Perth City Swim Club

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Perth City Swim Club

Perth City swim Club Minutes of 2014 AGM held on 22 November at the Hay Suite Dewars Centre.

Life Members: Sheila Hitchen Monica Duncan Bob Warwick Chris Warwick Susan Coe.

Patrons : James Docherty

Attendees :

Moraig Macdonald, President Julie Jenkins, Treasurer Joan Pitts, secretary Ann Dickson, Head Coach Gary Thomson, Vice President John Rough, Entries Secretary Carole Rough, New swimmer trail Co-ordinator Graeme Marchbank, Home Gala Convenor Paula Michie, Social & Fundraising Co-ordinator Jason Addley, CPO Fred Edgley, CPO Co-ordinator Jules Morrison, Social & Fundraising Co-ordinator Kathryn Davie, (Past President) Natalie Martin Lynn Mitchell Ian McCourt Janis Heath, CPO Catriona Liddell Jacqui Dallas Gillian Taylor Margaret-Rose McLean. 1 Presidents Remarks

Good morning and welcome to all.

I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to everyone here on behalf of all our swimmers, your club and the management committee. It is good to see you all here today - active members who freely give up your time to support the activities of Perth City Swim Club and its athletes.

This has been a very busy year for the Club. Our Head Coach, Ann Dickson, will be in the spotlight shortly to discuss the many competitive successes there have been over this season, and I look forward to hearing all that she has to say.

It is my task to report to you on my first year as club president and on the successes, challenges, and way ahead as seen from a management perspective - a less enthralling prospect, I am afraid. At the outset, I must underline how lucky I have been to have had the support of such a willing and able committee throughout this year, all of whom show superb initiative and tenacity in their approach to each of their roles. From successful fundraising, to fabulous new kit; constitutional and governance updates; calendar planning, event guidance and entries; publicity and social media; your Committee members have kept us informed, protected, affiliated, funded, and swimming, throughout the entirety of the competitive season. I trust you will all continue to support their efforts in the coming year as I am delighted that each has indicated a willingness to continue in their current roles.

There is a second group of individuals whose contribution I would like to draw to your attention. In some ways, this could be considered to be our senior squad members. The parents who have been there and back again and whose swimmers have now moved on, but who continue to involve themselves as Coaches, officials, friends and supporters of the club. Thanks go to every one of these individuals for their continued invaluable contributions to the success of Perth City Swim Club and its members

Our club is affiliated to the Scottish Amateur Swimming Association – SASA - via Midland District, and these layers of governance should provide the experience and guidance required to allow clubs to flourish. Perth City continues to maintain a presence within both, providing essential direct contact with those whose decisions can have a direct effect on each of you and on how your club is governed.

On a decisively positive note, the club has nominated John Rough, our entries secretary and current District Vice President, for the role of District President, to be voted upon at the District AGM next month. Obviously, while preserving the influence of our club in decision-making at District level, this will also give John even more to keep him busy than at present, away from his day job. Your compliance and understanding of the reiterated deadlines regarding meet entry processes will allow him to give his fullest attention to both of these important roles.

For the coming year, there are major proposals for changes to the role of SASA Council within the management structure of Scottish Swimming. Council oversees the interests of you, the membership, and is there to represent your views. I am somewhat wary that the proposals will lead to a reduction in the power of our members’ collective voice around the discussion table. However, during consultation, there appeared to be little indication of similar misgivings among the delegates from other Districts. These proposals will be voted on at the SASA AGM in February. If you are interested in preserving your rights within the internal workings of the corporate machine and may wish to attend the AGM as one of our 3 voting delegates, please note interest with Joan, our Club Secretary

Also this year the Board will ask the SASA membership to agree to an annual subscription increase, fixed for 4 years, from either £33 to £43 for aquatic members, preserving the volunteer fee at £10; or for respective increases of £42 and £12. There is an additional proposal to tie in the club affiliation fee with attainment of SwiMark, the Scottish Swimming club accreditation mark, which the club is due to revisit shortly. Whichever option is passed, the Committee has agreed that the Club will be obliged to pass the increase on in full to our members following the vote, in order to preserve contingency within our club funds. This system was first adopted 4 years ago, and is being promoted by the company as ‘providing a stable base for negotiation for direct funding with organisations such as Sport Scotland’, and also with prospective sponsors. Although the percentage increases under discussion are substantial, the Board insists that the proposal is necessary to support the current corporate plan for the next four years. Should the membership be required to choose either option, I am of the opinion that our club’s interests are best served by that which favours a lower financial burden in terms of volunteer subscriptions.

