Executive Board

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Executive Board

Executive Board Tuesday, November 8, 2011 SAC W314 8:00 pm

I. Call Meeting to Order

 Guests not allowed to speak unless yielded floor or recognized by chair

 Lots of guests this meeting

 Motion to move campus freedom resolution to top of agenda

 Approved

II. Roll Call

III. Election Rules

 Three separate documents: supreme court rules, Senior Advisor Max

Morley has changes, Senator Graudick has changes

 President Frizzell would like to go through like the constitution

 Chapter 100

 President Frizzell would like to add potential run-off dates

 Chief Justice McReynolds is allowing a week between file deadline for

cases and run-offs, run-off held from March 5th 12am-March 7th 12pm

 Max reminded that Senate passed second day of formal campaigning not

allow for active campaigning due to Rally and State of Student Body

 President Pappe yield floor to Skylar  Senator Graudick would like the Court to hold debate for Top 4 and

councils as well

 President Wetterer says law elections later than timeline

 Senator Graudick says specific amendments for other schools

 Max says could make it for all schools participating in SGA general


 Chief Justice McReynolds reminds all schools participate because vote for

President and Top 4

 President Frizzell thinks good to have council debate, overshadowed by

Top 4, fair, Feb 9th-12th , shortly after Top 4 debate

 Senator Graudick doesn’t care when as long as get out

 Senator Mattingly suggests write a separate act to have separate debate

 Max agrees that debates are not necessarily election rule, pass an act

 EVP Sangoi: recommendation for debates but do as separate act,


 Approved Chapter 100 as is

 Chapter 101

 Approved

 Chapter 102

 President Frizzell yield to Skylar

 Senator Graudick would like to designate slate affiliation on ballot  President Wetterer asks if everyone on slates, might vote as whole slate


 Senator Graudick says still vote individually for each position

 President Wetterer thinks then voter should know names

 Max believes this would increase number of uninformed voters, just vote

based on name, even if convenient

 Senator Schoen agrees with Max, if you don’t know who voting for then

rather you not vote

 President Frizzell says a problem could occur with candidates running

under false name

 Approved as is

 Chapter 200

 Max change 200.2, unfair opportunity to run twice for positions, not fair

to undergraduates

 President Harris asks who able to do that

 Max replies graduate school, other professional schools, A&S not able to

do this, unfair

 President Wetterer says that elected office separate from Law school

elected office

 President Frizzell realizes two different things for professional schools

 Senator Schoen thinks autonomy of councils may not be able to tell

councils not to pick who they want

 EVP Sangoi suggests figure out what constitution says about this  Max replies the Constitution does not address it

 President Frizzell says it is very unclear, put bluntly what we are trying to

fix, motion to discuss not run for Top 4 and Senate seat

 President Navale thinks the clearer we are less ambiguity

 President Frizzell says Dean Mardis said specifics great

 Presidetn Smithson asks what if resign, can we appoint a new person

 Max believes that would be special election, they are not running

 President Navale asks if elected in Kent

 President Smithson says they are not elected, appointed by previous

council, by application

 EVP Sangoi asks what does constitution say about appointed seats vs

elected seats

 Chief Justice McReynolds responds have to look at what councils have

done in the past

 Move to approve Max’s recommendations

 Approved

 Chapter 201

 President Heisler notices 2010 should be 2012

 Approved as friendly

 Chapter 300

 Approved

 Chapter 301  Approved

 Chapter 302

 Senator Graudick believes allows for loophole, intentional nature is

problem with messing with flyers, violation of person’s voice, award

highest penalty

 President Frizzell disapprove of adding Class 1 sanction because

disqualification, not like assessment of sanctions, important for court to

have authority

 Senator Graudick would at least keep “bad faith”, creating a loophole,

intentionally placing flyers as to hinder other candidate

 EVP Sangoi asks how know who is doing bad faith things

 Senator Graudick answers he addressed in 800.2

 Max likes it, whole boards designed to prevent all candidates from getting

publicity, that fall under bad faith, word better

 Senator Graudick says Max said my intention

 President Frizzell still thinks it is bad, more court cases based on

ambiguity, competitive advantage to slate is good thing, display materials


 Senator Graudick states issue with flyers is ambiguity over whole thing,

take pictures, high violation

 Senator Mattingly has a problem with second sentence, too specific

 Presidetn Pappe knows random people could walk by and change things,

asks how can you regulate that, so ambiguous, look at other avenues  EVP Sangoi says more of a problem to whatever already is a problem,

“bad faith” too ambiguous

 President Harris reminds there is a fine line between smart and sneaky,

give time frame to fix it

 President Frizzell says a flyer violation has been filed every year, court

sends email to inform, can call it “bad faith”

 Motion to approve 302.4 as written by Court

 Motion to approve all of Chapter 302

 Senator Graudick thinks we should do something about it, issue because

happened last year

 President Heisler says call the question

 Approved as is

 Chapter 303

 Approved

 Chapter 304

 Approved

 Chapter 305

 Approved

 Chapter 306

 President Pappe add 306.2 all election materials be recycled

 Motion to add 306.2 that all recyclable campaign materials are

encouraged to be recycled  Senator Schoen vote nay

 Chapter 400

 Approved

 Chapter 500

 Approved

 Chapter 501

 President Heisler ask why and ink or paper

 President Frizzell says flyers reported, ink and paper could be included

 Chief Justice McReynolds explains there were inquiries in past

 Max asks what if already has ink

 Chief Justice McReynolds says try it

 Approved

 Chapter 502

 Max says current rules don’t allow for RSOs to endorse or make

donations, organ of the university is still undefined, both changed in

rules, RSO should be allowed to endorse, look at Max’s changes

 Chief Justice McReynolds says 502.2 largest concern, defining what an

“organ of the university” means is very vague, watch how do language,

could cause problems

 President Frizzell says does cause major headaches, organ of university is

anything funded by university, athletics ran a campaign a few years ago, must be funded, strike out necessarily and change to monetarily funded,

