WGET 2008 Work Plan

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WGET 2008 Work Plan


IASC Subsidiary Bodies

Sub-Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications Programme Report 2008

Finalised: 30 March 2009

Narrative Summary

The mandate of the IASC sub Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications (WGET) includes the facilitation of operational activities and the pro-active representation of the interests of all users of telecommunications in humanitarian assistance in the international regulatory and policy environment, as well as vis-à-vis the private sector. WGET also represents the humanitarian community at other fora such as IASMN (Inter Agency Security Management Network), GDIN (Global Disaster Information Network) and ITAG (UN Inter-Agency Telecommunications Advisory Group).

WGET is an important body where most emergency telecommunications interoperability standards for disaster relief are discussed, developed and disseminated in addition to issues related to regulatory, operational and technical aspects of telecommunications for disaster relief. WGET has also been instrumental in facilitating the work of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC).

In 2008, WGET will also need to focus on priority ICT standards and activities related to support the humanitarian reform and the implementation of emergency telecommunications services for disaster preparedness and response. Work Plan for 2008

Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update I. Use of Telecommunications for the Safety and Security of Humanitarian Personnel  Investigate and standardize on alternative 1.1 Development, publication,  UNICEF/GMPSC sub-working March Alternate MOSS compliant solution MOSS compliant solution(s) to replace investigated and initial results provided. implementation and monitoring of standards INMARSAT Mini-M which is being phased group The WGET Members agreed that there for communication equipment, services and out. procedures as developed by the IASC- is no business case to change the Mini- WGET and the ISCC SIG-TAG and M systems for any other product as there approved by the ACC related to the safety was no official end of service and security of humanitarian personnel. announcement.

 OCHA/WFP/UNICEF/UNHCR  Participate in UNDSS MOSS review on Year round WFP has actively engaged UNDSS in security telecommunication standard.. 2008, through bilateral meetings focusing on practical applications of the MOSS requirements and especially on the possible change/amendment of the MOSS document in view of emerging technologies. UNDSS policy is under review and will be submitted to the WGET members by end October 2008.  Development of best practices and ICT  WFP & SWG emergency management training based on Year round WFP has developed an Emergency these best practices (processes, procedures, Preparedness and Response deployment, handover, etc.) and Management Training which has been harmonized with the CSLT program. Training to be provided on a regular basis. delivered four times in 2008. By end of 2008, over 80 ICT managers will be trained from 17 UN Agencies and NGO’s.

 Determine requirements for a UN/NGO standard for digital mobile radio (DMR) for  WFP/UNHCR/DMR sub- June A draft “Minimum Requirements” field operations. Establish strategy, working group document for the new UHF/VHF timeframe and transitional guidelines for platform was developed. Initial eventual migration to Digital Mobile Radio Technical results will be available after in the field, the 2nd phase of testing, which is planned to be finished by end 2008. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update  Study the integration of TCP-IP to  OCHA / UNHCR conventional or digital radio systems; undertake a comparative review of June Different technologies were tested in the alternative solutions field. Results were shared and discussed during the WGET plenary meetings. WGET members agreed to investigate further in 2009.

 Guidelines/documents on the use of radio-  OCHA/ITU based technologies and radio In order to provide information on the November communication services for early warning use of radio technologies in alerting and alerting (based on work by WMO/ITU- systems ITU (ITU-R SG 7) and WMO R Study Group 7 and ITU-D Study Group developed Handbook “ Use of Spectrum 2). for Meteorology: Weather, Water and Climate Monitoring and Prediction” and ITU-D SG 2 developed Report “ Use of Remote Sensing for Disaster Prediction, Detection and Mitigation”

Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update II. Inter-Agency emergency ICT coordination and emergency response

 Ensure inter-operability standards and 2.1 WGET to ensure strategic monitoring of No Activities to report SOPs are in place, for efficient and ETC with SWG June the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster predictable implementation and (ETC) processes and implementation. Provide handover of the agencies’ common inputs to IASC to ensure policy coherence. infrastructure and services at the end of the emergency phase. 2.2 Ensure the development of inter-agency  Undertake an evaluation of the ETC and ETC co-leads. Year-round Evaluation model has been developed standards to facilitate the implementation of IAET emergency interventions, (linked to the broader evaluation of all emergency telecommunications services for identifying lessons learnt and end-user Clusters).. disaster preparedness and response. feedback, to establish best-practises and modify standards and SOPs as appropriate. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update III. Facilitation of Inter-Operability  Redefine the UN functionality 3.1 Further development and implementation of WFP and SWG members June Efforts have been made in the area of requirements for advanced HF radio common standards for inter-operability of standards. Liaise with key manufacturer inter-operability. Some protocol agency owned and public networks used in to ensure compatibilities and problems will be addressed in 2009. humanitarian assistance. Support to all IASC- interoperability of the new systems. WGET partners, national administrations and private sector partners in the application of the  Study the potential use of the X-band Report on this activity provided to the standards defined and adopted by the IASC- spectrum to provide satellite bandwidth DPKO and SWG March WGET members. WGET will monitor WGET. Ensuring joint training programmes on for emergency response. the evolution of the X-Band market in above. 2009. There is no need to procure X- Band services for the time-being.  Experiment rapid deployment VSAT UNHCR June Following a pilot emergency solutions such as the new Emergesat deployment in Chad, new requirements solution, and explore their ability to be were provided to address some used as humanitarian crisis management prototype weaknesses. A new and aid tool. Emergesat version is currently being developed (using the WGET inputs) and will be tested in the field in 2009.  Promote adoption by UN agencies SWG members Year-round Done requiring VSAT services of the Long Term Arrangement that resulted from the Inter-agency RFP.

