The Pigman

Chapter 1- Told from the John’s perspective. Find out John was a bit of a trouble maker in school, seems to be growing up. Lorraine is introduced in this chapter.

Chapter 2- Lorraine’s perspective, they are writing their version of the events that have happened, all the reader knows at this point is that the Pigman is dead. Find out more about John’s character, and how he and Lorraine became friends.

Chapter 3- John’s perspective, introduced to Kenneth and Norton. The phone marathon game is explained, leading up to how they became a part of the Pigman’s life.

Chapter 4- Lorraine’s perspective, developing Norton’s character, the marshmallow kid. Lorraine calls the Pigman for a prank call. Mr. Pignati tells her that his wife is away. Mr. Pignati is a lonely man, enjoys talking to Lorraine, and agrees to give money to their fake foundation, the L&J fund.

Chapter 5- John’s point of view, John does not want Norton to go to Mr. Pignati’s place, to take advantage of him. Find out that they blame Norton for Mr. Pignati’s death, say he finally caused the trouble. Lorraine and John go to Mr. Pignati’s place to pick up the money he is giving to the fund. The reader finds out why the book is called The Pigman, his wife collected pigs.

Chapter 6- John spends the money on cigarettes and beer. Find out from Lorraine that her mother steals from her dying patients, she justifies it by saying she’s a single mother and needs the help. She has an agreement with the funeral homes, they slip her money if she recommends them after her patients die. They meet Mr. Pignati at the zoo. Three bad omens for Lorraine Chapter 7- John begins to bond with Mr. Pignati, we find out more about his home life and how much different Mr. Pignati is, how friendly he is. The two snoop around his house and discover a receipt for the funeral of Mrs. Pignati, they now know she is dead.

Chapter 8- Mr. Pignati takes them shopping, they buy fancy foods like his wife enjoyed, Lorraine feels guilty about taking his money but she allows Mr. Pignati to buy her pantyhose, for her mother. Mr. Pignati also buys them rollerskates.

Chapter 9- John continues to explain why he does not like Norton. John is a little concerned that Norton will hurt or take advantage of Mr. Pignati. Norton asks if there is anything worth stealing from Mr. Pignati’s house. John becomes even more protective of Mr. Pignati.

Chapter 10- Visiting with Mr. Pignati has turned into an everyday event, wine and conversation. We find out why Lorraine’s mom does not trust men, her husband cheated on her while she was pregnant and he caught an STI. John has even started to bring his own alcohol to Mr. Pignati’s instead of drinking his alcohol. Mr. Pignati is depressed, Bobo would not eat, John and Lorraine tell him the truth about them. Mr. Pignati admits to them that his wife is dead. The three of them carry on, and Mr. Pignati seems to be having a heart attack at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 11- John lied to the ambulance driver, telling them that he and Lorraine are Mr. Pignati’s children. They skip school the next day and go visit him at the hospital. They stole flowers from the cemetery to give him. John dressed up in Mr. Pignati’s clothing while Lorraine dressed up in his wife’s clothing. John and Lorraine kiss for the first time.

Chapter 12- John and Lorraine are playing house at Mr. Pignati’s while he is still in the hospital. They cleaned his house, except for the room with the pigs in it, out of respect for Mr. Pignati, they left it alone. John decides to have a few friends over for a party.

Chapter 13- Norton was not to be invited to the party John and Lorraine were having at Mr. Pignati’s house. Lorraine lied to her mom about being at a girls’ house, a girl with no phone. Norton showed up at the party anyway. Norton started stealing things, made his way into the pig room and began smashing the pigs. Mr. Pignati came home from the hospital to see the mess made in his house.

Chapter 14- Lorraine stands up to her mother. Lorraine told her mother the relationship that developed between them and Mr. Pignati. They call him, offer to clean, apologize to him, and finally convince him to go to the zoo with them to see Bobo. Mr. Pignati showed up at the zoo, looking tired and weak. They find out that Bobo died last week while Mr. Pignati was in the hospital. Mr. Pignati let out a sound, all the monkeys began making noises and shaking the bars as Mr. Pignati died at the zoo.

Chapter 15- John stays with Mr. Pignati’s body till the ambulance takes him away. John has thoughts about death, the meaning of life, love, family, etc. Lorraine breaks down and blames John for his death, and John does not react to this, he knows she is just angry at the world. A part of John and Lorraine died when Mr. Pignati died.