Department of Childhood Education, Literacy & TESOL
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Department of Childhood Education, Literacy & TESOL
Chen, T. C., Jiang, B. B. & Ouyang, R. (Eds.). (2013). Secondary education administration of America. Beijing, China: China Renmin University Press.
Elder, J., Carter, J. B., Monnin, K., Wilson, S. (2014). Co-Editors. The graphic textbook. Berkeley, CA: Andrews McMeel.
Monnin, K., Farjado, A. (2014). The kid Beowulf reader. Santa Rosa, CA: Kid Beowulf Comics.
Monnin, K. (2013). Get animated! Teaching 21st children’s cartoons in K - 6 classrooms. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Stanley, N. V. [Contributing Editor] (2014). Pearson Custom Education: LAE 3210, Foundations of Literacy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Venn, J. J. (2014). Assessing students with special needs. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Weber, C. L., Boswell, C., & Behrens, W. A. (2013). Exploring critical issues in gifted education: A case studies approach. Austin, TX: Prufrock Press co-published with the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
Book Chapters
Chang, T., Zhang, J. & Ouyang, R. (2013). Application of technology in educational administration. In Tak Cheung Chan, Binbin Jiang and Ronghua Ouyang (Eds.), Secondary Education Administration of America (pp. 307-333). Beijing, China: China Renmin University Press.
Ouyang, R. (2013). A Journey across the Nations to Make a Life. In Yan Wang and Yali Zhao (Eds.), Seeking the Common Dreams between the Worlds: Stories of Chinese Immigrant Faculty in North American Higher Education (pp. 187-196 ). Charlotte, NC: IAP- Information Age Publishing.
Venn J. (2013). Curriculum-based assessment. In J. W. Lloyd, T. J. Landrum, F. G. Cook, and M. Tankersley (Eds.), Research-based approaches for assessment (pp. 301-310). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Boote, S.K. (2014). Who's tutoring who? Reflections from a field-based elementary mathematics methods course. Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journal, 1(14), 1-28. Byun, J. (2013). The analysis of conversation topics in a tutoring context. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 12(3), 91-100.
Cheek, K.A. (2013). How geoscience novices reason about temporal duration: The role of spatial thinking and large numbers. Journal of Geoscience Education. 61, 334-348.
Hall, K. W., Hedrick, W. B., & Williams, L. M. (2014). Everyday we’re shufflin’: Empowering students during in-school independent reading time. Childhood Education, 90(2), 91-97.
Nguyen, K., Stanley, N., & Stanley, L. (2014). Storytelling in teaching Chinese as a second/foreign Language. Linguistic and Literature Studies. 2(1), 29-38.
Ouyang, R., & Stanley, N. (2014). Theories and research in educational technology and DL instruction through Blackboard. Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2, 161-172.
Stanley, N., & Ouyang, R. (2014). Making multilingual movies: Encouraging teachers to use the new literacies. Language Magazine, 13, 24-28.
Williams, L., Hall, K., Hedrick, W., Lamkin, L., & Abendroth, J. (2013). Developing an observational instrument to support authentic independent reading time during school in a data-driven world. Journal of Language and Literacy Education [Online] (9)2, 24-49. Retrieved from .pdf
Weber, C. L., Johnson, L., & Tripp, S. (2013). Implementing differentiation: A school’s journey. Gifted Child Today. 36(3), 179-186.
Non-peer reviewed journals
Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Stanley, N., & Ouyang, R. (2014). Using digital storytelling, filmmaking and cross-cultural collaboration to improve online distance learning. Proceedings of International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Tianjin Open University, China.
Nguyen, K., Stanley, N., Stanley, L., & Yonghu. W. (2014). Perceptions about storytelling in teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language: Opportunities and challenges. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Reform, Hue, Vietnam.
Contracts and Grants (Other) Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Boote, S. K. (2013, October). Making our base-10 system concrete and comprehensible. A 90- minute Gallery Workshop presented at the 2013 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Carter, C. C. (2014, April). Paths to peace education: Biographical comparisons across generations. Paper presented for the Peace Education Special Interest Group at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Carter, C. C. (2013, June). Government standards for peace education: Puzzling the pieces of prescribed pedagogy. Paper presentation at the XV Comparative Education World Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cheek, K. (2013, October). Co-collaborators: A model for an elementary school-university partnership to support the NGSS. Paper presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Cheek, K. (2014, March). Relative magnitude estimations for the durations of geoscience processes by 11-13-yr.-old Indonesian learners. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Pittsburgh, PA.
David, G. M. (2014, March). School Museum Exhibits: A collaboration between museums, university education students and elementary school children, Session presented at the Gulf South Summit, Auburn, AL.
Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Hall, K., & Howard, M. (2014, November). Academic – community partnerships: Lessons learned from CBPR project in a public elementary school. Paper presented at the Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Hall, K., Williams, L., & Hedrick, W. (2014). Science book club: Engaging students in reading nonfiction texts. Paper presented to the Organization of Teachers of Reading Education at the International Reading Association New Orleans, Louisiana.
Monnin, K. (2013, October). Aligning the Common Core Standards to teaching elementary and middle school graphic novels. Paper presented at the Georgia Council of Media Organizations, Macon Georgia.
Monnin, K. (2013, July). Integrating comics with the Common Core Standards. Featured panelist at San Diego Comic Con International: San Diego, CA.
Monnin, K. (2013, July), San Diego Comic Con Judge and Speaker. San Diego Comic Con International: San Diego, CA. Monnin, K. (2013, September), Demystifying the Common Core Standards in Language Arts: 21st century language arts teachers rock on with new literacies. Featured speaker at the Florida Reading Association (FRA) annual conference. Orlando, FL.
Ouyang, R. (2103, October). Issues of educational technology and teacher training, Invited presentation at Jiangsu University of Technology, Zhenjiang, P. R. China.
Shaqareq, L., McMurria, C., & Byun, J. (2014, May). Vocabularious. Paper presented at the 36th Sunshine State TESOL Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.
Stanley, N. V. (2014, May). Making multilingual movies. Presentation at the World Arts Film Festival, Jacksonville, FL.
Stanley, N. V. (2014, May). Poetry olio. Presentation at the 59th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.
Weber C. L., Boswell, C., & Behrens, W. A. (2013, August). Promoting professionalism for educators of the gifted: Implementing decision-making strategies to enhance understanding of gifted issues. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Louisville, KY.
Weber C. L. (2013, August). A private school’s journey toward implementing differentiation. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Louisville, KY.
Weber, C. L. (2014, June). Designing performance tasks that assess student work. Preconference session presenter at the Hormel Foundation Gifted & Talented Education Symposium, Austin, MN.
Weber, C. L. (2014, June). Planning tiered lessons for depth and complexity. Small group session presenter at the Hormel Foundation Gifted & Talented Symposium, Austin, MN.
Weber C. L., Boswell, C., & Behrens, W. A. (2013). Supporting the NAGC Standards through professional development. Paper presented at the National Association for the Gifted Children Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Weber C. L. (2013, August). A private school’s journey toward implementing differentiation. Paper presented at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children International Conference, Louisville, KY.
Weber, C. L. (2013, May). Examining issues in gifted education: Making connections to the NAGC Standards. Florida Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference, Tampa, FL. Williams, L., Hall, K., & Hedrick, W. (2014). Preservice teachers engage third graders in reading nonfiction text. Paper presented to the Professors of Reading Teacher Educators at the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.
Yolen, J., Stemple, H., Monnin, K. (Moderator). (2013, November). Teaching the “bad girls” in 21st century Language Arts classrooms. Presentation moderator at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference, Boston, MA.
Honors and Awards
Guardino, C., & Monnin, K. (2013). iRead Graphic Novels: A Summer Graphic Novel Reading Camp with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Dean’s Advisory Council. $3,500.
Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Hall, K.W. (2013-2014). Cultivating Healthy School Environments: An Outdoor Classroom Pilot Study. UNF Environmental Center Seed Grant program. $4,000.
Largo-Wight, E., Hall, K.W., Guardino, C. (2013 unfunded). The Impact of an Outdoor Classroom on Student Health and Learning Outcomes. UNF Faculty Development Grant 2014. $30,000.
Stanley, N. (2014-2016). Digi-Stars Science Movie Making Project for High-Risk Students in Inner City Schools. Cummer Family Foundation of Boston. $45,000.
Stanley, N. (2014). Hope at Hand, Inc. Poetry and Art Therapy Project for Incarcerated Teens. Cummer Family Foundation of Boston. $15,000. Department of Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education
Giordano, G. (2012). Commonsense Questions about Instruction: The Answers Can Provide Essential Steps to Improvement. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Humphrey, J. (2013). Decisions? Decisions! (3rd ed.). Everett, WA: H & H Publishing Co, Inc.
Book Chapters
Giordano, G. (2014). Review of “Testing Wars in the Public Schools: A Forgotten History” by W. Reese. H-Net Reviews.
Ryndak, D. L., Reed, D., Szumski, G., Orlando, A., & Gao, W. (2013). Societal inclusion internationally: International initiatives, illustrations, challenges, and recommendations. In M. Agran, F. Brown, C. Hughes, C. Quirk, & D. L. Ryndak (Eds.), Quality lives of persons with severe disabilities: Critical issues in the 21st century, (2nd ed.). (pp. 371-394). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Guardino, C., Cannon, J.E., & Eberst, K., (2014). Building the evidence-base of effective reading strategies to use with deaf English language learners. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 35(2), 59-73.
