I. the Military Response
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S E P T E M B E R 11th C O N S P I R A C I ES I. The Military Response Civilians often credit the military with omniscient and omnipotent powers. Such is not the case, especially after first contact with the enemy. First, no one could fathom what was happening on September 11th, as suicide hijackings were not the norm nor contemplated. Second, the “fog of war” was very real and present. Remember, the four hijacked planes had their transponders disabled, which made tracking those aircraft difficult. NORAD: The function of the North American Air Defense organization is to guard against threats OUTSIDE of North America, primarily from Russia. All those successful intercepts of aircraft you hear about are mostly bombers near Alaska. You cannot find an instance of a successful pre-9/11 domestic CONUS intercept by NORAD. NORAD radars are not the same as the FAA and are tasked with tracking targets OUTSIDE of the U.S. Further, civilian agencies must request assistance from the Military.
Actual Notification Erroneously-Reported Flight Impact to Military Notification to Military American Airlines 11 0838 0846 WTC North Tower 0840 United Airlines 175 0903 0903 WTC South Tower 0905 American Airlines 77 Mil learned at 0934 0937 Pentagon 0924 United Airlines 93 1007 1003 field, Shanksville 0916 PA
Fighter Response: FAA dithering and failure to follow procedures delayed the Military response. September 11th Timeline: 0824: Pilot Atta transmits We have some planes; Nobody move 0825: FAA Boston determines AA Flight 11 is a hijack 0838: Boston control Center notifies military (NEADS) of hijacking (AA11) 0846: Massachusetts ANG base (Otis) F-15 fighters scrambled, 153 miles from NYC 0846: AA Flight 11 impacts WTC 1 0853: Otis fighters wheels up 0903: Military informed of second hijacking (UA175) 0903: UA Flight 175 impacts WTC 2; Otis fighters 100 miles away 0909: Langley AFB (Virginia) ordered to “Battle Stations 0921: Military informed of a “third hijacking” (AA11) 0923: Langley tasked to provide fighter support 0924: Langley fighters scrambled 0929: Radio transmission of screaming and “get out of here get out of here” 0930: Langley AFB F-16 fighters airborne; the fighters did not have a target, so they flew their preplanned flightpath, “090-degrees for 60 miles”, putting them over the Atlantic Ocean 0932: Radio transmission of “keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on board” 0934: Military learns that AA Flight 77 is missing 0937: AA Flight 77 impacts the Pentagon; Langley fighters about 150 miles away 0941: Military informed that Delta Flight 1989 is a possible hijack 1003: UA Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania 1007: Military informed of fourth hijacking (UA93) 1015: Military informed that UA Flight 93 was “down” 1031: NORAD receives shoot-down authority 1040: Andrews AFB F-16’s launched, at the direction of the Secret Service Fighter Capabilities: Normal intercept speed is about 700 miles per hour. This gives the aircraft a sufficient amount of loiter time and combat time. Based on faulty assumptions, some detractors report that an F-15 has a top speed of 1800 miles per hour and could have intercepted the planes before they crashed. 1. That speed is only possible under ideal conditions, in full “afterburner”, “blower”, or “reheat”, and the planes would be out of fuel by the time they reached the targets. 2. The planes didn’t even have a target, only general locations. 3. Even if the fighters found the suspected hijacked planes, do you think they would bring down civilian airliners on the assumption that they were going to be used as weapons? Although protocols and procedures were on paper for such eventualities, they did not survive contact with the real world. As the 911 commission report accurately states, “September 11th was a failure of imagination.” Fighter Readiness: It has been reported that Andrews AFB had at least two 'combat-ready' squadrons available on September 11th. The term “Combat Ready” is misleading, and should more accurately be called Fully Mission Capable (FMC). FMC merely means that that the unit, on paper, has the means to go into action when called. That procedure, however, takes hours. FMC also means that the aircraft are mechanically ready only, not fueled or armed with live ordnance. Aircraft may have been there, but that doesn’t mean pilots were available or ammunition was loaded. Here is an excerpt from a Washington Post story September 11 2011: Late in the morning of the Tuesday that changed everything, Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney was on a runway at Andrews Air Force Base and ready to fly. She had her hand on the throttle of an F-16 and she had her orders: Bring down United Airlines Flight 93. The day’s fourth hijacked airliner seemed to be hurtling toward Washington. The one thing she didn’t have as she roared into the crystalline sky was live ammunition. Or missiles. Or anything at all to throw at a hostile aircraft. Because the surprise attacks were unfolding, in that innocent age, faster than they could arm war planes, Penney and her commanding officer went up to fly their jets straight into a Boeing 757. As remarkable as it seems now, there were no armed aircraft standing by and no system in place to scramble them over