- Italy comparison”, European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 13, n.1, mar. 2003, pp.18- 23. 2001c Atella V., Quintieri B., “Do R&D spillovers really matter for TFP”, Applied Economics, Vol. 33, n.11, pp. 1385-89. 2001b Atella V. con TECH Research Network. “Technological Change Around The World: Evidence From Heart Attack Care”, Health Affairs, Vol. 20(3):25-42. 2001a Atella V., Caiumi A., Perali F., “La scelta delle scale di equivalenza e gli effetti sui risultati delle politiche sociali”, Economia e Lavoro, n.1, pp 59-80. 1999c Atella V., Brennan G., Haajier-Ruskamp F., Hedvall M.B., Huttin C., Mechtler R., Noyce P., “The cost of prescription medicines to patients”, Health Policy, 52, 129-145. 1999b Atella V., “Drug cost containment policies in Italy: are they really effective in the long- run? The case of minimum reference price”, Health Policy, 50, 197-218. 1999a Atella V., Rosati F.C., “Uncertainty about children’s survival and fertility: a test using Indian microdata”, Journal of Population Economics, 13, 263-278. 1998b Atella V., Caiumi A., Perali F., “Riccometro e povertà familiare: strumento efficace?”, La Famiglia, 32, Nov.-Dic. 1998, n. 192. 1998a Atella V., Quintieri B., “Productivity growth and the effects of recession”, Il giornale degli economisti e Annali di Economia, 1998 Vol. 57, n.3-4, pp.359-386.
2010b Atella V., Cincotti F., Daidone S.: Spesa sanitaria pubblica ed effetti sulle famiglie, in “Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce – Rapporto 2009”, a cura di Fondazione Farmafactoring, Franco Angeli, Roma. 2010a Atella V., Cincotti F., Daidone S.: Vincoli di finanza pubblica e deficit sanitari regionali, in “Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce – Rapporto 2009”, a cura di Fondazione Farmafactoring, Franco Angeli, Roma. 2009b Atella V., Cincotti F.: La spesa sanitaria ed il quadro macroeconomico, in “La Sanità in controluce”, a cura di Fondazione Farmafactoring, Franco Angeli, Roma. 2009a Atella V., Belotti F.: La spesa sanitaria privata in Italia: le evidenze empiriche, in “La sanità in Italia”, a cura di A. Pedone, Il Sole24ore, Roma. 2008b Atella V., Carbonari L., Cincotti F.: Spesa sanitaria e deficit: un’analisi a livello regionale, in “La sanità in Italia”, a cura di A. Pedone, Il Sole24ore, Roma. 2008a Atella V., Cincotti F.: Vincoli di Finanza pubblica, deficit regionali e inefficienze: le sfide del SSN, in “Sanità e Finanza: una cultura in crescita”, a cura di Fondazione Farmafactoring, Franco Angeli, Roma. 2003b Atella V., Bernardi B., Rossi MC.: “Le previsioni di spesa sanitaria a livello nazionale e regionale: i risultati del modello econometrico del CEIS Tor Vergata”, Primo Rapporto sulla Sanità in Italia, edited by Atella V., Donia-Sofio A., Mennini F., e F. Spandonaro, Gruppo Italpromo Editore, Roma. 2003a Atella V., Bernardi B., Rossi MC.: “La spesa sanitaria privata e gli effetti redistributivi delle politiche sanitarie in Italia”, Primo Rapporto sulla Sanità in Italia, edited by Atella V., Donia-Sofio A., Mennini F., e F. Spandonaro, Gruppo Italpromo Editore, Roma. 2001 Atella V., Atzeni G.F., Belvisi P.: “Verso un cambio forte: quali effetti sugli investimenti delle imprese italiane?”, in Le imprese esportatrici italiane, edited by Beniamino Quintieri, Il Mulino, Bologna. 2000 Atella V. e ENDEP Research Network: “Il costo della salute in Europa: dove i pazienti sono più protetti?”, Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by V. Atella, CNEL, Roma. 2000d Atella V., Berliri C., Parisi V.: “Gli effetti redistributivi della politica economica e sociale”, Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by V. Atella, CNEL, Roma. 2000c Atella V., Parisi V.: “Retribuzioni, costo del lavoro e distribuzione del reddito in Italia”, Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by V. Atella, CNEL, Roma. 2000b Atella V., Parisi V.: “La convergenza delle politiche sociali nell’area dell’EURO”, Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by V. Atella, CNEL, Roma. 2000a Atella V., Parisi V.: “Il quadro macroeconomico e le politiche economiche”, Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by V. Atella, CNEL, Roma. 1998 Atella V., Perali F., Rossi N.:, “Riforma del welfare e giustizia sociale: il ruolo delle scale di equivalenza” in Lo stato sociale in Italia: quadrare il cerchio edited by L. Paganetto, Il Mulino. 1997b Atella V., Roberti P.: “Il contenimento della spesa farmaceutica: l’impatto sulle imprese”, in Il lavoro, l’Europa e la sovranità sociale - IV rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito in Italia (1996-1997), edited by N. Rossi, Il Mulino. 1997a Atella V., Roberti P.: “Il contenimento della spesa farmaceutica: l’impatto sulle famiglie”, in Il lavoro, l’Europa e la sovranità sociale - IV rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito in Italia (1996-1997), edited by N. Rossi, Il Mulino. 1995 Atella V.: “Il quadro macroeconomico e la distribuzione del reddito” (Macroeconomic scenario and Income distribution), in Competizione e Giustizia Sociale. Terzo rapporto CNEL su distribuzione e redistribuzione del reddito, edited by N. Rossi, Il Mulino.