Lupi, M.H. & Turner, K.C. (2013) Beyond graduation: The sustainability of new pedagogy and other lessons learned during a short-term student teaching abroad. SRATE Journal, 22(2), 46-54.
Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Patterson, K. (2013). Preservice teachers in special education: Using edublogs for transition collaboration. I-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 7-14.
Webb, K., Repetto, J., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., Patterson, K., & Aldefer, K. (2014). Career development: Preparation, integration, and collaboration. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 40, 231-238.
Non-peer reviewed journals Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Contracts and Grants (Other)
Guardino, C. (Principal Investigator of subcontract from Georgia State University) Center for Literacy and Deafness. [Awarded 2013-2014: Institute of Education Sciences-United States Department of Education, $75, 515].
Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., & Hall, K.W. (Co-Principal Investigators) Cultivating Healthy School Environments: An Outdoor Classroom Pilot Study. [Awarded December 2013: University of North Florida Environmental Center Research Seed Grant, $4,000]
Patterson, K. B. (2013). Principal Investigator, Florida Inclusion Network – Florida Department of Education [Awarded September 2012 - $520,000.00]
Webb, K. (2013) ACCESS Academy. Ward Foundation. $330,000 for a three-year period.
Webb, K.W. (2013). Postsecondary education for students with disabilities. Blue Cross Blue Shield for a two-year period for $40,000.
Knab, J., Webb, K., Neil, I., Camacho, M., & Makowski, C. (2010 - 2014). Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities into Higher Education (TPSID) grant. US Department of Education. Awarded $421,000 a year for five years in a collaboration with University of South Florida, Lynn University, and the University of North Florida.
Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Ale, J., Castanos, M., Rowe, T., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Webb, K. (2014, April-May). A year later: Listening to voices of college students in THRIVE. Florida Division on Career Development and Transition, Visions XXI: Coming of Age…Next Transition Conference, Weston, FL.
Guardino, C., Cannon, J.E., & Gerner de Garcia, B. (2014, April). Reading Research with Deaf English Language Learners. Council for Exceptional Children, Philadelphia, PA.
Guardino, C. & Cannon, J.E. (May, 2014). Pre-service Special Educators Experiences Collaborating and Connecting Through a Service Learning Experience in Hawaii and the Philippines. Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, HI. Guardino, C. (2014, February). Motivating Deaf Students to Read Through the Use of Graphic Novels: A Pilot Study. Association of College Educator, Gallaudet University, Washington D.C.
Humphrey, J. (2014, March). Discourse Markers: The Glue of Interpretation. Annual Interpreters Retreat, Orlando, FL.
Humphrey, J. (2014, March). Evaluating Performance: ASL with Minimal English Intrusion. Annual Interpreters Retreat, Orlando, FL.
Reed, D.S., & Sowers, A. Initial. (2014, March). Perspectives on Nexus 7 Tablets and Communication of Students with Disabilities: The Convergence of Community Collaboration in a PDS context. Presented at the National Professional Development School conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Reed, D.S. (2014, March). Teacher Preparation in a PDS context: Service Learning Pedagogy Aimed at Enhanced Civic Outcomes for Future Special Educators. Presented at the National Professional Development School conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Rowe, T., Bolaños, M., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., & Webb, K. (2014, April-May). ACCESS academy: Boosting success in postsecondary education settings. Florida Division on Career Development and Transition, Visions XXI: Coming of Age…Next Transition Conference, Weston, FL.
Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., Webb, K., Patterson, K., Rowe, T., & Bolaños, M. (2013, November). ACCESS academy: Removing limits to success. Poster session presented at Council for Exceptional Children Division on Career Development and Transition, International Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Stevenson, C., Syverud, S.M., & Klabacka, D. (2014, March). The evolving role of a Resident Clinical Faculty member: Impacting teacher training and retention, cultivating meaningful corporate partnerships, and increasing student achievement. 2014 Professional Development Schools National Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Syverud, S.M., Reed, D.S., Stevenson, C., Ramdas, M., Klabacka, D., Veneziale, B., & Stowers, A. (2014, March). Let’s talk: The University of North Florida’s commitment to reflective practices. 2014 Professional Development Schools National Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Veneziale, B., & Syverud, S.M. (2014, March). To the PDS classroom and beyond: A commitment to making a difference. 2014 Professional Development Schools National Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Webb, K., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., Patterson, K., Rowe, T., Castanos, M., & Ale, J. (2013, November). THRIVING in postsecondary education: Preparing college students with ASD to succeed in college. Council for Exceptional Children Division on Career Development and Transition, International Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Honors and Awards
Guardino, Caroline Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, Faculty Association/Academic Affairs
Webb, Kristine: The Spirit of the ADA Jack Gillrup Award, City of Jacksonville and Independent Living Resource Center; Desmond Tutu Peace and Reconciliation, Intercultural Center for Peace 2014 Distinguished Professor, Faculty Association/Academic Affairs Department of Foundations and Secondary Education
Book Chapters
Ali-Khan, C. (2014). Misinformation and its discontents: Critical pedagogy and the challenges of Islamophobia. In K. Tobin and A. Shady, [Eds.], Transformations in Urban Education: Urban Teachers and Students Working Collaboratively (pp. 149- 166). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Siry, C., Ali-Khan, C., & Siry, D. (2014). Political engagement as a child: Rethinking, reseeing and reinvesting boys in political participation. In K. Tobin and A. Shady, [Eds.], Transformations in Urban Education: Urban Teachers and Students Working Collaboratively (pp. 365-374). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Ali-Khan, C. & Siry, C. (2014). Sharing seeing: Exploring photo-elicitation with children in two different cultural contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education. 37, 194-207.
Dinsmore, D. L., Baggetta, P., Doyle, S., & Loughlin, S.M. (2014). Not all transfer is created equal: Making the case for different types of transfer. Journal of Experimental Education, 82, 121-141. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2013.835299
Dinsmore, D. L, & Parkinson, M. M. (2013) “Self-Regulated Learning.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Ed. Luanna Meyer. New York: Oxford University Press.
Koh, J. H. L., Chai, C. S., Lee, K., (2013). Design opportunities and their impact pre-service teachers’ perception of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Global Chinese Journal for Computers in Education, 10(1), 20-35.
Lastrapes, W., Tanase, M., & Patterson, K. B. (2014). An immersive experience in exceptional student education: Exploring secondary preservice teachers’ dispositions and cultural consciousness. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, 21, p. 76-89.
Lee, K., Tsai, P. S., Chai, C. S., & Koh, J. H. L. (2014). Students' perceptions of self-directed learning and collaborative learning with and without technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(5), 425-437. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12055
Smith, J. P. III, Males, L. M., Dietiker, L. C., Lee, K., & Mosier, A. (2013). Curricular treatments of length measurement in the United States: Do they address known learning challenges? Cognition and Instruction, 31(4), 388 – 433. Sowder, M., Leavitt, T., Smith, T., & Tanase, M. (2013). When magic becomes art: Educating teachers. Studying Teacher Education, 1-13.
Tanase, M. (2013). Meeting student needs in the Freedom Writers movie: An activity in a classroom management course. Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 19, 4-14.
Tanase, M. (2013). The impact of interactive factors on Romanian students’ understanding of place value. SAGE Open, July-September, 1-17.
Tanase, M., & Wang, J. (2013). Knowing students as mathematics learners: A case study of four Romanian elementary teachers and their students. Journal of Mathematics Behavior, 32, 564-576.
White, J. W. & Ali-Khan, C. (2013). The role of academic discourse in minority students’ academic assimilation. American Secondary Education, 42(1), 24-41.
White, J.W., & Hungerford-Kresser, H. (May 2014).Character journaling through social networks: Exemplifying tenets of the New Literacy Studies. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 57(8), 642-654.
Wilson, H. E., Siegle, D. S., McCoach, D. B., Little, C. A., & Reis, S. M. (2014). A model of academic self-concept: Perceived difficulty and social comparison among academically accelerated secondary school students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 58, 111-126.
Zoellner, B. P., Chant, R. H., & Wood, K. (2014). But aren’t diesel engines just for big, smelly trucks? An interdisciplinary project for high school chemistry students. Journal of Chemical Education, 91(4), 497-504.
Non-peer reviewed journals
Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Contracts and Grants (Other)
Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Ali-Khan, C. & White, J. W. (2014, February). Musing on Morphing: Reflections on teaching and learning through Second Life and Facebook. Paper presented at the meeting of the Information Fluency Conference, Orlando, FL. Ali-Khan, C. (2013, September). Being smart! An examination of Pakistani children’s images as generative, intercultural texts. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Association for Intercultural Education, Zagreb, Croatia.
Dinsmore, D. L., & Parkinson, M. M. (2013, December). Interaction of readers’ strategic processing and text characteristics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.
Dinsmore, D. L., Parkinson, M. M., Monk, M. J., & Yuen, J. (2014, April). Confidence and calibration of higher-order thinking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Lastrapes, W., & Tanase, M. (2014). An eye-opening experience in exceptional students education: Exploring secondary preservice teachers’ dispositions and teaching efficacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, St. Louis, MO.
