Counseling Confidentiality Guidelines
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Counseling Confidentiality Guidelines
Your confidentiality as a student is important to us! In our school counseling office, what is said here, stays here, but we also want to make sure that parents and students understand what the office can offer and how confidentiality works in a school setting.
The definition of confidentiality is “a professional’s promise or contract to respect clients’ privacy by not disclosing anything revealed during counseling, except under agreed upon conditions.” However, as long as a student is under 18, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) states that parents control the privacy rights of their student. With that being said, school counseling is considered to be a regular educational service provided by the school, so legally a counselor can see a minor student without parental consent.
It is ultimately the student who is the client, but please understand that I will work in partnership with parents/guardians and if I am concerned about a student, will always notify you and take appropriate action if they engage in behavior that presents clear or imminent danger to themselves or others. However, it is also my role to allow the student some autonomy and respect their freedom to choose their own directions and make their own choices within the counseling relationship. This does not mean that I will encourage them to make decisions independent of significant others (e.g.; parents) in their lives or regardless of community and cultural implications. It does mean that “counselors” refrain from imposing goals, avoid being judgmental, and are accepting of different values. Ultimately, I need families of our students to trust in my judgment and know that I always have the best interest of the student at heart.
I have my master’s degree in counseling and while I have been trained to counsel individuals, in my role here at Lacordaire I am unable to see a student on a regular basis for counseling. What I am here to do, is help a student through a temporary problem they may be having or help them to find someone to speak to on a more regular basis if necessary. Thank you for entrusting your child to us and allowing me to work with them to get them through their years at Lacordaire.
Megan Mannato
Director of Guidance, Lacordaire Academy ©2009 by Susan Hansen, M.S. All rights reserved. ~
Counseling Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality will be kept, with the following exceptions, as required by law and/or ethical standards:
1. Harm to self or others
This could include things like a suicide attempt or plan, cutting or other self-injury, eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, addictions, fighting or other physical violence, illegal behaviors, threats, etc. - anything that puts your health or safety, or someone else's health and safety, at risk.
2. Abuse or neglect
If you talk with anyone at school about abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, or other abuse), whether to yourself or to another minor, we are required by law to report it to Child Protective Services, and possibly the police. If you tell us about an abuse case that's already been addressed by CPS or the police, we still may need to make a call to double check.
3. Court or other legal proceedings
By law, if we are subpoenaed (required by law to attend a hearing or other court proceeding), we cannot guarantee that your information will be kept confidential. We will always do our best to reveal as little as possible in a legal setting, but we must cooperate with the police, CPS, and the courts.
If there is ever a need to reveal information, we will let you know in advance, and work with you to handle the situation in a way that respects you, your feelings, and your needs.
I have read and I understand the guidance department’s confidentiality guidelines and exceptions.
Please return this form to the Main Office in Lacordaire Hall by the first day of school.
Student Signature (only required for grades 9-12) Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature (required for all grades) Date
©2009 by Susan Hansen, M.S. All rights reserved. ~