This leads me on to our volunteer strategy, which also partly forms the basis of the parents’ meeting that will take place directly after our AGM today. The Committee is in agreement that this meeting will permit a wider discussion of the challenges the club faces in providing appropriate pathways for all swimmers to reach their chosen goals within competitive swimming. I will address the core issues behind this now as I feel it is important to give you all, as club members, a prior insight into the underlying reasons behind some of our recent management decisions.

As with all grassroots sport and many other organisations, there is a huge volunteer contribution that keeps the show on the road. Without the participation of hundreds of volunteer coaches and officials within sports clubs across the country every week, many would cease to exist, including competitive swimming

Perth City has a very high proportion of registered volunteers within Midland District, and the efforts of our qualified officials play no small part in ensuring that the District is able to offer a sustainable programme of local, accredited meets for our competitors, extending this to include our less experienced participants by way of the Tayside Age Group Leagues. My sincere thanks go to all those who regularly contribute in this way

However, within the daily activities of the club, without the essential basics of training, this competitive pathway would eventually become irrelevant. The need to nurture our swimmers at all levels is paramount in maintaining the future health of our club. Should we fail to do so, the pyramid of development that supports our athletes throughout their journey will eventually tilt and fall.

In order that we can provide an increasingly focussed training programme for our swimmers, we must have personnel willing to come onto poolside and assist with our coaching programme at every level of participation. As our more experienced coaches find demand on their time increasing, and their presence required further afield, the club needs to find new people to fill the voids they leave behind, both intermittently and, in time, permanently

There is no quick fix answer to this challenge. Coach development is a long term issue. Interested parents naturally follow their swimmers’ progress, moving on in their own roles to acquire the further skills necessary to support their children at each level from Club night onwards. You are all already active members, but there is no delineation in volunteering. The pathway does not have to be singularly as an official, or volunteer, or coach. Each of these roles greatly enhances understanding of the others, and expanding your skills to encompass other roles will help your athlete to get the most out of their time in our sport.

I would ask, then, that you all consider today whether you are able to offer this essential support for your swimmer, by agreeing to become one of our poolside helpers. If everyone here can commit to just one extra hour a week in this respect, this will significantly improve our chances of maintaining, and developing further, a full and rewarding coaching programme for all. I will be asking for a similar contribution from non-members at the parents meeting, in order that we can look towards expanding our successful novice programme with the same ambitions.

As a result of the challenges we are facing this coming year, the Management Committee, in consultation with the coaching team has taken the decision to withdraw one of our Leagues teams meantime. We have also been forced to put on hold an offer of additional water time, for the same reason. Regrettably, our very busy volunteer coaching team and Head Coach just cannot be in more than one place at the same time, and both decisions have been taken after careful consideration of all possible options. A positive response to this third public appeal for additional help, following on from those I made at the Duck Race and at the Club Championships, is essential to underpinning the future of our club. With your help, we can expand our programme and ensure all bases are covered throughout the entire season, no matter how many meets, training days, and additional sessions are scheduled to take place

The final challenge I will outline today also looks to the future. Rather than again asking you to give up any more of your time to volunteering, I would ask that every member also makes it his or her business to each recruit a new volunteer within the club for the coming year. This may well be someone who is perhaps a little uncertain of how they might contribute, or whether they have the skills required, but who, like you, wants to do the best for their son or daughter, sharing with us an ambition for success and a love of our children’s chosen sport. These individuals are already here around us. You may well see and talk to them each week as they watching their swimmers from the infamous balcony, asking the same questions you did and showing a spark of interest that we can build upon. These are the people who will help to keep Perth City’s future bright for all its members. Rather than you all giving more than that one extra hour, think how good it would be to have others like you on board in the future, safeguarding what you have all begun, in the hope that we may all get the chance once in a while to forget about swimming for a time, and fully recharge our chlorinated brain cells 

From the youngest novice to those who have had the opportunity to compete at International level, your club strives to provide an opportunity for everyone to achieve their goals. Participation in sport should be a life-long activity, ensuring good health, social interaction, and success at every level for all concerned. In this last year, I think our small club has proved beyond doubt that size does not limit what can be achieved. Thank you all very much

Moraig Macdonald President PCSC November 2014

2 Apologies

The following apologies have been received :

Dougie and Caroline Brown Adwoa Bittle Susan Coe Scott, Stephen and Hamish Milne Lesley Mclay Alison & Gordon Currie Sheila Hitchen Chris & Bob Warwick James Warwick Jenni Cummins Adrienne Thomson Christine Cormack Zoe Robertson Anne Bannerman

3. Minutes 2013 Minutes for 2013 were discussed and approved. Proposed by John Rough Seconded by Graeme Marchbank

4 Secretary’s Report Secretary’s Report AGM 2014

Good Morning, Can I please ask you all to sign the attendance sheet before you leave, which should be making its way around the room.

