Minutes of the Regular Meeting of The s2

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of The s2



I. CALL TO ORDER The Sanford Airport Noise Abatement Committee meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Pennington after which the mission statement was read. There being a quorum present.

Review of minutes of the June 14, 2005 meeting Motion by Jack Dow and seconded by Jack Taylor to approve the minutes of the June 14,2005 meetings. Motion carried.

The minutes for the June 14, 2005 meeting were approved as submitted.

Chairman Pennington introduced Phyllis Gibson and informed the committee that she would be recording the minutes from this point on.

II. NOISE REPORT Jack Dow presented the Noise Reports for June and July 2005.

The summary of operations for the month of June and cumulative for the year is as follows:

Total Operations – June 2005 27,716 Total Noise Complaints 86 Noise Complaint Hotline 86

NOISE HOTLINE # 407 323-2604

Complaints by Time of Day - June 2005 Day Evening Night No Time 0600 - 1900 1900 - 2200 2200 - 0600 Given 30 35 12 9

Complaints by Residential Area: Heathrow - 7 Timacuan - 4 Hills of Lake Mary - 4 Chase Groves - 0 Sanford West - 12 East of Airport (Geneva) - 3 Lake Golden Area - 10 Other Areas (Dek - 0 Silver Lake Areas - 0 Osteen - 43 Enterprise - 1 Magnolia Plantation - 2 New Households - 4 Repeat Households - 19 SANAC Minutes – 08/09/05 Page 2

The summary of operations for the month of July and cumulative for the year is as follows:

Total Operations – July 2005 28,539 Total Noise Complaints 124 Noise Complaint Hotline 124

NOISE HOTLINE # 407 323-2604

Complaints by Time of Day - July 2005 Day Evening Night No Time 0600 - 1900 1900 - 2200 2200 - 0600 Given 65 38 14 7

Complaints by Residential Area: Heathrow - 7 Timacuan - 10 Lake Mary - 0 Chase Groves - 1 Sanford West - 32 East of Airport (Geneva) - 0 Lake Golden Area - 3 Other Areas - 1 Silver Lake Areas - 0 Osteen - 63 Enterprise - 2 Repeat Households - 20 Magnolia Plantation - 5 New Households - 7

+ Presentation and comments from Committee/Public Mr. Dow reported that the total number of operations for June and July was slightly lower than the normal count of 30,000. He pointed out the dramatic increase in the number of complaints from Sanford residents during the month of July. He informed the committee that whenever there is an increase in the number of complaints from a community, he invites the residents to attend the next SANAC meeting. Mr. Dow visited Osteen to meet with Marilyn Hall and also spoke with several residents living within one square mile of Ms Hall. These residents did not express the same complaints as Ms Hall.

+ Air Carrier Report Chairman Pennington asked if there were any comments or reports from air carrier and inquired whether Pan Am had added any new business.

George Moss reported no new issues with Pan Am. He stated that they were not adding any new destinations but will be adjusting their schedule. Pan Am is considering coming out of Columbus, Ohio. Every August they cut back on trips to Puerto Rico because the market shuts down as kids return to school.

+ FAA Report No report from the tower except being a little below normal activity.

+ General Aviation Report Mr. Kern reported two major enrollments taking place in August with an enrollment of approximately 60 students. He mentioned that unlike the slow down Pan Am was experiencing because of kids going back to school; they were doing well. He stated that back to school means students are returning and

SANAC Minutes – 08/09/05 Page 3 therefore expects a large number of students enrolling in September.

Mr. Kern also informed the committee that another Chinese training contract has been signed bringing in a total of 40 Chinese nationals for training.

Houston is opening a new base, a two year college, out of Ellenton Field, Houston with an enrollment of 80 -100 students. A temporary building would be utilized until space opens up on the field. Mr. Kern stated that the US Embassy works closely with the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding screening for Chinese nationals.

Chairman Pennington asked if there was a language barrier. Mr. Kern responded there is an English as a Second Language Department at the school. A specialized person specifically handles Aviation English. Students are screened with an exam, which is an English Language Test, used with an aviation primer on it. There used to be a language problem in the beginning with the Chinese contract program. However, now that they have gone through a number of classes and have determined how they should do it as a business, the language barrier is now minimal.