Washington. II. The Pentagon Witnesses: The Pentagon is flanked by two major highways, and cars were stopped in the rush-hour traffic. Thousands of people in the Washington DC area saw the silver American Airlines Boeing-757 fly over and Hundreds, HUNDREDS, HUNDREDS of people Saw American Airlines Flight 77 impact the Pentagon. Not one witness saw anything other than an airplane hit the wall of the Pentagon. Whether it was possible for a plane to do this is irrelevant minutia. It happened. Besides the HUNDREDS of witnesses, the aircraft debris matches the hijacked airliner, a flight recorder was recovered and human remains of passengers identified. Anyone who denies this, please provide one eyewitness account that saw anything other than an airplane crash into the Pentagon. Thank you. Restricted Airspace: There is much misunderstanding about what constitutes “Restricted Airspace” (RA.) It has been claimed that Washington DC “has the most restricted airspace in the world.” I would challenge that, but since it is only a paper restriction, so what? Compare that to what would happen if you try to enter Iranian or North Korean airspace. They don’t bother with a lot of paperwork. RA is a procedural and policy measure that attempts to keep aircraft out of certain sensitive, congested, or dangerous “airspace”. In other words, RA rules are only regulations on paper. This does not mean violations initiate defensive responses. Violations of RA typically generate a nasty letter from the FAA, or sanctions, or loss of pilot licenses. If you recall, a light plane crashed into the lawn of the White House when Clinton was President. In the United States, we do not shoot down airplanes over domestic airspace, as the Soviet Union did to errant Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983. III. World Trade Center Collapse “Fire Doesn’t Melt Steel.”: You aren’t still using this Rosie O’Donnell line, are you? Tell me then, how is steel made? The Bessemer Converter was patented in 1853 to economically make steel. Steel has been made with fire for thousands of years. A blacksmith can burn a steel bar in half in minutes using only a coal fire and air. In Oakland California, a tanker truck loaded with nothing but hydrocarbons melted a steel and concrete overpass: The fire melted a second interchange from eastbound I-80 to eastbound I-580 located above the first interchange, causing a 250-yard section of the roadway to collapse onto the roadway below, according to the highway patrol. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/29/national/main2739222.shtml If you want to learn the properties of steel and fire, talk to a blacksmith or farrier. The Aircraft: It is incredible that the Twin Towers were built so well that they survived the impact of fully-fueled, wide-body jets traveling over 400 mph. The internal damage must have been horrendous, taking out wide swaths of several stories. And yet WTC 1 stood for nearly an hour and WTC 2 for over an hour and a half. The impact and fuel-ignited fires that raged for all that time, weakened the remaining structure until it could no longer support the upper floors. When we talk about “melting” the steel, it is not in a liquid sense, but heating it to the point that it bends. This will start happening at a third of the melting point and significantly so at half that temperature (once again, talk to a farrier or blacksmith about the physics of steel.) The fires definitely burned hotter because of the air blowing at that height, acting like a blast furnace. The unique design of the buildings -- much different than “web-steel” structures -- made the collapse inevitable. Once the damaged floors started to go, inertia made it unstoppable, and the collapse speed actually accelerated as it picked up momentum. Thermite: Thermite, thermate, or whatever. We are told the components of these materials are: Aluminum, Iron and Sulfur. Coincidentally, aircraft are made of Aluminum. The WTC buildings were made of Steel, which is refined Iron. Jet fuel and other building materials contain Sulfur. There is a picture that shows a stream of yellow fire pouring out of a corner of a WTC building. Likely it is a cocktail of all the burning building materials of carpet, plastic, and aircraft parts, in addition to, or perhaps a battery room that provided a UPS (uninterruptible battery supply.) You have also seen the picture of a fireman standing in front of a column with a diagonal torch cut. Well of course it was torched. That is how they removed obstacles as part of the recovery and clearance effort. Controlled Demolition: Let me understand how this theory goes: were the buildings rigged for explosives during construction, or after? If explosives were rigged during construction, no one noticed that schemers planted explosives, and were just waiting for that day decades in the future when 2 planes could be arranged to fly into the buildings to mask the explosions. If explosives were rigged after construction, the schemers had to move all the furniture away from the walls, tear the wall coverings off, attach the charges, lay the wiring, re-cover the walls, and move the furniture back, in a process that would require weeks, or more likely months, and again no one noticed? In addition, when the aircraft hit, wouldn’t you know it, they hit right where the collapse was initiated. Further, the