DEED Grant Project Quarterly Report
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DEED Grant Project Quarterly Report
Project Title: HVAC Equipment Sizing Pilot Program
Utility Name and Address:
Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities 1735 NE 70th Avenue Ankeny, IA 50021
Key Personnel and Phone Numbers:
Erin Peiffer Energy Services Specialist Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (515) 289-1999
Erin Peiffer coordinates the project. Her responsibilities include coordinating training workshops, working with the pilot utility or other interested utilities, tabulating the costs incurred from this project, and creating and assembling the model materials that will be included in the primer and final report provided to DEED.
Jane Riessen Legal Counsel Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (515) 289-1999
Jane Riessen will be reviewing and drafting all model legal agreements needed for this project.
Pete Olson Energy Services Supervisor Cedar Falls Utilities (319) 268-5355
Pete’s responsibilities are to provide training and technical support for the pilot utility and at the regional workshop in October 2006. He will also be involved with editing or developing the model materials, such as model HVAC sizing training curriculum, that will be included in the primer and final report provided to DEED.
Curt Atkins Energy Advisor Waverly Light & Power (319) 352-6252, ext. 139 Curt’s responsibilities are to provide training and technical support for the pilot utility and at the regional workshop in October 2006. He will also be involved with editing or developing the model materials, such as model HVAC sizing training curriculum, that will be included in the primer and final report provided to DEED.
The program consists of two training workshops and a training primer aimed at helping utilities to develop their own HVAC equipment sizing networks or programs. The training primer will contain model marketing materials, model legal agreements, a curriculum for training workshops, and any other resources to be developed. The first workshop has already been conducted with one “pilot” city, the City of Fairbank; the second workshop (November 8, 2006) will be conducted for a number of Midwestern municipal utilities.
The second workshop will feature equipment sizing training and model materials developed from this grant, developed partly from work with Fairbank, as well as work with the expertise of Cedar Falls Utilities staff and Waverly Light & Power staff. By working with Cedar Falls and Waverly staff, we will provide the deliverables that will be of use to other utilities interested in this program. Furthermore, as our deliverables are being finalized, and the fall season approaches, we will continue to work with Fairbank to start their sizing program.
Erin Peiffer will also be attending a workshop on residential sizing held by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) in the fall of 2006. Once Erin attains ACCA-certification, IAMU may investigate providing services for interested municipal utilities in Iowa. We have had queries from one large Iowa utility, Muscatine Power & Water, as well as less formal queries from other utilities, about IAMU becoming an entity capable of performing sizing calculations, and a sizing network being formed through IAMU. We are continuing to work on this possibility, and we believe it offers another alternative to the Fairbank “pilot” utility.
Until the conclusion of the grant in January 2007, additional support will be available to utilities that are interested in starting HVAC sizing programs.
The project has a completion date of January 31, 2007, and the second workshop is still on schedule for October 11, 2006. IAMU is still conducting research and developing the training materials for the primer, and expects to do so throughout the duration of the grant.
Results to Date: In addition to what has been mentioned in previous quarterly reports. IAMU has been working primarily on assembling materials for the primer. Attached are the early forms taking shape. Forms include a model advertisement, model legal materials, and information for customers, a sample letter to distribute for dissatisfied customers, and a sample form for utilities to track their energy savings and costs from administering a sizing program.
The model advertisement is something that was developed by Waverly Light & Power, for the HVAC sizing program they use in their service territory: Waverly has given IAMU permission to include it in the grant. Other materials include bill stuffers and newspaper advertisements. We would like to reimburse WL&P $250 for their work on the development of these advertisements, instead of working with an independent marketing firm to develop a whole new advertisement. IAMU feels that the concept of associating shoe size with air conditioner size is powerful enough to warrant the usage of their advertisements, as opposed to developing a whole new concept. IAMU has attached a sample advertisement; the final version will not include Waverly Light & Power’s logo.
The advertising materials were developed using Quark software. IAMU will work with DEED to create the final advertising materials in an acceptable format.
The model legal agreements are for customers and for utilities involved in a sizing network. IAMU’s attorney, Jane Riessen, is reviewing agreements other utilities refer to when developing a sizing program. She will be drafting forms that can be generally applicable. It is our intent that utilities will use these forms as a template; they may adjust a few things to account for the specific needs of their respective utilities. Our goal is to make the template forms comprehensive to include all factors that utilities could encounter when involved in a sizing program.