 Develop mechanisms to ensure the inter- SWG members in coordination December Collaboration mechanisms are under operability of WGET tools with those with NGOs development with Nethope consortium. used by international partners such as WGET members will participate into International Humanitarian Partnership the annual Nethope plenary meeting to and NetHope. strengthen collaboration and exchange between both groups. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update IV. Cooperation with Private Sector / Telecommunication Industry 4.1 Cooperate with private sector and NGOs to  Promote wider cooperation with the support humanitarian operations and develop Existing partnership with SRSA, private sector to enhance support to ITU and SWG members Year-round new technologies; extend the cooperation to humanitarian operations through Ericsson Response reinforced. additional partners in the telecommunications investigating, establishing and Discussions with NOREPS are on and IT industry, and work towards acceptance maintaining partnership agreements. going. of common standards by equipment manufacturers for use in humanitarian operations. Raise concerns to the notice of  Identify mechanism for facilitation of OCHA and GVF Year-round service providers and industry experts in sharing of UN-negotiated supply Results will be shared end 2008. particular to improve services and reduce costs contracts with NGOs and standby partners. thereof.  Work with the Global VSAT Forum to Discussions with Satellite service SWG members Year-round facilitate the cooperation with the providers did not reach positive satellite industry and enhance the conclusions. emergency response capacity.

 Investigate possibility for establishment Legal and human Resources rules SWG members and standby of a common roster for technical experts restrict the use of a common inter partners and qualified ICT personnel to assist in organizations roster. The SWG will emergency deployments. continue its effort for reaching a consensus in 2009.

 Development of on-line training GVF and OCHA material including the area of VSAT June Done. Continue to explore additional installation and support. on-line training options in 2009. OCHA with UNHCR, IFRC,  Study the possibility of offering satellite November services for emergency response at no UNOSAT and CNES Positive discussions with partners and cost (From WGET July 2007 meeting private sector entities for free provision minutes) of Satellite services for emergencies. Development of an emergency Telecom charter for the free provision of such services expecting to be finalized in June 2009. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update V. Cooperation with Private Sector / Telecommunication Industry 5.1 Pursue the development and  Development of the first version of the WFP through its Vodafone / UN implementation of recommendations, technical ICT Emergency Preparedness and WFP August Foundation partnership developed a draft publications and standards, possibly including Response Manual including best version of the ICT Emergency institutionalised cooperation between the practices, processes, procedures, humanitarian community and the International deployment, handover, etc.). Preparedness and Response manual (web Telecommunication Union. based) available on the WFP ICT Humanitarian Emergency Platform  Develop and disseminate the Handbook on Disaster Communications and related ITU Year-round material. Handbook on Disaster Communication published and disseminated. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update VI. Application of the Tampere Convention  Promote the application and further 6.1 Application of the Tampere Convention for OCHA/ITU Year-round Several contacts and discussions took ratification of the Tampere Convention place with Governments regarding the the un-hindered use of all appropriate and establish related operational application and further ratification of technologies from the earliest stage of procedures. emergency situations and related Resolutions the Convention. and Recommendations, training in the  Maintain/update the central register of OCHA/ITU Year-round utilization of these regulatory tools, ratification the Tampere Convention focal points as Central Register maintained and of the Convention by Member States, well as technical and regulatory contacts updated. Continuation of the cooperation with the ITU in the different countries. and other regulatory and policy entities, including the European Union, and the  Enhance coordination of frequency OCHA/ITU Year-round administrations of their Member States towards spectrum management and related issues ITU-R/BR designed a database for the for UN, NGO and civil-military actors full compliance of national regulations with the pre-identified and pre-coordinated in humanitarian response under stipulations of the Convention and ratification Tampere Convention, including the frequencies to be used the very early of the latter. establishing and dissemination of stages of humanitarian assistance standard operating procedures (SOPs) intervention for disaster relief and among civil-military actors. invited Administrations to supply the relevant data. Activity Area / Activities Expected Outputs Focal point(s) Timeframe Status / Update VII. Safeguarding the Interests of Humanitarian Users of ICT 7.1 Safeguarding the interests of the users of telecommunications in the service of Implementation scope defined and  Establish a plan for the implementation humanitarian response through representation expert group established to finalize the of the UN country code (888) for OCHA / DFS / Ericsson Response November of the common interests of all IASC-WGET feasibility study in November 2008 disaster relief that was assigned to partners in major events such as ITU Study with industry and regulatory experts. OCHA by ITU in 2007. Groups and similar fora. Maintain and develop contacts with implementing partners by conferring with them to identify  Presentations and publications and OCHA Year round telecommunications issues, which can be Done personal contacts with the respective studied / resolved through consultation within authorities. Facilitation of the use of the IASC-WGET framework. telecommunications in humanitarian operations.

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