Great Gonerby Parish Council
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GREAT GONERBY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 1st February 2016 at 7.15pm at the Memorial Hall
Present: Cllr. B. Hutchinson Chairman. Cllrs. Thompson, Watson, I. Stokes, Stedman, Babington. Cllrs. Hammond, Critchley & Sharpe joined the meeting at 7.25pm.
1.Apologies: Cllr. S. Stokes, Cllr. Wootten – attendance at another meeting. Apologies will be recorded only. Cllrs. Hammond, Critchley & Sharpe for lateness.
2. Declarations of Interest/Dispensations: Cllr. Thompson see 7a Planning.
3. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true record, proposed by Cllr. Stedman and seconded by Cllr. Babington.
Cllrs. Hammond, Critchley & Sharpe joined the meeting at 7.20pm.
4.Official Correspondence: SKDC replied that the flue at 29 High Street requires planning permission as it is in a Conservation Area. The owner will be contacted.
The Local Government Boundary Commission sent draft recommendations on new division boundaries across Lincolnshire for consultation. Great Gonerby would be included in area 57 Hough, instead of Grantham North due to the boundary movement of Ancaster & Manthorpe. Cllr. Thompson commented that when previously consulted about the District reorganisation, no notice was taken of comments submitted by either the Parish Council or the District Council, so why bother to consult.
Between meetings a complaint had been received once again about the snack bar trailer parked on Long Street. A letter had been sent to the owner who had verbally replied that both the police & Highways had no objections to the trailer being parked on the Highway. A removal notice had now been placed on the trailer by persons unknown. Clerk to find out more details.
Between meetings it was reported that a tree branch was lodged above Spring End Footpath, this had been reported to Highways who would contact the owner of the tree.
Highways replied that they would arrange for the gullies to be cleared around the Kelham Road/Grantham Road junction to clear any blockages. Cllr. Watson to monitor.
1 The Flag Pole Christmas Tree had been added to the insurance policy. No charge to be made until the renewal date in June.
LALC sent details of one off payment for training, which would cost £100. It was agreed to pay as we go for training.
LALC confirmed that there would be no extension of referendum principles to the Parish & Town sector for 2016/17.
SKDC sent new electoral register which came into force on 1st December 2015 and updates.
Thompsons Solicitors confirmed that they would be willing to act for Parish Council for the new Memorial Hall build to deal with the lease and agreements.
The Clerk reported on LALC News 156 including the training schedule.
Playsafety Ltd sent details of their charges for play inspections, which would be £65 each for the play area & Multi-Sport area. Play Maintain quoted £45 + VAT for each area. It was agreed to accept Play Maintain’s quote.
LCC sent their Winter Transport Briefing.
Paul Bavin Tree Care Specialist sent his report for the tree inspection carried out on 27th January 2016 at the Playing Field and Burial Ground adjacent to St. Sebastian’s. He had tagged the trees for identification. It was agreed to get an itemised quote for the work required.
The following for selective circulation: Clerks & Councils direct, Streetscape Play leaflet.
5.Matters Outstanding: Cllr. Critchley reported that cast iron bollards could be suitable for the proposed fence at Hill Top Cemetery, second hand bollards may be available. It was agreed that Cllr. Critchley & Cllr. Thompson could make enquiries for purchase & fixing with a budget of £1,500.
Cllr. Hammond reported that he had not received any feedback regarding the design of sculptures for the Pond/High Street area. Cllr. Critchley & Hutchinson to make enquiries.
The Clerk reported that the Margaret Brown Trust had awarded a grant for £1,600 towards a defibrillator for the village. Clerk to order defibrillator etc from Heart Beat Trust.
2 6.Finance: The Clerk reported on the Petty Cash, the cash was counted by the Chairman, the balance being £59.82. The petty cash book was signed as a correct record by the Chairman. The Clerk reported on the quarterly summary of accounts upto 31th December 2015, previously circulated and gave a 15% budget report. The accounts were agreed, proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr. Watson and signed off by Cllr. I Stokes.Unanimously agreed. The accounts for payment were passed for payment as below, the payment schedule was signed by the Chairman. The electric for the Xmas tree lights would be a S137 payment. Proposed by Cllr. I. Stokes and seconded by Cllr. Thompson. Unanimously agreed. GGPC Payment Schedule
Meeting:- 1st February 2016 Date Payment Payee Details Net VAT Gross Method Amount Amount 30.12.15 Bank Staff Costs Dec. staff costs & computer £683.70 £0.00 £683.70 Transfer 30.12.15 Bank A. Jackson Work at play area,pavilion & £95.00 £0.00 £95.00 Transfer cemetery 31.12.15 Cheque HMRC Tax Oct -Dec 2015 £59.00 £0.00 £59.00 6.1.16 Cheque J. Brearley Electric Xmas Tree lights £30.00 £0.00 £30.00 12.1.16 Cheque Cash Petty Cash Impress £50.00 £0.00 £50.00 12.1.16 Cheque Playdale Spare parts - slide/swing £104.55 £20.91 £125.46 Ltd 29.1.16 Bank Staff Costs Jan. staff costs & computer £654.25 £0.00 £654.25 Transfer 29.1.16 Bank E On Electric Pavilion £92.96 £4.65 £97.61 Transfer 29.1.16 Bank Anglian Water Pavilion £12.03 £0.00 £12.03 Transfer Water 29.1.16 Bank A. Jackson Work at play area,pavilion & £91.00 £0.00 £91.00 Transfer cemetery 1.2.16 Cheque Paul Bavin Tree Survey £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 Total £1,922.49 £35.56 £1,958.05
30.12.15 Transfer from Moneymaster Acc to Current Acc. £3,000.00
The limitations for both burial grounds were discussed and no amendments were required. The fees were discussed and it was proposed by Cllr. Critchley & seconded by Cllr. Hutchinson that increases be made as follows: fees below £100 to be increased by £5, fees between £100 and £200 be increased by £10, fees over £200 to be increased by £20, from 1st April 2016 for both burial grounds. Unanimously agreed.
