1. Name, Current Academic Rank, and Tenure Status

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1. Name, Current Academic Rank, and Tenure Status

1. Name, current academic rank, and tenure status. Jack S.N. Jean, Professor Tenured

2. Date of original appointment to this faculty, followed by dates and ranks of advancement. Aug. 1988 – Aug. 1994 Assistant Professor Sep. 1994 – Aug. 2001 Associate Professor Sep. 2001 - present Professor, CS&E

3. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates. Degree Field Institution Date Ph.D. Electrical Engineering University of Southern California/LA 1988 M.S Electrical Engineering National Taiwan University 1983 B.S. Electrical Engineering National Taiwan University 1981

4. Other related experience including teaching, industrial, governmental, etc. (Where, when, description and scope of duties): Taught a four-week C/C++ course at Air Force Institute of Technology in the Summer of 1997

5. Consulting, patents, etc  Frontier Technology Inc., June 1994 to December 1994, consulting on the development of algorithms for machine learning  Spectra Research Inc., June 1994 to December 1994, consulting on the program conversion from Sun workstation to PC and on PC GUI development

6. State(s) in which registered.

7. Principal publications during the last five years in chronological order.  J.S.N. Jean, X. Liang, B. Drozd, K. Tomko, and Y. Wang, “Automatic Target Recognition with Dynamic Reconfiguration,” in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 39--53, May 2000.  X. Liang, J.S.N. Jean, and K. Tomko, “Data Buffering and Allocation in Mapping Generalized Template Matching on Reconfigurable Systems,” in the Journal of Supercomputing, Special issue on Engineering of Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Objects, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 77--91, May 2001  X. Liang and J.S.N. Jean, “Mapping of Generalized Template Matching onto Reconfigurable Computers,” in IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 485--498, June 2003.

8. Scientific, professional, and honor societies of which you are a member.  Association of Computing Machinery  Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers 9. Honors and awards.  Excellence in Research Award by the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University in 1998  Research Initiation Award by National Science Foundation in 1989

10.Institutional and professional service in the last five years.  (Department) Graduate Studies Committee, 2003-Present  (Department) Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2003-Present  (Department) Faculty Development Committee, 1994-Present  (Department) Steering Committee, 2003-Present  (College) Faculty Development Committee, 2003-Present

11.Professional development activities (Grants, talks, conferences attended, sabbaticals, software development, etc.) in the last five years.  Participated in the US Air Force Summer Faculty research program in 1992 and 1994.  Attended the annual International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms in Las Vegas, in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003.  Have served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of VLSI Signal Processing and acted as an Associate Editor since 1995 Grants  J.S.N. Jean, “Handheld One-Way Voice Communication System,” Systran Federal Inc.; from May 2001 to September 2003; $199,998.  J.S.N. Jean, “Application Accelerating Reconfigurable Computer,” Air Force Research Lab/Dayton Graduate Institute; from April 2000 to March 2003; $128,353.  J.S.N. Jean and G. Dong, “Query Optimizing Reconfigurable Computing System,” Systran Federal Inc.; from April 2000 to January 2001; $33,197.  J.S.N. Jean, “Dynamically Reconfigurable Computing,” Ohio State Board of Regents; from July 1998 to December 2000; $38,786.  J.S.N. Jean, “Handheld One-Way Voice Communication System,” Systran Federal; from January 2000 to June 2000; $32,306.

12.If you do not have a formal degree in computer science, describe any course work you may have taken, or other ways in which you have achieved competence in computer science. 13.Courses taught this (2004-05) and last (2003-04) academic year, term-by- term. Qtr/Year Course Course Title Qtr. No. of Number Hours Students Spring 2005 CEG 453/653 Design of Computing Systems 4 11 CEG 751 Microprocessors II 4 5 Winter 2005 CEG 411/611 Microprocessor-Based System 4 38 Design CEG 750 Microprocessors 4 20 Fall 2004 CEG/EE 260 Digital Computer Hardware 4 37 CEG/EE 260 Digital Computer Hardware 23 CEG 453/653 Design of Computing Systems 4 14 Spring 2004 CEG 453/653 Design of Computing Systems 4 12 CEG 751 Microprocessors II 4 8 Winter 2004 CEG 411/611 Microprocessor-Based System 4 29 Design CEG 750 Microprocessors 4 15 Fall 2003 CS 400/600 Data Structures and Software Design 4 34 CEG 453/653 Design of Computing Systems 4 13

14.Other assigned duties performed during the academic year, with average hours per week. Indicate which, if any, carry extra compensation. If you are course coordinator for courses taught by other than full-time faculty, please indicate here which courses.

15.Number of students for which you serve as academic advisor: 16 in our dual advising system

16.Estimate the percentage of your time devoted to scholarly and/or research activities: 30%. Please give a brief description of your major research and scholarly activities: Research on reconfigurable computing using field programmable gate array (FPGA) coprocessors

17.State what percentage of full-time you work: 100%. Percentage of this time allocated to the computer science program being evaluated: 60%.

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