School District of Beloit

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School District of Beloit



NOTE: The school principal must send a copy of these verification forms (V.1-V.6) to Dan Stauffacher by August 26, 2011

2011-2012 (School Name) (School Year)

1. School’s Chain of Command: First Second Third

2. List the school’s Crisis Response Team Members: Name Title ______(Additional CRT members may be listed on the back of this form)

3. List the following information form the school’s Crisis Response Plan: Counseling Rooms: Crisis Control Center: Alternate Crisis Control Center Site:

4. List the following information from the school’s evacuation plan: Evacuation Site: Phone No.

5. Verification: This school has completed its crisis response planning for the 2010-2011 school year.

6. Code word(s) to be used on PA to notify staff of an emergency.

“Secure the Building – Situation Inside/Situation Outside.” Indicates we have a security emergency. Lock doors of classrooms. Keep students in classrooms, controlled – students sitting on floor at furthest point from entryway. Announcing whether the situation is inside or outside the building will add clarity.

“Staff members, check your area” Indicates a bomb threat has been received for your school. Teachers will search their classroom for suspicious object(s). Evacuation probable.

“All Clear Announcement” Indicates an all clear for bomb threat or crisis situation.

______(Principal’s Signature) (Date) RESOURCE LIST I [For distribution to school administrator(s) and Crisis Team Members only.]

Name School Phone Number Home Phone Number

Principal ______

Assistant Principal(s) ______




Teacher(s) in charge ______



School Psychologist ______

School Social Worker ______

Guidance Counselor(s) ______




Human Relations Liaison ______

Others: ______


Crisis Control Center ______

Waiting Room(s) ______

Counseling Room(s) ______



NOTE: General responsibilities are listed for each major school role. Record the names of the persons who are assigned these responsibilities in the school. Add or subtract responsibilities which are appropriate for each individual school.


1. Evaluate seriousness of the problem. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. Make decision for building level response (e.g. contact crisis response team members) Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

3. Carry out crisis response plan. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

4. Make decision regarding need for additional SDB resources or personnel. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

5. Oversee and coordinate personnel supervision. (including additional SDB personnel) Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

6. Handle ALL MEDIA CONTACTS or designate an information control person. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

7. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible


1. Assist principal in implementing crisis response plan. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. Assume supervision of student control. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible 3. Assist principal with supervision of personnel. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

4. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible


1. Coordinate duties of office staff. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. Call for substitute teachers/additional SDB personnel as directed by an administrator. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

3. Supervise removal of student monitors from main office area during crisis. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

4. Supervise handling and referral of in-coming calls. Limit access to telephones in building. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

5. Control bells and PA system as directed by an administrator. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

6. Distribute 2-way radios – 1 to Shawn Petitt For upper grades, 1 to Deb McCann for lower Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible grades or others as available.


1. Handle/refer all incoming calls. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

3. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

4. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible


1. If called, meet immediately with principal.

2. Review school crisis response plan. Primary Person Responsible for Contacting Crisis Team 3. Assist principal and school staff in implementing crisis response plan.

4. Provide crisis counseling for students and Backup Person Responsible for Contacting Crisis Team staff.

5. Provide follow-up support services for students and staff after immediate crisis or emergency is over.


1. Remain in or move to assigned area. Primary Person Responsible for Contacting Crisis Team

2. Conduct immediate student supervision. Backup Person Responsible for Contacting Crisis Team

3. Perform special teacher assignments:

______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

TEACHER AIDES/SECURITY AIDES 1. Assist teachers and/or administrator(s) in ______supervising hallways, entrances, etc. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. Escort students to and from counseling rooms, ______if needed. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

3. Perform special security assignments. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible


1. Check building for damage and report such ______information to the principal. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible 2. Make emergency repairs as practical. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

3. Notify the Supervisor of Buildings and ______Grounds of emergency needs. Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible


1. Monitor food service and cafeteria areas. (Head Cook)

2. Continue food program responsibilities unless otherwise directed by principal. (Backup Person Responsible for Food Services)

3. Report problems to principal.

4. ______


1. Administer first aid as needed. (School Nurse)

2. Advise principal of extent and degree of injuries serviced.

Complete documentation of first aid given to students or staff. (Backup Person Responsible for Health Services)

3. ______


1. Report rumors to their teacher. (Primary Person Responsible for Student Management)

2. Report incidents to their teacher.

(Backup Person Responsible for Student Management) 3. Follow direction of supervising adults.


