1. Call to Order 12:30 PM

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1. Call to Order 12:30 PM

Minutes CENTRAL SECTION MEETING 3/09/2016 Yesterday’s

1. Call to Order – 12:30 PM President – Jim Lafferty

2. Roll Call Executive Committee: Jim Lafferty President _X_ present____ absent Nicole Joy Vice President _X_ present____ absent Emil Nemec Treasurer _X_ present____ absent Carrie-Anne Lyons Secretary _X_ present____ absent Jill Plesnarski Past President _X_ present____ absent

TRUSTEES Mike Roy (Expires 5/2018) ____ present_X_ absent Ray Nierstedt (Expires 5/2016) ____ present_X_ absent Jerry Harris (Expires 5/2017) ____ present_X_ absent

3. Pledge to the Flag: Y

4. Self Introductions: Y

5. Approval of Minutes - Motion: Alan Friedrich Second: Tom Horn Comments & Corrections: N/A Approved

6. President's Report:

Welcome back everyone, following is our monthly update;

Reminder - the 2016 Council of Delegates meeting April 22nd 2016 at 8:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Eatontown. It will not be held at the Annual NJWEA Conference in Atlantic City this year.

Please make arrangements to attend the Delegate’s meeting on April 22nd in Eatontown at the Sheraton.


1. Stephen Florek, II 2. Alan Friedrich 3. Eric Reichert 4. Jeff Williams 5. Henry Penley 6. Jennifer Loudon 7. John Mele 8. Peter Nese 9. Al Lunkenheimer 10. John Gardner

Alternate Delegates:

1. Jerry Haimowitz 2. Roger Parkhurst 3. Glenn Plesnarski 4. Norman Townsend

We have three (3) volunteers bartending at the hospitality suite at the May Conference; Eric Reichert Bobbie Hartsell Jerry Haimowitz.

In addition, two (2) vender booth judges who volunteered again this year for the exhibit area; Jerry Haimowitz Eric Reichert

Thank you all for your services. As a reminder for those who are planning to go and support the North Section Frank S. Miller Dinner Dance and Awards Night; the event will be held this Saturday night 3/12/16 at the Fiesta, Wood-Ridge NJ.

Please note: Our next Central Section business meeting will be held on April 13th 2016; the meeting will be held at Yesterday’s Restaurant, 3153 Rt. 35 in Hazlet, NJ 07730. I'm looking forward to seeing you all there.

7. Vice President's Report: Present, No Report

8. Treasurer's Report: Emil Nemec : Card Reader will be used at meetings and events, 3% is average cost on transactions made using credit card. The section will absorb this minor charge instead of up-charging members. Funds from these payments are instantly available to section. Checking: $22,398.49 Wells Fargo: $11,737.46 Total : $34,235.95 Motion: Al Friedrich Second: Steve Florek Comments and Corrections: N/A Approved 9. NJWEA State Report: Jim Deblock was present at meeting to set up credit card machine that can now be used at meetings and events. He said the seminar & tech experienced his highest pre-registration. Conference bulletin went to print yesterday. Henry Penley is currently selling exhibits.

10. Committee Reports:

Alan Friedrich - Good & Welfare – Present – sent basket to Jeff Williams Family on their son’s passing. A basket will go out next week for Connie Lagrosa when she comes home from rehab center.

Clark Wolverton – Membership (& Mailings) – Absent – No Report

Roseann Pettrow- Present – Absent - Carrie Anne gave report –Date of Awards dinner to be Saturday, January 14th, 2017 and held at Bridgewater Manor. We have upgraded food on the meat option to chateaubriand.

Jen Loudon - Special Activities – Absent – No Report

Roger Parkhurst – Absent – No Report – Carrie Anne reported that golf outing will be held at Bunker Hill in Princeton, NJ on Friday, September 16th 2016 and we will be making a food change to change it up a little and do some Texas style BBQ.

Robert Noel - Education & Seminars Programs – Absent – No Report

Jeff Williams – Manual of Practice – Absent – No Report

Eric Reichert – Webmaster – Present – Scholarships have been updated on central section page. Plan on adding more things to website.

Henry Penley - Membership roster – Present – If you have a business card and email address please submit and you can receive a copy of member roster.

Robert Noel - Scholar Awards – Absent

Jen Loudon Young Professionals – Absent – No Report

10. New Business:

Having trouble getting operators to attend meetings. Hoping the TCH seminars will more operators in. 11. Lunch:

12. SPEAKER – was to be Roger Parkhurst, Pumping Services, but had to cancel.

13. Door Prizes: Prizes donated by: Accurate Waste, Bendlin, Harper Haines and Lyons Environmental.

14. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at Yesterday’s Restaurant, 3153 Rt. 35 in Hazlet, NJ 07730.

15. Adjournment: Motion: Al Lunkenheimer Second: Nicole Joy Time: 13:31

Lunch Attendees: Jeff Cantwell, Dan Carey, Jason Chase, Jim Deblock, Steve Florek, Alan Friedrich, John Gardner, Ernie Gillins, George Hoff, Thomas Horn, Nicole Joy, Jim Lafferty, Al Lunkenheimer, Carrie-Anne Lyons, Emil Nemec, Henry Penley, Jill Plesnarski, Eric Reichert, Charles Winkler

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