Cricket Dinner at Melchet 28/11/15
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Minutes of the A.G.M. of Whiteparish Cricket Club held at the Parish Lantern Public House on Thursday 10 th March 2016 at 8.00 p.m.
ATTENDEES Mike Coulshed, Graeme Sharp, Lord Harris, James Dovey, Chris Bartel, Richard DaCosta, Mark Stone, Neil Orr, Glyn Turk, Martin Ball, Tim Drew, Ross Dunworth, Max Bishop.
APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Richard Hamblin, Malcolm Noble, Lee James, Jack Orr, Barney Orr, Marcus Reynolds and Daryl Parsons.
MINUTES OF THE 2015 A.G.M. AND MATTERS ARISING Copies of the minutes of the A.G.M. held on Monday 30th March 2015 were circulated and accepted. The following matters arising were discussed. The Chairman would follow up the Kenny Feltham memorial tree issue with Daryl Parsons. Signatories had been changed to access the bank account, Ross Dunworth to be added. The problem with water pressure to the square was supposedly being fixed but as yet had not been resolved.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman reported on another year of consolidation for both Saturday league sides. The 2nd X1 had suffered from secondment of players to the 1st X1 at very late notice. He thanked all the sponsors and made special reference to Daryl Parsons and Lord Harris who had coordinated the supply of the new club shirts and Paul and Lorraine at the Parish Lantern for generously supplying the teas.
SECRETARY’S REPORT Secretary Sharpy reported that no correspondence had been received.
TREASURER’S REPORT Treasurer Dunworth explained his cash flow chart for the 2015 season. The club had £5248 in the bank on 31/12/15 and were in a healthy cash position. Village businesses had donated around £2000 which was almost as much as match fees had raised. Few matches were lost to the weather which had resulted in a higher than average income from match fees. The mower had been paid for. Some kit was required for the 2nd X1 kit bag to cater for occasional players. The projected forecast for 2016 showed a projected deficit of just under £500 but discussion revealed that this could be much reduced by more sponsorship.
CAPTAIN’S REPORTS Glyn Turk spoke for the 1st X1 stating that they had finished one place higher than in 2014, winning more than they lost, thanks mainly to the bowlers who had saved the day after several batting collapses. Chris Bartel said that the 2nd X1 had suffered a difficult season being forced to forfeit one game and included five debutants in another. Altogether over fifty players had represented the team and they had only just managed to scrape through and avoid relegation. The loss of Charles Steenkamp and established players to university would compound the problem. Several options were discussed including setting up a Facebook page and using other social media to encourage more youth involvement. The Village v. Melchet pre-season match could be expanded to include a Fun Day style event on the Saturday which could be advertised to try to encourage more people from the village. It was decided to formalise team selection by having meetings every Tuesday night after the midweek game to check availability and ensure earlier liaison between the two sides.
MEMBERSHIP AND MATCH FEES The membership lists need updating. Chairman and Secretary together with captains and scorebooks to oversee. After discussion with the treasurer it was decided to leave the match fees unchanged.
MEMORIAL GROUND UPDATE AND NETS The ground needs booking for the Melchet friendly and Fun Day project. Chris Bartel offered the use of the Melchet school mowers to help with pre-season ground preparation. The ground rent for 2016 has remained unchanged at £1450. An offer from the club to the trustees to arrange to sign off the facility after each match had been refused. The nets need checking.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS Officers were duly elected or re-elected as follows: President John Metcalfe Chairman Mike Coulshed Secretary Graeme Sharp Treasurer Ross Dunworth 1st X1 Captain Richard Hamblin Vice-Captain Glyn Turk 2nd X1 Captain Chris Bartel Vice-Captain Richard DaCosta Border League Captain Josh Green Memorial Ground Representative Daryl Parsons Social and Media Secretary Chris Bartel Tea Lady Graham Dear Webmaster Glyn Turk Child Welfare Officer Neil Orr
FUNDRAISING The chairman said that the new shirts had been a huge success. Chris Bartel reported that the presentation evening had been great and that it would be nice to expand it to become a dinner dance with live music. He also wanted to move it to coincide with the first Saturday of October half-term week. An organisational team was proposed to get more people involved especially the ladies to help integrate everyone into the club ethic. Lord Harris listed sponsorship promised for 2016 and said the Parish Lantern had kindly agreed to continue to supply the sandwiches for teas.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Graeme Sharp said he would not be organising the Devon Tour in 2016. The trophies had not been engraved for 2015 so this would incur double costs in 2016. Glyn Turk said that a club day out would be organised to the Rose Bowl on a Friday or Monday in July or August. The President had expressed a wish to attend. Richard DaCosta reported on the Hampshire Cricket League AGM. Misuse of social media was discussed but all proposed rule changes were voted down including over reductions. Chairman Coulshed noted that the quiz team had progressed to the Hampshire League semi-final stage.
Meeting closed at 9.23 p.m.