The spreadsheet model for tracking energy savings is based upon the methods that Cedar Falls Utilities uses to keep track of their energy savings. While a PDF of the actual spreadsheet appears here, IAMU plans to submit a Microsoft Excel model version, that contains equations needed for estimating the energy saved from properly sized units.
We continue to develop the informational handouts. This is primarily because information needs to be developed for city councils/utility boards, and for customers. So far, IAMU has developed an informational handout explaining the merits of air conditioning sizing for customers. We are also continuing to develop a cost comparison of HVAC sizing programs and AC direct load control programs, and information about working with local contractors. IAMU will also develop text that ties these materials together in an understandable manner.
Future Plans:
IAMU plans to refine and develop remaining materials for the primer, and to plan the workshop in November of 2006. After these materials are finished, a marketing firm will most likely evaluate them, and put them into the best format possible. Erin Peiffer will also attend ACCA training during the next quarter.
IAMU will be submitting an invoice in August for work done on this grant.
We will continue to work with Fairbank to develop a sizing program at the utility, as well as work with other interested utilities, including Muscatine Power & Water, to investigate the possibility of establishing an IAMU sizing network.
Incurred costs for the project to-date are listed below. We have not sent an invoice to DEED yet, but these are the costs (attached are costs from Waverly Light & Power, and IAMU):
Fairbank Pilot February 28 training session (Fairbank, IA) (all in-kind) CFU labor (6 hours) $210 WLP labor (5 hours) $175 CFU travel $35 WLP travel $24.92 IAMU labor (6 hours) $120 IAMU travel $135 Fairbank labor costs $630 Total: $1329.92
ACCA Training IAMU registration costs $650 (in-kind)
Development of model materials Primer assembly/research IAMU labor (9 hours) $270 (in-kind) WLP labor (1 hour) $35 (DEED) Printing costs $5 (in-kind)
Advertising materials WLP labor $250 (DEED)
Legal materials IAMU labor (2 hours) $400 (DEED)
The remainder of the budget is planned as follows (changes from the previous quarterly report have been tracked): Expense DEED funds requested In-kind Contributions
Fairbank Pilot
Sizing training/program implementation
Labor costs CFU labor costs (19 hours) $875 WLP labor costs (19 hours) $875 IAMU labor costs (4 hours) $300 Fairbank labor costs (25 hours) $875 (Fairbank)
Development of model materials1 Consultation for liability issues/ Legal contract development (1 hrs) $200
IAMU labor/materials ( 21 hours) $570 $60 (IAMU)
CFU labor (10 hours) $350
WLP labor (10 hours) $350
Printing costs $145 (IAMU)
IAMU Regional Workshop Travel costs CFU travel costs $100 WLP travel costs $110 Labor costs CFU labor costs (30 hours) $700 $350 (CFU2) WLP labor costs (20 hours) $700 IAMU labor costs (15 hours) $450 (IAMU) Materials costs Workshop handouts $100 Promotional mailings $275 Videocamera $500 Administrative costs $25 $775 (IAMU)
1 The model materials to be developed include any necessary legal contracts, model marketing materials for customers and HVAC contractors, and if needed, model materials for utility governing bodies. 2 In the event that CFU sends an additional employee to conduct training at the workshop. Utility support after workshop 3 CFU labor (5 hours) $175 (CFU) WLP labor (5 hours) $175 (WLP)
Primer Development IAMU labor (12 hours) $400 CFU labor (5 hours) $175 WLP labor (5 hours) $175 Marketing firm (5 hours) $500
Total DEED Funding $8,000 Total In-Kind Contributions $4134.92 Total Itemized Budget $12,134.92
Additional Notes:
Addresses for the other participating utilities are listed below.
Cedar Falls Utilities Utility Parkway PO Box 769 Cedar Falls, IA 50613
City of Fairbank 116 E Main Street PO Box 447 Fairbank, IA 50629 (319) 635-2340
Waverly Light & Power 1002 Adams Parkway PO Box 329 Waverly, IA 50677
3 This includes time spent answering the questions and working with other interested utilities after the workshop.