impact of the planes didn’t disturb, burn, or prematurely initiate any of the charges. The buildings did not “fall into its own footprint”, but were scattered over a large area, taking out WTC buildings 3 through 7. The collapse of the two buildings occurred because of the design and how it was damaged. It collapsed beginning at the top, not the bottom as would be if you want to bring down a tall building. Observers in the helicopters could see the building starting to sag and warning it was coming down minutes before it did. Squibs and Pops: Video footage shows bursts of smoke coming out of windows during the collapse and firefighters describing how they heard “pop, pop, pop” noises, even explosions as the buildings came down. As would be expected. Do you know what the largest component, by volume, of the WTC towers was, by 80- percent or more? Air. And all that air had to go somewhere as the floors compressed into each other. Ever pop a balloon? A paper bag? Now multiply that affect by the volume of air in a huge open office. I can make the explosion of a 2-liter soda bottle so loud you would think it was a cannon or at the least a shotgun blast. And it is only expelled air making the explosion. Air from the collapsing floors blasting out the windows made the “squibs” and the pops. And another thing: 343 brave NYC Firefighters died at the WTC complex, yet none of the survivors have exposed or expressed outrage that the towers were destroyed by “controlled demolition” and caused the deaths of their brethren. Why? Are you telling me that, even ten years later they are too scared? WTC 7 From http://911research.wtc7.net: “If you believe the official story, then Building 7 would be the only example in history of a steel framed building undergoing complete collapse as a result of fires.” This is a dishonest assertion. WTC building 7 had about 20 of the 47 stories gouged-out from falling girders of the Twin Towers. The resulting fire was allowed to burn unhindered for some 7 hours. Also, WTC 1, 2, and 7 were different designs than conventional “steel framed buildings.” In the afternoon of September 11, Larry Silverstein (owner WTC 1, 2 and 7) spoke to the Fire Department Commander on site at Seven World Trade Center. He recounted the conversation in a documentary: "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Mr. Silverstein was obviously referring to the evacuation of firemen and /or the pulling down of the remainder of the building. If not, we are to believe that the building was pre-rigged for demolition firemen are now explosive demolition technicians a fire chief takes demolition orders from a civilian a fireman initiated the explosions firemen are now complicit in covering up the controlled demolition To “pull” a building is terminology used for conventional destruction of a building; not for destruction with explosives. In fact, when the remains of WTC 6 were taken down with cables months later, a worker is quoted as saying, "We're getting ready to pull Building 6" ... "We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6..." Premature Reports: A BBC reporter near the WTC site said on air that “building 7 has collapsed”, while it is seen standing in the background. The building came down 20 minutes later. First, it is good advice to never believe initial news reports. Never. I admonish my wife to always qualify her statements with “It has been reported that...” rather than to state something as a fact, because new information contradicting the initial report always comes to light. I have seen almost all initial reports on disasters proven false. If you recall, initial reports said that a “small plane” hit the World Trade Center. (Remember the DC sniper? They were looking for a white van. In another shooting, it was falsely reported that the weapon used was an SKS. I have seen simple errors reported in a newspaper describing an incident I was involved in.) Second, prior to September 11th, unless you actually worked at the World Trade Center, who even knew the building numbers? For whatever reason, a CNN report said something about a building coming down and the BBC reporter picked up on it relaying the wrong information. Happens-all-the-time. IV. Flight 93 The crash site is what is expected when an aircraft experiences a catastrophic impact with the ground at high speed. The great amount of identifiable debris was made possible, because the ground was soft. Scattered Debris: An engine component was flung about 300 yards (less than 1,000 feet) South of the crash site. Given the speed, trajectory and violence of the impact, that is not surprising. From Popular Mechanics: ... the engine was around 300 yards from the main crash site, and had travelled in the direction the plane was moving. Jeff Reinbold, the National Park Service representative responsible for the Flight 93 National Memorial, confirms the direction and distance from the crash site to the basin: just over 300 yards south, which means the fan landed in the direction the jet was traveling. “It’s not unusual for an engine to move or tumble across the ground,” says Michael K. Hynes, an airline accident expert who investigated the crash of TWA Flight 800 out of New York City in 1996. “When you have very high velocities, 500 mph or more,” Hynes says, “you are talking about 700 to 800 ft. per second. For