Lee, K. (2014, April). Students' proof schemes for proving and disproving of mathematics proposition. Paper presented at the meeting of the 2014 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lee, K., Maloney, A. (2014, April). Division/multiplication and length/area together in perfect harmony: Orchestrating models in two learning trajectories. Paper presented at the meeting of the 46th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Lee, K., & Maloney, A. (2013, November). A learning trajectory for linear and simultaneous functions for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Poster session presented at the thirty-fifth meeting of the North American chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), Chicago, IL.
Riner, Phillip S. (2013, June). Inviting organization to the disorganized mind. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Alliance for Invitational Education Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Salmón, O. (2013, October). No judgment zone: Knowing the facts about sexual orientation and gender identity. Paper presented at the meeting of the 2013 National Association for Multicultural Education, Oakland, CA.
White, J.W. (2013, July). Socially mediated reading: Facebook as character journal, multi- genre project, and culturally-relevant pedagogy. Paper presented at the meeting of the Conference on English Education Summer Institute, Ft. Collins, CO.
Wilson, H. E. (2014, April). Patterns of early play behavior between gifted and typical children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. Wilson, H. E. (2013, November). How to talk (about art) so your kids will listen. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.
Wilson, H. E. (2013, November). Social and emotional characteristics and early childhood giftedness: Observations from parents and childcare providers using the ECLS-B. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, IN.
Regional Presentations
Parkinson, M. M., Dinsmore, D. L., & Monk, M. J. (2014, February). Relations between elementary and middle school students’ epistemic stances and higher-order thinking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Dinsmore, D. L., & Lastrapes, W. (2014, February). Examining Perceptions of Teacher Mentoring and Induction Programs Using the LIMS. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Lee, K. (2013, October). Length and Area in Perfect Harmony: Orchestrating conceptual progressions in a Learning Trajectory. Paper presented at the 2013 Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Orlando, Florida.
Zoellner, B. P., Chant, R. H., Lastrapes, W. G., Matos, I., & Willard, C. A. (2014, March). Developing mutual capacity: Creating and growing a school-based/university partnership. Panel discussion conducted at the Gulf South Summit on Service Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education, Auburn, Alabama.
Honors and Awards Department of Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management
Godwyll, F. E., Ojiambo, P. O. & Bedu-Addo, P. K. A. (Eds.). (2014). Perspectives on empowering education. New York, NY: Nova Science. Retrieved from keywords=godwyll&osCsid=1e3e0db44f250d683b28fb8f3834f687&x=15&y=10
Book Chapters
Godwyll, F. E, & Essiaw, M. N. (2013). Math hurts the delicate female frame: An analysis of the challenges of sixth graders in Cape Coast- Ghana. In F. Toyin & B. Teboh (Eds.), The power of gender, the gender of power: women's labor, rights and responsibility in Africa (pp. 169-199). Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Janson, C., Parikh, S., Jones, J., Ransome, T., & Moses, L. (2013). Principals use of discursive digital reflection to inform student relationships and lead staff. In Friend, J. and Militello, M. (Eds.), Principal 2.0: Technology and educational leadership (pp. 57-71). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Johnson, J. (2014). Durable issues in rural education (pp. 325-349). In C. Howley, A. Howley, & J. Johnson (Eds.). (pp. 325-349). Dynamics of social class, race, and place in rural education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Johnson, J. (2014). Grappling with constructs. In C. Howley, A. Howley, & J. Johnson (Eds.). Dynamics of social class, race, and place in rural education. (pp. 1-17). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Johnson, J. (2014). School funding in Mississippi: A critical history and policy analysis. In C. Howley, A. Howley, & J. Johnson (Eds.). Dynamics of social class, race, and place in rural education. (pp. 165-192). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Schumacher, R. A. & Ache, L. (2014). Collaboration with administration and teachers: Developing value and support for classroom guidance. In Delucia-Waack, J., Mercurio, S. Korta, K. Maertin, F. Colvin, E. Martin, L. Zawadzki, & C. Giambrone (Eds.), School counselors share their favorite classroom guidance activities: A guide to choosing, planning, conducting, and processing (pp. 13-24). Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work.
Schumacher, R. A. & Glicksteen, S.G. (2013). Supervision and school counseling: Essential practice. In B. J. Page, M. J. Jencius, & C. M. Smith, (Eds.), Elements of supervision: Teachings, reflections, and resources. Kent, OH: ISBN 9781628476330.
