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Student Government Association Travel Grant Application
Welcome Back Students and Student Organizations,
We hope all of you had an enjoyable and relaxing break. The Student Government Association has been diligently working during the break to better serve students. We have updated our website, evaluated the grant process, and have established educational programs and services for the upcoming academic year focusing on serving and improving our community. Enhancing students’ academic and leadership skills is a priority to the Student Government Association.
With budget cuts affecting the University, we continue to support Dr. Crain in his endeavors to do what is best for the university and its students. The Student Government Association is committed to keeping our fiscal regulations effective and responsible. Travel grants have been evaluated and altered for the betterment of the students, transparency of our organization, and to reach as many students as possible. All policies, guidelines and applications for the Student Government Association funded grants can be found on our website:
The Student Government Association established the travel grant program to assist students and recognized student organizations with the cost of attending a conference or convention that will enhance the university’s image. Our primary goal for all SGA grants is to reward those student organizations that have generously given back to the university. Travel grants are available for up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) for individual travel and up to fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) for group travel. A student or organization interested in applying for a travel grant must be in good standing with the university and also must have a 2.5 semester and cumulative grade point average. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Government Association office at (985) 549-2296.
Your fellow lions,
Branden Summers Ian Doran Student Body President Appropriations Chair
Please make sure to read the following enclosed information thoroughly before beginning the grant process.
The following is an agenda for the Spring 2012 TRAVEL grant process: I. Purpose
a. To provide opportunity for Southeastern students to enhance both their academic and leadership skills.
b. To defer the costs associated with academic and/or leadership travel for students.
II. Eligibility Requirements
a. Semester and cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. If students’ grades fall below a 2.5 at any time during the grant process, the grant process will cease and be revoked.
b. In good standing with the university and free of any academic or disciplinary probation/suspension.
c. Attend a mandatory travel informational meeting with a specific SGA member before applying for a travel grant.
III. Grant Application
a. Applications are available online at Complete and submit grant online. Print a copy for your reference.
b. Must submit application four weeks prior to trip.
c. All travel MUST go through a Shorts Travel Account
d. A completed application includes the following:
Electronic Signature of a faculty advisor
Attach conference information and itinerary
Detailed budget sheet including quotes for funds requested (lodging, transportation and registration fees)
IV. Requirements of faculty advisor
a. Review the application prior to submission
b. Coordinate travel arrangements with student i. Create Travel Authorization
ii. Complete Expense Report no later than 2 weeks after they return
iii. Ensure all State Travel Guidelines are honored to ensure reimbursement.
V. Other Grant Information
a. Travel Grants are funds that reimburse the student(s).
b. Travel grants do NOT pay for food expenses.
c. No individual grant request may exceed $500.
d. No group travel (3 or more students) may exceed $1,500.
e. A student may receive only 1 travel grant per academic year.
f. Travel grants may not be used for international travel.
g. Submit a completed, detailed report to Ian Doran, Appropriations Chair no more than two weeks following the conference or convention.
i. Must have at least three pictures from the trip attached to the report
ii. A detailed description of the travel with the following included in the summary:
A list of all events attended while on the trip
How the trip improved your leadership ability
How the trip will benefit the Southeastern community
Explain how the trip will enhance Southeastern’s image
h. Students will lose grant privileges for 2 academic years due to any of the following violations:
iii. Failure to submit receipts and expense report to the Travel Office.
iv. Purchases made that were not approved by the SGA. v. Failure to submit a completed report following the trip.
Department Grant Process 1) Retrieve a grant application
Click on “Grants”, complete and submit online
2) Complete the grant packet four weeks prior to event and submit online
Must be a university educational trip
Grant must include itinerary and financial breakdown of event
3) Will be contacted confirming your application was received Depending on application completion you could be asked to meet with an SGA member. You will be contacted for a meeting.
3) The grant will now take 3 weeks to process
Ian Doran, Appropriations Chairmen, will be in touch throughout the process.
4) You will be notified to attend a SGA senate meeting
At this meeting your grant will be approved or denied by the Senate
After Senate passes grant, further approval is needed from administration
5) If grant passes you will need to contact SGA coordinator
When you email her be specific in Email Subject. Ex: Travel Grant-Doe Smith
Once you contact Ms. Cherie, she can inform you of the grant status and budget information
6) Submit all reports, pictures and receipts to Ian Doran, Appropriations Chair
7) Submit grant process evaluation to [email protected], Coordinator TRAVEL GRANT APPLICATION
Name:______Phone #:______
Contact Person:______Phone #:______
If applying for group travel, please attach a list of all students attending with their W numbers, classification, and phone numbers.
Explain the main objective of the travel. Include the dates and locations of the event. Attach pages if needed.
Explain how this event will favorably promote and enhance the image of Southeastern Louisiana University.
Have you or your organization ever applied for SGA funding? If so, when did you apply, what type of grant application was submitted, and how much was awarded to you or the organization? ______
Is this an annual conference/convention? If so, how many years have you or your organization attended this event? ______
Please list all of the outside funding received for this travel:
Fundraising Amount:______Date:______Amount:______
Other Grants:______Date:______Amount:______
Other:______Date:______Amount:______STATEMENT FROM APPLICANT(S)
I understand and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations governing Southeastern Louisiana University and the Student Government Association Travel Grant Program. I understand any funds received from this program are solely for the activity described in this application. I understand all receipts submitted must be original. I understand if I do not abide by the rules outlined in this application, my organization may be denied a Student Government Association Grant in the future. I acknowledge I have to meet with a member of the Student Government Association to review and discuss ALL guidelines for travel. If I do not, my travel grant will be revoked.
______Faculty Advisor (individual travel)
Office for Student Engagement (group travel)
Travel Grant Budget Breakdown EXAMPLE
Organization: BETA ALPHA NU Purpose of Trip: Attend the Beta Alpha Nu Annual Conference- $1.000.00
Located in Winnemucca, Nevada from Saturday, August 27 to Tuesday, September 12. -Conference Fee -$150 for registration - 2 members will be attending: $300.00 total -Hotel $20.00 per night -Check in Saturday, August 27, check out Tuesday, September 12. -Super 8, 2 queen beds-$20 per night - 2 to each room—1 room - $340.00 total -Airfare - $180.00 per ticket - 2 tickets—total of $360.00 -Members will be expected to provide their own food.
Make sure to attach all price quotes and receipts