1St Nine Weeks Room for You to Do Problem Solving, Review, Testing, Etc

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1St Nine Weeks Room for You to Do Problem Solving, Review, Testing, Etc

Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Lesson Standard Learning Targets Student Friendly Essential Question Tennessee Academic Additional Assessments Statements Vocabulary Resources Intro Chapter 1  Students must know  I know place What purpose does the place value  http://www.aaastudy.cMath-1-6-1-Student place value names value names system serve? Why is having a place om/grade6.htm Assessment.docx Place Value Review from hundred millions from hundred value system vital to society? to thousandths. millions to  Students must identify thousandths. place values, using  I can identify commas and/or place values, periods, from hundred using commas millions to and/or periods thousandths. from hundred  Students must identify millions to which place values are thousandths. greater than or less  I can identify than others. which place  values are greater than or less than others. Holt 1-1 SPI 0606.1.2 – Judge the  Students must know  I know how to How can you determine if an answer is  estimate http://betterlesson.co reasonableness of the results place value. decide if an reasonable?  compatible number m/lesson/74136/1-3- of rational number estimates  Students must be able estimate is  underestimate compatible-numbers and/or computations. to compare rational reasonable.  overestimate numbers (>, <, =) Holt 1-2 EE.6.1 Write and evaluate  Students must know  I can write How are they used in writing numerical  *exponent http://betterlesson.co numerical expressions the two parts of a numerical expressions for real world situations?  *base m/lesson/74136/1-3- involving exponents number written as a expressions  exponential form compatible-numbers power (base and containing  *power exponent) which whole-number represent repeated exponents. multiplication. Students must write numerical expressions involving whole- number exponents.

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Holt 1-3 EE.6.1 Write and evaluate  Students must evaluate  I can evaluate Why is it important to have a standard  numerical http://www.wallkillcsd. Math-2-6-3-Student numerical expressions expressions using the expressions order for operations in mathematical expression k12.ny.us/education/co Assessment.doc involving exponents order of operations. using the order expressions?  simplify mponents/links/links.p  Students must know of operations.  order of operations hp? EE.6.3 Apply properties of grouping symbols.  I know sectiondetailid=118807 operations to generate grouping equivalent expressions symbols.

SPI 606.3.2 Use the order of operations and parentheses to simplify expressions and solve problems. Holt 1-4 EE.6.2.a Write expressions that  Students must know  I know the Why is it important to have a standard  Commutative Mental Strategies Math-1-6-7b-Student record operations with numbers the order of order of order for operations in mathematical Property for Multiplication Assessment.doc and with letters standing for operations, (e.g. operations, expressions?  Associative numbers. Using Distributive parentheses, (e.g. Property EE.6.2.b Identify parts of an Property expression using mathematical exponents, parentheses,  Distributive terms (sum, term, product, multiply/divide left to exponents, Property factor, quotient, coefficient); right, add/subtract left multiply/divide view one or more parts of an to right). left to right, expression as a single entity  Students must solve add/subtract EE.6.2.c Evaluate expressions at expressions. left to right). specific values for their variables.  Students must evaluate  I can solve Include expressions that arise from formulas in real-world expressions using the expressions. problems. Perform arithmetic order of operations.  I can evaluate operations, including those  Students must know expressions involving whole-number grouping symbols. using the order exponents, in the conventional of operations. order when there are no  I know parentheses to specify a grouping particular order (Order of Operations). symbols. EE.6.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). SPI 0606.1.4 Select the representation that models one of the arithmetic properties (commutative, associative, or distributive)

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Holt 1-5  Students must use the  I can use the How are the concepts of number theory  http://www.leslienettli concepts of number concepts of applied in the real world? ng.com/Nettling6thMa theory to solve number theory thLinks.htm problems. to solve problems.

Holt 1-6 EE.6.1 Write and evaluate  Students must know  I understand Why does the difference between  sequence Math-2-6-3-Student numerical expressions the difference between the difference expressions and equations matter?  term Assessment.doc involving whole-number an expression and an between an  arithmetic sequence exponents. equation. expression and  Students must write an equation. EE.6.6 Use variables to algebraic expressions.  I can write represent numbers and write algebraic expressions when solving a expressions real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.