Stone, C. (2014). Ethical Considerations in Classroom Guidance. In DeLucia-Waack , J. (Ed.), Counselors Share Their Favorite Classroom Guidance Activities: A Guide to Choosing, Planning, Conducting, and Processing. Alexandria, VA., Association of Specialists in Group Work.
Peer-reviewed journals (International, National, Regional, State)
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Reading with a side of service learning (or at least social action). Florida Reading Journal 49(3), 39-42.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Seeing an original. Florida Reading Journal 49(2), 29-32.
Ngumbi, K. E., Godwyll, F. E., & Alhadi, E. (2013). The effect of border conflicts in Africa. The Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences, 1(1), 1-17.
Godwyll, F. E., Larson. W., & Ahwireng, D. (2013). Challenges of head teachers as instructional leaders: A Ghanaian perspective. Journal of Education and Humanities: Theory and Practice, 4(8), 53-74.
Gregg, E. A., Atkins, L.C., and Lee, J.W. (2014). The student athlete service experience. Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, and Sport Journal, 12(52), 12-13.
Gregg, E. A. (2014). Industry interview with Brian Carroll. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7(1), 52-55.
Gregg, E. A., Pierce, D.A., Lee, J.W., Himstead, L., and Felver, N. (2013). Giving UE a new (F)ace. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 6, 155-173.
Kian, T., Lee, J. W., Gregg, E. A., and Kane, J. (Accepted, 2013). Immoral mismatch or just another game? framing of FBS-FCS football games. Journal of Contemporary Athletics. 8(2), 65-92.
Andrews-Little, D., Crowley, C., & Jackson, E. N. (2014). A complete workout for all runners. Strategies, 27(2), 10-14.
Burkholder, D., & Janson, C. (2013). Supporting PhD completion: Student and faculty perspectives. Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology, 36(4), 272-287. Baltrinic, E. R., Burkholder, D., Brown, S., Janson, C., & Waugh, J. (2013). Reflections on parallel studies of doctoral student completion. Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology, 36(4), 288-296.
Hess, M., Johnson, J., & Reynolds, S. (2014). A developmental model for educational planning: Democratic rationalities and dispositions. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 9(2). Retrieved from 9-number-1-spring-2014.html.
Non-peer reviewed journals
Cornelius, L. M. & Cavanaugh, T. (2013). Distance Learning, Distant Courtrooms. Commentary in the Chronicle of Higher Education 60(12), November 22. Retrieved from
Cornelius, Luke M., “Out of State Excursions Littered with Legal Landmines,” Managing School Athletics 15(12), LRP Publications (2014).
Johnson, J., Showalter, D., Klein, R., & Lester, C. (2014). Why rural matters 2013-14. Washington, DC: The Rural School and Community Trust. Retrieved from
Mathis, W.J., Howley, C., & Johnson, J. (2013). Policymakers should disregard new school- district consolidation report. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved from
Klein, R., Hitchcock, J., & Johnson, J. (2013). Rural perspectives on community and place connections in math instruction: A survey. Working paper no. 44. Athens, OH: Appalachian Collaborative Center for Learning, Assessment, and Instruction in Mathematics.
Stone, C. (2014). Privacy rights of same sex couple in schools. ASCA School Counselor, 51(5), 6-9.
Stone, C. (2014). Negligence in writing letters of recommendation. ASCA School Counselor, 51(4), 6-9.
Stone, C. (2014). School counselors as advocates for homeless students. ASCA School Counselor, 51(3), 6-9.
Stone, C. (2013). Suicide contracts, assessments, and parental/guardian notification: Err on the side of caution. ASCA School Counselor, 51(2), 6-9. Stone, C. (2013). Suicide: Err on the side of caution. ASCA School Counselor, 51(1), 6-9.
Proceedings from Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
Cornelius, L., Cavanaugh, T., Michaud, N. & Bowen, J. (2014). The new university press - the library: Lessons learned. View. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings from Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 201 (pp. 2025-2029). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Cavanaugh, T. & Eastham, N. (2014). Student Trends with Digital Textbook Options in Preservice Education. View. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2014 (pp. 267-271). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Cavanaugh, T. & Scheirer, E. (2014). A Case Study of Digital Dissertation Self-Publishing. View. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference 2014 (pp. 1212-1219). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Quarterman, J., Hwang, J., & Jackson, E. N. (2014). Organizational commitment by intercollegiate athletic directors of NCAA Division I. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85(1) Supplement, p. A-121.
Contracts and Grants (Other)
Cavanaugh, T. & Poppell, J. ExCITE! Summer program for Technology Education. UNF Foundations Grant for 2013-2014.
Janson, C. & Rodriguez, J. University of North Florida. COEHS and COH Co-Principal Investigator Community-Funded grant for $25,000 annually.