go through previous court cases

 Max says it is vague, but better than ever had, need definition

 Motion to approve Chapter 502 as amended

 Senator Schoen says with respect to Province and Cardinal Towne still

carry same weight, close to organ

 President Frizzell thinks same as restaurant example

 Max says endorse and cause problems too, negatives outweigh positives

 President Schwenker adds management company pays me not Cardinal


 Jeff Lamb adds all three are UofL Housing affiliated

 President Schwenker says there are different levels of affiliation

 Max states Province paying University, not other way around

 President Frizzell problem if use monetarily funded because on website,

funded by university

 Max thinks would be in-kind donation

 EVP Sangoi asks if good idea to get specific

 President Smithson understands what doing but huge amount of power

to student, asks how safeguard

 Senator Schoen says not cater exclusively to students, affiliated to


 Senator Graudick says candidate running alone or for first time, set them

up for trap, create list of prohibited organizations  Max thinks need to define one way or other with affiliated housing,

ambiguous possible gain better than ambiguous guaranteed loss

 Justice Thomas suggests situation to defer to court, define what organ

means, removes process from potential candidates

 President Frizzell says trying to be more detailed, struck it completely,

only individuals and RSOs

 Senator Schoen likes what Kurtis said, do same things from departments

 Max reminds still doesn’t define organ

 President Nasseri likes referring to court

 Motion withdrawn

 President Nasseri: Motion to refer to the court for an organ of the

university definition

 President Frizzell suggests recommend use specific language

 President Wetterer reminds can’t tell Court what to do or how to say

 Max suggests request by next Senate meeting

 Approved

 Motion to approve 502.1 and 502.3 of Max’s changes

 Approved

 Chapter 503

 Approved

 Chapter 600

 Approved  Chapter 601

 Senator Graudick says we should make every attempt to send emails

about elections

 Max says no reason shouldn’t if could

 Chief Justice McReynolds says he drafts email and sent to someone else

 Motion to add Skylar’s amendment

 President Pappe asks isn’t already in there

 Max change will to shall

 Approved

 Chapter 700

 Approved

 Chapter 701

 Approved

 Chapter 800

 Motion to set time to adjourn at 10 pm

 Approved

 Senator Graudick thinks there should be high penalty for intentional

 President Frizzell says still issue with Class 1 sanction

 Motion to approve Chapter 800 as is

 Approved

 Chapter 801

 Max say use based on votes for specific candidates  President Schwenker: Motion to approve Chapter 801 as amended by


 Approved

 Chapter 802

 Approved

 Chapter 803

 Senator Graudick thinks change to 48 hours to make more fair

 Max agrees, 24 hours is quick turn around, have lives

 Senator Schoen says all in college and stuff comes up

 Motion to amend the minimum to 72 hours

 President Wetterer asks is that going to mess up timeline with court

 President Frizzell says that’s 6 days after campaign

 Max believes makes for more fair case

 Seantor Schoen says in the end only comes down to extra 4 days from

what it is now

 President Frizzell asks turned in early, can Court act earlier

 Approved

 Chapter 900

 Approved

 Go back to Chapter 801

 Senator Graudick believe unfair, add bad faith definition  Max states those words mean different things to different people, ask

Skylar to talk about 801.11 and 801.12

 Senator Graudick says target people who committed offense, 801.12

important for new candidates

 Chief Justice McReynolds says it is all online

 President Frizzell says if already doing it then add to rules

 Motion to include 801.11 and 801.12 of Skylar’s changes to Chapter 800

 Approved

 President Frizzell: Motion to have court define “bad faith”and present at

next Senate Meeting

 President Wetterer asks if realistic to have 2 opinions

 Approved

IV. New Business

 Campus Freedom Resolution

 Preston Bates says working with non-partisan group, rate first

amendment rights of colleges, red/yellow/green rankings, no school in ky

has green light, red light reflects unconstitutional, FIRE, how to fix

unconstitutional policies, administration please do something about it

 EVP Sangoi says first reading here, second reading will be at senate

 Preston explains having meeting this week about it and want some


 Max went and put what each light means

 EVP Sangoi asks what makes UofL red light  Preston says one red light policy makes you a red light, computer usage

policy, vague phrases that can group people in broad categories,

prosecuted for large amount of things because of broad language, no

academic freedom, one specific red light policy that we can try to fix,

consider policy recommendation

 EVP Sangoi asks if have idea of what it could be

 Preston says would get it this week and be able to present it to senate

 Max is amenable to changing wording, use “consider” instead in therefore

be it resolved

 Preston says that would be fine

 Max: motion to change to “consider the proposed changes”

 Friendly

 President Frizzell would like to show senate what we would like to

change, some stuff would probably want to be the same

 Preston says difference between unconstitutional restrictions and

unrestricted campus, red light policy is unconstitutional, civilly liable,

yellow lights are not necessarily unconstitutional

 President Frizzell would want to see changes before go to President


 Preston says hope conversation not reduce down to that, can’t take

unconstitutional policies in public university, just be constitutional

 EVP Sangoi syas E-board reccomend show exact policy change to Senate

 Preston would also send to Faculty Senate  President Frizzell suggests talk to AVP Heil about introducing it to Faculty

Senate, go with him

 Motion to pass as amended

 Approved

V. Announcements

A&S Lunch with Dean tomorrow

VI. Adjourn Meeting

Motion to adjourn

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