Alcohol and drug abuse are serious problems in today’s society, and schools are not immune to such problems. It is statistically predictable and it is within our experience that some student athletes have used alcohol and have experimented with “street drugs” such as marijuana and cocaine or may do so during their middle or high school years. Also, some athletes may be attracted to the use of so-called “performance enhancing” drugs such as various steroids, in misguided efforts to increase their strength and endurance. We recognize that serious attention is being given to alcohol and drug abuse problems in private business and industry, government, schools, and colleges throughout the country.

This program will not affect the policies, practices or rights of the School District in dealing with drug or alcohol possession or use where reasonable suspicion is obtained by means other than the random sampling provided herein.

1. Each student athlete shall be provided with a consent form, a copy of which is attached hereto, that shall be dated and signed by the student athlete and by a custodial parent or guardian before such student athlete shall be eligible to practice or participate in any interscholastic sport. The consent shall be to provide a urine sample to be tested for drugs and alcohol at any time validly requested according to the terms of this program.

2. The selection of student athletes to be tested will be done randomly by the Administration and or the Athletic Director. Selections may be made from time to time throughout the training and participation season for that sport, as requested by the Principal, Athletic Director, or Head Coach of a sport then in season. Each student athlete will be assigned a number and one cross reference list of names and numbers will be maintained by the Principal and Athletic Director. When a selection for testing is done, the numbers of all team members will be placed into a box from which the number(s) of the student athlete(s) will be drawn to determine the athlete(s) to be tested. For an alternate method the numbers could be chosen by a computer program for random selection. Each student athlete selected will accompany a monitor to be appointed by the Principal or Athletic Director to a washroom. Students will be permitted to provide the sample within a closed bathroom stall. The collection of the sample shall not be physically observed. The student athlete’s initials and the date shall be written on the sample bottle and the student athlete and the monitor shall each date and sign a certification to be provided by the school or the testing facility that the sample has the proper initials and date on it. The monitor shall maintain physical possession and control of the sample until such time as it may be turned over to a laboratory for testing, except that the monitor may transport the sample through the United States mail. Each sample will be tested for alcohol, “street drugs” (which may include all drugs listed as controlled substances under the laws of the state of Illinois) but the drugs tested for shall not depend on the identity of the athlete being tested. Testing shall be done by a competent laboratory through urinalysis. The sample shall first be tested using the enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (“EMIT”). Any sample which yields a positive result by the EMIT method shall be tested using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (“GC/MS”) method. Only samples which yield positive results under both the EMIT and GV/MS methods shall be deemed positive results for the purpose of this program.

3. When a student athlete is selected for testing, only the Principal, Athletic Director, Head Coach and/or other appropriately appointed monitor shall be aware that such student athlete has given a urine sample or is being tested. The laboratory will report to the Principal or Athletic Director, by name of the student athlete tested, the result(s) of each test. The Principal or Athletic Director may only make the results of any test known to each other, the student athlete, the student athlete’s custodial parent or parents or guardian, and the student athlete’s Head Coach. If the student athlete is taking any over-the-counter or prescription medications which may contribute to a “positive” test result, he or she may inform the Principal or Athletic Director of this fact at or as soon as possible after the time of the taking of the urine sample, but shall not be required to do so.

4. If any test as to a particular student athlete id “positive” – that is, if it shows that drug residue substances are present in the student athlete’s system, using both the EMIT and GC/MS methods – the Principal or Athletic Director will so advise the student athlete and the student athlete’s custodial parent or parents or guardian and will explain the type of substance which was found and the health hazards involved. If the student athlete or the student athlete’s custodial parents or guardian desire, they may have any remaining portion of the urine sample analyzed or any new sample taken and analyzed under conditions in which the sample is verified and transmitted to the laboratory as provided for herein and where the results are returned to the Principal or Athletic Director. If such retest of the first sample fails to result in a “positive” test, then no “positive” result shall be deemed to have occurred with respect to that sample. If a newly-submitted second sample fails to return a “positive” result, then the positive results obtained from the first sample shall be deemed to be in error. They may also submit any information to the Principal or Athletic Director, or disclose such information to a licensed physician of their choice for purposes of obtaining an opinion on whether the positive result was caused by circumstances other than illegal ingestion of the substance found, which information and/or opinion will be considered by the Principal or Athletic Director in determining whether a positive test has been satisfactorily explained. If it is not satisfactorily explained, the Principal or Athletic Director will consult with the student athlete and the student Athlete’s parent or parents or guardian concerning the nature and extent of the problem and may suggest counseling or other possible assistance. Bismarck-Henning High School shall pay for the testing done at its request, but not pay for any test submitted by the student athlete, parents or guardian and will not be required to pay for any counseling or subsequent treatment.

5. The fact of testing and the results of any student athlete shall not be made known to any person other than as above stated or as otherwise permitted or Required by law or an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, and no student athlete shall be expelled, suspended or disciplined from school as a result of any “positive” test conducted by the athletic department of his or her school under this program other than as stated herein. No results of any test administered under this program shall be reported to any law enforcement agency.

6. Any student who is a participant in the Bismarck-Henning High School interscholastic athletic program is considered a Bismarck-Henning athlete. Being an athlete at Bismarck-Henning High School is considered a privilege and not a right. Any student athlete who has a “positive” test result shall be subject to the penalties outlined in the Bismarck-Henning CUSD #1 Athletic Policy. In addition, Bismarck-Henning High School reserves the right to continue testing at any time during the practice or participation season of any sport in which a student athlete participates throughout the remaining school year as to any student athlete who tested :positive” and did not make satisfactory explanation. Bismarck-Henning High School also reserves the right to test any student athlete who at any time exhibits cause for reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol usage.