3 7.Advisory Groups: a)Planning: The following planning applications have been received from SKDC: S15/3189/OLMD/PWM/PC1 land north of Longcliffe Road Grantham urban extension of not more than 550 dwellings etc. – there are concerns whether the local infrastructure is adequate, particularly existing roads & the additional volume of traffic that will be created by the proposed application both on Manthorpe Road, Manthorpe estate & Belton lane Great Gonerby. The Belton Lane /B1174 junction is already a bottle neck and dangerous. This proposal along with the Barrowby Lodge development will put far too much pressure on this junction. The junction requires improvement as soon as possible to alleviate problems in advance. There are also concerns regarding the access points to the proposed development. Cllr. Wootten had sent a copy of a letter he had circulated on the Manthorpe estate and Belton Lane Great Gonerby regarding the development. Cllr. Thompson reported that he had been approached by concerned residents to act as spokesperson on this issue, it was agreed that he could report on the Parish Council’s views also. Cllr. Thompson urged individuals to send objections personally. Cllr. Stokes reported that he was a representative on the SKDC planning committee and would act appropriately. S37/3416/15 LCC installation of Multi-Use Game Area St Sebastian’s School – no objections, permission granted. S15/2701/Full single storey rear and side extension to storage shed, infill building between proposed workshop & proposed parts storage & amendments to elevations Sharmans College Farm- no objections. S15/3311 erection of 2 storey side extension 11 Goodman Close- no objections. Cllr. Thompson declared a pecuniary interest. S15/3308 erection of 2 single storey dwellings land rear of 57 Long Street – no objections, permission had been granted. Permission had been granted for S15/2611 change of use of land & erection of 5 tourist log cabins, 1 absolutions building & 11 caravan/camping plots –Arena UK Allington Lane. Permission had been refused for S15/2822 conversion of barn to dwelling land off Belton Lane. b) The Environment: Cllr. Hutchinson reported that the bench rear of Cox’s Walk had still not been repaired. The Clerk had followed this up with SKDC between meetings and was waiting a reply. Cllr. Hutchinson reported that the bin on Long Street had been removed by persons unknown and was now infront of the Costcutter shop. SKDC were still emptying it. Cllr Watson considered that it was in a better position but was not aware of who had moved it. Cllr. Critchley reported that the railway bridge on the B1174 required attention to the sleepers on the West side. This had previously been reported to Highways. Clerk to report again.
4 Cllr. Thompson reported that the wooden fingerpost sign at the top of Bassetts Close had disappeared. It was agreed to consider for 2017/18 budget the purchase of a cast iron sign. The Clerk reported that she had applied for some free wild flower seeds from Grow Wild for the Mini- Meadow area at the Playing Field. c)Amenity Areas: The proposed fence at the burial ground adjacent to St Sebastian’s was discussed. It was agreed to make an indication of the boundary between the Parish Council Burial Ground and the old churchyard by marking out with roundup. It was agreed to purchase a sign for the Parish Council Burial Ground. Cllr. Hutchinson to make mock up sign for agreement. Between meetings the stop tap at the pavilion had leaked again and had had to be replaced by a new tap. The Clerk had concerns about the fence at the rear of the Multi-Sport area. Cllrs. to view the fence. d)Highway Matters: Cllr. Watson reported that when cutting the hedges on the green space behind Cox’s Walk the contractors had badly churned up the grass, this had also happened on the green space near Elms View. SKDC were aware. Street light 27 rear of Church View was out- reported to SK between meetings. The speeding on Belvoir Gardens was continuing to be monitored. Between meetings the following street name signs required attention by SK: Kelham Road, Marratts Lane. Cllr. Hutchinson reported that the hedges at 2 properties on The Hemplands had still not been cut back. Clerk to report to Highways. Between meetings the following pot holes had been reported: Belton Lane infront of Hill Top Cemetery & near railway bridge, Green Street junction to The Wong. e)Memorial Hall: Cllr. Hutchinson reported that a meeting had been held between the Hall, Parish Council & Developer representatives and their solicitors. Agreements & lease (125 years for a peppercorn rent) had been discussed and a final draft should be ready for signing by the end of this week. Work on the 35 week contract for the new Hall is hoped to be started in two weeks. It was proposed by Cllr. Stokes and seconded by Cllr. Watson that the application for a £176,000 loan previously agreed and authorised be made to the PWLB when the agreements have been signed. Unanimously agreed. Cllr. Hutchinson & Thompson were authorised to sign the agreements/lease on behalf of the Parish Council.
8.Notice of Motions for Future Meetings: None.
9. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion: None.
5 The meeting closed at 9.00pm. Flag Flying Days: 12th March Commonwealth Day
6 Great Gonerby Parish Council Quarterly Summary of Accounts 31/12/2015
Balance B/F £74,353.61 Payments £16,149.41
Receipts £36,342.69 Balance C/F £94,546.89
Total £110,696.30 Total £110,696.30
Balance C/F as per Bank Statements: Uncleared Cheques Amount HMRC £59.00 Current Acc. £3,647.86 - Uncleared Cheques £59.00 + Uncleared Payments £190.00
Total Current Acc. £3,778.86
Money Master Acc. £90,738.77 Total £59.00 Petty Cash Account £29.26 Uncleared Payments Amount Balance C/F £94,546.89 R. Holland £190.00
Total £190.00