This Topic Will Take You 3 Lessons and 3 Homework Tasks to Complete
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Using this book: This topic will take you 3 lessons and 3 homework tasks to complete. There is a checklist on page 2. For each learning objective there are notes, activities and exam hints. There are also quick fire questions for your teacher to ask you. Class tasks and homework tasks are labelled. You should look over the work after the lesson to recap what you have done. Teacher check: Ask your teacher to check your work. They will tick it and may leave a comment.
1 Learning I have looked at it I have revised it I really know it Objectives well To know how to describe. To know how to explain. To describe and explain the distribution of earthquakes. To know and compare two ways of measuring earthquakes. To describe the characteristics of the focus and epicentre of an earthquake. To explain why people continue to live in areas of volcanic and earthquake activity. To describe and explain the causes and effects of a named volcanic eruption OR earthquake. To explain how we can reduce the impacts of BOTH volcanic eruptions and earthquakes through prediction and prevention.
Tick the column when you have looked at the topic and revised the topic. If you think you know the topic really well, ask your teacher to test you using the quick fire questions.
2 LO: To know how to describe. To know how to explain Describe = Say what is there, what it looks like, where things are. E.g. volcanoes are found in Iceland. Explain = say why or how something happens. E.g. why are volcanoes found where they are?
Choose two colours. Shade in the parts of the sentence below that describe in one colour and the parts that explain in another colour: There are many volcanoes around the Pacific Rim and in the Atlantic Ocean. They occur here because two plates are meeting. This is a plate boundary.
1. True or false? Describe says why something happens. 2. True or false? ‘Two plates mover together causing an earthquake’ is a description. 3. Give an example of a description. LO: To be able to DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes.
There are two types of
There are two types of plate although some can be a mixture of both: 1) Continental: thick but low in density. They have mostly land on top. E.g. Eurasian plate 2) Oceanic: thin but are very dense. They have ocean on top. E.g. Pacific plate
3 1) Plates that move towards each other Plates that move together are called CONVERGENT. They can be destructive or collision boundaries. Collision
4 1) 2) Plates that move apart from each other are DIVERGENT. (Constructive).
3) Plates that slide past each other are CONSERVATIVE
Sometimes we get earthquakes and volcanoes in the middle of plates. 1) Earthquakes Earthquakes can happen in the middle of the plate as there are many fractures and faults. After a while the tension is released leading to an earthquake.
2) Volcanoes Volcanoes can occur at hotspots.
5 Any question that asks you how something is formed will be an EXPLAIN question. The examiner is expecting you to say why something has happened. You will be talking about a process that happens in a sequence (in the right order). All formation questions are marked in the same way. This is the mark scheme used by the examiner.
Maximum of 2 marks for If you say what happens but not why you will descriptive points. only get 2 marks! This is the why bit! Credit all explanations at 1 mark each. This is the ‘why’ bit.
Maximum 3 marks without a This is the way a landform is created. You must mention of process name the process e.g.subduction. Full sequence required for full This means you don’t miss any bits out. You give marks. them the whole process.
Try to mark an answer Study the answer below written by Maggie for the 4 mark question. Q: Explain how volcanoes form at destructive plate boundaries 4 marks A: The denser oceanic plate is pushed under the continental plate into the mantle where it melts. Magma is then forced up through the cracks to form a volcano.
1) In the box, write down how many marks you would give it out of 4 using the mark scheme above.
6 Write an answer under timed conditions. You should give yourself 8 minutes for this type of question. You have time to think! Q: Explain how volcanoes form at divergent plate boundaries. (4 marks)
Landform identification question Study the question below. Answer it under timed conditions. You should give yourself 1 minute for this type of question. Name landforms X and Y shown in the diagram. Complete the table below. 2 marks Landfor Name of landform m X y
Characteristics of plate boundaries. – complete the characteristics table
Put a tick in the box if the landform is present at the different plate boundary types. Then have a go at the ‘outline the characteristics’ question below.
7 Type of plate Plates Diagra E V F O O S I Example Notes boundary m a o o c c u s (case r l l e e b l study) t c d a a d a h a n n u n q n M c d u o o T R t s a u r i i k n e d o e t n g n a c e i h n s Convergent Oceanic and √ √ √ √ √ Nazca Powerful (they move continental subducted earthquak towards each (destructive) under es and other) N.America volcanoes n Continental and continental (collision) Oceanic and oceanic Divergent (they Oceanic and move away from oceanic each other) Conservative Continental (they move along and side each other) continental
Can you describe the characteristics at each of the plate boundaries? Make sure you read the question. What is it asking you to do? How many marks is it worth?
Q: Outline the characteristic features of a conservative plate boundary. Use only an annotated diagram in your answer. (This means the examiner is expecting you to draw an annotated diagram. If you write a separate paragraph, the examiner will ignore it). 3 marks
8 LO: To know and compare two ways of measuring earthquakes. Richter Scale Mercalli Scale Measures the magnitude Measures the effects of the earthquake Measures the energy released in the Uses roman numerals on a scale form of the seismic waves of one to twelve. Measured by a seismometer People’s interpretations of the No upper limit of the scale damage. Logarithmic ( 10 is ten times worse than 9, 9 is ten times worse than 8 and so on)
Q: Outline the differences between the Mercalli and the Richter scales (3marks)
LO: To describe the characteristics of the focus and epicentre of an earthquake.
9 If you get question that asks you to cross a box, make sure you draw the cross in the space provided. Also, check how many boxes the question wants you to choose! Complete the table below which describes the characteristics of an earthquake’s focus and epicentre. You should name two characteristics for each. Characteristic 1 Characteristic 2 Focus
LO: To explain why people continue to live in areas of volcanic and earthquake activity.