SPI 0606.3.8 Represent patterns using words, graphs, and simple symbolic notation.

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Holt 2-1 EE.6.9 Use variables to  Students must know  I understand Why does the difference between  Variable Math-2-6-3-Student represent two quantities in a the difference between the difference expressions and equations matter?  Constant Assessment.doc real-world problem that an expression and an between an  Algebraic change in relationship to one equation. expression and expression another; write an equation  Students must write an equation.  Evaluate to express one quantity, algebraic expressions.  I can write thought of as the dependent algebraic variable, in terms of the expressions other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation.

Holt 2-2 EE.6.2 Write, read, and  Students must know  I can model a Why does the difference between  Math-2-6-3-Student evaluate expressions in the difference between situation when expressions and equations matter? Assessment.doc which letters stand for an expression and an given a word numbers. equation. problem.  Students must write  I can explain EE.6.3 Apply the properties algebraic expressions. the difference of operations to generate  Students must write between an equivalent expressions. algebraic equations. algebraic expression and SPI0606.3.5 Translate an equation. between verbal expressions/sentences and algebraic expressions/equations.

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Holt 2-3 EE.6.1 Write and evaluate  Students must know  I can continue Why is it important to know how to  Math-2-6-1-Student numerical expressions how to continue a a pattern extend a pattern in relationship Assessment.doc involving whole-number pattern when given a when given a determining rules for tables? exponents. set of numbers. set of  Students must be able numbers. SPI0606.3.7 Use algebraic to find an expression  I can find an expressions and properties to for a given input- expression for analyze numeric and output table. a given input- geometric patterns. output table.

Holt 2-4 EE.6.1 Write and evaluate  Students must model a  Students must I can solve equations with one variable.  equation Math-2-6-2-a- numerical expressions situation when given a be able to  solution Student involving whole-number word problem. solve Assessment.doc exponents.  Students must be able equations with to explain the one variable. SPI 0606.1.5 Model algebraic difference between an expressions using algebra algebraic expression tiles. and an equation.

Holt 2-5 EE.6.7 Solve real-world and  Students must model a  Students must I can solve equations with one variable.  Inverse operations Math-2-6-2-a- mathematical problems by situation when given a be able to Student writing and solving word problem. solve Assessment.doc equations of the form x + p =  Students must be able equations with q and px = q for cases in to explain the one variable. which p, q and x are all difference between an nonnegative rational algebraic expression numbers. and an equation.

SPI 0606.3.3 Write equations that correspond to given situations or represent a given mathematical relationship. Holt 2-6 EE.6.7; SPI 0606.3.3   

Holt 2-7 EE.6.7; SPI 0606.3.3   

Holt 2-8 EE.6.7; SPI 0606.3.3   

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

Holt 7-1 RP.6.1;  Students must know  I know that a Why are ratios important and how can  Ratio http://mathjourneys.co Math-3-6-5 Student RP.6.3.d Use ratio reasoning that a ratio can be ratio can be they be used to describe relationships?  Equivalent ratios m/mathsix.html Assessment.docx to convert measurement written in three written in  Rate units; manipulate and different ways. (e.g., three different  Unit rate transform units appropriately part to part, part to ways. (e.g., when multiplying or dividing whole, whole to part) part to part, quantities.  Students must know part to whole, that a ratio is a whole to part) RP.6.2 Understand ratio comparison of two  I know that a concepts and use ratio quantities using ratio is a reasoning to solve problems. division. comparison of  Students must be able two quantities RP.6.3 Use ratio and rate to identify equivalent using division. reasoning to solve real-world ratios.  I can identify and mathematical problems,  Students must be able equivalent to write a ratio in ratios. RP.6.3.a Make tables of lowest terms.  I can write a equivalent ratios relating  Students must be able ratio in lowest quantities with whole- to apply ratios to terms. number measurements, find mathematical  I can apply missing values in the tables, problems involving ratios to and plot the pairs of values measurement. mathematical on the coordinate plane. Use  Students must be able problems tables to compare ratios. to apply ratios to involving practical problems measurement. RP.6.3.b Solve unit rate involving  I can apply problems including those measurement. ratios to involving unit pricing and  Students must be able mathematical constant speed. to apply ratios to problems mathematical involving RP.6.3.c Find a percent of a problems involving money. quantity as a rate per 100 money.  I can apply (e.g., 30% of a quantity  Students must be able ratios to means 30/100 times the to apply ratios to practical quantity); solve problems practical problems problems involving finding the whole involving money. involving given a part and the percent.  Students must be able money. to write ratios to  I can write SPI 0606.2.6 Solve problems