Johnson, J. (2014). Appalachia Regional Education Laboratory (REL-Appalachia). $60,611 subcontract to provide research and technical assistance on REL projects in Kentucky and West Virginia. Role: Primary Investigator.
Johnson, J. (2013). Appalachia Regional Education Laboratory (REL-Appalachia). $24,491 subcontract to provide technical assistance for research on student engagement in K-12 settings in Kentucky and West Virginia. Role: Primary Investigator.
Schumacher, R. A. (2013-2014). Successful Transition and Ready (S.T.A.R.) – Students Enroll. $3,000, UNF College of Education and Human Services Dean’s Education Advisory Council Faculty Initiatives Grant.
Stone, C. (2014). Urban Education in America: Origins of Democratic Equality in Schools. $7,500, UNF Transformational Learning Opportunity Grant.
Presented Scholarship (International, National, Regional, State)
Cavanaugh, T. (2013, November). Bookmapping: Literature, reading and interactive maps (GPS is optional). Session presented at tri-annual meeting of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Conference, Hartford, CT.
Cavanaugh, T. & Eastham, N. (2014, February). Baseline results of student digital textbook reading. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. & Scheirer, E. (2014, February). A faculty self-study on digital self-publishing. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2014, January). Etextbooks: Retool & retrain. Session presented at the Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC), Orlando, FL.
Cavanaugh, T., & Scheirer, E. A. (2014, March). A case study of digital dissertation self- publishing. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Jacksonville, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2014, January). Ebooks: They are not a Hobson’s Choice - think AND not OR. Florida Secondary Reading Conference (FSRC), Clearwater Beach, FL.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013, October). Blended learning and technology enhanced literature circles. Mississippi TIF Master Teachers. Jackson, MS.
Cavanaugh, T. (2013, September). How to be effective with an eTextbook. Florida Reading Association (FRA). Orlando, Florida.
Cornelius, L., Cavanaugh, T., Michaud, N., & Bowen, J. (2014, February). The library commons and digital publishing: Lessons learned. Session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Godwyll, F. E. (2013, November). Trokosi practice: Context and concepts. As a part of the symposium on “Marginalization of Women: Mélange of Voices.” Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) Hilton Orrington Hotel Annual Conference, Evanston, Illinois, November 6-9, 2013.
Godwyll, F. E. (2013, November). Exploring the low access to education of children in northeastern Kenya. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) Hilton Orrington Hotel Annual Conference, Evanston, Illinois, November 6-9, 2013. Godwyll, F. E. (2013, October). Doing research without preparation: A study of selected initial teacher training colleges in Ghana. Paper presented at the 2013 CIES Southeast Regional Conference. Florida State University, Tallahassee. October 11-13, 2013
Gregg, E. A., Lee, J. W., & Pierce, D.A. (2013, October). An ace up their sleeve: Rebranding University of Evansville athletics. Sport Marketing Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
Gregg, E. A., Lee, J.W., & Sweeney, K. (2013, September). I’ll give it 9 out of 9 stars: Examining ESPN’s Nine for IX series. Popular/American Culture Association in the South. Savannah, GA.
Gupton, S. L. (2014, April). Online Frontiers in Education: Leadership’s Role. Paper presented at the Paris Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences. Paris, France.
Hernandez, E., & Hodge, W. (2014, April). Examining the leadership roles of secondary schools department heads in Belize: A multi-site case study. Session presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 3- 7, 2014.
Quarterman, J., Hwang, J., & Jackson, E. N. (2014, June). Organizational commitment by Intercollegiate Athletic Directors of NCAA Division I. SHAPE Conference – Research Section.
Jackson, E. N., Lyons, R., & Norwood, D. (2014, March). Status of black colleges and their athletic marketing units. Marketing Management Association (MMA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Janson, C., & Militello, M. (2013, September). InQuiry: Q Methodology as a container for community discourse and development. 29th Annual Q Methodology Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Janson, C. & Maxis, S. (2014, April). Four parent perspectives on what influences their school involvement: A Q Methodology study. Paper Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Militello, M., Valadez, M., Janson, C., Guajardo, F., Guajardo, M. A., Oliver, J. A., Rollins, K. S., Tredway, L. (2013, November). Community Learning Exchange pedagogies: Democratic structures promote learning. 2013 UCEA Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
Balutski, N., Militello, M., & Janson, C. (2013, October). What Q can do for you. Evaluation 2013: American Evaluation Association National Conference. Washington, DC.
Johnson, J., Godwyll, F. E, & Shope, S. (2014, August). The influence of school grade span on student achievement in Florida: a quantitative investigation. Paper presented at the 68th Annual National Council of Professors of Educational Administration Conference, Camarillo, CA.