The examiner will always be impressed if you can use named examples in your answers. Not just a country, but a specific place. Use the ‘Have a go’ task below to learn some for the topic you have just done.
Named Example Reason why people still live there
10 The region around Naples, Italy, is a huge wine growing area sited on volcanic ash form Vesuvius. Mount Etna, Sicily, attracts thousands of tourists who travel up in a cable car. In Iceland, electricity is very cheap. People choose to live in California because of the beaches climate, despite the many earthquakes.
Some people in HICs choose to live there because they are confident that the management of earthquakes and volcanoes in the area is good. E.g. Japan. Q: Do you think this is more likely to be an HIC or an LIC? A:______Why? ______
Read the answer above to the question about why people live near volcanoes. It scored 3 marks in the exam. How could they make this a 4 mark answer? Think about the exam tip given to you earlier. Rewrite the answer to make it 4 marks. Improved answer: ______
11 You need to know the difference between environmental, economic and social Test your knowledge by writing in a reason for each category.
Reason people live in tectonic areas. Environment al Economic
1. Name two ways of measuring earthquakes. 2. What does the richter scale measure? 3. Which method uses a logarithmic scale? 4. Describe 2 characteristics of the focus of an earthquake. 5. Explain two economic reasons people might leave in tectonically active areas.
LO: To describe and explain the causes and effects of a named volcanic eruption OR earthquake.
This is the CASE STUDY question in the exam. It means that you have to know the example you use in detail. The examiner will be looking for SPECIFIC detail. E.g. General answer: the volcanic eruption caused a lava flow which killed hundreds of people. Specific case study: When Chances Peak volcano erupted on the island of Montserrat in 1997, a pyroclasitic flow killed 19 people.
You need to know the following with SPECIFIC detail. 1) The facts (where, when) 2) The causes (How and why) 3) The Effects (on people, the environment and economy
12 Complete the case study card below for the eruption in Montserrat. You should also make onne for the Trkey earthquake. Pp112-113 TG. Name of case Explain the causes and effects of a volcanic eruption. study Location Montserrat Volcano Name Date it erupted Plates involved Explanation of 1) Montserrat is a volcanic island on a ______plate cause boundary. 2) The North American plate is being subducted under the ______plate because it is ______. 3) Convection ______pull the N.American plate into the mantle where intense heat and pressure cause the plate to melt. 4) This molten rock rises through weaknesses in the ______. 5) This formed a volcano and the island of Montserrat. When it erupted it produced a thick, sticky lava called ______which built up on the volcano causing the dome to collapse. 6) This caused a large ash cloud 10km high. 7) Strong winds blew the ash westwards. 8) The collapse of the dome also caused pyroclastic flows. Effect on people 1) Some unauthorised people in the exclusion zone set up in 1995 were killed as they thought they would hear a warning. They were too far away and they didn’t hear the volcano erupting. They were caught unawares. 2) 19 people (mostly farmers) were killed by pyroclastic flows. They were producing food for evacuees. The fertile land is in the south where the volcano erupted. They stayed there because they thought they were helping their country. 3) The villages of Farm and Trant were completely buried or burned by ash flow deposits. 4) 7,000 people were evacuated to Antigua, the UK and the USA. Effects on the Use page 118 of TG to find 5 specific impacts on the environment. environment
Read the question and two answers below. Then use the table to mark their answers out of 6.
13 Choose a volcanic eruption or earthquake you have studied. Explain the causes of the volcanic eruption or earthquake. (6 marks)
Level Marks Description 1 1-2 Basic answer Could be any volcano/earthquake No specific facts 2 3-4 Cause explained Specific facts 3 5-6 Range of facts Causes explained in detail. Mark scheme:
Maggie’s answer
The cause of the earthquake is the plates moving. They were sliding together and causing friction. This is called a conservative plate boundary. The earthquake destroyed houses and the rest of the buildings in Haiti. Pete’s answer
Montseratt is a volcanic island and in 1995 the volcano, Soufriere hills, erupted. This lead to a major eruption in 1997 where three pyroclastic flows killed 19 people. The volcanic eruption was caused by convection currents in the mantle forcing the plates to move. Subduction happened with the more dense S.American plate (oceanic) being forced under the Caribbean plate, (continental). Intense heat in the subduction zone caused the magma to rise through the weaknesses in the crust creating a volcano and the volcanic island. This happened in 1997 causing the lava dome to collapse, triggering an eruption.
Examiner question Student A Student B 1 The case study used is obvious. 2 Is there anything in the answer that convinces me that this is the place the student has named? 3 Does the answer describe how the earthquake or volcanic eruption was caused? 4 What mark shall I give it? /6 /6
Remember to always explain the effects, not just list them. If you are asked about the effects on two things, e.g. people and the environment, split your answer into two parts.
Use your case study card and knowledge to write an answer for the question below. Then ask a friend to mark it using the mark scheme.
14 ______Level Marks Description 1 1-2 Simple descriptive statements. Could be anywhere. 2 3-4 Explanation of effect Specific points People and the environment Range of points (3-4) 3 5-6 Clear explanation of points Good range of different points. How people have had to manage the impact.
Mark scheme:
15 LO: To explain how we can reduce the impacts of BOTH volcanic eruptions and earthquakes through prediction and prevention.
You have to know SPECIFIC examples and how they work. On the next page, colour in the boxes 3 colours. Colour 1: Applies to volcanoes Colour 2: Applies to Earthquakes Colour 3: Applies to both.
Then have a go at answering the exam question below.
Question: Explain how the effects of earthquakes can be reduced through forecasting and building design (6 marks) ______
16 Look at the answer written below to the same question you have just answered. Mark it out of 6 using the mark scheme. Then go back and improve your answer. Mark /6
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