Customer Service Team Final Report

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Customer Service Team Final Report

Customer Service Team Final Report

Executive Summary

The Central Library has endured years of severe budget cuts. We have examined what we do, how we do it, and for whom. We need to reevaluate our services to become more efficient. We then need to make the decisions that will allow the Central Library to continue to grow and thrive and be an important resource to our community. The Customer Service Team has been charged with looking at that from our patrons’ point of view. The most important component to this organization is our patrons.

From patron comment cards and staff exceptional service cards, we know that we have a history of delivering inconsistent service depending on a variety of reasons. The goal of the Customer Service team was to find out what our patrons want and to develop a process that allows us to serve our patrons with consistently exceptional customer service.

In order to erase perceptions and deal with facts, the team devised a series of service evaluation tools.

1. Customer surveys placed at each service point. We received 189 completed surveys.

2. Mystery shopper assessments were given out. We recruited 24 people with varying levels of library experience. They rated staff on our in person service, e reference, and phone service.

3. We held four focus groups in the library. 25 participants discussed the question- What could we be doing better?

4. We considered patron comment forms, excellent service cards, and staff nominations for staff service awards.

5. We visited other libraries known to have great customer service as noted from RRLC Library of the Year Awards.

Overall, we found that our service is good, but not consistently exceptional. By visiting other libraries, we discovered that our effort to move from good to consistently exceptional is a process unique to the Central Library.

We had some initial ideas about what we needed improvement on, and our survey results supported some of these beliefs. For example, parking is not an easy task, and some patrons would prefer quiet areas in which to work. However, there were some patron concerns that we, as a team, did not consider. For example, some patrons felt that we do not serve everyone equally.

After review, we have compiled a series of short and long term recommendations. We propose diversity and customer service training at the next staff day. In addition, these trainings should be mandatory for all employees as part of their orientation to RPL at the beginning of their service. By prioritizing customer service and diversity training, staff will have the tools they need to serve our patrons and each other. Additional recommendations are included in this report as well as items we have delegated to other reorganization teams. Narrative Description of Our Work

The customer service team agreed to assess the quality of customer service in a multi-dimensional manner. We wanted to reliably understand how our library patrons currently experience customer service at the Central Library. The data collection methods included public library surveys, mystery shopper assessments, focus group interviews, and observations at other public libraries. The surveys and mystery shopper assessments included both quantitative and qualitative data. The focus groups and library observations provided qualitative data.

The Library Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys were distributed throughout the Central Library for a period of approximately one month, from October 12th through November 14th. The surveys were available at twelve different sites, including the subject divisions, the circulation desks and the entrances to both buildings. There were a total of 189 surveys completed. The survey consisted of fifteen statements. Each statement required the patron to choose one of six responses, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. In addition, the surveys asked for the time of visit, day of the week visited, and comments/suggestions.

The Mystery Shopper Assessment was based on the recruitment of volunteers to make a visit to the Central Library. Mystery shoppers were asked to request library services of their choosing. They had been provided with the assessment prior to their visit. Twenty-four volunteers were recruited. Seventeen assessments were completed. There were fifteen in-person visits, one telephone visit, and one via e-reference. The in-person assessment form asked the mystery shoppers to rate their customer service experience based on initial contact, interaction, results, library building environment, and other factors influencing their library experience. Telephone and e-reference assessment forms were adapted to those two types of experiences. We also asked mystery shoppers for the date and time of visit and comments and recommendations for improvement. We invited follow-up conversations. The mystery shopper program ran for approximately three weeks, from September 19th to October 9th. Library staff members were made aware of our mystery shopping program, but did not know, of course, the identities of the individual shoppers.

Our focus group interviews took place in the library on four separate dates. The focus groups were conducted by members of the Customer Service team who recruited patrons from within the library to attend a focus group to answer the question: “What could we do better?” Three were held in the B&L building on October 29 th, October 31st, and November 2nd, and one was held in the Rundel building on October 21st. An announcement was made thirty minutes and fifteen minutes prior to the focus groups inviting participants. The team members also walked through the library prior to the groups to personally invite patrons to participate. Refreshments were served, and some small prizes were given to group participants. We had a total of twenty-five patrons take part in our focus groups.