Being secretary to the swim club has been a very big learning experience for me!

I have had a lot to learn about technology and computers which those of you that know me know is not one of my strong points. However the greatest learning experience is to realise the amount of work that so many people put in to ensure our club survives. It has been a busy year, Scottish swimming constantly keep in touch with information about courses, availability of the pool at Stirling, meetings, asking for feedback, surveys and especially this year communications about the Commonwealth games. This of course made it an especially exciting year for our club with swimmers Stephen Milne and Camila Hattersley having great results and of course our head coach Ann and Susan Coe being involved with this exciting event. There was a lot of communication about the swimming and we were lucky to have some of our members getting tickets for swimming sessions through the District and our own club.

There have been many other enquiries from individuals and groups. Enquiries about swimmers joining our club and a few adult volunteers.

There have been nominations for awards to submit, although generally these are done through Midland District who constantly keep the club up to date with information about events and issues in our District.

This leads on to the Leagues run through the District. The organisation for these is a huge task, undertaken by Moraig Macdonald and Carole Rough this past year sorting out our swimmers. Along with this are the officials, licences and all that goes with organising a home gala. Scott Milne oversaw the officials up until his move to a new job down south. He has always put so much effort in to encouraging others to be involved as an official and to progress to further roles to support the running of galas which is essential for our swimmers to progress. There are annual league meetings the latest held last weekend 16th November and Katheryn Davie attended this to ensure the club were able to voice our opinions on the future of these events.

There are District meetings throughout the year attended by Moraig Macdonald and John Rough from our committee who both hold positions on the district committee as does Chris Warwick who is District secretary. Moraig has for many years been Championship Convenor along with Kirsteen Kilgallon but both have recently stepped back from this position hoping some new members will take over.

SASA AGM was held in February 2014 John Rough, Gary Thomson, and Graeme Marchbank all attended as we are allowed 3 delegates to represent the club. This is due to be held again next February 28th 2015 at Stirling University.

We have an affiliation with Perth and Kinross Sports Council who have their AGM in June. Moraig Macdonald again attended this on the clubs behalf. I was lucky enough to be asked to attend the sports awards in March this year with Moraig where Ann Dickson received Coach of the Year, Stephen Milne was short listed for sports personality of the year and Susan Coe was short listed for the George Mortimer life time achievement award.

As you can hear this year has been crammed with important events, meetings and communications with other groups and organisations to ensure this club runs well in the District and our swimmers get the most out of their swimming activities. We owe a lot to our Coaches, our members of the committee particularly our president for their commitment to attend the necessary meeting, courses, and training to strive to make Perth a well-run and successful club, providing of course amazing opportunities for our swimmers.

Joan Pitts Secretary PCSC November 2014 Proposed by Moraig Macdonald Seconded by Gary Thomson

5 Treasurer’s Report.

Treasurer’s Report

Perth City Swim Club - 2014

The club has incurred a surplus for the year to 31 October 2014 of £1,358 with income of £79,590 exceeding costs of £78,232.

The cash book balance at the year-end was £22,217 and hence the club remains financially strong. This balance is now all held with Royal Bank of Scotland in a new Treasurers Account opened this year, which includes the balance previously held with Scottish Widows.


We have a surplus of £749 this year. The subscription money from our swimmers goes towards paying SASA membership fees (currently £33 for a swimmer and £10 for Club Volunteers, coaches and technical officials) and Midland District Per Capita fee which is currently £3.00 for all club members.

SASA are proposing an annual subscription increase, fixed for 4 years, from either £43 for swimmers and £10 for volunteers or £42 for swimmers and £12 for volunteers. Whichever option is passed the Committee has agreed that we will pass on the increase to our swimmers and continue to pay the fees for our Club Volunteers, coaches and technical officials.


The monthly training fees are used to pay all pool hire costs, the salary and expenses of our Head Coach and to also assist the club to meet additional costs, such as the bus hire for the leagues teams.