1. Report to the office. 2. Follow administrative directives. ______Primary Person Responsible Backup Person Responsible

2. Assist where requested.



Draw a map, including street names and route of travel, to your primary evacuation site (an example is attached)

Primary Site Name

Primary Site Address

Primary Site Contact (name)

Phone #

**Please review evacuation strategies on following pages for your guidance.




Indicate: a) deployment of staff/students inside evacuation site(s), b) bus pick up area, c) parent pick up area


Primary Site







**If you have an alternate or “back-up” evacuation site, please indicate map, streets, and route of travel below.

Evacuation Site Name


Site Contact (name)


Designate additional persons in your building to call 911 in addition to your office staff in the event of a “Situation inside/outside, emergency code broadcast”. All of our schools have more than just one phone, as others are located around the building. Multiple, simultaneous calls from different phones within your school will assure that 911 is notified and greatly reinforce our call for help! These callers do not need to immediately understand all the details of the crisis, but should simply say “there is a threat of violence at ROBINSON SCHOOL, send help now!!” More detail can be given if known, or when help arrives.

Please fill out the form below.

Persons who will call 911 simultaneously from different phones in the event of a school lock-down.

Elementary Level Secondary Level

1. _ 1.______

2. 2.______

3. 3. ______




Principal ______(signature) Telephone Tree Information

After hours/emergency individual school list

Related to Emergency Telephone Communication to Staff Only

Please provide a copy of your after-hours plan to be employed in effectively contacting your staff members after hours with news critical to school operations for the coming day. (Who will call who in a “fan-out” fashion, to relay important information?)

Administrative staff - Please include your cell phone numbers. THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

School District of Beloit Participation Guide

**Fill out and submit page 5** Dan Stauffacher District Security and Safety Office (608) 361-4006

School District of Beloit Incident Command System

INCIDENT COMMANDER (IC) Superintendent or Designee (“The Decider”)



District Security District Crisis & Safety Recovery Team LIAISON OFFICER

OPERATIONS FINANCE DOCUMENTATION / LOGISTICS (“The Doers”) (“The Payers”) PLANNING (“The Getters”) (Think Ahead “Recorders”) School Crisis Team

Examples:  Teachers  Building Crisis Team  Service Staff  Maintenance Staff

Dan Stauffaucher District Security & Safety Coordinator School District of Beloit INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM  In cooperation with the National Incident Management System - Dan Stauffacher, District Security & Safety Coordinator -

Incident Command System - Emergency management is a complex job that requires effective planning and organization. The School District of Beloit will utilize the Incident Command System (ICS) as the foundation for effective emergency management.

This system is designed on the following concepts:  Establishes common organizational structure, terminology and operating procedures  Reduces confusion  Provides for tasks to be performed quickly/effectively  Establishes one person in charge of total emergency operation  Provides effective span of control – who is in charge of who/what (3-7 persons)  Provides effective communication/coordination of response agencies/school district  Provides effective transition of responsibility/authority during emergency situation

Most emergency situations will fall into two categories  Those that require an instant reaction (i.e. drive-by shooting)  Those where there is time to think, plan and react (i.e. student death due to an accident on a Saturday) The Incident Command System provides direction for both of these categories.