something to hit the ground with that kind of energy, it would only take a few seconds to bounce up and travel 300 yards.” http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html?page=7&c=y Lightweight aluminum confetti, paper and fabric fell around Indian Lake, 3-4 miles southeast of the crash site, in-line with the prevailing wind. Burnt fabric and paper fell around New Baltimore, 8 miles southeast, inline with the prevailing wind. Scattered debris is perfectly consistent with an aircraft hitting the ground at high speed. The lightweight debris was obviously thrown high into the air by the fireball and came down miles later. If any sort of missile hit the plane before the crash site, metal objects would have fallen to the ground at the point of impact. As you know, pieces of metal were not found along the flightpath, miles from the crash site. Phone Calls: Yes, there were calls made with cell phones aboard aircraft before September 11th. Many of the calls aboard Flight 93 were made by GTE Airphones. The call from Mark Bingham is recounted by his mother: “’Mom, this is Mark Bingham. I just want to tell you that I love you. I am on a flight from Newark to San Francisco. There are three guys on board who have taken over the plane and they say they have a bomb. You believe me don’t you, Mom? I’m calling you from the air phone.’ And then we were disconnected,” Hoaglan said, her voice breaking. To many this seems strange that he would say this to his mother. To me it is perfectly understandable. When you are under stress, you sometimes say strange things. Do you think the passengers on Flight 93 were under some stress? Further, his mother did not see it as strange, as she related, Hoaglan: Once in a while he would say that. He would just call up, and he was, he was a young businessman, and used to, used to introduce himself on the phone as Mark Bingham, and he was trying to be, uh, strong and level-headed, and, and strictly business. “Mom, this is Mark Bingham. The Crash Site: When a plane impacts the ground at high speed, there really isn’t much left intact. Bodies are obliterated into minute traces of tissue. However, a reported 95% of the aircraft was recovered and there are many pictures of identifiable pieces of the aircraft.
Conclusion from “A New Type of War” (Rutgers Law Review.) The primary source material from 9/11 – the contemporaneous logs, other records, and tapes obtained by the Commission largely through subpoena and set forth at length in this monograph – reveal a sequence of events that had never been made public prior to the Commission’s June 17, 2004 hearing. That sequence reveals that the military received hijack notification on American 11 nine minutes prior to its crash, and no hijack notification on any of the other flights prior to their crashes. The FAA’s failure to notify NORAD or NEADS on United 175 is explained by its preoccupation with American 11; its failure to notify NORAD or NEADS on American 77 is explained by its loss of radar and radio contact with the aircraft. More difficult to understand is the failure to notify the military or request assistance on United 93, when FAA headquarters knew about the hijacking within six minutes of its occurrence and twenty-nine minutes prior to its crash. America’s air defense system was unprepared for the 9/11 attacks. FAA controllers and managers and the NEADS air defenders struggled, under difficult circumstances, to improvise a homeland defense against an unprecedented challenge they had never encountered and had never trained to meet. The decisions they had made that morning ran counter to the existing training and rules, and were made under the most intense pressure. Essential Websites http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/conspiracy/q0265.shtml http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/conspiracy/q0290.shtml http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/conspiracy/q0274.shtml http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/911/ http://www.debunking911.com/ http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evidence/witnesses/index.html http://sites.google.com/site/911stories/home The video that exposes “ Loose Change ”: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3214024953129565561# http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1230517 Why did the World Trade Center Collapse? http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html http://wtcdata.nist.gov/ The Pentagon Report: http://fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build03/PDF/b03017.pdf “Controlled Demolition”: http://www.implosionworld.com/Article-WTC%20STUDY%208-06%20w%20clarif%20as%20of%209- 8-06%20.pdf http://www.counterpunch.org/2006/11/28/the-physics-of-9-11/ http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=otis_air_national_guard_base Critiques of “A New Pearl Harbor”: http://www.publiceye.org/conspire/Post911/dubious_claims.html http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.asp http://www.911myths.com/drg_nist_review_1_1.pdf WTC 7 collapse: http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2007/02/part_of_the_conspiracy.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2007/03/part_of_the_conspiracy_2.html http://www.deere.com/wps/dcom/en_US/corporate/our_company/fans_visitors/tours_attractions/historica lsite.page?