Our team also visited ten other MCLS libraries recognized for their outstanding customer service with the goal of learning how we might improve our own customer service. Each visiting team member used the mystery shopper assessment form as the tool to evaluate their customer service experience. The libraries visited were: Arnett, Chili, Gates, Henrietta, Lyell, Monroe, Penfield, Pittsford, Rush, and Webster.

Throughout our research, we consulted a number of customer service resources. Please see Addendum E for a complete listing.

2 Summary of Library Customer Service Data Analysis

Customer Service Surveys

The results of the 189 Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys completed were quite positive. We have summarized the results of the survey in the body of this report. Specific details on the results of each individual question are contained in Addendum A. The survey provided six response choices for each of the fifteen statements. They were: “Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, “Agree”, “Strongly Agree”, and “N/A”.

The survey statements were as follows:

1) I was able to find the library easily. 2) Parking was convenient. 3) I was able to find a convenient and safe place to leave my bike (if applicable). 4) The first staff member I encountered was able to answer my question or quickly connect me with someone who could help. 5) If I had to wait for help, library staff acknowledged me. 6) Library staff was courteous and friendly. 7) Library staff was knowledgeable. 8) Library staff spent sufficient time with me. 9) The customer service I received today was excellent. 10) Library signs were clear and helpful. 11) I found what I was looking for at the library. 12) I was able to find my way around the library easily. 13) The library was clean. 14) My experience at the library was delightful. 15) I would recommend visiting the library.

All of the survey statements, with the exception of the one on parking, resulted in the majority of the responses falling within Strongly Agree. The largest Strongly Agree response (70%) resulted from the statement, “Library staff was courteous and friendly.” In addition, with the exception of two statements on parking cars and securing bicycles, over 80% of the survey takers responded to each statement with Strongly Agree or Agree. The statement, “The customer service I received today was excellent” resulted in 65% of responders saying they strongly agreed and 22% saying they agreed. We included two statements, “My experience at the library was delightful” and “I would recommend visiting the library” to tell us about our patrons overall experience. The former resulted in 61% strongly agreeing and 26% agreeing. The latter resulted in 67% strongly agreeing and 24% agreeing.

While the positive outweighed the negative in all fifteen statements, it is worth mentioning the fact that our statement regarding parking convenience resulted in the largest number of negative responses. There were 107 patrons who responded to the statement, “Parking was convenient.” 26% of our survey takers either disagreed or strongly disagreed, and 22% were neutral on the subject, while 57% agreed or strongly agreed. This data tells us that, despite this being the aspect of the library experience that patrons are least happy with, a majority of our survey takers did find parking to be convenient.

Please refer to Addendum A for specific data on each of the fifteen survey statements.

All descriptive comments made in the Comments/Suggestions section of the Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys have been categorized and are included in Addendum C.

3 Mystery Shopper Assessments

Mystery shoppers were asked to rate specific aspects of their library experience using the following rating scale: 1 - Offensive 2 - Poor 3 - Acceptable 4 - Good 5 - Exceptional

The following aspects of mystery shopper library visits were examined:

Initial Contact  Approachability  Eye Contact  Body Language  Tone of Voice  Attitude

Interaction  Effective communication  Understanding the question/need  Sufficient time spent  Acknowledges others waiting  Closure

Result  Did you get what you wanted?  Level of satisfaction  Would you recommend our library?

Library Buildings  Cleanliness  Signage  Ease of navigating  Overall physical environment  Other  Parking  Locating the library  Accessibility of library  Safety  Overall experience

Our mystery shopper results were positive, with the majority of ratings falling in the Good or Exceptional category. All fifteen of our in-person shoppers indicated that their overall experience was Good or Exceptional. When asked about recommending our library, all of our shoppers also responded with Good or Exceptional. We received two Offensive ratings, and those were both in response to “Parking.” We received five Poor ratings, two in response to the question, “Did you get what you wanted?” and one in response each to “Tone of Voice,” Attitude,” and “Parking.”

Our one e-reference mystery shopper had ratings ranging from Acceptable to Exceptional. Two ratings were Acceptable, and included “Ease of Using e-reference” and “Interaction had proper closure.” The remainder of

4 the results were Good and Exceptional. Our one telephone reference mystery shopper gave Exceptional ratings to everything, except for “Finding library phone number” which was rated Acceptable.