Our income has just covered our costs this year. However given our current bank balance, the Committee has agreed that there will not be an increase in monthly training fees for 2015. This is with the proviso that monthly training fees will be reviewed should P&K Leisure or Kilgraston School implement any increases on pool hire charges.

Entry fees:

Entry fees paid to the organising clubs/District should be broadly covered by entry fee income, however, as the club meets relay team entry costs and the costs of coaches poolside passes etc, there will always be a shortfall.

The shortfall this year is £1,644; this is partly due to timing however, where events have been paid for in advance by the club, but the entry fees were not yet due from the swimmers.

There is however a significant number of people who are not adhering to the current payment policy of entry fees being due within 7 days of a gala taking place and subsequently unnecessary time is spent identifying and chasing payment.


This year was highly successful with the total net contribution to Club funds being £4,427.

The sponsored swim raised an amazing £2,060, the bag pack at Tesco’s £756 and the Ceilidh had a surplus of £676.

Other contributions were £295 from the sale of programmes and raffle at Club championships, £220 from donations for Gary Thomson’s photos, £150 from the Easyfundraising initiative and £270 form the annual duck race and BBQ.


Income from club championship entries exceeded costs (mainly pool hire) by £393 with some monies still to be received.

We have a small loss on merchandising in the accounts as we currently hold a small stock of our new kit.

Cyprus expenditure exceeded income as the club met the cost of the Head Coach’s flight and accommodation expenses.

It should be noted that there are two years of Accountant’s fees in this year’s accounts as they omitted to invoice us the previous year.

Campbell Dallas LLP, Chartered Accountants acted as Independent Examiner for these accounts and have agreed to keep the same fee level at £360.

Unless anyone knows of an independent examiner who is prepared to offer their services for a lower rate than above, I recommend that Campbell Dallas LLP be reappointed as Independent Examiners for 2015.

Julie Jenkins Honorary Treasurer Proposed by Gary Thomson Seconded by Graeme Marchbank

6 Repot from Head Coach Head Coach’s report

 Before asking our Head Coach, Ann Dickson, to deliver her report, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to her, on behalf of all club members, for her continued hard-work and dedication to Perth City Swim Club and its swimmers. Ann has had a long involvement in swimming, both as an athlete and coach. Her experience encompasses all aspects of our sport, from grassroots development to International level, and she continues as president of the Scottish Schools Swimming Association in 2014/15. She carries forward the legacy and vision of Jim Hitchen, a founder member and stalwart supporter of the club for many years until his death in 2010. Jim had great faith in Ann’s ability to identify and nurture talent, and to lead the club’s swimmers to the highest levels if that was their goal within the sport. In a year where Ann has been honoured with Coaching awards at Local and District level, and her contributions recognised Nationally with her inclusion in the Commonwealth Games Squad, I can hear Jim’s voice now, in his customary no-nonsense style, saying ‘I told you so’. It must be said that, on the open market in 2014, Ann would be well beyond the price range of a small club such as our’s, and I am tremendously heartened she has again chosen to remain at the helm for another year. Ladies and gentlemen, your Head Coach, Ann Dickson. (Moraig Macdonald.)

Ann Dickson, Head Coach. Report AGM 2014

As I look back on the last year I feel immensely proud of what has been achieved in 2014 by members of Perth City Swim Club. Last January I was excited at the challenges which 2014 was to bring and certainly the year lived up to my expectations. Successes there were many! And on many different fronts.

Reagan Doig continued to win medals at British Disability Championships and was unfortunate not to be part of the Commonwealth Games due to the fact that her category was not included in the programme. She continues to be ranked in the top 10 in the world in the 200IM and Front Crawl events but unfortunately has 3 other GB girls in the same events such is the calibre of the British girls. She remains in the GB podium potential squad for Rio 2016 but Tokyo 2020 is the main focus for this squad. We had our largest number of swimmers taking part in the British Championships at Sheffield just after the Commonwealth Games. Erin Cummins and Scott McLay making their first appearance in the 50/100 Front crawl events. Freya Thomson whilst having times was unable to attend due to other arrangements. Tobermory Mackay-Champion reached 2 finals and had an outstanding swim in the 200breast stroke to win Bronze. Unfortunately the format for this event has changed for next year with only the top 24 in each age group in Britain being invited to compete. This will be dependent on times achieved.