Chairman Pennington asked if there are any requirements for observing and reporting any unusual activity. Mr. Kern stated there are procedures in place to handle any unusual activity.


Mr. Knobbs informed the committee he was reviewing the noise procedures for Sanford and read a section from the 1997 Airport Facility Directory pertaining to airport noise. He wanted to confirm that the information in the booklet was what the committee wanted published.

Mr. Dow stated that those comments from the Airport Facility Directory pertained to arrivals from the final approach inbound to touch down and there were no published procedures currently for departures. However, he went on to state we might have those in the future. He thought that we needed to add something specific for departures. He thought helicopters pose a big problem as they do come in for maintenance on the southwest ramp. Discussion ensued regarding the problem helicopters cause.

Chairman Pennington asked if helicopters refer to the same book as aircraft for procedures. He thought the rules in the book should be reviewed and rewritten with a note specific to helicopters added.

Mr. Kern stated that the Airport Facility Directory is updated every 56 days. Mr. Dow agreed that the rules should be reviewed and the statement should be added.


Chairman Pennington shared with the committee that he had spoken with Mr. Dow on the possibility of becoming updated on what the City and County are doing regarding the zoning and notification process. He thought that it would be good idea for the committee to become updated and wanted to know what impact the zoning and notification process is having on people building houses and complexes. David Johnson stated he thought it would be an excellent idea as we see more developments in Sanford. Chairman Pennington asked Mr. Dow to look into the zoning and notification process with the City and County. Mr. Dow requested that the City and County bring an updated report to the next meeting. SANAC Minutes – 08/09/05

Page 4

Antonio Gerli stated that the City of Sanford has an avigation easement requirement in place that requires anyone around the airport or any undeveloped land in this entire area of the City, including the eastern portion to Lake Monroe, must have an avigation easement. New platted lots as well as any new development must meet this requirement. However, smaller platted lots, the Historic District and Georgetown did not have to meet this requirement.

Chairman Pennington asked if the avigation easement is informative not prohibitive? Ms. Gerli stated it prohibits at 65 DNL, but informs on the rest. The City looked at the avigation easement document from Orlando International Airport (OIA) and both the airport attorney and the city attorney modified it.

David Johnson asked if this would keep the homeowners from filing suit once they sign the agreement. Ms Gerli replied yes and stated that there were no developments that required it at this time. However, it would be required when builders come to Development Review. A building permit would not be issued unless the avigation easement application is recorded on the property.

Mr. Kern asked how do they get an agreement. Ms Gerli responded this would be required before Development Review and before obtaining a permit.

Mr. Knobbs stated that the height of the building is another issue. He stated that City planners have to be made aware of the slope surface and how it affects aircraft. He also stated that the City of Sanford is approaching the building height requirements.

Ms Gerli asked about the status of the 120 ft communication tower that a developer wants to build behind ACE hardware at 25th Street on a privately owned piece of property.

Mr. Dow in response to her question stated:

- This is close to a protected area - It is substantially higher than the slope allows - International rules protect departures and arrivals - International flight would all take weight penalties if tower was built as proposed - Sanford needs to take position. - + Any new business from the floor None

IV. Future Meetings

The next SANAC meeting was scheduled to be held on September 13, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room, Level II, 1200 Red Cleveland Boulevard.

V. Adjournment

Motion by Jack Dow, and seconded by Michael Kern to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. SANAC Minutes – 08/09/05 Page 5 JD:pg

Members Present: Wes Pennington – SANAC Chairman Stephen Bouchard – SFB ATCT Jack Dow – SAA Jack Taylor - Antonia Gerli – City of Sanford J. Eric Kendrick – City of Lake Mary Michael Kern – Delta Connection Academy as Vice Chairman David Konstan – ANAC Bruce Knobbs – MCO TRACON Bryce Courtney – MCO ATCT

Others Present: Phyllis Gibson - SAA David Johnson George Moss – BMA, Director of Safety Diana M. Muñiz-Olson – SAA

Members Absent: Larry Dale – SAA Juan “John” Omana – City of Lake Mary Tony Walter – Seminole Co. James Wilkes

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