All quantitative data from our Mystery Shopper Assessment Forms is included in Addendum B. We also received some constructive comments, which gave us important feedback influencing our customer service recommendations. All comments have been included in Addendum C.

Focus Groups Our four focus groups were very worthwhile, with a total of twenty-five participants. The groups resulted in numerous constructive comments, complaints, and customer service recommendations. Many of our recommendations were based on what we heard from people in our focus groups. Two important suggestions that were consistent throughout our four groups were that we reinstate open hours on Monday, and that we extend internet time on the public access computers. Please see Addendum C for comments received from our focus group participants.

Other Library Visits Our visits to ten other MCLS libraries reinforced what our other data collection tools told us, that our customer service at the Central Library is good. These visits, while interesting, were not particularly useful to our goal. Our efforts to move from “good” to “consistently exceptional” is a process that will be unique to the Central Library, and will evolve from the needs of the population that use our services.

5 Recommendations

Short Term Recommendations

Provide a table by the restrooms with a sign suggesting patrons leave items on it, rather than bring them into the restroom.

Reinstate the policy of no eating at the computers.

Eliminate the need for a telephone number on E-reference questions.

Have a roving Security Officer tour BLB and Rundel at all times.

Ask Page Supervisors to examine their process for re-shelving materials, to ensure that items are re-shelved in the most expedient manner.

Ask Divisions to be responsible for keeping their computer keyboards and mice clean. LAS should be consulted for cleaning guidance.

Division Heads will designate one staff member to be trained in new areas of technology, who will then train the rest of the Division. Such technologies include downloading E-Books, using a Kindle, etc.

Staff will use Help Desk tickets as soon as a problem is reported or noticed. When appropriate, an email to all of Central will be sent as well. For example: the Wireless is down, a self check machine is down, etc.

Staff should be instructed to promptly send in a Help Desk ticket or directly contact Maintenance for any Maintenance-related issue.

Customer Service should be a regular agenda item at monthly meetings within each Division. Staff should be asked by Division Heads to bring customer service concerns or challenges to the table.

Upgrade the Wi-Fi connection.

Add another Circulation work station in Rundel.

Purchase acrylic pamphlet holders to display pamphlets on the first floor of BLB and Rundel.

A self checkout machine is needed on the first floor of Rundel.

Create a Digital Library Division with current select staff who would be available to assist patrons who are in need of help with new technologies, hardware, and software.

6 Long Term Recommendations

Create a customer service slogan to make people aware of how great we are.

Create a customer service model.

Develop a customer service training program for all new employees.

Provide Customer Service Training as well as Patron Behavior Training for staff to address the most efficient and friendly way to interact with our patrons and each other.

Conduct a mystery shopper program within the next year that will recruit shoppers who reflect the diverse population we serve.

Ask the City to come up with solutions to the lack of daytime shelter for our community’s homeless.

Patron Concerns that are better addressed by other Teams or Divisions

Review the current hours. We recommend being open late on Thursdays with the hours of 11am-7pm.

Review the entire collection to ensure the best holdings.

Review more efficient ways to publicize programs and events as well as ways to reintroduce the library to the public.

Create more displays with documents of local historical content.

Update the Central Library’s website to include where to park, the cost of parking, alternative parking and so on.

Review our current signage. Be sure they are clear and concise, and not misleading.

Consider acoustic tiles under the bridges, and glass walls for a first floor computer center, to keep the noise down in the entire BLB building.

Review the distribution of the collection between the two buildings.

Review extending internet usage to two hours, as well as the placement of computers on the floors.

Update the software on patron access computers.

Provide a quiet place for people to work.

Consider adding a family restroom in the Children’s Center.

Consider adding more seating near electrical outlets.


