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Troup County School System s4

RL: Reading Literary What defines culture? 1 RF: Reading Foundational How do authors learn and share W: Writing Troup County School System SL: Speaking and Listening their knowledge on a topic? L: Language ELA Curriculum Map Prior learning: indicated in red. Third Grade – Second Quarter

GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources How does asking and answering Whole group units provide instruction in RL, RI, W, SL and L Reading: Literary standards ELAGSE.3RL.1 Ask and answer questions to questions (before, during, and after reading) help me stay engaged with text? Mentor Sentences Teacher Guide demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly Mentor Model Sentences Module 2 to the text as the basis for the answers. (Ask and Answer How can I prove my answers using the Questions, Inferring, Making Connections) text? How do I ask a good question? Students have been asking and answering questions to What is the difference between a thick ELA Pacing Guides: includes individual lessons demonstrate understanding since Kindergarten. Justifying question and a thin question? Oct Nov Dec their answers from text is new learning. ELAGSE.3RL.2 Recount stories, including fables, Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine How can I determine the central message 3 the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it of a piece of literary text? How does an is conveyed through key details in the text. author use key details to convey his/her Additional resources may be used for re-teaching, enrichment, or (Summarizing) central message? differentiation during small group instruction Additional Web Resources for RL Standards Fables and folktales were introduced in second grade. Myths Constructed Response Practice are new. How can I get to know a story character? RACE poster ELAGSE.3RL.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g. their YES MAAM Poster traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their How does character analysis help me understand a story? Content Literary Strategies – comprehensive list of actions contribute to the sequence of events. different strategies for ELA Students were introduced to characters in Kindergarten. Strategies Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Describing how their actions contribute to the sequence of events is new learning. What strategy should I use when I come RL 1 ELAGSE.3RL4 Determine the meaning of words and A Questioning Toolkit phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative to a word I don’t know? What are metaphors and similes? RL 2 language such as metaphors and similes. Literary Elements Unit RL 3 Interactive Character Trading Cards Key Vocabulary Character Maps set of graphic organizers – scroll to Explicit, text, thick questions, thin questions, justify, support, the ones on character mapping predict, recount, retell, folktale, fable, central message, Character Actions Contribute to Events- Learn lesson, moral, diverse cultures, key details, story map, Zillion summarize, traits, motivation, character, plot, sequence Great blog about Character Traits GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources Troup County Schools 2016-17 3rd Reading Curriculum Map Second Quarter 2 ELAGSE.3RL.5 Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and What are some helpful terms I can use Additional resources may be used for re-teaching, enrichment, poems when writing or speaking about a text, using when discussing literary works? How or differentiation during small group instruction Additional Web Resources for RL and RI Standards terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how can I analyze each part of a literary work each successive part builds on earlier sections. and determine how it builds on earlier Students are familiar with the structure of a story. Dramas parts? RL5 and poems are new. Arts Edge – A Drama Exploration

ELAGSE.3RL.6 Distinguish their own point of view from What is a point of view? How can I tell RL 6 that of the narrator or those of the characters. (Making an author’s point of view when I read a Books for teaching Point of View Connections) story? Read Works Point of View lessons This is new learning. Determine Point of View – Learn Zillion

ELAGSE.3RL.9 Compare and contrast stories in the Literary Tasks from Florida Center for Reading same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories ) on How are the story I am reading the same Research their approaches to similar themes and topics. or different to other stories? How are the themes in the stories I am reading the same or different? Additional websites may be used to search for lesson ELAGSE.3.RL.10 By the end of the year, read and plans by content, grade level, or standard comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and To be a well-rounded reader, what genres Reading A to Z poetry, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity of books should I read? How do I push Read Works band independently and proficiently. Students are myself to be a better reader? Utah Educational Network expected to read within the Lexile levels of 420-820 by the end of third grade. Read Write Think Learn NC Key Vocabulary Plans from NYC stories, dramas, poems, chapter, scene, stanza, successive, Learn Zillion section, fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry, point of view, narrator, connections (text-self, text-text, text-world), genres, comprehend, stories, dramas, poetry, complexity, independently, proficiently

Troup County Schools 2016-17 3rd Reading Curriculum Map Second Quarter 3

GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources Reading: Informational Whole group units provide instruction in RL, RI, W, SL and L How does asking and answering questions standards. See page 1 for Units ELAGSE.3RI.1 Ask and answer questions to (before, during, and after reading) help me demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly stay engaged with text? How can the strategy to the text as the basis for the answers. (Ask and Answer Additional resources may be used for re-teaching, enrichment, of making connections help me better or differentiation during small group instruction Questions, Predict/Infer, Making Connections) understand instructional text? Additional Web Resources for RI Standards Students have been asking and answering questions to How can I justify my answers using the text? Informational Tasks from Florida Center for Reading demonstrate understanding since Kindergarten. Justifying How do I ask a good question? Research their answers from text is new learning. What is the difference between a thick question and a thin question? What is the RI 1 ELAGSE.3RI.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount difference between predicting and inferring? the key details and explain how they support the main RI 2 idea. (Determining Importance) Introduced in second How can I tell the main idea of a text? What are key details and how do they grade. Supporting the main idea through key details is new RI 3 learning. support the main idea of a text? RI 4 ELAGSE.3.RI.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a t ext, using language that What are some ways to represent a series pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Taught in of events, a collection of ideas, or a set of second grade. Emphasis on transition words pertaining to time, procedures? sequence, and cause/effect is new.

