MSE-PD Council Meeting May 6, 2009, 11:00-12:30

Present: Zbikowski, Stone, Hohenshell, Mason, Heyning, Durst, Schroeder, Clinkenbeard

1. Publicity a. John Z. sent out list of summer classes to all current students and will send out flyers on special courses (Gifted course, Supervision course) – will mail to grad students a.i. Eileen send him description for Technologies course b. Heyning: b.i. Will send email and postcards through CESA6 b.ii. WEAC website b.iii. MPS website b.iv. Rick will distribute to CESA2 administrators c. To Do: c.i. QEI database – need to register as provider and input data c.i.1. State universities can advertise for free c.i.2. John Stone can put together information on online cohort c.i.3. Katy will check with Marie Benson and tell us what format we need to give her information, also check with Special Ed c.ii. Email for listserv from Taps – will format short version with URL c.ii.1. Taps or Pam will send to PK12 listerv c.ii.2. Eileen will send to WEMTA listserv c.ii.3. Pam – gifted listserv c.ii.4. John Z. – WSRA listserv c.iii. Info to other CESAs c.iii.1. Eileen will send contacts to CESA3, CESA5, CESA11 c.iii.2. Locate contacts for other CESAs c.iv. Katy will contact Racine, Beloit, Kenosha c.v. Katy – check with Tom Ganser - send to superintendents and/or principals where we have placements

2. Coordinator(2) for online cohort a. Responsibilities: a.i. Main responsibilities in first semester a.i.1. Go to-person with questions about program a.i.2. Check with students periodically a.ii. Develop introductory module with LTC (Eileen will help) – manage implementation in August a.ii.1. Carrie make sure students have access to D2L by August 17 a.ii.2. Develop FAQ in D2L throughout fall semester a.iii. LTC – D2L support a.iv. Carrie will do registration a.v. Possible: Amy S. and/or Pam C. – Will let John Z. know May 13 a.v.1. John S. will negotiate payment a.v.2. John will set up meeting with Amy, Pam and Eileen to discuss a.v.3. May be better not to have one of first instructors a.v.4. Could hire through distance fees a.v.5. Possibly retired person College of Education should start thinking about online cohort coordinator / overall advisor – hand holding and outreach

3. Rotation and faculty assignments a. Fall 09: Research – Pam, Issues – Amy b. Spring 10: Tech – Eileen, Curriculum – Rick Mason? c. Summer 10: Differentiation – Maureen Griffen?, Planning for Change – Pat Shaw d. Fall 10: Literacy and Culture – Melanie Schneider, Building and Managing Effective Classrooms – need to find someone e. Spring 11: Supervision of Student Teachers – Suzie Kidd, Capstone – Pat Shaw? f. EDUINDP 727 – best if taken Fall 2010, advisor needs to work with student in fall

4. Feedback on Leisl’s checklist a. Specificity on meetings with advisor: “Meet” means face-to-face, virtual or by phone b. “Signature” in this form could be email message or by mail c. Full sheet goes to graduate coordinator at end d. Could we do this in D2L or electronically in some other way?

5. Questions from students a. MSE-PD students need more information on class schedules and rotations b. Programs need to be updated on website. Need more information on emphasis areas.

6. Can students in a proposed Higher Education Emphasis take courses in Counseling? Rick will outline a proposal.

7. Look at FAQs for online cohort and get feedback to John Z. by May 13.

8. Next meeting: May 13 at 11:00.