Library Customer Service Satisfaction Survey Results (Raw data)

I was able to find the library easily. 188 people responded: Strongly agree 129 Agree 38 Neither agree nor disagree 1 Disagree 1 Strongly disagree 19

Parking was convenient. 107 people responded: Strongly agree 28 Agree 29 Neither agree nor disagree 22 Disagree 13 Strongly disagree 15

I was able to find a convenient and safe place to leave my bike (if applicable). 70 people responded: Strongly agree 26 Agree 24 Neither agree nor disagree 9 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 9

The first staff member I encountered was able to answer my question or quickly connect me with someone who could help. 173 people responded: Strongly agree 109 Agree 39 Neither agree nor disagree 5 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree 15

If I had to wait for help, library staff acknowledged me. 157 people responded: Strongly agree 95 Agree 37 Neither agree nor disagree 9 Disagree 6 Strongly disagree 10

Library staff was courteous and friendly. 179 people responded: Strongly agree 124 Agree 34 Neither agree nor disagree 6 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 13

8 Library staff was knowledgeable. 179 people responded: Strongly agree 111 Agree 49 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Disagree 4 Strongly disagree 12

Library staff spent sufficient time with me. 176 people responded: Strongly agree 109 Agree 44 Neither agree nor disagree 9 Disagree 3 Strongly disagree 11

The customer service I received today was excellent. 176 people responded: Strongly agree 114 Agree 38 Neither agree nor disagree 9 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 13

Library signs were clear and helpful. 178 people responded: Strongly agree 98 Agree 57 Neither agree nor disagree 7 Disagree 3 Strongly disagree 13

I found what I was looking for at the library. 180 people responded: Strongly agree 116 Agree 46 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 13

I was able to find my way around the library easily. 181 people responded: Strongly agree 109 Agree 55 Neither agree nor disagree 5 Disagree 0 Strongly disagree 12

9 The library was clean. 179 people responded: Strongly agree 107 Agree 49 Neither agree nor disagree 8 Disagree 4 Strongly disagree 11

My experience at the library was delightful. 179 people responded: Strongly agree 110 Agree 47 Neither agree nor disagree 7 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 13

I would recommend visiting this library. 180 people responded: Strongly agree 121 Agree 43 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Disagree 1 Strongly disagree 12


Mystery Shopper Results Data

E-Reference Mystery Shopper Data

There was one E-reference mystery shopper.

The results are in red.

Rating system:

1 – Offensive

2 – Poor

3 – Acceptable

4 – Good

5 - Exceptional

Locating library website/e-reference 1 2 3 4 5

Ease of using e-reference 1 2 3 4 5

Question answered in a timely fashion 1 2 3 4 5

Clarity of the answer 1 2 3 4 5

Overall satisfaction with the response 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction had proper closure 1 2 3 4 5

Response was professional/courteous 1 2 3 4 5

Referral made if library unable to answer question 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

I would recommend this service 1 2 3 4 5

11 Telephone Mystery Shopper Data

There was one telephone reference mystery shopper.

The results are in red.

Rating system:

1 – Offensive

2 – Poor

3 – Acceptable

4 – Good

5 - Exceptional

Initial Contact

Finding library phone number 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of navigating automated menu 1 2 3 4 5 Length of wait until reaching destination 1 2 3 4 5 Identifies division when answering 1 2 3 4 5 Tone of Voice 1 2 3 4 5 Attitude 1 2 3 4 5


Effective communication 1 2 3 4 5 Speaks clearly 1 2 3 4 5 Understands the question/need 1 2 3 4 5 Sufficient time spent 1 2 3 4 5 Length of wait if put on hold 1 2 3 4 5 Closure 1 2 3 4 5


Did you get what you wanted? 1 2 3 4 5 If return call was necessary, was it timely 1 2 3 4 5 Level of satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5 Would you recommend calling our library? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall phone service experience 1 2 3 4 5 In Person Mystery Shopper (There were 15 in person mystery shoppers) Offensiv e Poor Acceptable Good Exceptional

Total Responses for each assessment category 2 5 34 155 125

Approachability 10 5

12 Eye Contact 1 9 5

Body Language 2 10 3

Tone of Voice 1 1 10 3

Attitude 1 1 10 3

Effective communication 1 8 6

Understands the question/need 1 7 7

Sufficient time spent 1 7 7

Acknowledges others waiting/ Length of wait if put on hold 5 4

Closure 2 6 7

Did you get what you wanted? 2 1 3 9

Level of satisfaction 2 5 8

Would you recommend our library? 4 11

Cleanliness 1 9 5

Signage 2 5 8

Ease of navigating 2 8 5

Overall physical environment 1 8 6

Parking 2 1 5 3 1

Locating the library 3 7 5

Accessibility of library 5 4 6

Safety 2 7 6

Overall experience 10 5


Patron Comments from Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys (CS), Focus Groups (FG), and Mystery Shopper Assessments (MS)

