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April 27, 2015
The City Council meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Dearborn.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Dearborn.
ROLL CALL The following Aldermen were present for Roll Call: Alderman Steele, Salazar, Hamilton, Bumbalough, and Bradford.
Also present were Treasurer Babb, Clerk Worent, Interim Police Chief Elliott, Fire Chief Fortier, Public Works Director Ghidina, Attorney Tibbs, Office Manager Minson, and Deputy Clerk Ratliff.
Absent were Alderman Jacobs, and Police Chief Pentecost. Engineer Good was absent.
PRESENTATION OF JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS Alderman Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steele to approve the regular minutes of April 13, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Hamilton, Steele, Bradford, Salazar, and Bumbalough. Nays – none. Motion passed.
Alderman Salazar made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford to approve the executive minutes of April 13, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Salazar, Bradford, Hamilton, Bumbalough, and Steele. Nays – none. Motion passed.
Alderman Bumbalough made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steele to approve the executive minutes of April 20, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Bumbalough, Steele, Salazar, Hamilton, and Bradford. Nays – none. Motion passed.
Alderman Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford to approve the revised regular minutes of March 9, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Hamilton, Bradford, Salazar, Bumbalough, and Steele. Nays – none. Motion passed.
1 Mayor Mayor Dearborn will be out of town from Tuesday, April 28th through Sunday, May 3rd.
Clerk No report from Clerk Worent.
Treasurer The March Treasurer’s Report has been submitted.
Attorney No report.
City Engineer Absent. No report.
Communications: Clerk Worent read a “thank-you” from Alderman Jacobs regarding the Tiger Trot 5 K Run. She appreciated the support from the city, police, and fire departments.
CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Paula Harper, 104 Craig Road, addressed the city concerning the vacant house next door to hers. It is full of trash, and rats have been seen there. She produced pictures of dead rats that have appeared at her back door. She inquired what could be done. The attorney will look into the matter, and Office Manager Minson will contact the bank that is foreclosing on the property.
Dale Little from Men’s Club spoke on several issues:
1. Placing signs around the city announcing the Free Concerts in the Park series. 2. Being allowed to put signage up during the Freedom Fest Fireworks weekend at Independence Park. They would like to prohibit pets, skateboards, and bikes during the event. 3. Informed council that permission has been granted from Scott Benson to temporarily place event signs on Mr. Benson’s property at the corner of LaSalle & St. Clair. 4. Discussed a sidewalk chalk drawing contest at the walking trail area on Saturday of the Freedom Fest. Judging would be at 3:00 p.m., and prize(s) awarded.
Water and Sewer - Alderman Steele Public Works Director David Ghidina has taken the “Operator Oath of Integrity” on March 24th.
Law Enforcement – Alderman Hamilton The March report has been submitted.
E Streets - Alderman Bumbalough
2 No report.
Public Buildings/Parks – Alderman Jacobs Absent. Alderman Hamilton remarked that we have purchased and installed security bolts for the new Frisbee baskets from the Peoria Frisbee Club.
Fire - Alderman Bradford No report.
Finance/Planning – Salazar Alderman Salazar made a motion, seconded by Alderman Steele, to approve paying the bills: General Fund: $28,998.70, Motor Fuel: $-.0-, Wheel Tax: $-0-, Water: $6,624.85, Sewer: $2,188.40, IMRF: $1,638.93, and Social Security: $1,588.87. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Salazar, Steele, Bumbalough, Bradford, and Hamilton. Nays - None. Motion passed.
Approve Maurer-Stutz payment Alderman Salazar made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford to approve payment of $2,962.50 to Maurer-Stutz Engineers. Cost of water main design for the Men’s Club: $2,332.50. Cost for proposed Ameren Gas Mains: $630.00. (Funds from Planning). Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Alderman Salazar, Bradford, Steele, Bumbalough, and Hamilton. Nays –None. Motion passed.
Approve General Fund Budget for 2015 - 2016 Alderman Steele made a motion, seconded by Alderman Hamilton to approve the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Steele, Hamilton, Bumbalough, Salazar, and Bradford. Nays – None. Motion passed.
Approve Water/Sewer Budget for 2015 - 2016 Alderman Steele made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bumbalough to approve the Water/Sewer Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Steele, Bumbalough, Salazar, Bradford, and Hamilton. Nays – None. Motion passed.
Approve Salary Resolution Alderman Bradford made a motion, seconded by Alderman Hamilton to approve the Salary Resolution for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, with the addition of Meter Reader position maximum pay of $400 per month. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Bradford, Hamilton, Bumbalough, Steele, and Salazar. Nays – None. Motion passed. Resolution #512
Approve Retirement/Separation of Chief Pentecost
3 Alderman Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford to approve the Retirement/Separation agreement between Chief Pentecost and the City of Marquette Heights. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Hamilton, Bradford, Salazar, Steele, and Bumbalough. Nays - None. Motion passed.
Approve appointment of Police Chief Alderman Hamilton made a motion, seconded by Alderman Salazar to approve the appointment of Chief of Police Bradd Elliott, effective April 30, 2015. His $8.00 per hour salary increase will be retro-active back to March 10, 2015. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Hamilton, Salazar, Steele, Bumbalough, and Bradford. Nays - None. Motion passed
ANY OTHER BUSINESS PERTAINING TO THE CITY Alderman Steele made a motion, seconded by Alderman Hamilton to approve the corrected executive minutes of April 6, 2015. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Steele, Hamilton, Bumbalough, and Bradford. Nays – None. Motion passed.
ADJOURNMENT Alderman Bradford made a motion, seconded by Alderman Salazar to adjourn the regular City Council Meeting at 7:42 p.m. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed.
______Dana Dearborn, Mayor
______Rick Worent, City Clerk