Perth City won both their Leagues this year under the guidance of Carole Rough with the premier team and Moraig Macdonald with the Division 2 team. This is a big commitment by the club to run both teams but provides a good environment for our younger swimmers to experience their first competitive competition. It then leads on to swimmers entering the local Midland district graded meet where times can be achieved to entre bigger events, either club competitions or national events. Perth City’s results at National Open and Age Group Championships led to us being offered a place in the Top Clubs event in Sept.(in the Open category) We declined this spot, due to being too busy to commit to this, and as it was actually a small number of swimmers who achieved this ranking ( mainly age groupers) who were then going to have to swim against senior swimmers of Stirling, Edinburgh Uni. Congratulations to these swimmers who achieved such a great overall performance. We continue to be able to mix with the BIG Clubs as last weekend’s meet in Aberdeen at the COAST Grand Prix event illustrated. Our mixed team of Erin Cummins, Emily Horne, Graeme Hunter and Stephen Milne won bronze taking on the might of Manchester, full GB internationals

At Midland District we triumphed as the overall top team with our points achieved over the District Championship events throughout the season. This was a second for us in the 21 years I have been here.

Our club championships were again a huge success. Lots of exciting races contested. A full complement of officials, which is something some of the districts alone would be proud to field. A great atmosphere over the 2 days, with lots of talent there to work with in the future. This is a great testament to Susan Coe and the work she does training and enlisting parents throughout the year. Scott Milne, like Susan, has shown great dedication as an official and was involved in the European Disability Championships, an amazing achievement.

Obviously the highlight of the year for me was the Glasgow Commonwealth games. This was something as a nation we had been building towards for 4 years. The hurdle was to qualify for the team in April. Stephen Milne managed to do this for the 1500 and 400 Front crawl events. It was great to see former swimmer Camilla Hattersley also make the team in the women’s 800 front crawl event. This was the culmination of many years’ hard work and dedication with both achieving goals and ambitions set out many years ago while swimming as 13/14 year olds in the club. Perth City played a major part in this development. Both swimmers proved that if you BELIEVE and work on your skill development and fitness ANYTHING CAN BE ACHIEVED! I believe some of our squad members’ today are beginning to embrace this MINDSET.

I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of the National team coaches along with Matthew Trodden who was also a former Perth City swimmer. Susan Coe completed the Perth City representation by being selected as a Commonwealth Games Official. All we needed now was a medal!

Stephen duly obliged! Day 1 he swam a fantastic heat in the 400 achieving a huge PB and giving the team a boost. Anything was possible. In the final he didn’t swim as fast but learnt a lot about himself. The 4x200 front crawl relay – a night to remember. Stephen swam a great leg along with the other 3 to claim silver. The Aussies got a fright! Stephen qualified for the 1500 final with a PB and then had to handle the expectation and the final the next day. He PB’d again finishing in 5 th place but was disappointed he didn’t go under the 15mins. Camilla also made the 800 final which was her target.

I had a tremendous experience and loved every minute of it .After a week at Sheffield and one night at home it was off to Berlin and the European Championships, as Stephen had been selected for this. His first major championship representing GB.

Day 1- 400m heat + final Finished 5th

Day 3 – 1500m heat

Day 4 – 1500m Final – finished 4th massive PB and Broke the Scottish Record – long standing Graeme Smith 2001

Day 5 – 800 heat

Day 6 – 800 Final – Finished 4th PB again and Scottish record

Day 7 – heat of 4x100 med relay. TEAM GOLD.

A huge learning Curve!

Stephen was duly rewarded for his efforts by being one of 21 swimmers being funded for the GB podium squad! The expectation now is to look forward to RIO DI JANEIRO in 2016 and a medal. No pressure! I would like to pay tribute to the hard work and dedication he has made to achieve this level. He is a fantastic role model for the younger members in the club. He has constantly refused to move away from Perth City to be in a more performance orientated environment but he illustrates that it is more than facilities that are required to reach the top.

What Next?

Despite not having my normal day job teaching PE, there is still a lot to be done and not enough time to do it! Being part of the national coaching squad meant I was missing from the club at numerous points during the year (in particular the build up to the Games when Perth City swimmers were preparing for the British!) Many thanks to the many helpers who have stepped in to cover training at these points throughout the year. This is something which looks as if it will continue in the next 2 years and is a major concern to me as development of the younger swimmers needs to be a continual ongoing process.