Attitudes Your children’s and youth/teen librarians are so helpful. They go above and beyond to serve patrons. (MS)

I had contact with seven different employees. They were all very helpful and nice. My experience at Central was much more pleasant than any time I’ve gone to the Webster Library. (MS)

Interactions were favorable until I went to the reference desk and inquired where I might drop off a message for you. The woman at the desk was understandably immersed in her computer. She glanced my way as though put

13 upon with a sour expression. “What do you want?” Had I interacted with her at the outset of this task, I would have ranked her a 2. I very much enjoyed being at the main library location. (MS)

Person who waited on me was very helpful. I learned something about interlibrary loan and local college libraries. (MS)

Need diversity training. (CS)

The customer service part downstairs are rude. They gave us a hard time and attitude when trying to check out books for work (preschool). I cringe when I need to check out books downstairs. Everyone else is helpful, just not down in that area. (CS)

Remind ‘Reference’ Librarians to pay attention to patrons. Do not continue phone (personal) conversations of e- mail, etc. Very disrespectful!! Customer Service is priority!-oh, please, smile. I attended a lecture today. Very difficult to understand the speaker- I am hearing impaired and the presenter mumbled in the mike. I basically read lips. Thank you! (CS)

Too many Librarians spend time gabbing with each other. This is unprofessional. (CS)

The Librarians on the 3rd floor of B&L Library are usually friendly and helpful. (CS)

Collection 1/4 focus groups felt more books should be in paperback format. (FG)

1/4 focus groups felt we should order more music CDs. (FG)

Inviting entry- excellent book displays. Enjoyed overall ambiance…the audio book section was easy to locate. (MS)

Seeking information on furniture refinishing and mold (mildew) removal. Lots of info on furniture. Not much info on mold (mildew). (MS)

Inconvenient to split Children’s videos and books between the two buildings. Should be together. Videos/music collection needs to be updated. (MS)

I asked where gardening magazines with gardening articles could be found and read. The person at the information desk said magazines are in the individual departments and no area exists for just periodicals. Another library employee joined in the conversation. She said to try the 2nd and 3rd floors. Why aren’t all gardening magazines near the gardening books if the goal is to be arranged by each department? (MS)

What I really was looking for was a nice place to look at a stack of magazines. The branches and suburban libraries all have this. The staff was pleasant, but couldn’t tell me where to find something as common as Martha Stewart magazines. She said all she could find were cookbooks by Martha Stewart. Later she did ask if I found what I was looking for. (MS)

Consider adding more Blu-Ray movie titles. (MS)

Monitor current magazine thefts. (CS)

Do more displays of documents of historical content and items from archives. (CS)

Need newer movies. (CS)

14 Nonfiction is oddly divided between 2 buildings. (CS)

More availability/access of used college textbooks to be in the library for easy reference usage and availability. (CS)

One week for new books is too short. Maybe they could extend for 14 days. (CS)

Shelve video and DVDs faster—always see racks up front, but they are not put away. Also bad selection. All the people are very nice who work in the Library. Only had one nasty person so far…that is pretty awesome. (CS)

Computers 3/4 focus groups felt job searching was crucial. More internet time, or a room with computers to be used just for searching for employment. Offer more classes on MS Office, hold a job fair, and GED and tutor programs. (FG)

We need more time on the computers and the computers are too slow. (CS)

Wi-Fi does not work well in either building and in old building was reset and worked for only 10 minutes before going out again. I am currently in the new building and Wi-Fi is not working and staff does not know how to reset. She was very helpful and polite. (CS)

2/4 focus groups felt the wireless connection was terrible. (FG)

Can you arrange the first floor computers, so they are not so close together? That area needs to be clean. Very dirty area. (CS) Computer keyboards appeared greasy. They either should be wiped down with alcohol or provide us with hand sanitizer. (CS)

I have a lot of problems with the Wi-Fi connection. It seems to go down a lot. (CS)

More time on the computer and faster internet service. (CS)