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

involving ratios, rates, and represent practical ratios from percents. problems. practical problems. Holt 7-2 RP.6.2; RP.6.3; RP.6.3a-c  Same as 7-1  Same as 7-1  SPI 0606.2.6 Holt 7-3 RP.6.2; RP.6.3; RP.6.3a-c  Same as 7-1  Same as 7-1  Proportion http://www.homescho SPI 0606.2.6 olmath.net/teaching/pr oportions.php Holt 7-4 RP.6.2; RP.6.3; RP.6.3a-c  Same as 7-1  Same as 7-1  Corresponding sides http://www.math- SPI 0606.2.6  Corresponding aids.com/Geometry/An angles gles/  *Similar Holt 7-5 RP.6.3 Use ratio and rate  Same as 7-1  Same as 7-1  Indirect http://mysite.cherokee. reasoning to solve real-world measurement k12.ga.us/personal/eri and mathematical problems, n_fortune/site/Ch %206%20Resources/1/ 7.5%20Indirect SPI 0606.2.6 Solve problems %20Measurement.pdf involving ratios, rates, and percents. Holt 3-1 NS.6.6 Understand a rational  Students must read  I can read Why do we need to know how to  http://www.wallkillcsd. Math-1-6-3-Student number as a point on the numbers correctly numbers compare and order groups of fractions, k12.ny.us/education/co Assessment.docx number line. Extend number when written as correctly when decimals, and percents? mponents/links/links.p line diagrams and coordinate fractions, decimals, written as When might it be necessary to order a hp? Middle School axes familiar from previous and percents. fractions, group of numbers made up of fractions, sectiondetailid=119024 Mathematics RPDP grades to represent points on decimals, and decimals, and percents? Resources the line and in the plane with percents. Why do we need to know how to place negative number  I can write numbers in different formats on a coordinates. numbers number line? correctly as What does that help us to achieve? fractions, decimals, and percents.

Holt 3-2 NS.6.1 Interpret and  Students must select  I can correctly How can estimating with fractions,  Clustering http://www.kyrene.org Middle School compute quotients of the estimation strategy estimate using decimals, and percents impact your life?  Front-end /Staff/hstaudohar/Pow Mathematics RPDP fractions, and solve word most appropriate to a decimals. estimation er%20Point Resources problems involving division situation. %20Presentations/6th of fractions by fractions, e.g., %20grade/Chapter by using visual fraction %203/3.2%20estimatin

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

models and equations to g%20decimals.pdf represent the problem.

Holt 3-3 NS.6.1 Interpret and  The student must  I can add and How does working with decimals affect  http://www.helpingwit https://www.buzzma compute quotients of fluently add and subtract you in real life situations? hmath.com/by_grade/ th.com/standards/te fractions, and solve word subtract multi-digit decimals gr6_worksheets.htm nnessee/common- problems involving division decimals using the fluently. core/6th-grade of fractions by fractions, e.g., standard algorithm for by using visual fraction each operation. models and equations to represent the problem.

NS.6.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

SPI0606.2.3 Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.

Holt 3-5 NS.6.1 Interpret and  Students must add,  I can add, What does accurately completing  http://www.swisd.net/ compute quotients of subtract, multiply, and subtract, calculations allow us to do? hip/Hip_Units/6th fractions, and solve word divide decimals. multiply, and %20Grade problems involving division divide %20Math/6MathMod4. of fractions by fractions, e.g., decimals. pdf by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.

NS.6.3 Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

SPI0606.2.3 Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication,

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary. Grade and Subject *25 lessons are included in the pacing guide. There are 40 instructional days in this nine weeks. This leaves 1st Nine Weeks room for you to do problem solving, review, testing, etc.

and division of decimals.

Holt 3-6 NS.6.1; NS.6.3; SPI0606.2.3  Same as 3-5  Same as 3-5 

Vocabulary terms listed with * indicate Tennessee Academic Vocabulary.

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