Incident Command Team  Is composed of school staff members – provides an organized chain of command/task responsibility  Includes Incident Commander (IC), Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer (PIO), Operations, Finance, Documentation / Planning, and Logistics sections  Assumes emergency responsibilities and reports to a Command Center immediately upon emergency notification by Incident Commander  Controls immediate emergency response – provides leadership  Has primary and backup personnel assigned for each leadership responsibility  Relinquishes control when law enforcement/fire personnel arrive (if a crime has been committed or fire threat occurs)  May become part of the unified command structure along with law enforcement/fire personnel  Coordinates both emergency response and media communication with law enforcement/fire personnel (JIC – Joint Information Center) INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM Incident Commander (IC) - The Incident Commander is solely responsible for emergency/disaster operations and should remain at the Command Center to direct all emergency operations. At a school site the IC should normally be the building principal. If the situation dictates that the IC must leave the Command Center, he/she must delegate someone to take over command responsibilities. The IC is responsible for the following tasks:  Assessment of emergency situation – determine threat to human life/site structures  Authorize communication of emergency messages  Decide on implementing appropriate emergency plan responsibilities/procedures  Authorize information release through Public Information Officer/District Communications Office  Authorize release of students to parents/guardians during/after emergency  Determine when to release staff after emergency situation  Ensure that emergency response is documented for legal/financial reasons  Monitor how well or poorly plan worked Several individuals report directly to the Incident Commander (IC). These individuals include the Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer and personnel in charge of the Operations, Finance, Documentation, Planning and Logistics work groups.

Liaison Officer - The Liaison Officer reports directly to the Incident Commander. - Becomes the point of contact for representatives of other governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations or private entities (gifts, donations, etc.).

Public Information Officer (PIO) - This individual reports directly to the Incident Commander. If a District Public Information Officer is available, all communication responsibilities will be transferred and he/she will serve as the official District spokesperson. Emergency responsibilities include:  Set up official media “news center” site – located away from Command Center and students/staff  Act as official spokesperson for school/District  Get approval from IC for written/verbal communications with media, parents and community  Coordinate joint press releases/briefings with law enforcement, fire department and District Communications Office personnel (at JIC – Joint Information Center)  Monitor news broadcasts about emergency  Correct misinformation immediately  Report current emergency situation to appropriate District administration/security personnel

LOGISTICS The Logistics section meets all support needs for the incident including ordering resources through appropriate procurement authorities from off-incident site locations. It also helps and secures facilities, transportation, supplies, food service, communications and medical services for incident personnel. FINANCE The Chief of Finance will supervise the following responsibilities:  Authorize and /or oversee spending during the emergency to cover response and recovery costs  Consult with Superintendent and Board of Education if costs will exceed initial limits

PLANNING / DOCUMENTATION The Chief of Planning/Documentation will supervise the following responsibilities:  Anticipate next steps and future needs  Offer suggested mitigation strategies for IC  Plan ahead for short term and long range recovery  May be asked to create an incident action plan  Write down major actions taken during the incident

OPERATIONS The Chief of Operations is in charge of:  Staff members with student supervisory responsibilities  Staff who don’t have student supervisory responsibilities  Staff with first aid responsibilities  Additional available staff Personnel assigned to Operations primarily manage student supervision, care and release. In most cases, Operations personnel are teachers who are in charge of students when the emergency occurs. District Service, Maintenance and Operations Department personnel may also be needed. EMERGENCY COMMAND CENTER – CRISIS KIT CONTENTS REMINDER ** Submit this page with your response file**

Emergency Command Center

Every building needs to establish an on-site primary and alternate location, as well as an off-site location, for the emergency command post. The inside command post should have immediate access to phone communications and other forms of communication, i.e. fax machine, computers, intercom, building bell controls, etc. (example: main office). The exterior post command would be used if unsafe to stay inside the school. (If outside use of cell phone is crucial.)

School Name: ______Administrator: ______

Primary on-site location: Office______phone # ______(Inside school)

Secondary on-site location: ______phone # ______(Outside school)

Off-site location: ______(At evacuation Site)

Address: ______

Phone # ______

Emergency Crisis Kit Contents - check quarterly to be sure contents are up-to-date and batteries fresh

 Copy of J. Berra Crisis Plan  Blank name badges  Bullhorn with batteries  Flashlights with batteries  Legal pad for notes, messages, etc.  Current class list  Markers, pens  List of students and staff with special medical  Small, battery operated radio (AM/FM) needs  Pre-printed signs  Telephone book with city map included ▪ Crisis Control Center ▪ Parent Waiting Area  Copy of your school’s Crisis Response Team duties ▪ Media Waiting Area ▪ First Aid Room  Copy of Central Office Crisis Team ▪ Counseling Room  Current “Fan Out” call list]  NMS structure/command post designation

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