Accommodation Free (Emergency Shelters)
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Aboriginal Youth Safe House 604-254-5147 Catholic Charities (Men) 828 Cambie 604-443-3292 Covenant House (19-22) 575 Drake 604-685-7474 Crosswork 140 West Hastings 604-669-4349 Dunsmuir House (Men) 500 Dunsmuir 604-681-3405 The Haven 128 East Cordova 604-646-6806 Lookout (Women & Men) 346 Alexander 604-681-9126 Powell Place (Women & Kids) 329A Powell 604-606-0403 RainCity Housing - Triage (Women & 707 Powell Street 604-254-3700 Men) Youth Safe House (13-15 Years) 604-253-5847 Walden Safe House 604-877-1234
Backpackers Hostel 927 Main 604-682-2441 Harbourfront Hostel 209 Heatley 604-254-0733 Hostelling International Downtown 1114 Burnaby 604-684-4565 Youth Hostel 347 West Pender 604-688-0112
Crabtree Corner 101 East Cordova 604-689-2808
Covenant House (19-22 Years) 575 Drake 604-685-7474 Crabtree Corner (Women & Kids) 101 East Cordova 604-689-2808 D.E. Womens Centre 44 East Cordova 604-681-8480 First United Church 320 East Hastings 604-681-8365 Francisican Sisters (Men) 385 East Cordova 604-685-9987 Harbour Light 119 East Cordova 604-682-5208 Lifeline Outreach 3456 Fraser 604-872-7334 Union Gospel Mission 616 East Cordova 604-253-3323
Canadian Diabetes 1091 West 8th Avenue 604-732-1125 Hang Ups Thrift Stores 1832 Commercial 604-251-9779 Junior League Thrift Shop 335 East Broadway 604-876-4921 Liberty Thrift 1035 Commercial 604-255-3080 St. James Community Srvs 329 Powell 604-606-0300 Salvation Army Thrift Stores 2438 East Hastings 604-254-9959 261 East 12th Avenue 604-874-4721 Union Gospel Mission 616 East Cordova 604-253-3323 Value Village 1820 Hastings 604-254-4482
COMMUNITY CENTRES Aboriginal Friendship Centre 1607 East Hastings 604-251-4844 Brittania Community Centre 1661 Napier 604-718-5800 Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street 604-665-2220 Evelyne Saller Centre 320 Alexander 604-665-3075 Gathering Place 609 Helmcken 604-665-2391 Ray Cam Cooperative 920 East Hastings 604-257-6949 Strathcona Community Centre 601 Keefer 604-713-1838 West End Community Centre 870 Denman 604-257-8333
Crisis Intervention/Suicide 24 Hours Distress 604-872-3311 Line Emergency Services (Ministry of Human 604-660-3194 Resources) Emergency Mental Health Services/Car 87 604-732-7307 Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-8888 Rape Crisis Centre 604-255-8344 Strathcona Mental Health Team 700 East Cordova 604-253-4401
See free food list given out at the Carnegie Information Desk, 401 Main Street
411 Senior's Centre 411 Dunsmuir 604-684-8171 Carnegie Centre 401 Main Street 604-665-2220 Downtown Easyside Community 412 East Cordova 604-255-3151 Health Clinic-Food Services Evelyne Saller Centre 320 Alexander 604-665-3075 Gathering Place 609 Helmcken 604-665-2391 Hobbit House 1025 Nelson 604-688-1084 Kettle Friendship Centre 1725 Venables 604-251-2954 Quest 303 West Cordova 604-602-0186 Vancouver Community College 250 West Pender 604-443-8300
The Food Bank 311 East 6th Avenue 604-876-3601 Lifeline Outreach 3456 Fraser Street 604-872-7334 Quest Outreach 303 East Cordova 604-602-0186
Mission Possible (free) 543 Powell Street 604-253-4469 Vancouver Community College (Low Cost) 250 West Pender 604-443-8332 London School (Low Cost) 18 Water Street 604-685-4122
LEGAL INFORMATION/AID/ADVICE Law Line (Legal Resource Centre) 604-601-6100 Legal Services Automated Phone System 604-687-1831 Legal Services Society 1500-1140 West Pender 604-601-6000 UBC Law Students Legal Advice Program 604-822-5791
D.E. Women's Centre 44 East Cordova 604-681-8480 Dusk to Dawn (Under 22 Years) 1058 Comox 604-688-0399 Evelyn Saller Centre 320 Alexander 604-665-3075 First United Church (9-11 AM) 320 East Hastings 604-681-8365 Gathering Place (Low-Cost) 609 Helmcken 604-665-2391 Youth Action Centre 342 East Hastings
This list is provided by DERA. They offer voice mail cheap. Call 604-682-3269 Box 1000 for information
City Hall 453-West 12th Crabtree Corner 101 East Cordova (Women Only) Crosswalk 140 West Hastings DERA #1-425 Carrall Evelyn Saller Centre 320 Alexander-to FAW or work related only Gathering Place 609 Helmcken La Boussole 45 West Cordova-Francophone Lookout 348 Alexander-Staff discretion Native Health 441 East Hastings Needle Exchange 223 Main Ray Cam 920 East Hastings Sheway 455 East Hastings (Women Only) Strathcona Mental Health Team 700 East Cordova Tradeworks 800 East Cordova Triage 707 Powell Urban Youth 213 Dunlevy (Youth 14 to 24 Only) Women’s Centre 324 East Hastings Y.A.C. Youth 14 to 24 Only
NOTE: The links on this page are not endorsed by FGTA, and we assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information and the resources that are listed.
Directions Youth Services Centre Providing support for homeless youth and youth at-risk in Vancouver
1134 Burrard St. Vancouver (Across from St. Paul's Hospital)
At Directions Youth Services Centre, homeless youth and youth living in at- risk situations have access to an extensive range of services designed to assist them in taking the next steps with their life—be it to return to their home or home communities, to seek and secure affordable housing, to become employable and find employment, to work towards literacy and educational goals, or to access a doctor or a nurse, addictions services and mental health counsellors. The door is always open—24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.