Once I was directed to the computer center, all was wonderful- some initial contact staff did not know enough about the computer center capabilities. (CS)

Central Library could make the maximum use of the computers 120 minutes, and/or 2 hours, instead of 90 minutes. Greece gives you 2 hours. No other complaints or comments. All is well. (CS)

Microsoft Office Word has to be upgraded. We currently use 2007. Customer service is of high quality. (CS)

When Wi-Fi is down, they should put up a sign that says that Wi-Fi isn’t working. You get a bunch of separate reasons after asking why the Wi-Fi is down. (CS)

Consistent Policies and Procedures 3/4 focus groups felt policies should be consistent among divisions, and among staff in the same division. (FG)

Cost of Services 2/4 focus groups felt prices should be lowered for library services, ie…ILL, printing, etc. (FG)

When paying overdue fines some time ago, I was asked, “Do you want to pay your fines?” (which was probably less than $1.00). I said, “Yes, I do and I want everyone else to pay theirs.” Currently there is a large sign (at Rundel) stating if fines are over $35.00 it’s referred to a collection agency. Well, all well and good, but these persons should not be able to take any materials out at all. Come on now!! (CS)

15 Ease of Accessibility Although I usually visit my town library, I think I should come down here more frequently for your great resources. Thanks! (CS)

Ease of Use 1/4 focus groups felt there were long lines at checkout in Rundel. (FG)

It would be nice if the self check out machines were turned on and worked. There’s always some sort of problem with them. (CS)

In new part, not enough seating near electric outlets. (CS)

Family restroom: hard for fathers/mothers taking small children of opposite gender to restroom without privacy. (CS)

Furniture and Equipment 1/4 focus groups felt we should use big screen TV for upcoming events and information on the pamphlets. (FG)

The fish tank was a tranquil touch. I would definitely add more couches. And the secret door for my child was an awesome experience. Thank you. (CS)

Happiness Factor I truly enjoyed the Children’s section, had many selections. Wide variety of personal help. Thanks. (CS)

Helped me get pictures, information on a medical problem I have. Would come again and tell others. (CS)

I love the library. There are so many resources available as well a events I can bring my daughter to. There is even an area for her which I love. (CS)

Wonderful programs. (CS)

So many services. I’m now using the internet and printing until I get a new computer next week. I stay in touch with the legislators for more funding, more hours open. We love this library. (CS)

Words are inconceivable to describe what a world of wonder is Central Library, both all the floors in BLB and all of Rundel, meaning not only the books and resources, but the welcoming and warm reception, with smiles, of each and every staff member. Their help is endless and valuable day in and day out. One wants to give monetarily because there is never any pressure of solicitation, only discreet appeal. One sees evidence of constant changes, but always for the better. It is evident someone cares. (CS)

The library is very important to my child and me. Thank you very much. (CS)

Stay classy library! (CS)

Rochester has a great library system. Wish there were more hours but I understand shrinking budgets. (CS)

I sometimes forget what a great resource this library is and how pleasant the new and old buildings are. I should take advantage of it more often. (CS)

I always enjoy my time at the library because I love to read and it’s always quiet and very relaxing. (CS)

Awaiting opening of new Tim Horton’s in BLB. (CS)

16 I’m always greeted by friendly people and enjoy my library visits daily. (CS)

I’m a regular library visitor and each day, bad or good, being here brings out my day. (CS)

Keep up the good work. (CS)

Service is very good. Thank you! (CS) Customer service is always great. Staff is very helpful and nice with the kids. (CS)

Love Saturday hours and helpful staff. (CS)

Great staff! Need better signs! (CS)

Always a great place. Staff, very, very courteous. (CS)

Staff is excellent. Friendly, helpful and pleasant. They are efficient at checkout. Courteous. Great library and terrific people! (CS)

Service is courteous and helpful. (CS)

Everybody is doing an excellent job. (CS)

Excellent Library (CS)

I love Teen Central! (CS)

Staff in the History Dept. has been great. Super helpful. Friendly, supportive. Thanks! (CS)

Marvelous, patient staff- I can’t say enough good things about the Local History staff. (CS)

I came looking for family history- obituaries- vital records. Everyone was extremely helpful and friendly. Thank you- I had a wonderful experience here today. (CS)