Roush, J. Hitchcock, J., & Johnson, J. (2014, April). Educational assets, resources, and barriers in a semi-isolated community of Appalachia: Implications of social capital. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Hess, M., Reynolds, S., & Johnson, J. (2014, March). An aura of truth?: Art as a mechanism for the validation of Appalachian stereotypes. Paper presented at the Appalachian Studies Association annual conference, Huntington, WV.
Hitchcock, J., Taylor, L., Johnson, J., & Kim, K. (2014, March). An overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s Regional Education Laboratory: Research and technical assistance agendas. Paper presented at the Appalachian Studies Association annual conference, Huntington, WV.
Hitchcock, J., & Johnson, J. (2014, March). Considering different facets of research generalization when determining how empirical findings might inform practice in Appalachian schools. Paper presented at the Appalachian Studies Association annual conference, Huntington, WV.
Lee, J. W., Gregg, E. A., and Sweeney, K. (September, 2013). Bringing sexy back: An examination of ESPN’s Body Issue. Popular/American Culture Association in the South. Savannah, GA.
Lee, J. & Cavanaugh, T. (2014, April). Premium blend: The benefits of hybrid/blended instruction. eTroy Colloquium 2014: Educate, Empower, Excite!. Online.
Janson, C. & Maxis, S. (June, 2014). Equity inventories: A social justice tool for detecting and addressing school-wide inequity. Paper presented at the 2014 American School Counseling (ASCA) Conference, Orlando, FL.
Maxis, S., Janson, C., Oliver, B., & Rose, M. (April, 2014). Urban education policies, practices, and beliefs that work for African American males in urban schools. Session presented at the 2014 AERA – SIG 34 Business Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Janson, C., Militello, M., & Maxis, S. (April, 2014). Four parent perspectives on what influences their school involvement: A Q methodology study. Paper presented at the 2014 AERA Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Maxis, S. & Janson, C. (February, 2014). Innovative practices to empower urban students and families. Session presented at the 6th Annual UCF Counseling Conference, Orlando, FL. Sweeney, K., Cornelius, L., & Gregg. E. A. (March, 2014). Title IX: Roster management or roster manipulation? Sport and Recreation Law Association. Orlando, FL.
Sweeney, K., Cornelius, L., & Gregg, E. A. (February, 2014). Roster management and Title IX: The real lessons of Biediger v. Quinnipiac. Eastern Educational Research Association. Jacksonville, FL.
Scheirer, E. A. (2014, April). The case for progressive education in the 21st Century: Honoring legacy, declaring hope, and developing strategies. Session presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Philadelphia, PA.
Burton, L., Moon, S., & Scheirer, E. A. (2014, April). Ethical and moral theorizing in curriculum studies. Symposium presentation and organizing session for AAACS Focus at the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Philadelphia, PA.
Slavicz, S. B., & Scheirer, E. A. (2014, February). A model for information fluency in the university: A case study. Session presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Scheirer, E. A. (2013, November). Curricular and pedagogical responsibility: Engaging the moral, the philosophical, and the political. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the Curriculum and Pedagogy Group, New Orleans, LA.
Schumacher, R. A. (2014, May). Heat up college-going rates and prevent “Summer Melt”. Webinar hosted by Florida College Access Network (Florida C.A.N.).
Schumacher, R. A. (2014, March). Demonstration of Group Activities for Each Group Stage. An Association for Specialists in Group Work Featured Program. American Counseling Association Convention, Honolulu, HI.
Schumacher, R. A. (2014, January). Advocacy for the Profession. 4th Annual North East Florida Educational Consortium; School Counselors Forum, Gainesville, FL.
Schumacher, R. A. (2014, January). Redefining the College Admission Process. 4th Annual North East Florida Educational Consortium: School Counselors Forum, Gainesville, FL.
Stone, C. (2013, October). Use of reflective journaling in educator preparation. World Conference on Learning, Teaching, & Educational Leadership. Barcelona Spain.
Stone, C. (2014, June). Implications of recent court rulings. American School Counselor Association, Orlando, FL.
Stone, C. (2014, June). Negotiating the legal and ethical landscape in schools. American School Counselor Association, Orlando, FL.
Stone, C. (2013, October). Transforming school counseling: A journey of discoveries, opportunities, challenges, and impact. Paper presented at the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Annual Conference, Denver, Co.
Stone, C. & Sabella, R. (2013, November). Cyber bullying: The courts and substantial disruption. Session presented at the Florida School Counselor Association state convention, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Stone, C. (2013, November). Court rulings and the professional school counselor. Session presented at the Florida School Counselor Association state convention, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Honors and Awards