Unit 18 – Is this the end of a civilization or just the beginning? Chapter 31 & 32

AP Topics: 26. Politics and Economics at the End of the Twentieth Century Chapters 30, 31, 32  Election of 1968 and the “Silent Majority” pp. 887–891  Nixon’s challenges: Vietnam, China, Watergate pp. 897–901  Changes in the American economy: the energy crisis, deindustrialization, and the service economy pp. 901–905  The New Right and the Reagan revolution pp. 895–896, 914–924  End of the Cold War pp. 936–938

Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century Chapters 30, 31, 32  Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, Sunbelt migration, and the graying of America pp. 876–877, 905–906, 938–944  Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communication, and computers pp. 903–904, 953–955  Politics in a multicultural society pp. 905–911, 938–944, 959–960

The United States in the Post-Cold War World Chapter 32  Globalization and the American economy pp. 960–963  Unilateralism vs. multilateralism in foreign policy pp. 933–937, 947–949, 956–959  Domestic and foreign terrorism pp. 950, 952–959  Environmental issues in a global context pp. 905, 957, 961–962

Nixon’s Presidency: curbed inflation devaluation of the dollar

10% surcharge on imports

“southern strategy” détente with Soviet Union and China

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) disguised surrender in Viet Nam

Watergate energy crisis oil embargo

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) divorce rate single-parent households Unit 18 – Is this the end of a civilization or just the beginning? Chapter 31 & 32 gay and lesbian pride movement

Ford’s pardon of Nixon

Jimmy Carter’s Presidency

Camp David Accords

Iran Hostage Crisis

1980 Olympics boycott

Reaganomics supply-side economics deregulation reduction of government spending federal deficit

Gramm-Rudman Act

Reagan’s foreign policy the “evil empire”

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) high defense spending

Nicaragua, Grenada

Iran-Contra affair

Mikhail Gorbachev

HIV/AIDS crisis

War on Drugs

“Just Say No” campaign

George H.W. Bush’s Presidency

New World Order invasion of Panama

Savings-and-Loan scandal Unit 18 – Is this the end of a civilization or just the beginning? Chapter 31 & 32

1990 recession

Persian Gulf War 1991 changing demographics rise of the Sunbelt diversifying immigration and illegal immigration distinct minorities

African Americans

Hispanic Americans

Asian Americans

“melting pot” or “mosaic?”

Election of 1992

Bill Clinton’s Presidency

North America Free Trade Association (NAFTA)



Bosnia economic policy

Monica Lewinsky scandal

H. Ross Perot

Alan Greenspan


Oklahoma City bombing


Disputed Election of 2000

September 11th Unit 18 – Is this the end of a civilization or just the beginning? Chapter 31 & 32 WTC and Pentagon bombing

War on Terror

Afghanistan and Iraq Wars