Hours 2/4 focus groups felt hours should be restored. Especially Monday mornings. (FG)

If the budget allows, stay open later so working folks can bring their kids here after work. (CS)

Hours of operation are great. Also open on Sundays, that’s great! I’m a full time student going to school Monday- Friday so it gives me time to type my papers, do research or whatever it is I need to do. (CS)

Open earlier on Mondays. (CS)

Open at 9:00am. (CS)

Maintenance/Cleanliness 3/4 focus groups felt the bathrooms were in desperate need of cleaning especially on the first floor of BLB. (FG)

17 Try to avoid sitting in some of the chairs- due to some of the clientele that appeared and smelled unwashed. (MS)

Too many lingerers with questionable hygiene which made me reluctant to sit in seats with fabric due to possible bug infestations. (CS)

Please repair handicapped doors. They are often broken- which is a bit frustrating. (CS)

Please move the designated smoking area further from the main entrance. Some people have medical conditions and do not wish to inhale second hand smoke. (CS)

Improve smell. (MS)

Not all the soap dispensers in the restroom were full, which is the only thing I could find wrong. I am extremely pleased with the friendly service and how clean the building is. After my experience today, I am more likely to visit the Central Library before going to the Webster Library. The kind, welcoming feel at the Central Library makes it worth the drive in from Webster. (MS)

Noise 3/4 focus groups felt noise was a huge issue, as well as cell phone use. (FG)

The round computer stations are annoying as there is too much noise, eating, health issues, cursing, talking on phone. (CS)

I really do like the Library. There are a few things that bother me. There is a lot of talking going on. A lot of people are talking on their cell phones. There is a lot of chatter. I thought the Library was supposed to be a quiet place. (CS)

Parking 2/4 focus groups felt parking was an issue. Perhaps have dedicated parking for library patrons. (FG)

Parking can be extremely frustrating when there is an event at the Blue Cross Arena. I always park on the street unless I am forced into using the Court St. Garage. Often I will not bother if there is an event at the Arena and there is no street parking. It’s too much of a hassle to deal with the garage. (CS)

Publicity 4/4 focus groups felt that we don’t get the word out on what we have to offer. We need to re-introduce ourselves to the public. Communication is key. Perhaps open houses, PSAs, more workshops, and programs. (FG)

Security 1/4 focus groups felt more security is needed. (FG)

Get rid of loiterers, vagrants and people sleeping in dark corners. (CS)

Security guard on duty was helpful and went the extra effort to direct me to the item I was looking for. (CS)

Security is doing a very good job. Keep up the good work. (CS)


18 Signs directing people to the Library in the Court St. Garage are insufficient; they are also confusing. In the Library, signs are needed at each landing telling people at a glance what is on that floor. (CS)


Mystery Shopper Guidelines, E-Ref, Telephone Ref, and In Person Mystery Shopper Assessment Forms, and Online Customer Service Satisfaction Survey Library Customer Service Satisfaction S Guidelines for Mystery Shoppers

You may visit the library at any time that is convenient to you, up until Friday, October 9th.

Please read the assessment form over carefully before your mystery shopping experience so that you are prepared to notice certain details during your library visit.

This may state the obvious, but please keep the fact that you’re a mystery shopper a secret from library staff. For example, make sure that your assessment form is not within view as you move through your experience at the library.

Please fill out your assessment form as soon as possible upon completing your experience. It may be most convenient for you to complete it right at the library and leave it with a staff member to forward to Carol Moldt in the Literature Division. Alternatively, you may give it to your contact person or mail it to the library in the pre- addressed, pre-stamped envelope that was provided to you. Please return the form to the library by Tuesday, October 11th.

To express our deep appreciation for your time and effort in assisting us, we will have a gift bag to give to you when the mystery shopping has been completed. Your contact person will make sure that you receive that.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your contact person or to contact Carol Moldt at 428-8375 or [email protected].

