Basha High School Homerun Booster Club

General Meeting


Attendance: Coach Schilling, Anita Westlake, Dave Doane, Nicole Roselius, Cyndy Hall, Cindy Dowell, Connie Frasier, Barbara Smith, Carmela Rebe, Jen Westbrook, Leann Soto, Elizabeth Merritt, Teresa Richardson, Bob Kaiser, Cary Conforti, Cyndi Blair, Paquita Wilson, Jay Tepe

Meeting called to order at: 6:39pm

Introduction of the Board:

President-Tracey Captain, Vice President-Anita Westlake, Treasurer-Dave Doane, Secretary-Nicole Roselius, Fundraising-Cyndi Dowell, General Members-Cyndy Hall and Connie Frasier.

New Business discussed:

Cyndy Hall went over the bylaws adopted by the booster. A copy is available on

A motion was made by Cyndy Hall that any expenditure over $500 must be taken to a general meeting for a vote. Anita Westlake second her motion, all members approved, motion passed.

A question was raised about the security of the password to access schedules and correspondence on It was decided that the password would be changed to bearswin instead of bears. Anita said that she would make the password change.

Treasure report was presented by Dave Doane

Coach Schilling announced that CUSD will be paying to improve dugouts, restring batting cages, and adding raised bleachers to varsity fields.

Coach Shilling would like to secure the shade screen in the outfield. He has a quote from a company for $700 which includes a 7 year warranty. Cyndy Hall motioned to hire a contractor to secure the shade screens to prevent tearing and damage for no more than $700. Anita Westlake second her motion, all members approved, motion passed.

Unfinished Business:

Diamondback Suite for Sept 23rd is on Craigs List for $1900.00

Cyndi Dowell will contact Stabilizer Solutions to see if they would be willing to trade the Diamondback Suite for stabilizer, clay, and surface topper for our varsity field.

Dave Doane would like to head up a golf tournament on November 20th. The tournament will be at Lone Tree Golf Club. We need lots of volunteer s and committee members to make this fundraiser a success. Anita Westlake talked about tax credit. Donations up to$250 for a single person or $400 for a family can be made to Basha Highs Baseball program. This donation is completely tax deductible and it given back to you at tax time. The money can be used for many things to benefit the baseball program including improvements to the fields.

Community Service:

Connie Fraisier talked about a couple of community service opportunities for the boys.

Hope Kids is an organization that grants wishes for ill children. She would like to set a date to have a group of kids come out and play with the players. Date and time has not been decided.

Andreas Closet is an organization that provides new toys for children while they are in the hospital. Players could have a toy drive and then present the hospital with their toy donations.

Other ideas for community service discussed…

Wellness Center an organization for teens with cancer that could use players to help decorate for their annual Halloween party.

Baseball equipment drive we could collect used equipment to give to needy baseball teams.

Retirement Home players could visit and play games with residents at a local retirement home.

Meeting adjourned at: 9:25pm

Meeting minutes submitted by: Nicole Roselius, Secretary