The development of a separate junior squad is something I would like to see. Early investigation suggests there is the potential to find pool space at Kilgraston for this but a major requirement is to develop a bigger coaching pool. This will be my priority in the next 6 months. We also need not just to recruit at level 1 coaching but also to try and progress coaches to level 2 so that they can take more responsibility for writing sets. A lot of the level 2 coaches we had are now taking a back seat as their children are no longer competing and this has left a gap in our coaching structure.

Personally I think we do a great job with the resources we have but we can always do better. We need as a club to apply the same mind-set that the swimmers are asked to have.

Finally I would like to offer my thanks to the club committee and all my coaching helpers for their backing and support in the past year as it is a TEAM EFFORT.

Let’s hope 2015 moves forward and has the same success.

Ann Dickson Head Coach PCSC November 2014

7/8 Considerations of Changes to the Constitution and Byelaws.

List of Changes to the Constitution and Byelaws. November 2014


The objectives of the Club shall be to:-

Advance the public participation in Aquatic Sports by promoting and managing the teaching, knowledge and practice of one or more Aqua Sports, in accordance with paragraphs C2 2 & C2.5 of the SASA Constitution

Change to: The objectives of the Club shall be to:-

Advance the public participation in Aquatic Sports by promoting and managing the teaching, knowledge and practice of one or more Aqua Sports, in accordance with paragraphs C2.1 of the SASA Constitution


C3.1 The membership shall consist of the following categories:-

a) Adult member An Adult is an individual 16 years and over, as recognised in Law

b) Junior member A Junior is an individual not recognised in Law as an Adult and not as defined in Scottish Swimming Company Rule R4.5.6

Change to :

C3.1 The membership shall consist of the following categories:-

a) Adult member An Adult is an individual 16 years and over, as recognised in Scots Law

b) Junior member A Junior is an individual not recognised in Scots Law as an Adult and not as defined in Scottish Swimming Company Rule R4.5.6

Changes Continued.


BL3.1 The subscription of existing members (agreed at the AGM) shall become due on 1st February each year and those of new members on the date of acceptance for membership

BL3.2 Members not renewing by the last in February will be deemed to be non-member and will be notified in writing accordingly by the Membership Secretary

Change to;


BL3.1 The Membership Fees of existing members (agreed at the AGM) shall become due on 1st February each year and those of new members on the date of acceptance for membership

BL3.2 Members not renewing by the last day in February will be deemed to be non- members and will be notified in writing accordingly by the Membership Secretary BL8.2 Grievances BL8.2.1 A grievance, which is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or allegation of unfair practice in connection with the management of the Club, can be made can be made by; a) Any member of the Club b) A parent or guardian on behalf of a member under the age of 16 years c) Any individual

Change to;

BL8. Grievances BL8.2.1 A grievance, which is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or allegation of unfair practice in connection with the management of the Club, can be made by; a) Any member of the Club b) A parent or guardian on behalf of a Junior member as defined in paragraph C3.1(b) c) Any individual

The above changes were agreed and accepted by the meeting.

9. Election of Management Committee members

The full list of committee membership was agreed and accepted.

This list includes those who previously had been on the committee and agreed to continue along with those new members who had a proposer and seconder. All agreed.

President – Moraig Macdonald

Vice President – Gary Thomson

Treasurer – Julie Jenkins

Secretary – Joan Pitts

Membership Secretary – Christine Cormack

Entries secretary – John Rough

Technical Official Co-ordinator – Adwoa Bittle

Volunteer Co-ordinator – Lynn Mitchel

Merchandise – Jenni Cummins

Home Gala Convenor – Graeme Marchbank

New Swimmer Trial Co-ordinator – Carole Rough Social and Fundraising Co-ordinators –Paula Michie,

Jules Morrison, Anne Bannerman, Adrienne Thomson

Press Officer – Gillian Taylor, Gary Thomson (photography)

Child Protection Officer – Fred Edgley, Jason Addley, Janis Heath.

10. Appointment of Auditors/Independent Examiners for the Club Accounts.

Unless anyone knows of an independent examiner who is prepared to offer their services for a lower rate than above, I recommend that Campbell Dallas LLP be reappointed as Independent Examiners for 2015.

Julie Jenkins Honorary Treasurer

Agreed by all.

11. Presentation of Life memberships.

There were no presentations of Life Memberships.

Moraig thanked all for attending but invited everyone who could manage to stay for a parents meeting following the AGM to discuss the way ahead for the club. The AGM finished at 11.30am.

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