20 Central Library Mystery Shopper Assessment (E-Reference)

Date & Time of Initial Contact______

Date & Time Final Response Received______

Assessment Guide – Circle your rating of each of the customer service aspects using the following rating scale:

1 – Offensive 2 – Poor 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good 5 - Exceptional

Locating library website/e-reference 1 2 3 4 5

Ease of using e-reference 1 2 3 4 5

Question answered in a timely fashion 1 2 3 4 5

Clarity of the answer 1 2 3 4 5

Overall satisfaction with the response 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction had proper closure 1 2 3 4 5

Response was professional/courteous 1 2 3 4 5

Referral made if library unable to answer question 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

I would recommend this service 1 2 3 4 5

Comments/Recommendations for Improvement (use back of page if necessary):

If you would like to have a follow-up conversation via phone or email, please leave your name & contact information here:

Please return this form to your library mystery shopper contact or to Carol Moldt, Literature Division, Central Library of Rochester, 115 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604.

Please contact Carol Moldt with any questions: 428-8375 or [email protected].

21 Central Library Mystery Shopper Assessment (Telephone)

Date of Call______Time Call Started______Time Call Ended______

Assessment Guide – Circle your rating of each of the customer service aspects using the following rating scale: 1 – Offensive 2 – Poor 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good 5 - Exceptional

Initial Contact  Finding library phone number 1 2 3 4 5  Ease of navigating automated menu 1 2 3 4 5  Length of wait until reaching destination 1 2 3 4 5  Identifies division when answering 1 2 3 4 5  Tone of Voice 1 2 3 4 5  Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction  Effective communication 1 2 3 4 5  Speaks clearly 1 2 3 4 5  Understands the question/need 1 2 3 4 5  Sufficient time spent 1 2 3 4 5  Length of wait if put on hold 1 2 3 4 5  Closure 1 2 3 4 5

Result  Did you get what you wanted? 1 2 3 4 5  If return call was necessary, was it timely 1 2 3 4 5  Level of satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5  Would you recommend calling our library? 1 2 3 4 5  Overall phone service experience 1 2 3 4 5

How many times were you transferred before reaching final destination?______

Comments/Recommendations for Improvement (use back of page if necessary):

If you would like to have a follow-up conversation via phone or email, please leave your name & contact information here:

Please return this form to your library mystery shopper contact or to Carol Moldt, Literature Division, Central Library of Rochester, 115 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604.

Please contact Carol Moldt with any questions: 428-8375 or [email protected]

22 Central Library Mystery Shopper Assessment (In-Person)

Date of Visit ______Arrival Time______Departure Time______

Assessment Guide – Circle your rating of each of the customer service aspects using the following rating scale: 1 – Offensive 2 – Poor 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good 5 - Exceptional

Initial Contact  Approachability 1 2 3 4 5  Eye Contact 1 2 3 4 5  Body Language 1 2 3 4 5  Tone of Voice 1 2 3 4 5  Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction  Effective communication 1 2 3 4 5  Understanding the question/need 1 2 3 4 5  Sufficient time spent 1 2 3 4 5  Acknowledges others waiting 1 2 3 4 5  Closure 1 2 3 4 5

Result  Did you get what you wanted? 1 2 3 4 5  Level of satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5  Would you recommend our library? 1 2 3 4 5

Library Buildings  Cleanliness 1 2 3 4 5  Signage 1 2 3 4 5  Ease of navigating 1 2 3 4 5  Overall physical environment 1 2 3 4 5

Other  Parking (if applicable) 1 2 3 4 5  Locating the library 1 2 3 4 5  Accessibility of library 1 2 3 4 5  Safety 1 2 3 4 5  Overall experience 1 2 3 4 5

Comments/Recommendations for Improvement (use back of page if necessary):

If you would like to have a follow-up conversation via phone or email, please leave your name & contact information here:

Please return this form to your library mystery shopper contact or to Carol Moldt, Literature Division, Central Library of Rochester, 115 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604.

Please contact Carol Moldt with any questions: 428-8375 or [email protected].

23 Central Library Customer Service Survey (online)


Compilation of Customer Service Resources

ALA Code of Ethics

ALA Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers

Customer service at Wegman’s

Food for thought: Top 5 reasons why "The Customer is Always Right" is wrong

Houston Libraries Customer Service for all their staff

How to Improve your Customer Service Skills

MHLS Building Your Base: Tools for Connecting with your Community

Secrets to successful mystery shopping: A case study

Ten Commandments of Great Customer Service

Ten Customer Service Resolutions from Customer Experience Matters


Recommended publications