Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Program

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Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Program



Curriculum & Instruction


2009-2014 Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Program Academic Plan: 2009-2014

Mission and Aspirations Three Education departments share the graduate program of Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Secondary Education and Educational Studies. All three departments work together to create and deliver graduate endorsement areas, masters, Ed.D., and Ph.D. specializations in Curriculum and Instruction. These programs provide graduate degree programs for credentialed teachers involved in a variety of content areas for K-12 education including mathematics, science, literacy, social studies, art, agriculture, modern languages, English, English language learners, technical education as well as those involved with special age group learners such as Early Childhood Education. The graduate pursuits of these three departments are described in this plan. For undergraduate plans, please refer to each department’s plan. Our college-wide Ph.D. program was revised two years ago and was designed to target students who will go on to research work in higher education in colleges of education or school settings. We work with our students in furthering their understanding of research about teaching and learning. We will be analyzing and strengthening our Curriculum and Instruction doctoral programs as a part of this Academic Plan for the next five years to provide Curriculum and Instruction specializations in core areas of literacy, mathematics and science education. Four non-degree endorsement programs are also included in our graduate work—an Interdisciplinary Early Childhood program, a Literacy program leading to a Wyoming Reading Endorsement, English as a Second Language, and an Interdisciplinary Program in Early Childhood Special Education. These programs are designed to provide practitioners with the required work to earn additional Wyoming state endorsements in these areas. We also collaborate with the SMTC to provide faculty to deliver coursework for the middle-level mathematics and science endorsement programs.

Previous Planning Accomplishments

Goal Completion Restructure Curriculum Courses Spring 2006 Address Highly Qualified requirements of NCLB Summer 2007 Develop Qualitative Research Course sequence Fall 2005 Align C&I Ph.D. strand under CoEd Ph.D. common requirements Spring 2007 Clarification of Plan B expectations and requirements Fall 2006 Assure high quality Masters and Ph.D programs Spring 2008 Develop effective Graduate Faculty orientation In-Progress Develop MA option for post-baccalaureate students Summer 2006 Develop MA option for National Board Certification candidates Fall 2007 Develop PhD option in Earth System Science Education - Tabled pending In-Progress hire of Science Education Endowed Chair (Hired Fall 2008) Expand program delivery using distance delivery options – Fall 2006 Accomplished with heavy use of compressed video networks (OVN, WEN, state CV system) Relevant Institutional Issues Many issues from the Creation of the Future planning document impact C&I graduate programs. The most notable are from the Section VI Leadership motif that describes professions critical to the region’s future where every bulleted item fits within this plan. The enhanced focus areas in mathematics and science as well as a Center for Literacy are all programs that reside in C&I. We will work to strengthen our doctoral programs in these focus areas with guidance and support from our new endowed chairs as well as C&I faculty with expertise in these areas. This will result in teaching and research foci in these Curriculum and Instruction doctoral areas. Having graduate assistantships in our department and graduate program work in these areas of excellence will open up both teaching and research to our graduate students. This is in line with the Graduate Education section under the Excellence motif. Our faculty’s expertise in multicultural and culturally sensitive education as well with ESL/ELL will serve as a potential focus area for graduate students.

Action Items

1. Increase number of EDCI courses delivered via distance technologies. In the past academic planning cycle, we aimed to deliver the entire Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction to Wyoming graduate students statewide using primarily the compressed video technology. We accomplished this objective. In the current academic plan, our goal is to increasingly deliver courses via online, videoconferencing, and other emerging technologies in an effort to serve students both in and outside Wyoming. Online and other technologies eliminate the state boundary that constrains the WEN and other statewide compressed video networks. This increase in delivery options will be sought for master’s and then doctoral level courses, especially courses required in the Ed.D. and/or Ph.D. programs with C&I Specialization. The demand for courses delivered via distance technology continues to increase. In a region that covers large geographic distances and often experiences severe weather, it makes sense on many levels to capitalize on these opportunities.

Steps to Accomplish Goal Timeline

Form C&I Distance Delivery Coordination Committee Fall 2009

Work with Outreach to explore and define distance delivery technologies Fall 2009 – Spring to be used to deliver C&I courses 2010

Determine sequence of courses to move to distance delivery Spring 2010

Provide professional development for C&I faculty on designing and Spring 2010 – delivering courses using distance technologies Spring 2011

Spring 2010 – Fall Implement distance delivery in all identified courses 2011 Gather data from graduate students to evaluate student learning and Spring 2011 – Fall effectiveness of distance delivery technologies 2011

Adapt courses/course delivery as needed using graduate student and Spring 2012 – instructor feedback data Spring 2014

2. Implement EDCI common assessment system for core Master’s and Ed.D. coursework to document student progress toward meeting program outcomes. As part of the 2008 NCATE review the Curriculum and Instruction program was identified for several Areas for Improvement, all of which related to the assessment system for determining student progress and learning. A comprehensive set of learning goals and objectives, along with a structure for formative and summative assessment, were formalized in Fall 2007. Part of the formative assessment came in the form of a mid-program evaluation course, EDCI 5400 Portfolio Reflection. To better meet NCATE accreditation requirements preliminary common assessments were identified in each of the MA core courses in February 2008. Due to the requirements of addressing the NCATE Areas for Improvement, this process will begin in the 2008-09 academic year, but will continue into the APIII planning period.

Steps to Accomplish Goal Timeline

Clarify the purpose and form of each of the common assessments in EDCI Begin Fall 2008, 5000, 5500, 5350, 5790, and EDRE 5550 complete by Spring 2010

Implement the common assessments (gather student data, enter the data Fall 2009-Summer into the College of Education Integrated Database) 2011

Use the data to make programmatic improvements 2011-2014

3. Establish and/or enhance centers of excellence in the Endowed Chair focus areas of literacy, mathematics, and science.

In the Creation of the Future document, the establishment of a Center for Literacy is proposed to help solidify the college’s scholarship in this area. We propose that we establish this Center as well as strengthen centers of excellence in mathematics and science education. We propose doing this by completing the endowed chair hires and having endowed chairs in the department take a leadership role to establish and strengthen these enhanced focus areas through scholarship, external grants, and expanded outreach programs.

Steps to Accomplish Goals Timeline Complete hires for all Endowed Chairs Summer 2009 Endowed Chairs take leadership to establish and Fall 2009 strengthen centers. Submit focus area timeline and goals to department chairs for approval. Endowed chairs work with C & I faculty to obtain Fall 2009-2014 external funding to continue to build graduate and outreach programs in the focus area.

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