ELA3.RI.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text What are some strategies for finding the relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. (Inferring) Introduced in second grade. (Text complexity, topic, and meaning of an unknown word in a non- subject area will be new.) fiction text? Key Vocabulary Explicit, text, thick questions, thin questions, justify, support, predict, infer, main idea, recount, key details, support, historical events, scientific ideas, concepts, technical procedures, time, chronological order, sequence, logical order, cause, effect, domain specific words

GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources

Troup County Schools 2016-17 3rd Reading Curriculum Map Second Quarter GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources Additional resources may be used for re-teaching, enrichment, Reading Foundational (RF): Small Group or differentiation during small group instruction 4 Additional Web Resources for RF Standards ELAGSE.3RF.3ELA3.RI.5 Use Knowtext features and apply and grade-level search tools phonics (e.g., key and What textual features and search tools RFRI 35 wordwords, analysis sidebars, skills hyperlinks) in decoding to words.locate information will make it easier to locate information Word Parts Unit relevant to a given topic quickly and efficiently. quickly and efficiently in a non-fiction DecodingRI7 Multi-Syllabic Words a.(Determining Identify the meaning Importance) of the Introducedmost common in second prefixes grade. and text? DecodingLearning Multi-Syllableto Read Nonfiction Words Text – Learn Features Zillion How can knowledge of word parts help suffixes. In second grade, students had to decode words with Florida Center for Reading Research me to become better reader? commonELA3.RI.7 prefixes Use informationand suffixes. gained from illustrations (e.g., How can graphic features of text help me RI 8 maps, photographs) and the words in a text to understand non-fiction text? b.demonstrate Decode words understanding with common Latinof the suffixes. text (e.g., This where, is new RF 4 How can the ability to decode multi- learning.when, why, and how key events occur). This is new Reader’s Theater Scripts c.learning Decode multi-syllable words. New learning syllable words help me to become a better reader? ELAGSE.3RF.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluencyELAGSE.3.RI.8 to support Describe comprehension. the logical Students connection are expectedbetween Additional Pages on Website for RF toparticular read a grade sentences level- appropriate and paragraphs book at ina ratea text of (e.g.,90 words How are sentences connected logically to Standards percomparison, minute by the cause/effect, end of second first/second/third grade. Students in should a be form paragraphs? What strategies do Differentiated Reading Page 3- 5 (work ablesequence). to read at New a rate learning. of 120 words per minute by the end of authors use to organize their thoughts? time group activities can be found here) third grade. Additional websites may be used to search for lesson plans by content, grade level, or standard a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. What does fluent reading sound like? b.ELA.GSE.3.RI.10 Read on-level prose: By andthe poetryend of orally the year, with readaccuracy, and How does reading with accuracy and appropriatecomprehend rate, informational and expression texts, on successive including history/socialreadings. fluency help me understand what I read? (targetstudies, by thescience, end of and the year:technical 120 wpm)texts, at the high end of c.the Use grades context 2-3 to textconfirm complexity or self-correct band wordindependently recognition and and understanding,proficiently. This rereading standard as necessary.addresses genres of reading, as well as readability of text. Students are expected to read within the Lexile levelsKey of 420-820Vocabulary by the end of third grade. Key Vocabulary WordKey words,analysis, sidebars, prefix (un-, hyperlinks, re-, dis-, titles, in-, pre-), table derivationalof contents, suffix,chapter Latin headings, suffix (-ation, maps, - photographs,ly, -ous, -ment,- diagrams, ity, -ful, charts,-ous, -al) decoding,graphs, graphic multi-syllable, organizers, accuracy, graphic fluency, features, prose, comprehend, rate, expression,informational confirm, texts, self-correct,logical connection, fix-up, strategiessentence, paragraph, transition words GSE Standards Essential Questions System Resources Whole group units provide instruction in RL, RI, W, SL and L Speaking and Listening standards. See page 1 for units.

ELAGSE.3.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of Additional resources may be used for re-teaching, enrichment, collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, How can I participate effectively in a or differentiation during small group instruction teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and collaborative discussion? How can I texts, building on other’s ideas and expressing their own effectively ask questions to check my Additional Web Resources for SL Standards clearly. In second grade, the students were taught to use Troupunderstanding? County How Schools can I explain 2016-17 my ideas and build on them using what I oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, 3rd Reading Curriculum Map SL 1 and to entertain. learn from others? Teaching Social Skills a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied Second Quarter required material, explicitly draw on that preparation and How can I participate effectively in a SL 2 other information known about the topic to explore ideas collaborative discussion? under discussion. New learning b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g. gaining the What is the best way to prepare for a group discussion?

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