2003g Arias C., Atella V., Castagnini R., Perali F, “Estimation of the sharing rule between adults and children and related equivalence scales within a collective consumption framework”, in Household Welfare and Poverty, edited by G. Ferrari e C. Dagum, Physica Verlag Springer. 2003f Atella V., Menon M., Perali F., “Estimation of Unit Values in Cross Sections without Quantity Information and Implications for Demand and Welfare Analysis”, in Household Welfare and Poverty, edited by G. Ferrari e C. Dagum, Physica Verlag Springer. 2003e Atella V. and the TECH Investigators, “The relationship between health policies, medical technology trend, and outcomes: A perspective from the TECH Global Research Network”, in What is Best and at What Cost: A Disease-Based Approach to Comparing Health Systems, OECD, Paris, France. 2003d Atella V., Brenner G., Hedvall M.B., Huttin C., Mechtler R., Noyce P. and E. Schafheutle, “Patient survey: International hypertension results”, in Patient charges and decision-making behaviors of consumers and physicians, edited by C. Huttin, IOS Press. 2003c Atella V., Hedvall M.B., Hoogerbrugge M., Huttin C., Noyce P., Schafheutle and Weiss M., “Results from the conjoint study on physicians”, in Patient charges and decision- making behaviors of consumers and physicians, edited by C. Huttin, IOS Press. 2003b Atella V., Brenner G., Hedvall M.B., Huttin C., Mechtler R., Noyce P. and E. Schafheutle, “Reimbursement systems in ENDEP countries”, in Patient charges and decision-making behaviors of consumers and physicians, edited by C. Huttin, IOS Press. 2003a Atella V., “Physicians prescription behavior and cost to the patients in Italy: first evidence based on Focus Group techniques and prescription data”, in Patient charges and decision-making behaviors of consumers and physicians, edited by C. Huttin, IOS Press. 1999 Atella V., Giampaoli S., Pilotto L., Vanuzzo D., “The determinants and consequences of technological change in the health sector: the case of AMI patients in Italy”, in Kessler – McClellan: “A Global Analysis of Technological Change in Health Care: Heart Attacks” Kessler - McClellan”,The University of Michigan Press. 1995 Atella V., Rosati F.C., “Productivity Convergence in Sheltered and Unsheltered Sectors: Results form Selected OECD Countries”, in Patterns of Trade, Competition and Trade Policies, edited by B. Quintieri, Avebury. 1992 Atella V., “On the existence of a price-research-export circuit in the Italian pharmaceutical industry: causality and co-integration of time-series in the 1968-1988 period”, in The prescription drug market, edited by Huttin C. and Bosanquet N., North Holland.
2005 Atella V., Donia-Sofio A., Mennini F., e F. Spandonaro (edited by): III Rapporto CEIS Sanità 2005: Sette parole chiave del SSN, Gruppo Italpromo editore, Roma. 2004 Atella V., Donia-Sofio A., Mennini F., e F. Spandonaro (edited by): II Rapporto CEIS Sanità 2004: Sostenibilità, equità e ricerca dell’efficienza, Gruppo Italpromo editore, Roma. 2003 Atella V., Donia-Sofio A., Mennini F., e F. Spandonaro (edited by): I Rapporto sulla Sanità in Italia, Gruppo Italpromo Editore, Roma. 2002 Atella V. (edited by): VI Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e ridistribuzione del reddito in Europa, CNEL, Roma. 2001 Atella V., Quintieri B.: Domanda dei fattori, progresso tecnologico e politiche fiscali nell’industria manifatturiera italiana negli anni 70 ed 80, Il Mulino, Bologna. 2000 Atella V. (edited by): Le politiche sociali in Italia ed in Europa. Coerenza e convergenza delle azioni - V Rapporto CNEL sulla distribuzione e ridistribuzione del reddito in Italia ed in Europa, CNEL, Roma. LIST OF PAPERS SENT OUT FOR PUBLICATION
2010d Atella V., D’Amico F.: “Who is responsible for your health: You, your doctor or new technologies?”, mimeo. 2010b Atella V., Belotti F., Depalo D.: “Disentangling true determinants of drug therapy effectiveness: A double fixed effects approach”, mimeo. 2010a Atella V., Brunetti M., Maestas N.: “Household Portfolio Choices, Health status and Health Care Systems A Cross-Country Analysis Based on SHARE Data”, mimeo. 2009 Atella V., Kopinska J.: “The determinants of drug compliance: evidence based on a quantile regression approach”, mimeo. 2008c Atella V., Belotti F., D’Amico F.: “Can better drug treatment improve long-run financial sustainability of NHS in Italy? The case of Statins”, mimeo. 2008a Atella V., Rossi M.C.: “Does child labour positively affects the probability to access health care services by children?”, mimeo.
Atella V., Castagnini R., Perali F.: “The sensitivity of demand elasticities estimates to endogeneity bias and IV correction”, mimeo. Atella V., A. Holly, L. Gardiol, Huguenin J.: “Asymmetric information in health care services utilization in Italy and Switzerland: the role of private insurance”, mimeo. Atella V., Coggins J., Perali F., “Aversion to inequality and political choices in Italy: are voters rational?”, mimeo. Atella V., Carbonari L.: “When Elders Rule: Is Gerontocracy Harmful for Growth?”, mimeo. Atella V., Belotti F.: “Measuring effectiveness of medical treatments”, mimeo. Atella V., Deb P.: “Health and labor outcomes of internal migrants in Italy”, mimeo.
Giornale degli Economisti, Ricerche Economiche, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Rivista di Politica Economica, Economics and Human Biology, Health Economics, Applied Economics, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Population Economics, Disease Management & Health Outcomes, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Labour, Politica Sanitaria, Pharmacoeconomics, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, Statistical Methods and Applications, Statistics in Medicine.