Board of Trustees s18

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Board of Trustees s18


June 19, 2017 Call to order

The meeting was called to order on Monday, June 19 at 5:00 by Mr. Fleeson.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Present: Absent Mrs. Marta Karwoski Dr. Rossi-Keen Mr. John Silbert Dr. Alison Mirasola Dr. Andrew Oberg Mr. David Yates Mr. Jerry Fleeson

Adopt Agenda

Mr. Silbert motioned to adopt the agenda. Dr. Oberg seconded the motion and it was approved by all.

Public Comment None

Administrator’s Report

Ms. Bensink updated the Board on all of the activities that the school was involved with this month. They included kindergarten graduation, 6th grade graduation, and the spring concert. The 6th grade graduation was an emotional night.

We received good feedback for the PBIS program and the rewards assembly went very well with a great deal of excitement from the students. We rewarded the students that had positive behavior throughout the year.

We have some problems with building classrooms since we do not yet own the activities building but we are working around this problem.

Almost all the teachers were very satisfied with their memorandum of employment and pleased with the raises.

Financial Report

Mr. Yates motioned that the Board approve a through b of the financial report below and it was seconded by Mr. Fleeson. The motion was passed unanimously.

a. Recommend that the Board approve the attached financial statements as of May 31, 2017 b. Recommend the Board approve the list of invoices paid in May 2017 totaling $365,403.85 from the general fund.

Correspondence There was a letter from a mom highly praising Mrs. Best. The other letter was from a parent asking if we could shorten the school year because their students miss out on summer activities such as camps. Our charter says we would have up to 196 school days. Mr. Pollak said he would look into this and clarify. BADEN ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting

June 19, 2017

Solicitor’s Report

We are trying to track down our original renewal charter from Ambridge. We have not received the actual document. We would need this for vendors if we try to procure a loan.

Also, the sisters are having the property surveyed and the building needs to be subdivided so that the school side is considered separate.

2017-18 General Fund Budget

Dr. Oberg motioned that the Board approve the 2017-18 General Fund Budget. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski. Mr. Oberg thanked Mrs. Poleti for her hard work. The motion was unanimously approved.

Title I Fund stipend

Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approve paying the stipend on the June Personnel report be paid out of the Title I Fund on June 30, 2017 for the amount of $2,777.00 and was budgeted a year ago when we submitted the grant for this school year. Mr. Silbert seconded the motion. It was unanimously passed.

Memorandum of Understanding with the Baden Borough Police Department

Dr. Oberg motioned that the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Baden Borough Police Department and Baden Academy Charter School for the 2017-18 school year. Mr. Fleeson seconded the motion. Mr. Silbert questioned the language that the school could act in local parentis. In another portion they could not. Mrs. Karwoski interpreted that the shift was after the local authority became involved and took over. Mrs. Karwoski asked who wrote this. Mr. Pollak said that it is a PDE Document. It was passed unanimously.

Grow a Generation agreement

Before a motion took place, Dr. Cavanaugh explained that the proposal is broken down into 4 parts. The 1st and 2nd part are what was done in the past. The 3rd & 4th are new proposals. The 3rd is to develop a new class, Dragon Riders, as a reward for classroom to students who do not qualify as fellows. It would be a motivational tool. The 4th is to have a tech person in the Media Lab, teaching technology to all students, 4 days a year for all students. Parents can continue at home with free resources sent home. Students would attend class once a quarter for 40 minutes with the classroom teacher present. It was discussed that adding the tech class may make the students miss an art class. Mrs. Karwoski asked if 3 and 4 could be combined or can we do separately. Dr. Cavanaugh said the Board could choose any options in any combination. Mr. Fleeson suggested the Board discuss in Executive session.

CDW-G quote

Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approve the CDW-G quote for projector and speakers. The motion was seconded by Mr. Silbert. Mr. Silbert asked why there was sales tax in the quote. Mr. Davis said we are in the process of moving that quote to Baden from Lincoln Learning and it would not have sales tax. It was approved by all.


June 19, 2017 Dr. Oberg motioned that the Board approve the TCI quote for Social Studies curriculum for the 2017-18 school year. Mrs. Karwoski seconded the motion. Dr. Oberg asked if it was online curriculum. Mr. Davis explained that this was the teacher manuals and consumable supplemental. The vote was unanimously passed.

Pearson workbooks

Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approved the Pearson quote for the workbooks for the 2017-18 school year. It was seconded by Mrs. Karwoski. It was unanimously approved.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board approve the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt proposal for the curriculum for the 2017-18 school year. Mr. Yates seconded the motion. Dr. Oberg questioned if we were able to create teacher consumables to save money. Ms. Bensink explained that we would then have a higher copy expense. Mr. Davis explained that when Rubicon starts getting used the thematic units can replace some of the consumables. The vote was unanimously approved.

HP Quote for teacher laptops

Mr. Silbert motioned that the Board approve the HP quote for teacher laptops for the 2017-18 school year. Mr. Yates seconded the motion. Mrs. Karwoski asked why 11? Mr. Davis explained the 4 year cycle so that everyone would have a reliable computer. Mr. Fleeson asked if the laptops stayed in school. Ms. Bensink said that they do take them home to work on things in the evening. The motion was passed unanimously.

HP quote for Chromebooks

Mr. Yates motioned that the Board approve the HP quote for student Chromebooks using the 2017-17 Title I grant. Dr. Oberg seconded the motion. The cost and type were discussed and the motion was unanimously passed.

Teacher Salary Steps

Mrs. Karwoski motioned that the Board approve the teacher salary pay steps. Mr. Yates seconded the motion and it was approved by all.

Executive Session

Mr. Silbert motioned to move into Executive Session in order to discuss Personnel issues in accordance with the Sunshine Law. Mrs. Karwoski seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Silbert motioned and Dr. Oberg seconded to leave executive session. Motion carried.

Anti-Bullying policy update

Mrs. Karwoski motioned that the Board approve the updated Anti-bullying policy. Mr. Fleeson seconded the motion. Our solicitor explained that our original anti-bullying policy did not reference race, gender, color, age. These are required by the federal government. Mrs. Karwoski brought a grammatical error in the policy that she wanted changed. After the change the motion was unanimously passed. BADEN ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting

June 19, 2017

Board of Director Meetings

Mr. Fleeson motioned that the Board set the time, location for the 2017-18 Board of Director Meetings for 5:00pm at Baden Academy Charter School on the following dates:

Monday, July 17, 2017 Monday, August 21, 2017 Monday, September 18, 2017 Monday, October 16, 2017 Monday, November 20, 2017 Monday, December 18, 2017 Monday, January 22, 2018 Monday, February 26, 2018 Monday, March 19, 2018 Monday, April 16, 2018 Monday, May 21, 2018 Monday, June 18, 2018

Mrs. Karwoski seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Personnel Report

Mrs. Karwoski motioned to approve the personnel report dated June 19, 2017 and Dr. Oberg seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.

Board Members Questions & Comments Adjourn

Mr. Yates motioned that the Board adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Dr. Oberg. The motion was passed and the meeting was adjourned.

Signed by:______

Dr. Pamela Rossi-Keen

Board Secretary

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